Subtle Synchros

 Today I dropped by our neighbor’s house to ask if she could watch our dog, Noah, for a few days at the end of the month when we’ll be at a book convention. She got out of her huge mom calendar, where her obligations and appointments are printed in red ink. “Sure, that looks good,” she said. Then gave me that look. “Ever since you and Rob gave us a copy of your synchronicity book…” And told me her latest synchro.

Annette is a twin and we’ve posted her synchros  here and here. This one involves her name. I don’t think the name is all that common – not like Jane, for instance, and when I hear it, I think of Anette Funicello from Disney’s The Mousketeers. Hmm. I may be dating myself on that one.

At any rate, a few months ago, Annette, a former flight attendant and now a stay at home mom, started cleaning a neighbor’s house. She did it at first as a service – the neighbor has recently gone blind. But now she does it once a week for pay. Somehow, the house cleaning burgeoned into a business and Annette now cleans homes four days a week, while her kids are in school. A nice supplement to the family income.

So the other day, she gets a call from a woman who would like her home cleaned. She lives 15 or 20 minutes from our area, too far, Annette thinks, but decides to drive out to the woman’s house to see what’s what. The home, she says was huge, 7500 square feet, and the woman has bad arthritis that makes it difficult for her to clean. They came to an agreement about what Annette would clean, then the woman said, “I knew I would hire you when I heard your name.”

“Really? Why?”

“My daughter in law’s name was Annette. She died at the age of 29 from ovarian cancer.”

For Annette, this was personally meaningful because she had read our synchronicity book. The woman who hired her, who hadn’t heard of synchronicity, recognized the importance of the connection in names. And that’s how synchronicity often works, in subtle ways, in our daily lives, humming along in the background.

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20 Responses to Subtle Synchros

  1. Marguerite says:

    Cool post! And did I just read correctly that Gypsy is moving back home? Like in Louisiana? If so, YAY!

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, the wv just above was "apromo" – i just posted my "promo" of ESPERANZA minutes ago!! 😉

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    hey cousin cj!!! thanks for the words on the numbers!! once i realized that E is 5, and 5 is one of mine [well, so to speak;) ], i was all better about the numbers and letter – so much going on here, haven't really been able to be excited about the move, but am working on changing that from within! not an easy task! 😉

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Daz. Hope you enjoy it.

  5. Anonymous says:

    This sync turns out to be good for you(or maybe me,too)because Annette is my closest cousin's name(we were born a month apart){and twenty years ago she would have been a dead ringer for Kristen Stewart…I kid you not…I'm often spooked when I see photos of Kristen},anyway since I've been having a few syncs here reading this blog I decided it was a sign to buy your book,so I've purchased one from Amazon and it's now on it's way to the wonderful land of OZ.


  6. Anonymous says:

    Natalie, what a shocking experience for your friend. That is such an unexpected blow. But how beautiful to have seen them together and to know that they are dancing in the perfection of freedom from the bondage of these physical rags! That was a blessingand perhaps will serve to lessen the grief! cj

  7. Anonymous says:

    Hey Cousin Gypsy! Sorry to be so late checking in. It's been one of those days. Your number 1 is great for new beginnings and "pioneering", setting foundations, etc, as you know. The number 5 is great for making all kinds of friends, seeing new places, travel, multi-tasking with efficiency, (which you shall be doing for awhile getting settled!), changes, (represented by the move itself). So all systems are looking like a "GO", Girl! Can't wait for you to get back down here where you belong and will have so much new stuff to share with us! Can't help but chuckle at this WV, but don't know why it hits my funny bone: "tacunk". Reminds me of "kerplunk". Silly me. cj

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, Nat, that's not so subtle! Poor Jen, but how wonderful that the two of you had the same vision.

    wv: intel
    double wow

  9. Natalie says:

    On Tuesday, I passed 6 cars with 'Jen' numberplates.One of my BF'S is named Jen(she also has Jen numberplates), and yesterday Jen rang to say she had just found her Mum dead at her home.

    As I was driving to Jen's house, a car pulled up next to me, with 'Jac' numberplates. Jen's mum is Jacqui.
    I immediately 'saw' Jacqui dancing and swirling in a vortex with her husband Les (also passed).
    I relayed my vision to Jen last night, and she had the same one at the traffic lights just near her mum's home.

  10. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    Not so subtle here. I've just had a deeply personal synchronicity after searching in Google the combination of the names Annette and another one (the one I see repeating over and over again). I can't share it, but it was the creepiest synchronicity I have ever experienced.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, i was just thinking 'bout the letter E – isn't that a number 5??? one of my good numbers – but cousin cj, help! por favor!!! where is the number guru????? 😉

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vicki – these are cool synchros with names you've got.

    nancy – connect the dots. That describes it perfectly.

  13. Nancy says:

    It's almost like one of those connect the dots game.

    VW – Persest – persist?

  14. Vicki D. says:

    I love name synchros.

    My oldest daughter and I have one with the name Jennifer. Anytime we have had to deal with someone and their name is Jennifer we always know something good will come of it.

    My youngest daughter got her wisdom teeth out over the summer and we were a little nervous because she would be put out for the short procedure (she had all 4 taken out). As they were getting her ready I asked the nurses what their names were and one of them said very cheerfully "Brittny", my daughter and I smiled and I said "well there you go, you're going to be fine!".
    You see she had just decided and committed to room (in college)with a girl whose name is Brittny and she was happy and relieved and the girl is very sweet and nice, and we had been talking about this on the way to the oral surgeons office.

    The surgery was over in about 30 mins. and my daughter recovered in record time.

    Love name synchros!

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    So there are your cleaning goodies, gypsy! I like the number 1!

  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oops, meant to mention butternut's comment neat "very GOD timing"! [or good?] 😉

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    neat name story!!!
    and then, there's the thing of my having just in the last few moments finished making a written house-cleaning supply list of things to have my daughter pick up for me and have waiting in my new place, things including windex, comet, spray on appliance and counter cleaner, bleach, sponges, etc etc – then i come here – and there's your image with all my cleaning supplies in their carrier, just waiting!!! 😉

    oh, and my new dwelling number is 1009 E [not sure how i feel about the number and letter – i'm really not an E kinda girl!] but i will go with being a NUMBER ONE i guess! 🙂

  18. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Subtle but still meaningful. I think we all have an attachment to certain names, smells, sounds etc.

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    A perfect ordinary synchro!

  20. Butternut Squash says:

    Here is my ordinary synchro for the day. Easter Seals called to ask for a donation just after I boxed up a bunch of stuff to give away. Very god timing.

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