From Aliens to Zombies and other stuff

Trish and I are at the Southern Independent Bookseller’s Association today in Daytona Beach, Florida where she is about to sign books. Afterwards, we head to the spiritualist community of Cassadaga, a small town of mediums in a hilly pine forest in Central Florida. We’ve been there many times and have had many unusual experiences among the living and the dead. The rock band Bright Eyes actually entitled one of their albums Cassadaga, and they included a song called Four Winds with these lyrics:…”went to Cassadaga to talk to the dead, they said you better look alive.”

Hopefully, we’ll gather more spirit contact stories for our next synchro book. I guess it’s now a good time as any to mention that we’ve been offered a contract for our proposal and we have accepted. Adams Media, which published The 7 Secrets, will publish our ‘spooky’ sequel, which tentatively will be called: Synchronicity and the Other Side.

But back to the conference. Since I’m here officially as a blogger, I better blog something about it. So, late this morning Trish was on a panel with four other writers. The name of the panel: From Aliens to Zombies. Needless to say, there were a lot good laughs. Most of the writers were authors of freaky alien-monster fiction for children and young adults.

One author, Adam Troy Castro, talked about his alphabet series, the A-Z of  Horror. Each letter apparently gets two pages: A is for Apocalypse, H is for Howl, Q is for Quiver, V is for Vampire, Z is for Zombie…etc. 

David Halperin, a retired professor of religious studies at the University of North Carolina talked about his novel, The Journal of a UFO Investigator. He said when he was a teenager he was involved in a group investigating UFO reports and now that he’s retired, he’s returned to his youthful interest. He mentioned in passing that you can’t get tenured very easily as a UFO investigator. That got a few laughs.

Another author, Jessica Rene, talked about her Sleepy Hollow ghost series and told the audience that not only is Sleepy Hollow an actual town, but she will be there on Halloween to do a book signing… in the town graveyard. Yikes!

Then there was Ursula Vernon who talked about her Dragon Breath series for 8-12 year olds. The new one has an unusual title: The Curse of the Were-Weiner. She said it’s mostly for boy, but some girls are interested, too. Okay. Moving on.

Trish of course talked about her new novel, ESPERANZA and nudged by a question from the audience revealed that Johnny Depp’s production company has taken an interest and asked for more time to consider it. Yay! Fingers crossed on that one.

After the seven-minute introductions, the audience asked more questions and the panel also questioned their fellow members. That’s when Trish got on the case of the UFO Investigator guy, who didn’t believe or disbelieve in aliens or UFOs. Trish pushed him to take a stand, and he said something about no UFOs have landed on the White House lawn. Trish responded, “Why do they have to land there?” David H. shrugged and said, “I suppose they could land on Sarah Palin’s lawn.”

That’s when someone shouted that she can see aliens from her back porch in Wasilla. And with that, the panel discussion closed.

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15 Responses to From Aliens to Zombies and other stuff

  1. Ray says:

    Congrats on the book deal. Cassadaga was the location of an episode of the TV show The Glades. I don't know if anything more than the sign was real, but it was nice it got the mention.

    Congrats on the book deal. I would love to see Esperanza made into a movie. I am reading it now concurrently with Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. Klein's book scares me so much I read a chapter at a time and then switch to Esperanza. The brujos are much less scary than the disciples of Milton Friedman in government and business.


  2. Vicki D. says:

    Congratulations on the second book!

    Johhny Depp, my favorite!

    I have to go check out some of these references from previous commenters (sp?)

  3. Anonymous says:

    I will add that things, and people, are absolutely not always what or whom they seem to be. Being intuitively alert to almost imperceptible nuances is my guide, and it doesn't fail. cj

  4. Anonymous says:

    Profound disagreement from me on the Dan Mitchell material but there isn't sufficient space here for me to explain, even if I were inclined to explain. Instead, I'm going to take a page from his book and simply say, "NO COMMENT". There are many who understand. Very interesting WV here: "rexcula"

  5. Raksha says:

    Debra: Re "Dan's material reminds me of John Lash's Gnostic material :"Not in His Image". Lash delineates the parallels between the modern ET phenomena and the ancient material on the Archons…. and things are NOT what they seem to be."

    I see we're thinking along the same lines. I am not familiar with John Lash or "Not in His Image." I assume that's a book he wrote, and if so I can check it out on Amazon. I wish I could say the same thing about the Archons–unfortunately, I am all too familiar with those guys. I agree with you that "things are NOT what they seem to be."

  6. d page says:

    Raksha: MUFON is Mutual UFO Network. It's been investigating UFO reports since the '60's.

    As for the prediction of disclosure: this type of hype has been happening periodically as long as the phenomena has been around. I worked as a research assistant in the field with in Berkeley. I was at the first Soviet press release on their evidence of contact (photo of a craft destroying Phobos II satellite,in space)at their consulate in San Fransisco (12/91). Each time disclosure is predicted, it never happens. There are allot of games and disinfo out there.
    One never knows…

    Dan's material reminds me of John Lash's Gnostic material :"Not in His Image". Lash delineates the parallels between the modern ET phenomena and the ancient material on the Archons…. and things are NOT what they seem to be.

  7. Nancy says:

    Thanks for the update. Sounds like fun at the book fair. I, too, will hope for the very best outcome on the movie deal for Esperanza.

  8. Raksha says:

    @ Debra: Re "One witness was a skeptic…. it is being investigated by MUFON."

    What does MUFON stand for? I'm not familiar with that acronymn.

    Re I also read Dan's Luminosity blog.

    Then you are no doubt aware that he's been dropping a lot of hints about "something" rather spectacular likely to happen in the near future. I believe those hints may be related to this press release:,1458028.html

    I already posted this link in the comments section of T&R's previous post, "The Event." But I want to post it again here to make sure as many people see it as possible.

    The title of the press release is "Retired NORAD Officer's New Book Predicts a Tentative Worldwide UFO Display." The date of that UFO display is predicted to be October 13, 2010.

    WV: "predi" The first letters of the word "prediction"!!!


  9. d page says:

    There was a UFO report 1 mile from my home this past week. The vehicle hovered for 3 minutes stationary at noon above the main square. One witness was a skeptic…. it is being investigated by MUFON.

    I also read Dan's Luminosity blog.

  10. Raksha says:

    Re "I suppose they could land on Sarah Palin's lawn."

    That's when someone shouted that she can see aliens from her back porch in Wasilla.

    LOL! What does Sarah Palin need to go to her back porch for? All she needs to do if she wants to see an alien is look in the mirror!

    That said, though: Everyone I know has been talking about UFOs and aliens for weeks, and that includes people who normally never talk about such things. I'm referring (among other things) to the people in what I call my "Gnostic circle" on Facebook, people who are normally more preoccupied with the Gospel of Thomas than with UFO sightings.

    At about the same time this started happening, Dan Mitchell started a new incarnation of his "Luminosity" blog which I have been following with great interest. I know I'm not the only follower of that blog here, and probably not the only one to see it as a welcome development. I feel he has really found his "voice" in this latest incarnation of Luminosity and I look forward to future installments.

    And of course…I believe these events are not unconnected.

    Blessed Be,

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, gee, and how did i forget to add congrats on the book deal too – you all are just too much to keep up with!!!

    wv = vellue – value! 😉

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, i'm still LOL on the back porch! and while i don't really have a porch, back or front, from my own FRONT WINDOW i DID see a UFO the other night [technically, it was early morn] – does that count? 🙂

    oh, man, if i could have just been in the audience on this one!!!

    sorry, i digress! absolutely fantastic on the possible depp deal! now, just to decide if i'm going to play tess or nica!!! still haven't decided, trish! 😉

    ya'll are having so much fun! good for you! more details soon, please! 😉

  13. lakeviewer says:

    It sounds like you had great fun! Good luck on the project!

  14. Jen says:

    LOL! Sounds like a great discussion!

    Totally crossing my fingers on the movie deal! WHOO!

  15. d page says:

    Rob- thanks for giving us the scoop. It sounds like fun.

    I am excited for Trish with the possible movie option!

    Congratulations on the new book contract, too!

    Can't wait to hear about the Cassadaga adventures!

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