The Event

Meet cutie Jason Ritter (Sean Walker), whose girlfriend has disappeared from the cruise ship they’ve been on. There’s not even a record that she was ever there. Or that he and his girlfriend even had a room on this ship. Intriguing premise. Then you toss in a black Latino president who discovers there’s a secret facility in Alaska that the CIA has been covering up, where 97 “others” have been held for years. Then there’s an assassination attempt on the president shortly after he has met the female leader of the “others.”

We missed the actual premiere, but after several people wrote and recommended it, we streamed the premiere. Although we found the jumping around in time somewhat distracting, this show has disclosure written all over it. And there’s one harrowing scene with a jet (shades of Lost?)that really hints at something alien.

Since many ideas are first introduced via TV and movies, let’s assume for a moment that disclosure is around the corner. How would that change our lives? Our worldviews? Our religions? Governments?

The X-Files explored this question, but not as overtly as V, where the aliens (really bad guys) have parked their giant ships over strategic cities worldwide. The MIB movies took a humorous look at the men in black phenomenon. Independence Day and War of the Worlds showed us the aggression and warlike nature of the aliens. ET, of course, showed us a gentler, more humane side of the aliens. Carl Sagan’s Contact illustrated the elusive nature of time and ETs.

Stephen King has explored the UFO stuff in some of his novels. Whitley Strieber and Budd Hopkins knows this terrain personally.A number of people who comment on our blog have experienced sightings, contact, abductions. These individuals have unusual abilities – and they have memories, some of them incredibly weird and scary.

But on a day to day basis, how would disclosure change us?

First, there’s the Big Lie that has been perpetuated since Roswell. If Roswell happened – either in Roswell or in some town nearby – how has it been covered up for so many years? How has such a vast disinformation campaign existed for all these decades? We would have to wrap our minds around that, how the skeptics, the true left-brain types, the ones whose lives are a study in hard logic, have outnumbered the rest of us for so long. That does seem to be changing, though. Given the uncertainty in the world, the inexplicable nature of many events, the approach of 2012, people are looking for answers. The internet has facilitated the luminal exchange of information to such a degree so that if you have an abduction experience at 11:01 PM, you’re on facebook and twitter as soon as you have the mental capacity to write and that experience is blasted around the planet. 

Disclosure means to reveal. So disclosure  through physical evidence might mean UFOs above major cities, ETs visiting the heads of governments in full view of the press, ETs as hybrids, ET technology as the source behind the vast and rapid acceleration of technology in the last 50 or 60 years. However it manifested itself, it would mean rewriting the nature of reality. Could disclosure be the tipping point for our planet?

In Jung’s day, the UFO phenomenon was still in its infancy. According to Deirdre Bair’s biography, he studied UFOs from the 1950s and changed his mind over the years about what they actually were – “a rumour with concomitant singular and mass hallucination or a downright fact.” But he wrote a book on UFOs, and shortly after it was published in the U.S., Jung met with Charles and Anne Morrow Lindberg. When the conversation turned to “flying saucers,” Lindberg was astonished to hear Jung refer to them as “factual.”

If memory serves me, Jung wrote about UFOs as an emerging archetype of wholeness. Whatever this phenomenon is, we’ll tune into The Event again. It’s always interesting to see if a creative venture might shed light on the truth.

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14 Responses to The Event

  1. Anonymous says:

    Valid, credible personal experiences are the best and most reliable teachers, no matter who tries to twist those experiences and deny incidents and events that occur and that result in proven physical anomalies. cj WV:

  2. Raksha says:


    I started a new topic on my favorite discussion board on September 18th, after I read the press release I linked to in my earlier comment. It's called "New book predicts worldwide UFO display." FWIW, this is my most recent post, addressed to one of the board skeptics. It begins with a question, a quote from his previous note.

    Why would any sane person take any of this crap seriously?

    J. and everyone,

    Because of the government stonewalling and cover-up I mentioned earlier. It's been going on for as long as the UFO sightings–for over 50 years now. But it's so motheaten and full of holes it's falling apart at this point.

    SOME of the sightings and interactions have been real, although many are hoaxes. SOME of these hoaxes seem to be very sophisticated fakes intended to fool knowledgeable researchers. They work for a while, but once the UFO community unravels them they understandably become very angry, as anyone does who has ever been scammed about anything. This is what accounts for their habitual skepticism–the fact that they have been scammed so often.

    This is all a very recent interest of mine, and I DO NOT consider myself a member of the "UFO community." Therefore demanding instant one-on-one proof from me personally isn't going to do anyone any good. I'm like K. in that I have never seen a UFO except for the ones in my craft bins–UFO stands for "Un-FINISHED Object" in quilter/crafter parlance. But I have friends who have seen them, and I don't think one bit less of these people's rationality or sanity because of it. Just like I don't think any less of Dennis Kucinich, who claims he has seen a UFO, nor the former governor of Arizona B. talked about in a previous post.

    Since I'm admittedly not an UFO expert, I don't consider myself under any obligation to provide anyone with proof or even evidence. I don't have the necessary qualifications, and that should really go without saying. What I'm offering here are strictly my own speculations and I have never claimed otherwise.

    My point is that the "official" government sources everyone depends on to verify sightings, etc. now have less credibility than anyone. NOBODY who follows this subject believes them any more because of their track record of lying, stonewalling and disinformation. It is so bad that even a mediocre channeler–hell, even a channeler who is a complete FRAUD, a total con artist!–has more credibility than the CIA, the NSA or even the military in some contexts. They have said in effect, "Who are you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes" to too many reliable eyewitnesses both military and civilian to have any credibility left.

    The PTB are well aware of their lack of credibility , so now they are planning a kind of "limited hang-out," complete with light show. That's my current theory anyway.


  3. Raksha says:

    No problem – I'll copy the press release and send it to you by e-mail. I'm sure you can receive e-mail on your Blackberry!


  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Can't get link with
    Blackberry! Frustrationm
    No internet here.

  5. Raksha says:

    Trish and Rob and everyone,

    Date of possible (and in my never-humble opinion, likely) disclosure: October 13, 2010.

    That's right–less than two weeks from now and right before the midterm election, an "October Surprise" like nobody has ever seen before! Has anyone besides me seen this press release?,1458028.html

    Continued in another comment, because I want to make sure I get the link posted.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good point, musing. I keep meaning to get her book. Have you read it yet?? Funny WV!

    LL – V: I keep waiting for the season announcement!

    Nancy, Gypsy – well, we'll see, right?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Our Gov't: Benevolent Patriarch or Controlling Parent or Manipulative CEO?? Hhhmmmmm.
    To LL: "Being" (in the loop) gives one little choice but to Believe. To KNOW. Experiences color our
    mindset, and there are experiences that open the human mind to the awareness that anything and everything is possible and probable, in one way or another.

  8. musingegret says:

    Given the recent spate of TV appearances by Leslie Kean about her book "UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record", I've thought that government disclosure might be nearer than in recent decades. IMO though, it's still a long time from occurring for many many reasons. Despite the president's campaign pledges there really is not much transparency between the workings of power and the followers/citizenry. Gov't still attempts to play the role of benevolent patriarch (See role in recent BP disaster; access to footage, etc.)

    For some reason the wv makes me chuckle.

    wv: fatingle

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    such a great, well-put, thought-provoking post, macgregors! for many reasons especially on point for me – and for many reasons, there is no doubt in my own mind of the reality of the roswell incident and even others like it – anyway, the event is a show not to miss – and actually, of the time jumps, i liked them – seemed to give the story line a bit more depth to me – but, bottom line is that i will not miss this season! i wasn't familiar with jung's having met with the lindbergs, or if i had been, i'd forgotten it – cj's comment regarding truth being revealed in fiction is also very on point! so, let us watch – and see THE EVENT!

    oh, yes, and what DID happen to V?

    great post!

  10. Nancy says:

    I'll have to tune in. I think we are very close to disclosure. Too many sightings, and the internet is full of people telling their stories. No longer do people feel the need to keep these things quiet.

  11. LL says:

    I don't believe that there are "space aliens" living among us (illegal aliens, oh, yeah!), however I enjoy Sci-Fi and hope this series will be interesting enough to carry on. I don't know if they canceled V or not. It seems to be broadcasted on again/off again.

  12. Anonymous says:

    After posting the previous comment, I streamed "THE EVENT…or at least, I began to stream it. The full first episode.
    For some reason, I simply couldn't stay with it. I got as far as the moments after Sean rescued the "drowning" girl and they were sitting on the beach, but I could go no farther. No reason. Nothing had happened yet except he had pulled the gun on the plane and the air marshal had gotten him. Nothing scary. I simply couldn't focus into it. I may try again later. Interesting WV: "phiciti" PSI city?? cj

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    nicely said, cj!

  14. Anonymous says:

    It has always been said, "TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION". If I may add to that ancient adage, "TRUTH IS OFTEN REVEALED IN FICTION".
    Shadowed, cloaked, costumed, disguised, hidden in plain view, Truth lives on the edges of our lives, merges within our lives, and if we choose to allow it with open minds, we see it and we feel it and we know it. cj

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