Category Archives: secret gov

Underwater Area 51

We’ve posted several stories about synchronicities involving Rob’s appearance on the History Channel’s UFO Hunters, for an episode involving AUTEC, the Navy’s equivalent of Area 51. The episode that was filmed on Andros Island in the Bahamas in early April … Continue reading

Posted in AUTEC, bermuda triangle, secret gov, UFOs | Tagged , | 6 Comments

Update 2 on AUTEC

Bruce Gernan, co-author of The Fog and our pilot on the trip to Andros, called this afternoon to say he’d read the blog post about the trip and that we might want to update it. “I didn’t want to make … Continue reading

Posted in AUTEC, bermuda triangle, secret gov | 5 Comments

Secret Base Update

In a post called Secret Base (March 24), we mentioned AUTEC. We’ve added a photo we took of it over the weekend. The place definitely exists, everyone on Andros seems to know about it, but when pressed for details, few … Continue reading

Posted in AUTEC, bermuda triangle, secret gov | Tagged | 2 Comments

Rainbows and Fog

Here’s one related to our recent trip to Andros Island in The Bahamas in which Rob was interviewed for the History Channel’s UFO Hunter program. We flew to Andros with Rob’s co-author of THE FOG, Bruce Gernon and his wife, … Continue reading

Posted in AUTEC, bermuda triangle, secret gov | Leave a comment

Secret Base

We were thinking late last week that although we were posting lots of synchronicities here, we hadn’t experienced any for a few days. Well, that changed over the weekend. This one isn’t about numbers, it’s about letters, specifically, A-U-T-E-C. Friday … Continue reading

Posted in AUTEC, bermuda triangle, secret gov | 4 Comments

Bermuda Triangle

Mysterious stories about the Bermuda Triangle abound, and many are speculation about what happened to ships and aircraft that vanished somewhere off the coast of Florida. But here’s one baffling Bermuda Triangle tale that is totally documented. First, probably the … Continue reading

Posted in AUTEC, bermuda triangle, secret gov, travel | Leave a comment