Hank and Judy, Photographers

                                       soul cards

 This synchro came from an old college friend, Judy, a professional photographer in Manhattan. For 35 years, she was involved with Hank, also a professional photographer. Their relationship went through various permutations over the years, but always, they were close. Hank died last year and Judy says she “feel lost without him.”

As the nosy person that I am, I asked Judy if she had felt Hank around since he had died. Her email pegs some of the elements of spirit contact. The Linda referred to in the post is my former college roommate and a mutual friend. She figured into another post, The Ghost and the Straight Pins.
Hank died on the 23rd of October, 2009.  The 23rd has never been a good number for me for lots of reasons.  Oh, you bet I’ve heard from him, just not lately.

He was a photographer and there were three “blinking” incidents with lights.  The first one was a few nights after he died.  My sister gave me this lamp filled with seashells many years ago and it always reminded me of the summers that Hank and I spent on Martha’s Vineyard.  It was before Linda had a place there.  Anyway, I know I turned it off before I fell asleep because I always do, turn the light off and then fall asleep with the TV on.  Sometime around midnight the light turned itself on and woke me .  No, I’m not making this up.  It had never done this before and I knew it was Hank.

The second incident was after cleaning out his place.  I decided to make a time capsule from a briefcase that my dad had made for him when we were going together.  It was one of my last days there and I was so happy because I had found letters, old photos, some of his favorite shots (business and personal), things from Yosemite, a letter from his sister who passed away from pancreatic cancer, etc.  Another photographer was there with me that day to help me finish cleaning out so I have a witness for this one.

On the bulletin board over my desk was a pin that said “Hank’s soda.”  He loved Hank’s soda and sent out cases of it to family and friends for Christmas about 5 years ago.  They sent him a t shirt and the button for ordering so much and the button was on the bulletin board for 4 years or so.  I decided to put it in the time capsule and when I did so, it started to blink!  I didn’t even know there was a little light on it.  I called Mel to take a look and he said it was just because I touched it.  But it blinked until I closed it two days later to send   to the place where Hank’s ashes were going to be buried.  The day before his memorial, we opened the case again. It wasn’t blinking. You actually had to latch the little pin on the back to make it blink.  It still gives me chills to think of that day.  I know and am SURE it was him.  Call me crazy…

Are you still with me ?  Okay, the third incident involved a clock that his upstairs neighbor made for him.  Peter was an engineer and loved to create gadgets.  He made Hank this cool clock out of copper with tiny lights that blinked at the 12, 3, 6 and 9 o’clock hours.  It was not blinking while we were cleaning out the studio and I tried to give it to friends and/or sell it and no one wanted it.  I had a lot of stuff but took it to my apartment and hung it next to the door.  I swear I didn’t change the batteries because it kept perfect time and I thought the blinking mechanism had worn out.

One of the first evenings after I handed over the keys to Hank’s studio I had a really bad night, missing Hank, crying and hardly sleeping.  You know how it is after you lose a close loved one.  Anyway, as I was leaving for work it started blinking.  Really, honestly, truly.  It seemed to blink when I was leaving or when I came home.  Eventually it stopped and even though I’ve put in new batteries it won’t blink now.  Do you think that means he has moved on?
Judy’s story seems to personify spirit contact.

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12 Responses to Hank and Judy, Photographers

  1. Anonymous says:

    natalie, that is what I have always believed since that incident. I firmly believe she was catholic previously and the Priest was giving her the Last Rites…perhaps because in her soul she still felt connected to catholicism even tho she was baptist. It wa a comfort for me to see him there. cj

  2. Natalie says:

    It was Hank alright, Judy. 🙂

    Connie, maybe your mom hada life of catholocism before this one and the priest was a soul contracted to her in some way?

  3. Adele Aldridge says:

    WoW! All I can say is Wow to all these stories. I love them all – and Holy Moly! Pun Intended.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Maggie, please share your story with us! believe me, no one here will think you are crazy! WV:
    inessess "in essence"?? cj

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Some amazing stories here! Connie – that's incredible.

    Maggie – look forward to your post.

    I need to drop judy a line so she'll see these comments!!

  6. maggie's garden says:

    I think you're right …we are made to think our minds are playing tricks on us…or just wanting so to be with our loved one.
    I had many experiences after my husband passed and my kids 7 and 8 at the time confirmed what was happening. In fact they were more in tune to it than I was.
    I think I'll post about it…and hope no one thinks I'm crazy…it is quite a story. Difficult to write but I think seeing this today has sort of forced me to tell about. Oh I've touched on it…but not to very many people.
    For sure this was Hank. What sweet moments for Judy.
    Thank you for this post. It has brought back some of my own sweet memories.

  7. Anonymous says:

    During the final three days of my Mom's life, she was in a S. GA hospital in a terminal coma. (She was 63) My aunt, her older sister, who was a born-again fundamental Christian, was sitting beside me at the foot of Mom's bed. There was a very loud CRACK! in the air over Mom's head, and my Aunt and I looked up from our books. I was accustomed to seeing Spirits, but was not accustomed to being with other people who could also see them. There was a Catholic Clergy in the white and red robes of a Cardinal or Bishop, (my Mom was Baptist), and he was leaning over my Mother's bed very clearly giving her rites of some kind. My poor Aunt saw him as clearly as I did, and she burst into tears, dropped her book on the floor, and flew from the room. The Priest faded in a few moments, but every day at exactly the same times, for three days, he came and gave my Mom rites. He was there at the moment of her death. His energy was so powerful that several medical people could see him, and personnel were coming from all over the hospital trying to catch a glimpse of him. He disappeared on the Sunday that she passed, and I could see her "essence" up in the corner of the room, like a flowing blue-white mist. No one else saw that. I've always wondered why a Catholic Clergy Spirit came for her. It was an awesome, awe-inspiring experience. My Aunt never recovered from it. She was completely spooked by it, no pun intended. For me it was magnificent.

  8. Vicki D. says:

    I love these stories, and it was definitely Hank.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think in western culture we've been brainwashed into believing that experiences like these are just the mind playing tricks! It's why Judy had such doubts.

  10. Nancy says:

    I do think it was Hank, as I had many instances of this type of thing after my father died. Televisions going on for no reason – even though I kept telling myself it was some kind of power surge or something. One time a bottle of shampoo fell over into the tub (the bathroom he used), and no one was even close to it. That one freaked me out.

    Then the evening my father-in-law passed away I was sitting in the living room when I noticed some smoke or steam curling along the ceiling in the kitchen. I thought maybe I left something on the stove or the teapot turned on. Nothing on the stove, teapot cold. I think he was just stopping by for a visit, on his way out.

  11. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I'm sure it was Hank, lovely post.

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, what fabulous in-depth contact stories! these are great! and remind me of some of those of my brother's contact after his death – we probably each have such stories to tell – beautiful!

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