
The trailer for Clint Eastwood’s new movie, Hereafter, makes this one a must see for us!

Interestingly, here’s another trailer that relates to a paradigm shift.

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13 Responses to Hereafter

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    absolutely CANNOT WAIT to see this film!!! thanks SO much for sharing!!!

    hmmmmm…..this wv= ammos

  2. Vicki D. says:

    Hadn't heard about this movie but cannot wait to see it.
    Thanks for sharing this info Trish!

  3. Anonymous says:

    "The answer BUGGED ME", Sansego. Cool pun. Think about this, too: Mosquitoes are food for various types of critters, including spiders, some birds, lizards, certain reptiles, etc. So as a mosquito, perhaps you also were being told you are giving others "food for thought", ie, other folks are dining on your ideas! cj Hmmmm WV: consp

  4. Sansego says:

    About mosquitos…I once prayed to God asking why this insect was created. I can't stand them. The response was a simple: "You're a mosquito, Nick!" The answer bugged me as I pondered what it meant. Then it hit me! Like a mosquito, I have a tendency to go from spiritual idea to spiritual idea (or religion to religion) and "suck out the nutrients" before moving on to the next one. The religious people experience a minor irritant (thinking that I'll actually join) and I walk away with a new piece to the spiritual puzzle to nourish me until I need to come across a new spiritual idea. Love it! After understanding that, I no longer look at mosquitos with such animosity.

    wv: baccoq

  5. Sansego says:

    Thank you for mentioning this! I had not even heard of it and I'm usually up on the upcoming releases. After what I consider a rather dismal year at the movies (with only "Inception" and "Hipsters" captivating me), I always look forward to the fall releases and there are quite a few that I want to see (such as "Howl", "Fair Game", and Spielberg's Lincoln movie), but I will definitely be there on opening day for this movie!!! Can't wait.

    wv: seshoo (says who?)

  6. Anonymous says:

    I'm just dying to see it.-)


  7. d page says:

    cj- many interesting ideas! If it's a pheromone, I wish it had repelled most men.
    I have a few past life memories (including "burning times"), but nothing re: mosquitos… but your idea makes sense.

  8. Anonymous says:

    P.S. Cannot wait to see the movie!

  9. Anonymous says:

    DPage, may I suggest you have a particular pheromone in your body that naturally repels the pesky insects but that is not detectable by anything or anyone else? I've heard of that type of thing. May not be your situation, but it's a thought. Could also be a past-life connection: perhaps you died from yellow fever, malaria, encephalitis, or another illness from a mosquito, and your soul says "not this time!" I have been burned to death in a past life, and I am never burned in this one. Can't tell you how often I should feel burns on arms, hands, face while cooking, and feel no pain whatsever even though blisters, welts, etc, and later the scars, appear. But I don't experience any pain at all when burned by fire. (I do experience severe sunburn, being an Irish redhead.) Past life trauma is a hinky thing and can have interesting impacts in current lives. Just thoughts….cj

  10. d page says:

    This movie is intriguing. I can't wait to see it.

    Lauren – your post about the mosquito made me do a double-take. My blogged encounters with Reindeer woman has led me into Saami mythic territory. .. Since childhood, I have had a very strange, unexplained phenomena: mosquitos will not bite me, or bother me. I grew up in St. Lawrence River Valley, which is plagued by them. It became a family joke…., yet there was never an explaination. To this day, they do not bite me.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Lauren – I never thought of communicating with mosquitos, but why not? Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.

    Nancy – hosting a screening. Like that idea!

  12. Nancy says:

    This is a must-see for me, as well. And the second one is really exciting! I think it might be fun to host a screening.

  13. Lauren says:

    Sounds fascinating! Thanks for sharing information about it. And congratulations on your new book – I am sure it will have huge success! Sorry to jump around, but I also wanted to comment on your post about the hawk – I remembered an article by Gloria Orenstein, who studied with a traditional Sami shaman in Finland. She commented that "The Sami love their mosquitos, because they realize that "the white man" cannot stand them, and so the mosquitos have, in some sense, kept their land from being taken by outsiders. …..Sami Shamans communicate with their mosquitos, and they understand that they can be messengers, guides, and protectors." In her article ( she tells of being "contacted" by her mentors by the sudden appearance of mosquitoes in her Los Angeles apartment.

    Thanks……I only get to "visit" occasionally, so sorry to "jump topic" but I greatly enjoy your posts!

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