Is Timing Everything?

This story comes from Connie Cannon, whose life seems to be filled with synchronicities. She’s not sure what the message is – neither am I! – but the juxtaposition is strange. If anyone has any insights into these numbers and times, please post them!

Connie’s husband will be having major surgery at 11 AM on 5/5 in Jacksonville, Florida. Her grandson will be having a chemical echocardiogram at 11AM on 5-5 in Palm Coast, Florida. Her sister-in-law will be having open-heart surgery to replace her aortic valve at 11 AM on 5-5 in Atlanta.

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4 Responses to Is Timing Everything?

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I asked Connie to take a look @ these comments. Her husband’s surgery is actually two fold – gall bladder and kidney.
    – Trish

  2. terripatrick says:

    3 is the base number of this story, but we also need to notice -the heart- as it compares to all of these medical procedures. Connie didn’t mention what type of surgery her husband is having, but her heart is certainly involved. (In all!)

    The number 3 represents to me – balance, with the image of a 3 legged stool. The 3 legs are associated with creativity, communication, and compassion. Medical professionals display this in their creative procedures, compassionate bedside manner and communicating with the physical systems of the body.

    The Heart connection is specific to the 4th Chakra and Connie may benefit with a focus on this with a visual, and meditation.

    5 is associated with “change” and each of these medical procedures will create a change, for all involved. Be at peace, 11 is a master number so the connection with enlightenment from spirit is strong.

  3. Zoo Keeper says:

    This is very interesting. I like numbers, and the number three jumps out at me here. (5+5+1+1=12 and from the twelve, the 1+2=3)
    The number 3 represents creativity. Perhaps it is an omen that attending physicians have a level of skill that enables them to employ their creativity. To me, this implies a high skill level. I have also noticed that creative people are often more diligent than others when they take on a specific task. Maybe this synchronicity is a good sign for this family’s current health challenges.

    I have a story that relates to the number 3 and creativity. It is very closely related to another story of the number 7, knowledge, and a related synchronicity that might seem small to others, but is totally amazing to me. I will tell it as soon as I finish my taxes.


  4. blayne says:

    oddly synchronistic..?

    purposeful i’m certain. There is a higher purpose in all things. Most of us are unconscious to these “coincidences.” Its refreshing to see someone who is asking what it means.

    I wish you peace, love, and abundance, and I will be with you in spirit on that day.



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