The Ouija Board and Synchronicity

The Ouija board. Maligned by some, considered to be an instrument of the devil by others, this simple board with letters and numbers on it is seems to be as positive or negative as the users’ beliefs about it.

Jane Roberts and her husband, Robert Butts, first became acquainted with Seth through a Ouija board. After the third session or so, Jane began hear the answers in her head before the words were spelled out. Esther and Jerry Hicks also started this way. However it works, the collective psyches and beliefs of the individuals whose hands are on the heart-shaped planchette apparently influence what happens. Other factors involved in the results may be the energies in your own environment, the emotions swirling around the questions that you ask, and the general state of your own physical and mental health. That said, here’s an experience that’s harrowing.

It’s from Jenean, who comments  as gypsywoman, and whose synchros we’ve posted a number of times. It began some years ago, with the death of Jenean’s brother, who died under mysterious circumstances.

“While I was still in Louisiana, my brother, with whom I was very close, died in Arkansas under very suspicious circumstances. His death was sudden, unexpected, he was just 46, three years younger than me. I left within a few hours of hearing the news and headed to Arkansas.”

There was a lot of trauma surrounding his death, many unanswered questions, enormous emotional  upheaval for her brother’s family and for Jenean and her family. 

“After I got home, a close friend and I decided to ask my Ouija board about his death. We were sitting on my bed with the Ouija between us. We had turned off the lights and had six or seven large red pillar candles burning in the room. In any event, we began with more mundane questions, and then began to ask about the recent death of my brother. I don’t recall the specific question we asked, but the pointer began moving rapidly, all over the board. And then each and every one of the pillar candles exploded.

“I don’t mean that they just burned out. They exploded, spewing hot red liquid wax onto the furniture, the walls, carpeting, everywhere. The carpeting was so ruined it had to be replaced. And that ended our little Ouija session for the evening.”
Tomorrow, Jenean moves back to her home state of Louisiana. Bon voyage, Gypsy!

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15 Responses to The Ouija Board and Synchronicity

  1. Anonymous says:

    Very possible that the illness was the factor, Rob, because in life, my Mom was a musical genius, as I've mentioned before, a classical pianist/violinist, and she had that introverted, isolationist, silent temperament of the classical musician. I never heard her raise her voice in my entire life, and she was generally a silent person, deeply in thoughts within her own brilliant mind. But when my sister or I was sick, she came out of that shell and was a phenomenal healing presence. So yes, I think the illness was the catalyst that brought her. cj

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nice story, cj. She didn't need a ouija board. Direct contact. I wonder if your illness was a factor that made you more accessible for her enter, and to heal. R

  3. Anonymous says:

    Since I spoke about negative communication from Sprit, I would like to share something beautiful and positive from Spirit. Balance the scale, so to speak. Not long after we moved here to FL from GA, and about eighteen months after my Mom had died, I developed pneumonia. Was very ill. Had very high fever. I was laying on the bed, and my husband was sitting on the side of the bed. I was miserable, and slightly weeping, and I said, "I want Mama!" In less than a few seconds, there was a loud crack like a .45 being shot over us in the air, and suddenly I felt my Mother's essence literally enter into me through the crown of my head and begin to wash over me in great waves of the most endearing love I'd ever known. It washed in waves from my head to my feet; covered me completely. My husband and I both smelled my Mom's perfume, Chanel #5 which I had never owned and she had never been physically in our new FL home. But the sensation she brought cannot be described. Her essence poured itself into virtually every cell of my body, and as she moved through me, the fever instantly dropped, seeming to go out through the soles of my feet, and the coughing stopped; the lung congestion simply evaporated. i know this is almost impossible to believe, but it did indeed happen. There are no words that can adequately define what it feels like to have a loving entity's energy-essence flowing through your body. There isn't anything else that can touch that feeling of love. "Mama" came when called, and her presence healed. It was exquisite. cj

  4. Anonymous says:

    While I completely concur that the Board has zero power in and of itself…(it is simply a piece of wood)…. nor does any tool of divination, I disagree vehemently about receiving what one expects, and about fear being the motivator when negative results occur. When I used the board, I fully expected and desired and prayed for communication with one or both of my beloved parents, and had no fears whatsoever on any level of my being, nor did my son. We were hopeful and expectant, in joyful frames of mind, happy, thinking that Dad or Mom would speak with us through the Board. Unfortunately, that isn't what happened. "Water seeks its own level" doesn't always apply when a person is interacting with unseen forces. That are many many functions in operation in the invisible dimensions that we do not comprehend with our limited knowledge. I DO have the conviction that entities can draw upon and use excessive physical energies that may be available to them as a means of manifesting. In our situation, the entity turned out to be a malefic mischievous older child, accompanied by a dog, who had huge energies and tremendous anger. He saw the Board, and the excessive energies my ADHD son had, as an opportunity to "play" in the material world, and play he did. The child was not evil. He wanted attention, and he got it. One of my long-term Teachers was a German Hexemeister who was a descendant of Anton Mesmer, and this Teacher sent the destructive child on his way, but not until the kid had wreaked ubholy havoc, like a miscreant embodied teenager will do when it is mad and upset. I learned a lot from the experience, so it wasn't for naught. But the techniques we are taught to use for protection are only a portion of what is needed, and it takes decades to learn to effectively use the techniques that never fail. Neither my son nor I had any negative or fearful thoughts or feelings when we used the board. On the contrary, as stated, we were excited and hopeful for communication with beloved parents.
    I've subsequently had such loving communications, but not through a Ouija. cj

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Fear is a great tool for manipulation and controlling minds. It's very effective in U.S. politics.
    wv: amigin = imagine

  6. Anonymous says:

    I have to agree with Rob on this one,the board has no power,it only has what you give to it.
    The evilness of the board is only the perception of the user…not to say that you can't attract bad experiences while using it…I'm sure you can.
    It's a bit like LSD I guess…some people can have the most beautiful God like trips and some can have the worst nightmarish experiences of their life,but that doesn't mean LSD is either good or evil,it's what's inside you and what you bring to that experience;fear and panic or love and peace,that will determine whether you have a good or a bad trip.
    It's like taking a ride on a Ghost Train,if you go in a state of fear,you are probably in for one scary ride when you let your mind take over.
    So,the secret ingredient for the bad trip,experience…or bad government for that matter is FEAR.
    Your fear is a huge power-source for a lot of bad experiences to feed off.
    Remember it's how you think…fear creates Zombies…that's why they're always chasing after brains .-)

    Peace / Daz

  7. Natalie says:

    I personally steer well away from such things, but I am curious as to why the protection was ineffectual?
    Connie, what is the best thing to do if invoking the Light does not work?
    Did you invoke under the rule of three?

    Scary stuff peeps.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It's really all about consciousness, not the board itself. Teens who play with the Ouija typically are looking for something scary to happen. They go in a closet with a flashlight or candles and attract lower entities, who curse or give stupid nonsensical information.

    But the board itself doesn't hold any power. I've got a Ouija mouse pad and it has never done anything but allow my mouse to move more smoothly. But not on its own!

    I feel the same way about tarot cards. They're just cards. In fact, you can use regular playing cards for readings, if you know the system. It's consciousness, not the physical medium. – R

  9. Nancy says:

    I have to agree with many of the comments made here. The Ouija board is not a tool to play around with – especially teenagers who are going through changes in body and psyche. The are very open to suggestion, and I think it does attract lower vibration entities.

  10. Raksha says:

    I never had anything spectacularly disruptive (like CJ's story) happen with the use of a Ouija board, but that's because I only used it once or twice when I was in my late teens. It couldn't have been more than twice. I'm pretty sure we never burned any red candles on either occasion. The last time, my friend Carol and I were in somebody's van near the Santa Monica pier late at night. It wasn't my Ouija board (I don't believe it was Carol's either) so I didn't have a problem with disposing of it. The experience gave me kind of an unwholesome feeling that persisted for several hours afterward, and that's the main thing that has stayed with me. I didn't like the feeling it gave me, so I never tried it again.

    Also, the entities we contacted through the Ouija board didn't seem all that intelligent and didn't tell us anything useful or illuminating. I remember one saying it was "bored and tired." Someone told me afterward that it's only (or mainly) lower astral entities that can be contacted through the Ouija board. I believe it, but mainly because of the creepy feeling it gave me–like the psychic equivalent of a bad aftertaste.


  11. Anonymous says:

    My Board was burned ritualistically in a high, sacred ceremony.Then the ashes were taken to a specific place and, again, in a high sacred ritual, were released into the ether where they dissipated into the ether. Won't be more specific, but the fire and wind worked their magick. Never had another problem with or without the Board. If I may humbly suggest: it is unwise to use such a tool with children, or to allow them to use such a tool. The Ouija DOES work, and it isn't from the power of suggestion or the subconscious minds of the users. As T & R said so succinctly, the Trickster lives in that world, and I might add it seems to be the lower astral dimensions. cj

  12. Vicki D. says:

    Whew what a story, you must have been so frightened.
    My first reaction to the story was "uh oh red candles?"
    As cj commented I also use white or yellow candles.

    Trickster is def. In a Ouija board but it can also be a portal for negative and angry spirits. I always worn people to be careful.

    I used them a lot when I was young but then we also had candles being blown out, the board "swearing " at us and once the planchette flew up at our faces.

    One last thing, I cannot remember who first told me, but I was told to never burn a ouija board. Seal it up and dispose in garbage.

  13. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I don't feel happy using the ouija board after one bad experience whan 'nasty' things happened and obscene words. No matter what precautions – or self protection as above comment – I feel we are opening ourselves up to possible contact with virtually any entity. Sure it could be good but there again …

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The trickster lives in the Ouija world.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Gypsy, I know exactly how you felt! And, I personally would never, ever use RED candles when approaching Spirit contact. (Just a suggestion. I use white or purple or gold, unless I'm doing a ritual that calls for a certain color such as green or blue for healing, rosypink for love, etc.) Decades ago when my son was 13, I had a Board. He wanted to use it with me, so one night we had it in the master bedroom on a small table between us. This story, BTW, is completely true, every aspect of it. I had done prayerwork and invoked the Light, and it was this experience that taught me we don't know everything there is to know yet about self-protection! As we were sitting there, there was suddenly the sound of a tinkling glass over my son's head, in the air, and then we both heard the sound, in the room but seeming from a distance,of a dog barking.The dog bark seemed to be in the middle of the king-sized bed. Both of us looked, and a tiny wet spot appeared in the center of the quilt. As we watched in horror, the wet spot spread and spread, giving off the distinct odor of urine. It stopped when it was about two feet in diameter. Goes without saying, I burned the quilt, and burned the Board, but didn't burn the Board until that episode was followed by several days of terrifying events.
    That series of related incidents represents the only negative experiences I've had in my many years of Spirit contact, and they left me with the awareness that we must use caution and learn to recognize the energies of higher and lower vibrations! I leave Ouija use to others! Do you still use a Board, Gyps? I know Ruth Montgomery began with one and then switched to her typewriter. I write prolifically in a deeply altered state of consciousness, either with a pen or even on the computer. Different strokes for different folks, no pun intended! cj

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