The Butterfly Effect

Hazel from Toronto- the Clever Pup blog – sends this synchronicity that happened to her mother. It really illustrates how closely we are all connected – The Butterfly Effect!

One of the best synchronicity stories happened to my mother. I was there for part of it.

I’ll work it backwards.

My Mum and Dad were English but had immigrated to Canada in 1956. My Mum and I went back to England for Christmas 1973. I was 11. My grandfather and grandmother were good lawn bowlers and Mum & I went to their indoor green and had a Christmas tea at their club. One of the club members came up to my mother almost immediately and said, “You’re Joan Smith, aren’t you?” My mother said yes, half-expecting that this lady had been briefed by my grandparents.

It turned out, however, that this woman’s cousin had visited Canada in 1965. The cousin somehow ended up visiting at the house immediately next to my parents in the small town of less than 5,000 people where I grew up. My parents and the next door neighbors celebrated Christmas together, along with this visiting cousin who was a friend of a friend of a friend. Pictures were taken.

So this woman at the bowling club in England had seen a photograph of my mother and her cousin at a Christmas dinner in 1965, recognized her AND remembered her name 8 years later. That was so weird. I remember my mother actually being in a bit of a panic about the coincidence, it was just so unfathomable.

I even think she had the photo in her purse.

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