The Hawk

These two synchros come from Vicky D, who comments frequently on the blog. We used her 9-11 synchro in our book. We first “met” her when she wrote Trish about one of her novels.
Our daughter is going to a college in Philadelphia where the mascot is called The Hawk.  She just got accepted to go early to school this year  to help others move in. That program is called Best of the Nest.

The other day my husband and I drove into our driveway and there, sitting on the hood of our daughter’s car, was A HAWK!  It then spread it wings like it does in the The Hawk’s typical picture and flew away. But later, it flew over the house twice.  My daughter loved it and said, “I guess I just got confirmation that I’m supposed to be a Hawk!” (she is a freshman).
Vicki’s second synchro is about Esperanza – the title of my novel that is officially released today. It means hope in Spanish, and is the name of a town in Ecuador where  a man and woman in comas, separated by 40 years in time, end up.
Over the past month I keep having Esperanza sightings.  I’ve told you before that I often have word synchros and I’m in one now.

I open a magazine  and there in an article someone’s name is Esperanza.
I was looking in a cooking catalog and there, something is named Esperanza.
Today, I open a link to Border’s Book store and there’s a CD by someone named Esperanza!
I was reading a book and one of the smaller characters name is Esperanza.

Now this is not a usual name!  This is driving me crazy because I cannot wait for your book to come out and I keep seeing this. I guess it’s also the trickster at work. It’s really annoying me!

  We don’t know who this eyes, nose and mouth belong to! However….

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12 Responses to The Hawk

  1. Marlene says:

    Just catching up ..been away too long..congratulations On your novel
    release! will be on my list to read

  2. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    Speaking of mothers (or birth in the next text also mentioning Esperanza) – Angelina Jolie is for me a bizarre association to my mother. She was Olympias in the movie Alexander, the mascot for The Olympic Games (we say Olimpijada for both Alexander's mother and olympic games) in Sarajevo (the nearest to Serbia) was Vucko (a wolf), and my mother is Vuka (vuk is wolf). Actually, this association and the novel Carigradski drum (Constaninople Road – about "coincidences" and a man who shares his and his mother's name with the first emperor (whoever that might be) has brought me to this blog (my comments here:

  3. Ray says:

    Wonderful Vicki!

    I watched a hawk hunt once while I was in a wheat field. It was hunting burrowing animals. What amazed me was that it was working with an owl. The hawk would hover over one end of the burrow while the owl did the same at the other end. It would have fit into an episode on Discovery.


  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Release, that does seem to be key, doesn't it, Terri?

  5. terripatrick says:

    Happy Release Day!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, all, for the good wishes, Musing – my mother's maiden name was Rutledge, spelled exactly like your Rutledge!

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, and for those who've not yet read the book, you do not know what you are missing! i'm telling you, this is a book you will not put down – and you'll go back and back and read and re-read – watch for my little review over at my places –

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, but i know to whom those eyes and mouth belong – they belong to NICA!!! 😉

    GREAT stories, both of them – i still think of /remember my hawk experience of not so long ago – such a magnificent creature, the hawk – and i've always been so smitten with LADYHAWK – in any event, fantastic esperanza stories, aren't they! great!

  9. musingegret says:

    Wonderful news about the book, Trish. Sending thoughts for mega-sales figures!

    Vicki's word synchros are amazing and good reminders also.

    There was a day last week when the name "Rutledge" occurred 3 times in 36 hours; I just assumed the playfulness aspect of The Trickster and got a kick out of occurrences 2 and 3.

    wv: doinv (for some reason, 'do inverse' leapt to mind)

  10. Nancy says:

    Congrats on the release – can't wait to read it now.

  11. Vicki D. says:

    I just clicked on and saw the post!

    Mike, I agree with the word synchros.
    except the word will glow and sometimes it just keeps showing up or people keep using it.

    Also, like I said to Trish, Esperanza is not a usual name and I so I got a kick out of it!

    So thrilled your book is finally out!!

  12. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Good luck with the book, no matter who the eyes, nose and mouth belong to!

    Word synchros are always interesting but in some cases we have to ask if they were there previously, but we just didn't notice them.

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