A dog and his bone

A good belly laugh! Thanks to  Nancy for sending it.

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7 Responses to A dog and his bone

  1. fortune500 says:

    Ahhhh. Hope at least the pic of the child in the mirror might show up. Creepy, and I don’t get creeped out. Oddly, Trish and Rob, everyone who spent any time in the house has become quite ill and have had to go to their doctrors. (I was only in there for a few brief moments, just long enough to snap a few photos then I retreated well away from the house, went outside and got back into our vehicle.) I didn’t like the energies in the house BEFORE he died there, and those body fluid stains on the floor and the entire scene was more than I was willing to be a part of. The family has told us to take whatever we want from the house, and I definitely don’t want anything at all, but it was husband’s mother’s and brother’s home and he’ll probably bring something back when he goes back up to help empty out the house. Maybe not. HOPE not!!

  2. fortune500 says:

    This is fantastically funny! Sunshine does EXACTLY the same thing with her Nyla-bone! Exactly! She tries to attack her own self as if herself is trying to take her bone away. It’s hilarious! She also will lay on the floor and stare at it for minnutes at the time, then will slide across the carpet like a snake and sneak up on it, grab it in her teeth and throw it into the air, then growl at it and attack it as if it’s something that needs to be attacked. They are so doggoned funny! Thanks so much for this wonderful chuckle!

  3. Darren B says:

    Maybe a better tittle for the clip would be “Dog Gone” or “My Left Foot”?-)

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