The Alien Ambassador

At the end of September, there was an odd news blip about how the U.N. had appointed an alien ambassador, who would be the first point of contact with ETs. Well, the trickster sure had a field day with this one. 
First, there was the synchronicity of the ambassador’s name: Mazlan Othman. Sounds a bit like mothman, doesn’t it? (The book by John Keel about mothman sightings in West Virginia decades ago that may have been ET-related ). Then, according to, Othman, a Malaysian astrophysicist, “has no clue about her unprecedented promotion.” However, Othman does head up the U.N.’s Office for Outer Space Affairs in Vienna. 
The news blip triggered interest from bookies, who are placing bets on the odds of disclosure. William Hill, one of the world’s largest gambling companies, “is offering odds of 100/1 on either the US President or the serving British Prime Minister to announce the existence of intelligent extra-terrestrials within a year of the bet being placed. Odds of 1/2 are on the USA making first contact followed by Russia (10/1), China (14/1), UK, France and India (all at 16/1).”
Anyone placing bets?
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27 Responses to The Alien Ambassador

  1. Anonymous says:

    Who determines what is a hoax and what is not a hoax? Stranger things have happened than the saga of The MothMan. I leave options open for high weirdness, because it occurs and often has no logical, reasonable, scientific explanation. Granted, many incidents of high weirdness are originated by humans. Contrarily, many are not. Being open-minded without being gullible is a good rule of thumb, at least for me. cj

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Yeah, we know. I think that's somewhere in these comments.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The "M. Othman" story was a hoax.

  4. Anonymous says:

    There is another blog on the internet, owned by a person (?????) who refuses to allow comments after his rants and raves about the coming end of the world. Tonight he tackled the subject of Synchronicity and called it "terrifying in its implications, if people just understood it in its totality", or some garbage to that effect. Since he obviously reads this blog, he knows who he is….a god in his own eyes who knows everything there is to know about the nature of everything. Get a grip, bud. You aren't fooling anybody except a few naive folks who seem to think you are a prophet of some kind whose words are gospel. Rubbish. And just for the record, this is NOT a "New Age" blog, nor are the people who follow this blog "New Age" ignorant idiots. I dare say we have a much tighter and higher focus on what is real and what is not than the detritus you spew on your blog. So, why do I sometimes drift over and read it? Because it reminds me to be diligently aware of the darkness that hides in shadows, and to always find the sunshine and light. That sunshine and light are here. You should take some lessons from souls who are quite obviously more in touch with reality than you are. Sorry Trish and Rob. A(not so subtle) attack against this blog and its visitors is a vitreolic and vile, unacceptable piece of absurd "function of intelligence" (his words for himself) lacking in any semblance of true humanity. I expect he'll go for the jugular now. Have at it. While you are doing your thing, purchase a copy of the book, THE UNQUIET DEAD by Dr. Edith Fiore and see if it sounds familiar to you. Proudly, cj

  5. Anonymous says:

    A little more on Bill Cooper…

    The above clip shows why they probably went after him…interesting.


  6. Anonymous says:

    William Cooper author of " Behold a Pale Horse "
    A very brave man murdered by two cops on his own property 2001.

    I don't agree with everything he said,but I do agree with him on many points and he was a brave soul.Check him out on You Tube.


  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    flippi?!!! Now I'm on the floor laughing.

  8. musingegret says:

    Thank you all for your thoughtful comments. Looks like I better read "Shock Doctrine." CJ, you've given much to muse over and Linda is sending me over to "The Secret Sun" which I haven't perused in a while. Daz, I still haven't seen "W" but I appreciate the recommendation. Thanks all; I love this community!

    wv: flippi
    (I'm giggling now)

  9. Anonymous says:

    Musing, sorry to be a day late in responding to your comments. My computer malfunctioned off and on all day yesterday. Personally, I don't think the tardiness of disclosure is being caused by humans, generally speaking. I tend to have the conviction that TPTB are being guided by the very real war that is on-going between groups of entities who are invisible to most humans most of the time, but certainly not always. I've come to have a pretty solid conviction, (and I will go kicking and screaming into the strait-jacket for this!) that there are three groups of entities around and on this planet, many dwelling among us, that are not our species. I further am convinced that each of the three groups incorporates other lesser groups. 1) entities who intend harm to us as their agenda. 2) entities who have intentions towards our best and highest good as their agenda. 3) entities who have an agenda that is of benefit to themselves, who do us no intentional harm but if they harm us in carrying out their own agenda, so be it. I refer to the third group of entities as "neutrals". Experiences of a lifetime, and I'm pushing seven decades, (woe is me!), have brought me to these convictions.
    If group #1 is overtly revealed, we can fight back once we know the enemy. For this reason, I think disclosure of their presence will be a long time coming and their insidious acts will remain clandestine. Their covert but too real contacts with humans will continue to result in those humans being ridiculed and deemed insane, and, as in the case of several authoritative voices who have revealed them, will continue to mysteriously be taken out. Well, here we go, Trish, with yet another dark trickster WV:
    "warcten". Now THERE'S synchronicty for you…again! cj

  10. Anonymous says:

    Yep, Trish, I see the WVs on here. Trickster getting ready for Halloween, maybe. On a different subject, this site is observed, as we well know and as has been proven by sitemeter. Provocative, isn't it. Oh for gosh sakes, talk about trickster WV. look at this:
    "aperil". SOB. Pardon my language, but I'm stunned that 1) it actually spelled a phrase, and 2) look at the phrase: a peril.
    Whoa! I'm laughing, but not. cj

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz. you put William Cooper, the pilot who saw the UFOs – that William Cooper? – alongside Ghandi, JFK, RFK, MLK? LOL

  12. Anonymous says:

    Yes,I agree Trish
    "The Shock Doctrine" should be required reading all over this planet if you want to understand what's going on.It's probably the most important book of this decade.

    BTW check out Oliver Stone's movie
    " W " (yes I know it's about a clown) he spells out the Military/Industrial Complex's plan for the next 40 years or more for the Middle East with the Cheney characters power point presentation while Bush is daydreaming,now that's one gutsy mainstream film maker.

    P.S. I put Ron Paul in that list for his attack on the banks,that is one very brave (or stupid) thing to do if you're in his position and for that alone I admire him.
    …and Linda,blow the dust off your copy of 'The Shock Doctrine" and get reading…and remember that there are higher powers than the crooks in that book…no matter how grim it seems a times.
    Isn't that what synchronicity tells you on a spiritual level ?

    Cheers / Daz

  13. Raksha says:

    Some miscellaneous observations on this comment thread:

    Daz: I agree with you that truth-seeking can be a dangerous thing, as the examples of JFK, RFK and the other great ones you mentioned prove only too well. There are others, not quite so well known, who in recent years have met with unfortunate but extremely well-timed "accidents" or committed improbable "suicide" when they had no previously-known suicidal tendencies. It's enough to scare anyone.

    For us lesser folk who have never had a Top Secret security clearance and aren't in a position to become whistle-blowers, the worst thing we have to fear is ridicule. Lately I've become really annoyed–not so much at the aggressive debunker types, who seem to be everywhere and are always ready to accuse anyone who takes UFOs and psychic phenomena seriously of irrationality–but at my own tendency to be intimidated and silenced by them. It has gotten easier in recent months, and it could very well be my participation in this blog and a number of related ones that has made me a little braver and more outspoken than I used to be.

    One that has really helped me this way is Chris Knowles' blog "The Secret Sun," which I only discovered a few days ago. As an early-vintage Baby Boomer I'm no longer in touch with pop culture–not the pop culture of this decade anyway! My idea of "counterculture" is stuck in a Sixties time warp and centers around people like Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen and J.R.R. Tolkien. At the same time, I'm a devout Jungian (or maybe I should say neo-Jungian) and so I appreciate Chris Knowles' Jungian focus. It's the common denominator, the link between my generation's culture and his and helps me put new information into a familiar perspective.

    It just occurred to me that I should really be posting this on Chris' blog rather than this one, so that's what I'm going to do.

    Re "The Shock Doctrine": I've had that book for months but haven't so much as looked at it. I think I'm a little afraid to–from what I've heard, it's more frightening than any alien abduction story.

    Trish: I agree with you about Ron Paul and his screwball son. Any so-called "libertarian" who isn't pro-choice is nothing but a Dominionist in secular drag, like that arch-fiend Gary North who is a regular on the Lew Rockwell site. I'm a Dennis Kucinich fan also and have been for quite a while. I wish I had voted for him in the 2008 Democratic primary, instead of that phony John Edwards, who ended up making such a conspicuous ass of himself not long afterwards.


  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz, love that you read Naomi Klein. Her Shock Doctrine should be required reading everywhere, in every school. It's brilliant. Ron Paul and his silly son, don't so much for me. Ron is a libertarian who opposes abortion. Sorry, he loses my vote there. As a guy, he isn't the one giving birth to a child born of incest. Rand? NO, thanks. He's a fruitcake.

    Vidal, Kubrick, who can argue with you about them? Not me.

    For my list, there's Kucinich, the only politician I know of who has ever proposed a Department of Peace. There are others, some on your list, some missing from your list, but it's late and I'm tired!
    – Trish

  15. Anonymous says:

    Musing my friend,you are starting to ask the right questions,but no it is not a generational thing,some people seek truth and some people seek power and most people are just too scared to do anything that could piss these elitists off and who could blame them when you see what happens to great people like Gandhi,JFK,Robert Kennedy,JFK Jr.,John Lennon,Martin Luther King,William Cooper…and many,many other brave souls…but,there are still some very brave people trying to point the way and risking "the lone nut's " bullet or a suspicious accident.
    Some truth-seekers I admire greatly and that have tremendous courage are;
    Oliver Stone,Jordon Maxwell,Naomi Klein,John Pillger,Webster Griffin Tarpley,Gore Vidal,Stanley Kubrick (R.I.P),Ron Paul…and the list goes on..but,start with their works
    and even if it is only to try and prove them wrong (that's all I ask) you will learn much and the path will broaden out if you walk it with "eyes wide open".
    As for Mainstream media,see who owns them and you'll start to understand why a lot of the truth gets buried.

    Cheers / Daz

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    CJ do you notice how the word verifications on some of these posts are dark tricksters?

  17. Anonymous says:

    Many of us are fearful of openly sharing experiences due to exactly what was noted: vilification and also derision and debunking. There are also incidents of quite intense, fearful encounters that tend to create silence among experiencers, and extremely unpleasant repercussions have occurred on certain occasions. So we speak with great caution and generally don't divulge much. It is challenging. Look at this WV:
    "merryopo". cj

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Your idea makes sense, Nancy, that it's the boomers and younger who want it, and the old guard that doesn't. By the way, The 3rd episode of the event was on last night. It's really a terrific show. Just that first episode was confusing.& yes, in the show, the ETs are here and they look a lot like us!

    wv: sophar
    so far!

  19. Nancy says:

    Musing – Maybe it's the boomers who want to disseminate the info and the hold outs from the last generation, still in power, who do not. Old habits die hard.

    Thanks for the tip on the interview.

  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Musing – missed that interview, will check it out. You may be onto something with this generational thing! I like that closed box to open box analogy.

  21. musingegret says:

    Seeking opinions: Do readers of this blog think there may be a generational struggle going on in the top echelons of gov't, military, thinktanks, etc that is slowing the disclosure process?

    Are boomers in high places resisting information sharing?

    Is the conflict between belief systems? (i.e. those that may be more conventionally religious-based vs science-oriented?)

    There have been so many first-person, shared stories here over the past 18 months that have covered the gamut of UFO sightings, spirit contacts and synchronicities of all types that I conclude that unofficial information may hold more sway than 'official info.'

    Mainstream media seems to mock the info emerging from blogs and networks dedicated to capturing individuals willing to share their experiences.

    Is it because there are folks willing to 'cash in' on their 15 minutes?

    How does a society move from 'closed box' to 'open box' info transfer?

    Did anyone listen to Fresh Air's/Terry Gross's interview with Jon Stewart yesterday?

    "But what has changed is the media's sense of their ability to be responsible arbiters. I think they feel fearful. I think there's this whole idea now that there's a liberal media conspiracy, and I think they feel if they express any authority or judgment, which is what I imagine is editorial control, they will be vilified."

    Thank you, CJ, Gypsy, Daz and everybody who candidly shares their experiences here.

    wv: bilishar (?)
    2nd wv: choryo (forgot to type the first one)

  22. Anonymous says:

    There appears to be an unusual number of highly credible, retired military officers and/or astronauts who had Above-Top-Secret classifications currently stepping into the Alien-focused media. One would think the gov't would put a stop to this unless they are behind it and have an agenda? "Let's feed it to the masses in small but legitimate doses and then we might avoid panic." Yeah, well, be on an AFB in the midst of a few military personnel in fatigues with heavy-duty weapons and a handful of Grays wandering around on the tarmac, several military helicopters and some strange crafts hovering overhead, then deny "they" are here or say "don't panic". As Gump says, "And that's all I have to say about that". Holy moses, look at this WV: "scramo". Geez. cj

  23. Nancy says:

    They are everywhere. I have a bird's eye view of the valley and have been watching, especially after seeing one hover over Carpeteria with my daughter in the car – this was several years ago. But so far nothing. It would be a massive paradigm shift if the world's governments came clean about UFOs. I would love to know what they know.

  24. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Mike – thanks for the tip about the Chinese airport. Hadn't heard about it. Here's a link to the story:

  25. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I see there's another story today about a Chinese airport being closed again because of a UFO.

    As cj indicates above life doesn't have to be as we know it.

    I just hope aliens are fully aware of who they must contact!

    wv: ingsend

  26. Anonymous says:

    If the rather sudden increase in movies and TV series concerning Aliens, etc, can be taken as an indicator, then I would suspect disclosure may be in the relativity near future. The problem with this is that the gov'ts would be admitting to subterfuge and lies over a long period of time. They will need to determine a way to avoid the public outrage if they come out of the closet with it. And, it will re-write this planet's known laws of physics, and that's nothing to sneeze about. Our astrophysicists seem to have some kind of mental shutdown when it comes to comprehending that the laws of physics applicable to Earth, such as gravity, the speed of light, and the need for O2 and H2O to sustain "Life", are NOT the laws of physics that would be applicable to any species that are indigenous to other stars or planets or even to other dimensions outside this 3rd dimension of matter. Our physicists seem to be stubborn about admitting that Earth's laws would and should be applicable anywhere, and therefore "Life" cannot exist elsewhere if there is an absence of O2, H2O, gravity, etc. They are defining "life" as we know it here. They will not consider the possibility of other types of lifeforms, and this has been a self-limiting paradigm for eons. We'll see. Lots of retribution from the general public against the gov'ts to consider if they open the doors to the truth. Odd WV: "ulfireg" If we
    move the "g" to the first letter, it becomes "gulfire". Gulf fire?

  27. Anonymous says:

    We have a saying in Australia
    "Come in Spinner".(a Spinner is the coin tosser in a game of 2-up)
    It's like "Step right up,Sucker and hand over all your money".
    That's what anybody would doing if they placed these bets.

    Good luck / Daz

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