The Precognitive Chimes

In Synchronicity and the Other Side,  we talked about clocks that stop or batteries that die when a loved one passes. This story about an oak pendulum clock came from Connie – aka fortune 500  and the events ultimately proved to be precognitive.


We have an oak pendulum clock on the living room wall, like a standing grandfather clock with chimes, only a smaller wall type. A couple of years ago, we stopped putting batteries in the back so that it wouldn’t chime. But there are batteries in the timing mechanism and although the pendulum swings and the clock keeps perfect time, it no longer chimes.

On 2-16 I emailed you that our pendulum wall clock was trying to chime, with no batteries in it, and that at exactly 12 noon it chimed loudly and clearly, twice.  It chimed again at exactly 1:00pm, 4 times, loudly and clearly.  As this was happening, I was psychically smelling an unpleasant odor of something being burned or scorched. My son, Kenny, who was also in the house,  couldn’t smell it, and I am only able to smell psychic odors as Parkinson’s has destroyed my olfactory nerves.

After emailing you and learning you were en route to Toronto, I sent no further emails to you but did make notes in my journal, along with numbers I was feeling urged to do.  The number of ‘death” is 20/2. For some unknown reason at the time, my husband’s older brother, Buddy, came into my mind powerfully, and I did his numbers.  BUDDY is 20/2.

I thought about the fact that on Mother’s day twenty or so years ago, we had given my mother-in-law a replica of this clock, it’s exactly like ours, but hers chimes because Buddy kept the batteries fresh in it.

You may or may not remember, but years ago I told you that my mother in law refused to leave after she died, stating emphatically that she wasn’t going until Buddy passed, because she was afraid he would go to sleep smoking and burn the old homestead to the ground.

Mrs C always sat on the far end of an old ragged sofa in the living room there, even after she had passed.  The sofa was at least 60 years old, and last week Danny, my husband’s nephew, bought Buddy a new sofa to replace the old one. I don’t know how Mrs C, in spirit, felt about this change.

I couldn’t get her or Buddy out of my mind the day the clock chimed and the scorched smell inundated me.  This is in my journal for that day, the 16th, and I wrote, “Is Buddy going to transition? If so, why is the scorched/burned odor so strong it almost takes my breath?”

Late this evening, 2-19, Danny phoned. He found Buddy laying on the floor in front of the new sofa, dead, today.  Apparently he had lain down to nap or sleep, had tried to get up, had fallen, and died. The burning/scorched odor might have been Mrs. C reminding me of her post-death remarks that she wasn’t leaving due to her fear of Buddy burning down the house. So she haunted the place.


On the 20th, Connie wrote that she had learned that Buddy’s will stipulated that he wanted to be cremated, another possible explanation for the burned smell.  The coroner’s office also informed the family that the body wouldn’t be fit for a viewing because Buddy had died at approximately noon on the 16th, when the clock first chimed, and his body had remained on the floor until the afternoon of the 19th, when Danny found him.

Another possibility about the scorched stench Connie had smelled is that a a small gas heater and a portable electric heater were both on high for the three days his body lay on the floor.

Connie sent us some photos taken in the house, which is over a century old, and in several there are mysterious, misty images of faces and forms, one a child. The photos were taken with a throwaway camera rather than a digital one. So the photos couldn’t be easily uploaded, and unfortunately, when scanned, the details blur.





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22 Responses to The Precognitive Chimes

  1. fortune500 says:

    A Happy Clock! I love it! I believe there is more to clocks than keeping up with what we perceive as time. Generally speaking, the normal heart rate of a human at rest is 60 beats per minute; the seconds in a minute, of course, are 60. During the years when I integrated medical hypnosis in my work, I used a metronome, (a musical instrument designed to set and measure timing), and would align it with my patient’s heartbeat. It always helped the patient achieve a much deeper state of hypnosis. When patients were nervous or upset and had faster than normal heart rates, especially children, I would set the metronome at 60 beats per minute, ask the patient to close his or her eyes and simply focus on the ticking of the metronome, and invariably the patient’s heart rate would soon be beating in alignment with the metronome and relaxation could be achieved. Young animals, and human babies, react in a positive manner to a metronome set at 6obpm, and to the ticking of a clock. It lulls them to sleep, much as a mother’s heartbeat often does. There seems to be some kind of “comfort” connected to the sound of a gently ticking clock. I forgot to add that when I went into Buddy’s house, I noticed their clock on the wall that we gave her and which Buddy always kept running, wasn’t ticking. It was quiet and still; the pendulum wasn’t swinging. I was too nauseated and impacted by the energy in the house to pay attention in those moments to what time the clock had stopped, only that it wasn’t working. The family asked us if we want to bring that clock home since we gave it to her. I’ve pleaded with my hubby to NOT bring it here when he goes back up there to assist in cleaning out the house. I don’t want that particular clock here. But, I also asked him to make a note of the time it stopped and write it down for me. I’ll be interested in seeing where its hands are sitting. Hubby won’t tamper with it. He’s fearful of things that go BUMP! in the night, and he won’t touch it, so wherever he tells me the hands are, will be correct. Don’t we all wonder about the ORIGIN of clocks, and about who, exactly, set the measurements for the passage of Time????

  2. Nicole says:

    Very interesting post. It really is fascinating to wonder on what happens to us all once we pass. I don’t understand the number sequence per say, but it is interesting as well. I have smelled things from time to time like strong cigarette smoke when there is no one around here in our own home, nor my neighbors who smoke – out of the blue with all the windows shut and at odd times usually very late at night. Or the sudden smell of a strong floral or clean almost soap like scent. So I believe in the ability to do this or sense strong smells from previous occurrences. As for the clock it is very strange and yet I believe. My Mother inherited an old, beautifully painted, mantle clock with a pendulum from my Great Aunt who passed. My Mother had admired it since she was a child and at that time it belonged to a Great Grandmother of hers. Finally so many years later it made its to my Mother, unfortunately by this point it no longer worked . My Mom stressed over how to fix the clock but before she could take the clock to be worked on she had a dream showing how to fix it and where to place it in her house. She attempted to fix the clock resulting in it keeping time only, but not accurately. She left it on the fireplace mantel. Not where the dream showed. Again she had a dream of it in a different location. The next morning she placed it there. The clock sat all day in a sun filled bedroom on top of a table which has pictures of my relatives who have passed in crystal frames. She went about her business when suddenly it began to chime. It spooked her and upon inspection of the clock she noticed that it was now keeping time properly and the chimes haven’t stopped to this day. She thinks the clock is happy. My brother and I think the clock is a tad creepy! Thanks for the story CJ and MacGregors.

  3. fortune500 says:

    Thank you, Melissa! I will do that! The title of my book is THE DEATH FACTOR, and hopefully it will be in print while I’m still here! The subject matter sounds dull and dry,but for me it’s fascinating because there’s “new” stuff in it that isn’t in any of the hundreds of such texts already on store shelves, and maybe a few readers will also find it to be interesting…..I hope!!

  4. fortune500 says:

    Melissa, answering your question about the number of ‘death’…..I’ve had an avocation in the field of applied mathematics all of my adult life. A portion of my secondary education is there. Eventually that interest and education led me into esoteric areas of mathematics, and I’ve penned a non-fiction text, not yet published, involving the ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Egyptian, and English alpha-numeric linguistic systems and their relative applications. The research inevitably led to an inclusion of numerology, which is included but certainly is far from being the Whole of the subject matter. In converting the word DEATH, (in English), to its numerical value, it becomes 20, which reduces to the root number 2. Numbers represent universal frequencies, and each frequency carries certain very specific interpretations and influences, just as does astrology, and these are valid sciences, not silly stuff. Here’s the breakdown for you of the word Death:
    D=4, E=5, A-1, T=2, H=8. 4+5+1+2+8= 20, which breaks down to the root frequency of 2. Hope this explanation helps! cj

    • Melissa says:

      Connie, yes, that helps clarify, thanks so much. I had a feeling numerology of sorts came into play here, but I just wasn’t sure. I am fascinated by this story and please let us know when your work is published.

  5. Melissa says:

    Very interesting story, but could you perhaps explain what she means by the number of “death” is 20/2?

  6. fortune500 says:

    Thank you Lauren, and everyone.. What an experience this has been, and continues to be. There is just so much we don’t know about everything that can happen when these bodies are done and we release them. Even as a born medium, I have a lifetime of questions; more than there have been answers. So, I’ve come to the conclusion that death is simply an on-going adventure and we’ll have some answers when we get back over there…whever ‘over there’ may be.

    One thing, though….odors are a very common manner in which spirits announce their presence. I once had a grandmother come to visit a client, and my session room was filled with the delicious fragrance of fresh-baked gingerbread. That turned out to be Grandmother identifying herself in a way that couldn’t be misinterpreted! I just LOVE those connections!

  7. lauren raine says:

    What a fascinating story…………thank you to CJ for sharing it. How sad to think that spirits hang around like that. I’m not a medium at all, but I confess I have many times felt the presence of spirits. Thanks for sharing about the bad smell as well – I’ve had two sinus surgeries and can’t smell a thing, and yet sometimes I do receive odors, and sense that they are non-physical manifestations of some kind.

    Re the clock – amazing. May they be in peace and fellowship now.

  8. fortune500 says:

    Cousin Gyps, yet another parallel between us! I never, ever wear a watch since retiring from medical practice and then wore one around my neck only because it was an essential tool. If you’ll email me your snailmail address, I’ll snailmail you copies of the pics because I have no scanner. I had several copies made of all of them, so you can keep what I send you. I also took several photos in my Egyptian sanctuary that I think you will enjoy, and there were definitely spirit images in those as well! Will send you my new email address, as the old one is defunct!

  9. gypsy says:

    a really interesting story for sure – and hopefully all now can find their way to the light and to peace – just wondering if you’re going to post the photos even though they may be a bit blurred – i would love to see them – about clocks and time – i haven’t owned a clock in years and years – or a watch – and cannot abide being around them – the digital ones that are embedded in every electronic item made i cover with electrical tape so that i don’t have to see them – anyway, what a powerful story, cj! many facets to this one!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I could try posting them, but once they’re scanned, they just don’t come out that well.
      No watches or digitial devices with time on them for Gypsy! I love it.

  10. fortune500 says:

    P.S. Mike, I thought about the “new sofa”, too. Mrs. C was attached to the old one. Buddy never, ever sat on it. He had his old special chair. Curiously, he evidently laid down on that new sofa less than a week after it was in the house, and died right in front of it, between the sofa and the coffee table. Really, really eerie and honestly odd. And, THEIR chiming clock is on the wall directly over that sofa. It’s just so much high-weirdness. I’ve been in an off-centered space since we got back.

  11. fortune500 says:

    I hope they find peace, too. Mike, quick correction: Mrs. C was his mother, not his wife, but he lived at home virtually throughour his life, leaving the mountain a few times, got married, had some children, divorced and went back to the mountain. Went into the AF and was in Korea, then went back to the mountain house.

    At Mrs. C’s burial in 1997, there was a “scene” similar to the one in the movie GHOST, where all the blurry images of loved ones come to get Patrick Swayze. However, when they came for her, she refused to go with them into the Light. It was then that she remarked, very clearly, for them to go on back…she wasn’t going with them….Buddy might fall asleep and burn the house down so she was going to stay with him. (She was the last of her ‘line’ to die, so there were very many spirits who came to greet her and to help her cross over, but she said NO.)

    So, stay with Buddy she indeed did. She could be seen and felt sitting on her end of that old sofa. Also, once, she pushed me backwards down over a terraced rock garden in the front yard. Why was she mad? I haven’t a clue. Maybe because I was attempting to snap a photo of the family and she didn’t want it taken. That was in 1998, and I was pretty wounded by the fall.

    My hope is that now she and Buddy and those children, whoever they may be, will move into The Light. Buddy also had two deceased daughters who died when they were only toddlers, so it’s a toss-up whether the images of the children are his, or whether they are George and Lucy, his brother and sister who died at age 2 and 3.

    In any event, I am choosing to never go there again. Hauntings are part of my job, but not when illness has been so prevalent. Danny is planning to eventually demolish and bury the house. The property is enormous that they own, and he has earth-moving equipment. Even though the house will ultimately be demolished and buried, if the spooks remain, the “space” will continue to haunted by them. No, Trish and Rob, no purchase there for me, either! I dread Ted going back up there but he has no choice in the matter.

  12. Nancy says:

    Fascinating story. I hope he finds peace, as do all the other family members “hanging” around.

  13. I guess clocks tie in nicely with the passing of time or a life. That’s quite a story and it’s good to know that his wife was waiting for him. Interesting about the change of sofa, seems to fit symbolically with the ending of his life.

  14. fortune500 says:

    Thank you, Guys, for posting this too-true story. There is a post-script. Buddy’s services and the burial of his ashes were on Thursday, 2-23. (His birthday) On Friday morning, 2-24, several of us went to the house to clear out the refrigerator, etc, and turn everything off. I went inside only long enough to snap a few photos with the CVS-pharmacy disposable camera. I didn’t like the “feelings” in the house; the energies were simply awful, and I snapped the pics and then immediately went back into the yard, a long ways away from the structure, and sat in our vehicle waiting for my husband. (Just as an aside, the house sits on the side of a mountain in N.GA and there are no near neighbors.)

    Anyway, with the exception of my husband and me, EVERYONE who spent time in that house after Buddy died has become very, very ill and all have had to go to their doctors. This may be coincidental, but I don’t believe it is coincidental at all because none of the dozens of other folks who attended his memorial at the funeral home (but who didn’t go to the house) have become ill. (I’ve contacted as many as I can reach.) All of the family who went to the house, except, again, hubby and me (and we were “protected” by my having invoked powerful spiritual protection), have severe respiratory influenza-type symptoms, are terribly sick, but test negative for influenza and are all being administered oral antibiotics for bronchitis, etc. What is provocative about this is that Mrs. C had two children prior to the births of my husband and his four siblings. Her first two children, George and Lucy, both died from influenza during the flu epidemic decades ago. One was two years old, and one was three years old.

    In the photos I sent T and R, there is a distinct image of a small child reflected in an old mirror on a credenza in the LR. It’s impossible to know if the child is male or female because back then, boy and girl toddlers were dressed similarly and wore similar haircuts. In the ghostly photo, the child has blunt-cut straight hair down to just below ear level, full sleeves on its garment, and his/her hand is in his/her mouth. The child’s eyes are extremely clear, as are its face and bib-type garment. He/she is looking directly at me although I was standing to one side when I snapped the pic. I do want to add that I intentionally used a disposable camera, one that had no changeable lens or light meters, etc, and couldn’t be photo shopped. There are multiple orbs in the pics of Buddy’s bedroom as well as another image of a little boy in overalls on a different wall in the LR, and a full-sized solid-white very clear image of “something” on the wall behind where Buddy always sat in his chair.

    Unfortunately my husband has to make another trip up to the mountains the last week this month to assist with clearing out everything in the house, all the furniture, everything, much of which is more than a century old. (House is 120 years old and his mother died at age 100). I will NOT be going, and have asked my husband to PLEASE not bring anything back here from there. He and his siblings are going to claim anything they want, but I’ve explained to him about the negative energies and he’s agreed to not bring anything here. I want to add that Danny became very ill shortly after he found Buddy’s body and after he had to spend hours in the house with the paramedics and coroner; he was wearing a mask given to him by the paramedics but was there alone with Buddy for a while before they arrived from the nearest town, so he almost immediately absorbed whatever energy has “attacked” all of them.

    I know this is a lengthy comment but think the entire set of circumstances is of great interest. Mrs. C has haunted her home since she passed in 1997, and most certainly there are other spooks hanging around in there, too. I’m hoping now that Buddy has gone she’ll move on to where she needs to be, but I sense that won’t happen, and that both of them will remain in that homestead they loved so much. The deceased children are probably there as well. The energies, by the way, did not feel “evil” or “dark” to me. They felt “sick”, and that’s why I rushed back outside and didn’t go back in, and my senses were correct, considering that everyone has become so ill except the two of us. Mrs. C passed from congestive heart failure. Buddy’s cause of death was complications of emphysema and CHF. Both of them died in the house. A final comment: when our clock chimed here on the 16th, I asked Kenny to take it down just to make sure there are no batteries in it that we may have forgotten were there. The battery compartment for the chimes IS empty, and has been empty for a long time. The clock hasn’t chimed since the 16th.

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