Category Archives: spirit contact

Who are ‘they?’

After reading Trish’s conversation with Nancy Atkinson about synchronicity and related matters posted here Jan. 28, I was reminded of the e-mail conversations I’ve had with Charles, who we wrote about in the Quebec Encounter series here and who is featured in … Continue reading

Posted in spirit contact, spirits, synchronicity | 14 Comments

The Locked Door Opens – Spirit Contact

orbs photographed behind Lauren’s home One of the blogs I frequent regularly is Lauren Raines Threads of the Spiderwoman.  We’ve used some of her stories on our blog before. This one struck me as genuine spirit  contact. +++ Towards the … Continue reading

Posted in spirit contact, synchronicity | 10 Comments

Judy and Hank, continued

Spirit communication is probably one of the most mysterious types of synchronicity. Skeptics, of course, would undoubtedly contend that it never happens because, as everyone knows, there’s no such thing as life after death. But for those of us who … Continue reading

Posted in spirit communication, spirit contact, synchronicity | 7 Comments

Natalie and Vicki

This next synchronicity/spirit communication story came from Natalie. It appeared as a comment, buried in a list of comments. It’s a good one, so we brought it forward. Natalie had a blogging friend,  Vicki, who passed away last November. She … Continue reading

Posted in spirit contact, synchronicity | 11 Comments

Spirit Speaks, part 2

from center for touch drawing Yesterday, we were talking about the synchros that occurred around the time/day of the death of a loved one – Gypsy’s sister.  Here are the rest of her synchros: +++ On the way back to … Continue reading

Posted in Dean Koontz, spirit contact, Stephen King, synchronicity | 7 Comments

The Dunnings

from Carl Jung’s red book   This story is from Judy S,  whose story, Judy and Hank, appeared on the blog and also in Synchronicity and the Other Side. Judy and Hank knew each other for 35 years – as … Continue reading

Posted in judy and hank, spirit contact, synchronicity | 6 Comments

Angel in My Pocket

    Last year, we posted a moving synchronicity from Judy, a woman Trish knew in college, who is a professional photographer in Manhattan. For 35 years, she was involved with Hank, also a professional photographer. Their relationship went through … Continue reading

Posted in judy and hank, spirit contact | 11 Comments

Synchro from the Other Side

We’re not sure how we met Mike Clelland. But we used one of his synchros in 7 Secrets and he definitely has a thing about owls, an animal messenger we’ve written about several times. So the owl image here seems … Continue reading

Posted in spirit contact, Uncategorized | 9 Comments

The I Ching and Contact

In one of the comments the other day, Sansego mentioned that V was back on TV and he wondered if we were being prepared for contact. Then there are the rumors that Obama may be preparing to announce that ETs … Continue reading

Posted in ETs, I Ching, spirit contact | 23 Comments

Charlie, Rumi, and Judgment Reversed

This synchronicity came from Trevor Simpson, an author and spiritual coach. Trevor recently lost a good friend, Charlie, and as with any major passage in our lives, there were some synchros involved. This week I received the shocking news that … Continue reading

Posted in spirit contact, tarot | 8 Comments