As above, so below

Here’s an amazing comparison.

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8 Responses to As above, so below

  1. How prescient. I have been thinking about this term for several days now… From the idea of 2 suns, the higher sofia and the lower sofia, my eternal feminie self as i manifest my physical masculine self. The upper and lower sephirah of The kabbalah.

    Very important to me right now. I am on a quest to Remember how to access this eternal truth.

    Be well


  2. Nancy says:

    The universe in a grain of sand.

  3. lauren raine says:

    Sorry to be stuck on the previous topic, but here’s another petition that one can sign about Rush Limbaugh’s abusive language to women – this one goes to one of his advertisers, a company that derives most of its income from women.–Dq&source=taf

  4. Darren B says:

    More evidence of a Holographic Universe,I’d say.

  5. gypsy says:

    i’ve been told that i’ve always had my head in the clouds…now there’s proof…all in my own personal favorite gypsy colors… 😉

  6. As above, so below but also that we are a small part of the whole.

  7. lauren raine says:


    I think it was from the Upanishads, where Brahma the Creator says, “Ah………..I see that I am this creation.”

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