The Presidential Seal

Yesterday, during President Obama’s speech to Fortune Magazine’s “Most Powerful Women’s Summit,” the presidential seal fell off the podium. No, it didn’t just fall. It plunged. He joked about it in his usual smooth, Obama style, and brought some laughs from the group. But, bottom line, this strikes us as a global synchro, a symbol of Obama’s plunging popularity in the polls.

OK, the polls.  If memory serves (and hey, it may not), Obama’s poll numbers have dropped about twenty points since he was elected – from something like 65% to 45%. The disparity in the polls, of course, depends on who is asking what. Is the polling firm conservative, liberal, in between? What questions are asked? Which section of the electorate is asked these questions?

Oddly enough, Keith Olberman seemed to recognize some sort of meaningful coincidence in the fall of the presidential seal. He remarked about how he would give two bucks to the first Republican who said this was part of God’s plan. Well, Keith, we aren’t Republicans and we’re not saying this is part of God’s plan. But it’s certainly a global synchronicity that addresses Obama’s plunging popularity. It underscores why everyone 18 and over should vote on November 2. The alternatives -living out Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale (or worse)- are really too horrifying to entertain.

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15 Responses to The Presidential Seal

  1. Anonymous says:

    You're more than welcome cj.

    Cheers / Daz

  2. Anonymous says:

    I see enough of Rick Scott on his ads. They come on about every ten minutes during the couple of hours each night I spend watching TV with my husband before leaving him to the boob-box and coming to do more enlighening things. Thanks, tho. And Daz, thanks for the translation of the song! cj

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Mike – I see that Tony Blair is trying to promote his book and isn't having an easy time of it!

  4. Nancy says:

    Wow. I'm going to have digest this.

  5. Anonymous says:

    On another post here someone commented about the similarities in appearance of many of the women politicians to Monica Lewinski. We have one here in FL who is one of that group. Her name is Alex Sink. Never heard of her until her ads started running. She's got the same look, hair color, style, voice, etc etc etc. I don't even know her party or her platform because, as are every one of the candidates here, all she does is attack her opponent Rick Scott. Never heard of him, either. Anywaaaay, (put me in the looney bin for this remark, too), perhaps all these very similar females are members of a group of transgenics. The word was created by author and alien researcher Budd Hopkins, and is used as a descriptive for
    alien entities who have entered the bodies of humans. Not as off-the-wall as it sounds. Infiltration apparently occurs in many forms and disguises. Am I paranoid? Don't think so. Just
    observant. And there is some truly weird stuff happening. cj

  6. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    All things are relevant so no doubt the seal falling is significant. I don't follow US politics too closely as I get steamed up enough about things that have happened in the UK – without wanting to put the US straight as well! Strange times we are in.

    wv: nutonym – have heard of several …onyms but not this one.

  7. Anonymous says:

    T & R, scroll down to your post on the alien ambassador and take a peek at my word verification on the last comment. How screwed is that! cj

  8. Milo James Fowler says:

    Nice Handmaid's Tale reference; I just finished reading that one — how's that for SYNCHRONICITY? =]

  9. Anonymous says:

    Being the me that I am, I can't perceive the falling, plunging, of the Presidential Seal as a coincidence or as an accident. There are definitely many polls in existence, but no matter which poll is recently reporting, ALL of them show a rapid decline in his effectiveness. Contrarily, almost all of them show that as a personality he is popular among the masses, but that as a leader, he is failing at the job, in the opinion of the masses. We didn't put him in the Oval Office as the winner of a popularity contest or as "Most Charsmatic", though, as we used to name superlative classmates in high school. We elected him to perform the duties of his position which is, at the moment, the highest and most powerful position in the free world. IMO, the man needs to be more attentive to the very serious nature of the work at hand and put his full focus on doing everything possible to pull us out of chaos. It speaks very loudly to me that so many of his administration have resigned their jobs. Why? What is going on behind the scenes, under the radar, that is causing these folks to walk away, and many to shift party affiliations? I doubt that we will ever know. But the plunging off the podium of the Seal also seems to me to be an ominous omen of sorts. I won't speak my thoughts but assume most can read between the lines. Unfortunately our country has many enemies, and our leader as well is the target of much hatred here and abroad. No matter what we may think of his politics, we need to surround the Commander-in-Chief with thoughtforms of a safety net and of trust-worthy secret service members. I've heard and read many scary, undeserved barbs aimed at him personally, blaming him for situations he did not create. I've heard the words, "fall from grace" concerning him. Let's do whatever we are able as a peace-loving Group to keep our leader safe from harm. I fear he's treading where angels never tread. Step up your game, Mr. President. Prove that you are worthy of our original faith that we placed in you. There are troubled minds and wounded souls who have lost everything and who lay the blame for their losses on your shoulders, where it doesn't belong, but they are too blinded by their circumstances to be able to see that, and they wouldn't think twice about making history repeat itself. This country would never recover from such a tragedy if it happened during these times. I hope the falling of the Seal was nothing more than an accident. It's never happened before. Something to think about, guys. cj

  10. Sansego says:

    If it happened at the Most Powerful Women's Summit, maybe the seal falling was an indication that it should have been President Hillary Clinton addressing them intead.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good one, Daz! Maybe is does.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Being a synchronicity site,I just wonder if this could have something to do with my comments from Yesterday ?
    Only time will tell I guess.

    Spooky stuff.


  13. Natalie says:

    Could be, Daz, could be.

    wv = unarizes


  14. Anonymous says:

    Maybe it was G*ds way of reminding us what's on the reverse side of the Seal ;
    "a new order of the ages."
    and that the "All-seeing eye" isn't a happy camper at the moment .-)


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