The 3 Jacquelines

Adele Aldridge, who has one of the best I Ching sites, sent us this interesting cluster synchro involving a name – Jacqueline. In 7 Secrets, we have a chapter on cluster synchros – they’re  always fascinating, though their message isn’t necessarily obvious.


I know 3 people with the name of Jacqueline who are connected in my life now in some way. They do not know each other.

Jacqueline #1 is my sister and lives in Manhattan.

Jacqueline #2 is my friend for 35 years and lives in San Francisco.

Jacqueline #3 is a neighbor/friend/acquaintance.

I haven’t seen any of these Jacqueline’s in times ranging from 4 months to 15 years.

Jacqueline #3 called me this afternoon and asked me if I would come over and have a drink. I haven’t heard from her in months. She just came back from the funeral of her brother and then a week with her daughter and now home and wanted company. This kind of request has never happened with her before. So I walked over and had some wine and a long talk as we always do when we meet, which is to bemoan the fact that we have to live in New Jersey and how we miss California.

I stayed about an hour. After I sat down at my computer to check my email, two messages came in simultaneously at 5:56 p.m.  One message was from Jacqueline # 1 from Manhattan, my sister.

And message # 2 arrived at the exact moment of message #1 from Jacqueline # 2, my friend in San Francisco.

It was not only surprising to hear from all 3 Jacqueline’s on the same day within minutes of each other but the two Jacqueline’s on the different coasts hitting here at the simultaneous moment was something I have never seen before – same name or not.

What do you make of this?

All I can think of is that it is full moon in Leo today conjunct my Sun.


Since Adele sent us this synchro about the 3 Jacquies, two more have surfaced. So now she has a cluster of FIVE Jacquies.

Anyone have any ideas what this cluster might mean? And what’s with that time? 5:56=7. We need Math to figure out the numbers!



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20 Responses to The 3 Jacquelines

  1. As one of Adele’s 3 Jacqueline’s, I find all this fascinating!

  2. Darren B says:

    I’m not much into numerology,not because I don’t believe in it,just because I’ve never really studied it.But I’ll throw in my 2 cents anyway.
    If you change the clock time to army time (24 hour time) 5:56 p.m. becomes 17:56 hours
    1+7+5+6=19 (1+9=10=1),so we have one.“JACQUELINE” has 10 letters,so 10=1,also.
    Maybe this implies that in some way you are all part of one army,or team,to achieve some common goal together,with “JACQUELINE” being some cosmic password to the mission?
    Just a thought.

  3. A book I have gives the meaning simply as ‘supplanter’ as Lauren’s comment above. Interesting when such things occur, especially with the timing as well.

  4. lauren raine says:

    Here’s what Wikipedia says is the meaning of the name:

    “Jacqueline comes from French, as the feminine form of Jacques. Jacques originated from ‘Jacob’, which is derived from the Hebrew meaning ‘may God protect’ or ‘supplanter’. Supplanter refers to a person who replaces someone or thing of lesser value, and this Hebrew meaning refers to Jacob supplanting Esau as recorded in the Hebrew Bible. ‘May God protect’ has a more positive connotation and is therefore the preferred meaning for the name.”

  5. fortune 500 says:

    The name “JACQUELINE” resonates within the frequency of 43/7, as the time, 5:56 resonates to 16/7. If we separate the vowels in JACQUELINE, they are root 5, and the consonants are root 2. If we separate the numbers in 5:56, they are also 5 and 2. So, we need to first look at the 7, which indicates secrets, hidden issues, psychic and mysterious stuff. 7 represents the “heart” and everything pertinent to it, not only physically but emotionally as well. Then we look at the frequencies which, when combined, are the sum of that 7. 5 represents change, activity, many people, lots of acitvity, scattering of energies. 2 represents one and one, and generally is relative to issues involving persons on a one-to-one basis and can suggest signing of contracts and/or settling of disagreements, that sort of thing. I always look deeply into the frequencies that combine to create a root number. In this situation, either 52 or 25, and see if I can determine why those frequencies have emerged at a particular time. For example, does the 25 or the 52 have a special significance to Adele. (1952?
    1925? A person who is either one of those ages or who may have been born in either of those years?) Then I try to determine if there is something going on in the person’s life NOW that is relative to something that may have been happening realtive to the above. 7 is the most complicated and complex of all frequencies, as it has such strength of interpretations, both positive and negative. So once we look at the 5 and the 2, then we tackle the root 7 and see if something is happening in Adele’s life that is within that 7 frequency, because she obviously in within the 7 frequency or it wouldn’t be this screamingly apparent, and indicates she should perhaps invest a bit of time in meditating on the 7 in whatever manner she feels intuitively led. Interesting and provocative cluster, Adele!!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Wow, this is great, Math, thanks. I’ll make sure Adele sees this.

      • Thanks for posting this Trish and thanks for Fortune 500 for that elaborate explanation. The Jacqui cluster continued with another exchange that resulted in the possibility of the 4th Jacqui getting an astrology reading from Trish. I hope so because this Jacqui has a cluster of 7 planets in Aquarius which I find totally amazing in itself. I also will take your suggestion and meditate all that Fortune 500 says here.

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