Face in the Clouds


We first saw this story on Brizdaz’s blog, Just Watching the Wheels Go Round.  It’s one of those anomalous synchronicities that suggests spirit communication. Adele enhanced the lighting with Photoshop, which really shows the image much more clearly!


On January 9, at precisely the time that Gerry Wells, 62, was flying from Brisbane to Sydney, Australia, this photo of an unusual cloud formation was taken by Russell Eldridge, the former editor of Northern Star, an Australian newspaper. Eldridge sent it to the newspaper and they were impressed enough to publish it.

On January 24, the day after Gerry returned from his two weeks in Sydney, where he visited family and friends, he died suddenly of a heart attack. A friend saw the photo in the newspaper and was struck by the eerie similarity between the cloud formation and Gerry’s face. He sent the photo to Gerry’s son, Dean, who emailed it to family members.

Gerry’s sister, Marion Dawson, says that when she saw it, she got goosebumps. “It’s so like my brother, and was taken just at the time when he was making what turned out to be his last journey to visit the people he loved in Sydney. It brought tears to our eyes.”

At Gerry’s funeral, the family handed out leaflets with the photo on it. “Thinking of all the people he went to spend time with in Sydney, it was like he was going to say good-bye to them all,” Marion says.


In Synchronicity and the Other Side, there’s a chapter called Objects of Interests, where we talk about how spirits use objects in various ways to communicate with us. From mirrors to feathers, books to televisions and radios, movies, lights, and food, virtually any object in the physical world – even clouds! – can be used by a spirit to communicate with us.


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12 Responses to Face in the Clouds

  1. Momwithwings says:

    When my little dog Zachary died I begged him to give me. Sign, he did .
    we were driving when one of my daughters said ” Look Mom in the sky” I looked and nearly drove off the road. It was a beautiful angel with Zach in her arms and he was smiling. It was so clear . no cell phones back then so I have no picture .
    it was amazing!

  2. lauren raine says:

    Wow, amazing! Thank you. We’re so woven together, aren’t we?

    I have a synchro to share, although it’s a sad one: http://www.threadsofspiderwoman.blogspot.com

    Thank you, by the way, for the many insights into synchronicity your work has given me.

  3. Awesome picture. I would have fun with that in Photoshop – not to change any shape but to bring out that face with the change of light.

  4. I like this one – the face in the clouds is so exact.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      It really is!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      If we assume there’s no fraud in this Aussie tale, that it really happened as reported, there’s a second synchro here, besides the cloud image. It’s the portrait. How did they happen to have a picture of the deceased that shows the same side view? Usually, we take portrait photos head on. So the fact that they had one with the proper profile is quite amazing.

      • Darren B says:

        What happened from what I have read about this story,is that the former editor of the “Northern Star” and a few friends were relaxing,having a few drinks at an outdoor BBQ,and they noticed the face in the cloud.
        He took a photo of it.Just as a generic cloud portrait and they sent it in to his old newspaper as a “nature’s work of art”.
        These guys didn’t know Gerry Wells,or that he would have passed over their sky-ways (pardon the dark pun) on his return to Brisbane.
        It was only after Gerry Wells had died about a week later the a friend of his relatives mentioned that the cloud image looked freakishly like Gerry.
        That photo of him at the top is a close-up of his face,from a photo of him holding his granddaughter at a party only weeks before he died.
        You can see her little fingers in the cropped photo above,reaching out to touch his chin.
        I have seen the original photo,and it is more a picture of the granddaughter than Gerry.That’s why he is facing to the side,because he is lifting her up to the camera.
        I’ll try and find the original and e-mail it to Trish.

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