Messages from Water and the Universe

Messages from Water and the Universe

In one of my recent excursions to the bookstore, I came across Dr. Emoto’s new book. We’ve done several posts on him before, but most recently on his prayer for the gulf.

This book is just as wonderful as the others, but what I found really interesting was the afterword. Emoto wrote the afterward in late May 2009, two months short of his 66th birthday. He was on a world tour that last for 35 days. He was to return home, where he would be for two days, then was traveling on to California. He apparently has been living at this pace for nearly a decade.

He writes that after two of his book became bestsellers, he noticed that people began treating him differently, like he was “some kind of savior who had appeared before them.” It made him deeply uncomfortable. So he asked someone on his staff to find someone” who could dive into his psyche and find out why he felt this way.  Someone was found and during the reading, Emoto was told that he had been born many times as a revered teacher, a guru of water. There had been lives among Native Americans, for instance, and during the Mayan civilization.

“Unfortunately, you weren’t able to successfully reach your people, mainly because you allowed them to rely on you too much instead of encouraging them to act on their own,” this person told him. “In this life, you were born as an ordinary man so that would not repeat this failure.”

Later, a Cherokee shaman met with Emoto and he was told he had been reborn about 700 times. “My great grandfather once told me I would meet a man who traveled the world carrying tuning forks,” the shaman said. “Now I see that it is you.”

Emoto was tremendously encouraged by this information. “I also finally understand why I sometimes seem to just know or remember things,” Emoto writes. Then he goes on to say that he’s concerned that the Mayan calendar has no writing beyond December 23, 2012.  He feels he must study the matter more seriously “especially  since I was the water guru (so I’ve been told!) during that ancient civilization. Whether or not something actually happens on that day, my goal is to continue spreading the word about activating the full potential of our DNA, for when we do so, we will better understand and know how to deal with whatever lies in the future.”

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17 Responses to Messages from Water and the Universe

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Soul Dipper -thanks for dropping by! Off to click your name and take a look @ your blog.

  2. Soul Dipper says:

    Thank you for the overview of Dr. Emoto's new book. I loved what you wrote about the afterword.

    I have seen Dr. Emoto on video and have a very deep appreciation for what he is teaching the world. Thus, it's very interesting to learn that he's an old soul picking up the pieces of an unfulfilled purpose. Sounds like he'll make it this time from what I've learned from him. 🙂

    Being an old soul, on my last life, I've been told, I love hearing how these inexplicable understandings can simply floor us.

    I'm happy to have discovered your blog and will now subscribe. I love synchronicity at the best of times – and now to have a blog by that name…well, it's just plain reinforcing.

    Many thanks.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I don't know if anyone has tried to reproduce his work. And I'm not so sure that scientific validation would make a huge difference. Scientists who go into experiments as skeptics of what they're investigating generally find what they want to find.

  4. Clarity says:

    Great post – thanks for sharing 🙂 I read about Emoto's work, years ago. As a former biologist I am curious as to if anyone has tried to reproduce his work because he has made some typical errors in the way he's conducted his experiments. I'm not a sceptic as to what he has found. I have studied the properties of water myself while I was working as a biologist and it is indeed a mysterious molecule that has properties we do not fully understand yet. And God knows, there are also plenty of other types of proof that show the power of positive thought and emotion on ourselves and our surroundings. My point is, that I think it is a shame that Emoto's work seems to be classified as pseudoscience because of these basic experimental errors he has made. I think getting scientifical approval of his work could have far reaching – positive – implications for the world.

  5. Natalie says:

    I have often wondered about people putting other people up there as Gurus.
    Must be a frustrating experience, seeing as he was already a magnificent soul…………… we all are.

  6. Nancy says:

    You must read my post, written just before stopping by here – we're on the same wavelength!

    I'll put this on my pile.

  7. terripatrick says:

    It's time for new books. Like Mike, I haven't read an Emoto book yet so it's time to rectify that. 🙂

  8. guess "whoot" says:

    heh Rob had the craziest synchronicity last week,, problem is it's not like the type of thing I should throw out in cyber, just a bit to dramatic and "documented" … it would hit U to deep and you wouldn't show proper R. fraid to say……

    "not proud not ashamed"

  9. Anonymous says:

    Cousin Gypsy, yet another powerful connection between us! I had a profound life in Japan centuries ago that has impacted my journey this time around in ways that have been life-altering, to say the least! Trish and Rob know the minute details of the Japanese lifetime which is irrelevant here, but I couldn't believe it when you said you've also lived there. What an unbroken connection your soul and mine have! It just keeps revealing itself! WV: "dedica" That is very, very appropriate to my Japanese history! cj

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Do tell on the japanese society dream!

    After I read my first emoto book, I started putting stickers on the water – love and gratitude. Then I did it for the microwave, other appliances. Which reminds me. They've all faded and now it's time to put up fresh ones!

    Neighbors think we're nuts.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, just as an aside, i've also been having really slow blogger issues today – weird online stuff –

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    an amazing story, his – and so interesting to find it here this morning [in terms of other lives] because just this morning i woke from a dream which i am sure follows me from a time before – when i was a 15 year old girl in a japanese society – a haunting dream, the details of which are not important for this comment, just the issue that in the dream, in which i also was the observer at times, i, as the observer, asked "me" how old i was at that time and "i" answered "me" – anyway, a man whose work i certainly want to follow – thanks so much for this really interesting post – and another book to grab at amazon – who, by the by, should be handing over stock to me at any moment! 😉

  13. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I haven't read any Emoto books, must put this right. I have a feeling that there are many teachers and gurus walking amongst us who don't fully realise their purpose – as yet.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Typo. Teachers who HAVE chosen to walk among us, including many who are recently born and are being born, to guide us on this journey.
    If we seek them, they will find us. cj

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Blogger seems sluggish today. I've gotten a couple of error messages.

  16. Anonymous says:

    My unfinished comment didn't make it through, but that's OK. I was simply commenting on the relevancy of your finding his new book, and on the presence of so many ancient Teachers who has chosen to walk among us today to assist us through these trying times. The WV for this comment is "blesil".
    Bless all. cj

  17. DJan says:

    Another book on my Must Read list! I had never heard of Dr. Emoto before as i've just recently joined your blog. Thanks for the introduction to this interesting man.

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