Music synchros




A friend of ours who lives in NYC  sent us a couple of music synchros. The first relates to the death of Whitney Houston on Feb. 11. Her husband is a filmmaker, who creates music videos, among other projects. So possibly the music link came into play.


“Immediately thought of you when I was watching a moment of “Glee” last night.  Whitney Houston died on Saturday, as I’m sure you know.  On “Glee” last night (Tuesday), they had a segment of the show where one of the kids on the show sang her hit, “I Will Always Love You.”  Not a big synchro, but definitely one since she just passed and that show aired last night.  Those episodes are shot and scheduled weeks, sometimes months, in advance, so they would have had no way of knowing that they would air so close together.

I had another music synchro up in Maine this weekend.  On Saturday, my mother, Jennifer, and I were driving down Academy Street in Presque Isle, Maine on the way to the nursing home where my great aunt is now living.  I had put on (I think) “Rhiannon” by Fleetwood Mac and looked up as we were crossing Fleetwood Street.


To take it another level–or I should say, another musical note– that same day, Gypsy had sent a Fleetwood Mac song via Facebook.

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9 Responses to Music synchros

  1. gypsy says:

    love the musical ones too! and while i cannot remember at this moment the particular song, on one of my road trips some time back, i had just found an old cd of vonda shepard’s songs for the hit tv show ally mcbeal – it was several years old and i had not played it in at least 3-4 years or longer – anyway, at the end of the day i pulled it out as i drove and it was playing when i pulled into the motel for the night – got out of my car and went inside to register and the exact same song playing in my car was playing on the motel lobby sound system – [you may remember this story, trish – it was in a note of trip synchros i sent you back then] – need to go back now and see which piece it was – anyway – neat post –

  2. I think that music is great for synchros. I was thinking about – no idea why – an old Elvis song ‘I Was The One’ – it was on the B side of ‘Heartbreak Hotel’ in the UK so, yes, it’s that old! I walked into a shop in town and the song started playing, sort of eerie. Not sure what the message is!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Sometimes, like with fortune’s story about her dad, the meaning is obvious. Other times, not so much. Elvis. Hmm. I was the one…you’re the one, Mike!

  3. fortune500 says:

    Love love love music synchros! I have them all the time, and they are so relevant! Remember a few years ago when I had a Reike healing and during the healing began to weep because my beloved Dad was present with me in Spirit, then when I got in my vehicle to go home and turned on the radio, the old song “Oh, My Papa” was playing and I started to weep again, with joy and amazement? That first line in the song, “Oh, my Papa, to me he was so wonderful, etc”…….music synchro! Seems we are sooooo universallt and personally aligned with music! Great post, guys. Thanks!

  4. Darren B says:

    I’ve just posted on my blog a music sync story;
    so I found it strange that you guys have as well.

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