Rainbows and Fog

Here’s one related to our recent trip to Andros Island in The Bahamas in which Rob was interviewed for the History Channel’s UFO Hunter program. We flew to Andros with Rob’s co-author of THE FOG, Bruce Gernon and his wife, Lynn. The accompanying photo shows Rob (at right) talking with the UFO Hunter cast on the beach.

We’ll start in 2004 when Bruce Gernon was en route to North Perry Airport near Fort Lauderdale where he was to meet a pilot of a twin-engine plane who would fly him and a crew from the Discovery Channel to Andros Island. It would be the first time in more than 30 years that Bruce would be returning to the site of his mysterious experience in the Bermuda Triangle.

A rain shower had just ended and the sun was out. As Bruce drove south from West Palm Beach, he noticed a rainbow. He moved beyond it, then noticed another one, and after that another. Altogether, he saw five rainbows in his journey of approximately 30 miles. The astonishing thing was that the last rainbow arced right onto the tarmac at North Perry Airport and the rainbow actually ended on top of the aircraft that Bruce and the TV crew would take to Andros.

He was the first one to arrive, and managed to take a photo of the rainbow ending on the plane and later gave the photo to the pilot. At that point, he knew it was going to be a good trip.

Skip ahead five years and we are approaching Andros for the interviews. As we descended through the area a few miles off shore where Bruce’s incident had begun, the aqua water below us seemed to glow and suddenly for nearly a minute it appeared as if the plane was surrounded by a neon haze. Then we reached the shore, moved into clear weather, and landed without incident.

This morning we awoke to a synchronicity. After spending the previous day talking about the Bermuda Triangle, Bruce’s experience, and THE FOG, we looked out the window of the hotel at 7 a.m. to find that we were socked in by what else…fog. Bruce checked the weather and found out that there was also heavy fog at the airport in West Palm Beach at the other end of our return flight. As our driver, a native of Andros, took us to the airport, he mentioned that it was very unusual to see fog here, but he didn’t think it would last.

We waited at the airport until 10 a.m. and finally took off as the fog was retreating and arrived back in West Palm under partly cloudy skies. Once again, we’d survived the Bermuda Triangle!

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