The Ship

This story comes from Gypsy, whose synchros we’ve posted before. This experience occurred on September 8 or 9 and is intriguing for several reasons, as you’ll see. Even though UFOs probably aren’t synchronicities, Jung considered them to be archetypes.But perhaps more importantly, sightings worldwide seem to be increasing, almost as if something is brewing in the collective unconscious of humanity.

I woke around 3:30 am and couldn’t go back to sleep. So I sat  on the side of my bed and looked out the top part of my windows – which aren’t covered at all – to look at the night sky for awhile. My room faces directly west.
At some point I decided to turn on the TV as it seemed I would be awake for a while. I reached over for my remote – and as I turned around again from getting it, there, in my window, just out of nowhere, was this object that I have drawn.

I was so startled by it that for an instant, I wondered if I was dreaming. To check my awareness, I turned around to see if the TV had come on. It had, so I knew I wasn’t dreaming. I couldn’t take my eyes off this thing as it came toward the house, directly from the west, moving straight toward and over our house, headed east. It was very, very low.
I was looking at it totally from underneath it, while sitting on my bed, peering upward, out the top part of my windows. It moved very slowly and I wondered if it was going to crash and wondered how something that large could stay in the air, so close to the ground. There was no sound – nothing. The three front lights were bright but they didn’t have “beams.” All the lights were a pure white.
There was a large center light and from it came a large, straight downward beam of white light. Now, I was sitting there,  totally immobilized, my mind whirling in a million directions, trying to incorporate all this into reality. Was it a law enforcement sort of thing? Was the beam following someone on the ground? But I knew it wasn’t anything I’ve ever seen before – ever. It was just like scenes from Independence Day,  watching this craft move above me, seeing only the underside of it as it approached. 
The shape was just as I’ve drawn. If you  overlaid two triangles and then curved the corners, this is what the shape would be. There were lights on the 3 front points and on the outer two points in the rear – they were all the same size – and while they were lit, they did not have the “beam” like the large one in the center of the body of this thing.  The body was dark black, except for 6 convex sections, 3 on each side, that were a lighter color, a matte-like dark gray color. These sections had no lights but the lights from the points and the center light were bright enough that these convex sections were very visible.
As it came closer, I’m mentally telling myself to get up and go get my daughter, Lisa, and follow it out her east-facing windows. I wanted her to see it. But I was totally mesmerized and couldn’t get up. I kept thinking I needed to take a picture with my phone or something, but I didn’t want to miss anything. I was afraid that if I looked away, it would go away. So I sat there and tried to memorize every single detail. It’s funny, but I wasn’t fearful at all. I was just spellbound to be seeing it. I had this ongoing mental dialogue about calling Lisa and getting up and going outside, but continued to just sit there, absorbing it all.

 It kept moving with very slowly toward the house, then over the top of the house, and then it was gone from view.  I just kept sitting there. Then I remember wondering what had just happened. Then I remember just laying down. I didn’t remember to tell Lisa about it the next day – how weird is that?
Then a few days later I was  cloud watching and saw a weird rectangular looking cloud. I was on my way to my grandson’s soccer game when I saw this cloud in the east. It seemed to be a part of a larger, more vertical cloud. I pulled over to the side of the road to watch it and then kept on going. I meant to take a photo of it, but was running late and then got sidetracked at the soccer field.
The next day, out of the blue, Lisa mentioned she’d seen a really weird cloud,  a cloud that had a dark-outlined cloud within it. In that moment, I “remembered” this thing that I’d seen that night. Why I didn’t remember such an incident is totally beyond me. It’s just not like me not to remember, not to have written it down that night or the next day. As soon as Lisa mentioned it, I shrieked, “Oh, I saw one too!”
I’m attaching a shot from Independence Day just for perspective, so you understand how I was seeing this thing.

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96 Responses to The Ship

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    thank you, macgregors – and i'm so happy to be back at last, too!!!

    marguerite – thank you so much for wandering over this way for this little story – and for sharing your own sorrowful loss of your friend – an intriguing story itself! so sorry for your loss! thanks again for coming by and leaving a comment!

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good to see you back, Gypsy!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Welcome, welcome home GypsyGirl, both Here on the blog and There where your journey began! A note regarding being "taken". My husband has always, always been put somehow into a very deep sleep from which he doesn't stir, when my nocturnal encounters have occurred. My earliest remembered incident happened when I was only four years old, (it was broad daylight, outside, in Montgomery, Ala.), and they have continued throughout a long life until recently. (I still see the craft but apparently no longer am taken. This is an inexplicable saga and too long to tell. I've written a non-fiction book entitled: "DOWN TO EARTH: ET Masquerade", that may one day be on store shelves and that weaves the lifetime of events without fanfare or exaggeration, neither adding nor omitting anything.) My encounters have involved well documented evidence. A long time ago, although he "sleeps" in some kind of unconscious state when I'm "gone", husband has definitely seen them while wide awake, and he is (was) the King of the Skeptics, but is no longer. Whatever these encounters are, in whatever dimension they are manifesting, they are reality. They are not imagination or dreams or fantasy or some kind of mass hypnosis, as one distant blog owner smugly suggests, and the similarity of the hundreds of thousands of experiencers tell the tale. Small children haven't read the vast material on the subject or watched Sci-Fi movies, so they are not "victims of suggestion", and when I was four years old, the Roswell Incident had barely happened. I urge anyone and everyone who has had and has such experiences to not be afraid of disclosing their stories; to not hide due to fear of debunking and ridicule. A time will ultimately arrive when our experiences will no longer be the subject of jokes and derision, and when we will no longer be considered crackpots or insane. Our day will come. We just have to hang in and hang on. I love this WV: "crysatel" cj

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    TO ALL: for those who are unaware, my absence from this post for a while was due only to my being in the midst of a long journey which did not allow me to be online, notwithstanding my own desire to actively share in this incredible dialogue for which i am so grateful –

    TO ROB AND TRISH: what can i possibly say? – thank you seems so inadequate – so do any other words, but they are all i have – thank you for this incredible site, for the incredible privilege you give all us to all share our experiences, including those of the third or fourth or even fifth, kind – for your incredible support to those of us here – and for your incredible storehouse of information that you so generously share with us, along with your time, energy and caring – thank you!


  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    Dr. Ronald P. DeVasto – thank you very much for your participation in the dialogue of my recent unsettling experience – and now, i've still another book to look forward to reading!

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    and dear cousin cj! well, you know how i feel about your own words and thoughts and experiences! and i am truly grateful for your comments here – they are always always intriguing and always to be found containing this or that of which i was unfamiliar myself! so i thank you for all those things! and for your caring support and encouragement in all things known, unknown and/or seen/unseen!!! 😉

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    marlene!!! thank you so much for your comment – yeah, quite a read here, isn't it! and don't even get me started on fox news!!! 😉 – just hope anyone else who has had a similar experience will not be hesitant to share it now – sharing of experiences and information can only benefit us all, regardless of the nature of those experiences and/or information!

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    vicki d – your comments are more than appreciated and i found them very insightful and meaningful to my own experience – also, it is so nice to hear of others who obviously share such experiences and thus, know at least a bit of "from whence i speak" if you know what i mean! 😉 and you know, the thing is, that in the moment, i remember wondering why it was just there, right above our house – it wasn't as if i saw it approaching from a long distance away at all – it was just almost there already when i first saw it – and i had two, not just one, wide windows out of which i saw it – afterward, i remember wondering why i did none of the things that i would always do, that are second nature to me, of all people – to run and get my daughter – to tell her and everyone else about what i had seen – to ask my neighbors whose houses are very close to ours – i mean, i didn't even remember it the next morning when i woke! now, how could that be! i have no answers for any of those things that mystify me still – and then, there is the thing which i had not considered until just a few moments ago while reading another comment – and that is the possibility of the abduction of someone else in my home – which would be either my daughter and/or her little son – something with which i am loathe to deal in terms of my not going in to check on them at least – it is true that i did not do any of the things that make sense to me in this moment after the fact – but that is the thing of hindsight and all that – in terms of your remark about diversity of opinion, right to their own belief, etc., certainly i, too, share that perspective – however, for me, it is not "what" one says as much as the "way in which it is said/intended" with which i sometimes take issue – in any event, thanks again for your comprehensive comments and interest – if you've any specific questions, of course, i am more than happy to respond however i can!

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    cole – it was an extraordinary experience, i can tell you – one that i think of daily – what it was – why it was there – and what really happened – i mean, why did i not remember it for several days – yes, i think of those things – in terms of drapes, however, i confess that i shall never consider them – blocking out the universe, regardless of its contents at times, is not something i'm willing to do – and just think, had i had drapes up, we would all have missed this friday fun!!! 😉

    brownie/susan – about the eye for detail, in those moments, i remember thinking how important it was to remember the details – so that i could describe it as accurately as possible – and i felt that if i looked away, i would miss something – i am so taken with your comprehensive take on its purpose, one i had not considered yet – and now i think what if it were, as you say, for someone else in my house – my daughter and/or my little grandson – and i failed to go to their room! the very thought! i had not considered it for anyone but me! notwithstanding how this concerns me, i am grateful for your in-depth perspective and comment – thank you!

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    clarity – well, i say ditto to your comments and thank you for them – and you know, the thing about the camera is that i don't frequently sleep with one under my pillow, nor do i often sleep with my cell phone taped to my wrist – however………

    maggie – thanks so much for your comment – it's so important for one to share this type experience, i think, regardless of the stance or thoughts of others regarding it – truth being very often stranger than fiction, as they say – in any event, hiding behind fear of what others say or think has never been my cup of tea! nor has hiding at all – and sites such as this are the perfect forum for the sharing of such experiences, for which i am more than grateful!

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    terripatrick – about the right place and the right time – i was in my bedroom in my home at night [where i obviously belonged] – not sure what that means in terms of right place right time thing! 😉

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    d page – it is really interesting to read your comment, especially given your own particular background and experiences – yes, i, too, have had lucid dreams and can and do control actions, etc, within the dream – this was not a lucid dream, nor was it sleep paralysis which i have also experienced – the key here, to me, anyway, is exactly the phrase you used in your comment: "something that happens during these visitations that seems to override our own will & stop us from doing what we want" – that describes it exactly – i mean, exactly! thank you so much for your meaningful insight!

  13. Marguerite says:

    Wow, I somehow missed this post and just read about it over at Gypsy's place. I am so thankful that she couldn't move and did not go outside! I actually knew someone who was abducted in the 70's, out in an open field in Maryland. She was my best friend's sister and it still saddens me to say that she is no longer with us. She described to us, everything that happened that night, and how they tampered with her body and we believed her. She was 21 years old, at the time, and died of breast cancer at age of 41, exactly twenty years to the day, later!! She was never the same, after that night. This post gave me chills!

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    nancy and mike – i think you are right – that some see these objects and some do not – for what reason i am not sure either, but it seems to be that way – one of the interesting things about this recent incident is that on the same day that i saw a very odd cloud, my daughter, in another place, also saw the same type cloud – a sort of elongated vertical swirling cloud with a darkened rectangular outline near the base of it – the dark outline very visible – one has to wonder if the two are related – well, at least, i do! 😉 thank you both for your interesting comments!

  15. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    annell – for your comment, i thank you – i'm not so sure about being chosen; however, i have had other such experiences so do feel humbled by them – many years ago, while traveling by bus with my small children, another "ufo" was sighted and was seen by all the passengers, including the driver who attempted to "out run" it! it was of a different kind than the recent one i saw from my home – a circular shape with a domed top – in any event, after that there were several other incidents that i have always thought related – but those stories for another day – just wanted to thank you for your comment here –

  16. Anonymous says:

    Hey Cousin Gypsy! Oh, welcome back, Girl! And how goes the settling into the new-old home?? Gee you've been sorely missed! Bravo and cheers on your re-entrance "voice" into the beautiful space here! It hasn't been the same without you. Have you had time to start enjoying yourself yet, or are you still trying to get organized? Have you got your little space on your back veranda in order or is that a work-in-progress? You came home at a good time of year. Not too hot, not too cold. Just right! Speaking of cameras and cellphones, my cellphone doesn't have a camera. It's one of the older ones. I'm attached to it. Guess one of these days I'll update it but not yet. For what it's worth. somtimes even when we have the very best camera available and a hundred folks see a craft phenomenon, it doesn't always appear on the film even though all those eyes saw it clearly! And we have to consider the possibility that you may have been "taken" and may have experienced a bit of "lost Time" without realizing it. I know from personal experience that it isn't unusual for memories of such events to be "blocked", and sometimes it is a long time before they surface. Eventually the blocks start to crumble and the memories come back, sometimes sooner, sometimes later. They are valid, either way. Your drawing was awfully good, too. There was a sighting in New York in the middle of the day today, witnessed by hundreds of people on the ground. 'They' are certainly around. cj Love this WV:

    "pucke"….as in A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM"!!!! But old Puck was REAL!

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Right on, Gypsy!
    – Trish

  18. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    TO THE CLOSET CASE aka ANONYMOUS – "You see, this is why I have so much trouble believing in UFO sightings – there's always an excuse for why there's no photograph, even though almost everyone has a cell phone with a camera nowadays. And the person is always alone, so there's never anyone else who saw what they saw.

    If you saw this thing as clearly as you describe, it would have made the most incredible photograph in the history of the world, yet you didn't bother to pick up your phone to take a picture "because you didn't want to miss anything". It flew directly over your house, very slowly, and you didn't bother to run outside for a closer look, or to see where it went after it passed over. And you didn't bother to wake your daughter so she could see it with you and share in this incredible experience, "because you were too mesmerized to move".

    So you had this amazing once-in-a-lifetime experience, and you didn't bother to do any of the things that any rational person would have done in that situation. And you forgot all about it the next morning, and didn't remember it until days later when someone said something that reminded you.

    I'm sorry, but irrational actions, the inability to move, and not remembering in the morning are all telltale signs of a dream."

    I SAY THIS: it is obvious to me that you are, in fact, well equipped to recognize irrationality, given the old adage that it takes one to know one – your insistence upon remaining in the closet seems to me an obvious trademark of certain irrational behavior/conditions – but this seems to be just the tip of your closet iceberg as your contemptuous tirade against my experience indicates – in any event, it is also obvious that you have me confused with someone who cares what you think – and might i add that by remaining as you believe yourself to be "unknown", you are, sir or madam, much much better "known" for sure –

    oh, one more thing – i take it that you go to bed every night with a phone and/or a camera? yes? – well, that also speaks volumes for you –

    wv – shistsi – very appropriate here!

  19. Anonymous says:

    P.S. This is how wars get started.

    Is what that last line should read in case some people are scratching their heads.


  20. Anonymous says:

    Come on,everybody.Calm down.Let's all shake hands and call it a draw and let's say we've all come to an agreement that we can't agree .-)

    Imagine if you can / Daz

    P.S. This is how wars get stated.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Just who do you think you are?? Jesus Jr.? What a disgusting, obscene display of
    self-important omnipotent arrogance you are displaying towards people of genuine character and sincerity on this blog! People who come here to exchange ideas and opinions without censure or criticism. Do you honestly, truly think ANYONE here takes you seriously? ANYONE?? You…a nameless cretin who professes to be a published author of several books yet persistently refuses to identify himself or provide the titles of his(imaginary) books and who becomes increasingly offensive in his comments? Accusing a renowned, professional, clinical psychologist of dishonesty and of taking advantage of gullible people? And you accuse CJ of insulting and attacking YOU?? How funny is that! ROTFL. Who is the dishonest person here? Who is the attacker here? We all know the answer to those questions. We are laughing at you. You are a joke, and your presence on this blog has intended from its inception to do nothing but stir up trouble and insult people whose intelligence and successes obviously exceed your puny (non-existent) accomplishments. Your envy and jealousy are screaming loudly. I repeat, you are a joke, not to be taken as anything but a joke. Anyone who reads your reprehensible response to Dr. DeVasto and your continual put-downs of a Pulitzer Prize Winning Harvard Professor cannot help but see you for what you are. A pathetic little mentally deficient man in desperate need of special care and perhaps a good strong dose of Risperdal. Prove me wrong. State your name. State the titles of your books. Or shut your face and go away from this previously peaceful and happy space. You are a disgrace among decent folks and a disruption on this great blog. HooAah!

  22. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Okay,anonymous, here's the deal. You've become abusive as well as obnoxious. Go ahead, be that way, but tell us who you are. Identify yourself.

    If not, further comments from you will be deleted. Got it?
    –The Powers That Be

    P.S. I've dealt with debunkers like you, who belittle and denigrate anything related to the paranormal or UFOs. You love to say it's all nonsense, but you know it's not…otherwise you wouldn't be so interested. You wouldn't keep coming back. But with your psychological makeup, the only way you can approach it is from a cautious and caustic point of view.

    Though you would never admit it, deep down, there's a fear factor involved. In other words, you're a piece of work.

  23. Anonymous says:

    To Dr. Ronald P. DeVasto, PhD, DCH:

    Thanks for your feigned interest, but your intent is pretty transparent, so I'll pass. I prefer to remain anonymous anyway, since I'm obviously in the minority here, and I'm certainly not here to promote my latest book – from the sounds of this discussion, I don't think I'd find many buyers here, do you?

    Oh, and I checked out your website. Past life regressions, eh? Holy crap, are you serious? Don't you think it's a little dishonest to take money from people like that? Just a little? Really. I'm assuming, of course, that you're just taking advantage of gullible people and you don't really believe in that stuff.

    Or do you? Please tell me you don't… 'Cuz, ya know, you have lots of letters after your name, and you've written a book and everything, so you couldn't possibly be a crackpot. Just ask cj.

  24. Anonymous says:

    To Anonymous PhD: I am a long-time acquaintance of Trish and Rob and own a practice not far from their city. I follow their Sychronicity
    blog on occasion but don't comment. Your remarks interest me. I am the author of the widely published text, "FRAGMENTED SOULS". Would you be so kind as to print on the blog the titles of the several books you have written debunking the issues of alien abductions and related subjects so that I may compare it to other speculations and ideas on the matter? Thank you.
    Dr. Ronald P. DeVasto, PhD, DCH

  25. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Yikes, it's Phillip J. Klass back from the dead! No wonder you're a dedicated anonymous. Wait until I tell Moseley. But Phil, do you even believe in life after death? – R

  26. Anonymous says:

    cj – I find your continued personal attacks repetitive and childish. It's what children do to convince themselves they're "winning" an argument. Given your linguistic style and demonstrated lack of emotional maturity, I'm going to assume you're around 14, so I'll just chalk that up to your young age and let it go at that.

    But here's some advice for you: as you grow up, you will encounter many people who claim to be authoritative. Placing blind faith in their authority, based on the letters after their name or the fact that they've published a few books or research papers, is naive and dangerous. Dr. Edgar Mitchell may have walked on the moon, but that doesn't qualify him to speak authoritatively on the subject of aliens. He has an opinion. It happens to coincide with yours. Believe it or not, you might both be wrong. And listing names of other people who share your opinion doesn't change anything either, no matter how many letters they have after their names. Because you see, nobody really knows if there is life on other planets or not. I believe there is, but I don't believe for a second that any of them have ever been here. That's my opinion. My opinion will not change until I see real evidence. REAL evidence.

    Question everything, cj, and do your own research. You might learn something.

    PS. I'm curious what makes you think you know who I am. That would be a pretty impressive feat, considering that there are over 6 billion people in the world, and I could be any one of them. You must have have some kind of special magical powers. Or maybe the aliens told you. Guess again. Hey, I'll even give you a hint: I have the letters "PhD" after my name, and I've published several books on UFO debunkery. That makes me an authority in your eyes, does it not?

    Oh, wait, I can only be an authority if I agree with you. Sorry, I forgot.

  27. Anonymous says:

    P.S. You are showing your irrepressible ego by referring to the above-mentioned authorities as "UFO nuts". That statement, along with so many of your other disparaging remarks towards these highly esteemed and credible individuals, does nothing but show how truly un-informed and uneducated about the subject that you are. And when repeatedly asked, you continue to refuse to offer your qualifications to intelligently discuss the matter. I gave you mine, and they are legitimate. If ignorance is bliss, I imagine you are in a self-devised heaven. Peace. I'm done with you. cj

  28. Anonymous says:

    Ho-hum. Yawn. I haven't the time or inclination to continue to converse with a person with such limited mentality as has been displayed by a person who still refuses to identify himself, although we do know who he is and what he is about. Go back to your tiny world of megalomania where you believe you are safe and secure from being recognized. You still have nothing to report from the video interviews of Dr. Edgar Mitchell, or from the valid, totally documented works of Professor John Mack, or Dr. David Jacobs, or USAF Sargeant Dan Sherman, et al. And, if you diligently pursue ALL the reports of Buzz Aldrin, you will find a later, totally different story emerging directly from him in which he denies the one you have accessed. I personally have nothing more to say to you, having given you a host of sources and you continue to hide and remain ignorant of facts. Bye bye, so long, and all that stuff. wv: HERATI HERETIC? cj

  29. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Mr. Anon, It almost seems that there could be a mass sighting with you present and you would see nothing not all, or nothing unusual, while others saw a vessel no one could identify making movements that are beyond the ability of Earth-created crafts.

    Beliefs are powerful, both the will to believe–as you know–but also the will to disbelieve that you haven't quite grasped, it seems.

  30. Anonymous says:

    cj – Sorry for my delayed response, been away from the computer for a few days.

    Since your faith in the unimpeachable word of Buzz Alrin is so steadfast, perhaps his own words will help you to understand how the UFO nuts have misled you.

    In his book "RETURN TO EARTH" Colonel Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. writes the following on pages 223-224;

    In the middle of one evening, Houston time, I found myself idly staring out the window of the Columbia and saw something that looked a bit unusual. It appeared brighter than any star and not quite the pinpoints of light that stars are. I pointed this out to Mike and Neil, and the three of us were beset with curiosity. With the help of the monocular we guessed that whatever it was, it was only a hundred or so miles away. Looking at it through our sextant we found it occasionaly formed a cylinder, but when the sextant's focus was adjusted it had a sort of illuminated "L" look to it. It had a shape of some sort — we all agreed on that — but exactly what it was we couldnt pin down. We asked Houston some casual questions: "How far away is the Saturn third stage?" The response was in the vicinity of six thousand miles. That wasn't it.

    It could possibly have been one of the panels of the Saturn third stage which fly off to expose the LM and cannot be traced from earth. We could see it for about forty-five seconds at a time as the ship rotated, and we watched it on and off for about an hour. We debated whether or not to tell the ground we had spotted something, and decided against it. Our reason was simple: The UFO people would descend on the message in hordes, setting off another rash of UFO spottings back on earth. We concluded it was most likely one of the panels. Its course appeared in no way to conflict with ours, and it presented no danger. We dropped the matter there.

    So, contrary to what you've been told, it turns out the almighty Buzz Aldrin doesn't believe in aliens after all – and in fact he thinks UFO people are kind of nuts.

    And as you said yourself, a guy like Buzz Aldrin, with his credentials, can't possibly be wrong.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses.

    Whether you want to call it coincidence or foul play,just take a look at this video on You Tube and tell me there is not more than chance at work here.


  32. Anonymous says:

    I just was wondering what the record number of comments were for a post on this site,because this post must be getting close,surely.

    Cheers once more / Daz

  33. Anonymous says:

    I've heard of this site and it looks like there could be a mix of truth and BS,just like any site on the net.
    It's food for thought,but I don't have time to look through it,at the moment.

    Cheers / Daz

  34. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz, take a look at the site below and see what you think. He believes there's a Mars conspiracy, so he probably agrees with you on the moon-walk hoax.

    But as you look deeper into the site…well, I leave that up to you. – R

  35. Anonymous says:

    Being a Jew,I knew you would bring that one up eventually and my answer is,no I don't believe that one,but I defend anyone's right to question it if they want to.You can only learn by asking questions and if I'm on the side of truth,then I have nothing to fear by people asking those questions,do I?
    After all,we are running the world,aren't we? .-)

    Shalom / Daz

  36. Vicki D. says:

    Oh my gosh, how anyone could not believe the holocaust happened I cannot fathom.

    I have met and talked to Ruth Sender author of "The Cage", we had her at our school talking about her experience and survival.

    Also, I urge all, if at all possible,tovisit the Imperial War Museum in London. They have the most incredible exhibit on the Holocaust and how it affected and imprisoned those in Hungary, London, Prague, Poland etc. We were in this exhibit for 3 hours having lost track of time because it was so compelling.
    When we left we all felt nauseous and humbled. There is absolutely no way this was faked.

    Also, many people will refuse to believe things until it happens to them and then even then, they'll try to explain it away.
    I have seen UFO's and may have been abducted as a child, I have seen ghosts, I have dealt with evil, I have spoken with deceased persons, people who have committed suicide etc. They are real and they are here.
    I have reached a point in my life where I just cannot worry about what others think, I see how comforted people are and I also have had many "non believers" come to me after a death with stories or wanting me to help communicate,
    And I help them, even the ones who have told me to my face that they don't believe and that they think I am weird.

    Again I hope that when Gypsy has time that she will share more info from her experience because I believe her and I
    found her story really fascinating.

    Wv:dedartin- dead are in….interesting!

  37. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz, earlier I had said that if the moon walk was faked, it would be the greatest cover up ever.

    I was wrong about that or, as politicians say, I misspoke. There is a much larger conspiracy theory that some advocate, including at least one leader of a nation. Even though you seem to resonate with many of the popular conspiracies, I'm guessing you won't tolerate this one.

    It is, of course, the idea that there was no holocaust, that six million Jews and others were not killed in gas chambers and through other means. Please, tell me you don't buy into that one. – Rob

  38. Anonymous says:

    After sleeping on it,I do want to make a couple of final comments in rebuttal to anon's accusations aimed at me stating that I only look at one side of the issue. I was born prior to The Roswell Incident. I have spent in excess of almost forty years immersed in intense studies and investigations of this issue from every aspect available, both sides, the protagonists and antagonists reports, pro and con, for and against, true and false, in an effort to DISprove the existence of ETs and UFOs. After these many decades of unbiased, open-minded,, genuine, relentless searching for whatever the facts might be, and after a lifetime of my own personal experiences, I can no longer deny the presence among us of ETs and UFOs. Contrary to anon, I would never, ever express disrespect or dishonor of a Pulitzer Prize Winning Harvard professor, a NASA astrophysicist, or a decorated USAF war hero by referring to them as "crackpot scientists". In closing, I am compelled to respond, as well, AGAIN, to anon's constant accusation that I have not provided him with a source. I have given him a long list of the most credible sources, a few taken from a mountain of evidential materials, and it is he who refuses to look at these or to remark about them. He continues to hide and cower behind the anonymous curtain of the computer screen, but he has shown his colors and they are sad. The loss is his. The ignorance remains his, and he is pitifully un-informed, by his own choice and stubbornness. What a shame. cj

  39. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Anonymous might be a politician. He never answers the questions posed to him, but runs off on another thread attempting to show that others are biased. He admits nothing, he allows no possibility that some UFOs are not explainable in terms of everyday reality, and he refuses to give any identification.

  40. Marlene says:

    oH..MY..Gypsy will be so amazed when she reads all this ! It took me a long tme to get thru all the posts!! Who ever the Anon person is which claims to look at "both" sides then make a informed decision on what is true or a Hoax…Reminds me of some of my friends..who claim to watch only FOX because "they" have the news that is "True" and unbiased…People believe only what they are confortable in believeing.!

  41. Anonymous says:

    I responded twice early this morning but my comments didn't come through. Am letting it rest. One cannot debate rationally with an irrational and uninformed individual and it could go on until doomsday. Goodnight, all. Have a great Sunday tomorrow! I miss my cousin Gypsy!! cj

  42. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vicki – Gypsy is in the midst of a move and won'[t have internet till wednesday, which is why she hasn't been on.

  43. Anonymous says:

    The people at the Top also say JFK was killed with a magic bullet fired from Lee Harvey Oswald's gun from the book depositary (how many years ago was that before Apollo?) ,that Aliens don't exist,that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction,that 3 steel skyscrapers were bought down by two planes flown by Arabs who could barley fly a Cessna and the best army in the world can't find the top terrorist in the world because he is hiding in a cave in the desert,and please don't quote those "Myth Busters" stooges as having any credibility.
    If you read through my old posts I have stated many times that you don't have to agree with me,my question is can't I have a differing opinion without being ridiculed ?
    Nobody here is going to agree 100% or probably even 70% with everything the other people commenting on this blog are going to say,and that's a good thing because it shows at least people are thinking for themselves,but let's at least agree to disagree respectfully without the insinuations of insanity.


  44. Vicki D. says:

    Wow, quite a lot of discussion here. Phew.

    When I read Gypsy's story I thought, to me, that it sounded like she had been abducted. As someone who has definitely seen one thing that I felt was a UFO and another that I keep questioning, I know from my experience that I was mesmerized and then , blink, and it was gone, and then I said to myself "oh man, why didn't I grab my phone!"
    To take a picture. I would love to hear more from Gypsy.

    In regards to the moon landings, I had always thought that they bad def. Walked on the moon and then I started reading different articles and books, and I wavered.
    I watched the myth busters show and that seemed to answer it for me, yes they did.
    But, then I think of Roswell and a huge govt. Cover up, and I have heard some of the Russia arguments as mentioned above and well, there is still a part of me that believes that who knows ?
    I hate to think they faked it and fooled all of us but with some of the things that our govt. Does, even today?!

    Anyway, for me this is a discussion that will continue. I'm still trying to decide if I believe that the moon is hollow!

    I am going to look at all of the sites mentioned, I'm sure that I will find them quite interesting.

    Lastly, as always I enjoy reading all of the different ideas and I for one will always defend a persons right to believe what they believe even if it might be different from my belief. I think it is wonderful to have all of this discussion.

  45. Anonymous says:

    cj – Reread all the comments here. You went into attack mode for no apparent reason. I've never attacked you personally. I can't, because I don't know anything about you. I've simply asked for proof. You have shown me none, and you continue with personal attacks. How can you call me stupid and uneducated without knowing anything about me or my background? I might be an astrophysicist with PhDs in 5 different areas of study from the best universities in the world, for all you know. Your attacks just prove your bias and willingness to believe what you want to believe without grounds. Good luck with that. Your refusal to consider the other side of the story speaks volumes about you.

    And it makes you look foolish.

  46. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    P.S. Besides, the people at the top, who would've been in charge of the cover up are the same ones who bungled a third-rate burglary of the Watergate building.

    Now THAT was a conspiracy, and it unraveled quickly. But as the Myth Busters found, there's no proof that will convince the diehards that the moon walk actually happened on the moon.

  47. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz, Obama has both notice and certificate from Hawaii. It's readily available.

    I have heard about the fake moon walk for years. It's nothing new. I'm just not convinced of it. Can't I have a differing opinion? My opinion now is that the fake videos are the fakes. One of them even says so at that bottom!

    Until I hear credible witnesses who were there, who were involved, admit that it was faked, it's hard such claims seriously.

    Look at the sources you're using, look at their backgrounds. Then look at the investigation by Myth Busters on the Discovery Channel. You might change your mind. I'm willing to change mine if I see real evidence from primary sources. You can't keep this sort of thing locked up for 40 years.

  48. Anonymous says:

    To the elusive anonymous who ISN'T elusive, we all know who the crackpot is here. Any person who refers to a Pulitzer Prize Winning Harvard professor and a NASA astrophysicist and several award-winning PhD researchers as "crackpot scientists", doesn't even require a lucid response, because the utter insanity in that remark is so ludicrous it shouts loudly of the nature of the "anonymous" writer. Not only have you lost your oars, you don't even have a boat. Now I'm rolling on the floor laughing at such incredible dim-witted foolishness. You're a joke, to continue to demonstrate the extent of your mindlessness for all the world to see. I'd be ashamed, allowing other people to view my oh-so-blatant lack. I'm off to see the Wizard, Guys. cj

  49. Anonymous says:

    Watch the 3 films and read the book that I mentioned in the above posts.Being a UFO buff,I thought you would have heard of this stuff before.I didn't come to this site to banter back and forth about stuff you could easily research yourself.I will have to take Anonymous's side on the fact that when it comes to your own prejudices you don't seem to want to examine the other side of the coin.I am not asking for you to agree with me,but at least examine some evidence before being so quick to judge.I don't agree with what everybody on this site writes,but at least I will try to see where they are coming from and if I still can't agree I won't imply that they're a screw loose.

    Still friends ? Daz

    A birth announcement and birth certificate are two different things,but I'll meet you half way and say I might be wrong about Obama .-)

  50. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz, how did they fake the moon walk? Springs on the bottoms of the actors' feet perhaps? And what about the seemingly logical explanation of the film that's found on the Snopes site?

    Just being the devil's advocate here. The biggest cover up in history needs some supportive evidence. Also, no offense, but I've got to look at the source here, the guy who is convinced Obama has a Kenyan birth certificate and his Hawaiian birth announcement was faked.

  51. Anonymous says:

    The Chinese won't be any more successful than the Russians were, because the Van Allen Belts won't be going away anytime soon.
    Their unmanned flights should work,but they may as well dip their astronauts in Colonel Sander's secret herbs and spices before they send them off .-)


  52. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Anonymous, gee, now I know why you're so fearful about identifying yourself. lol

    >>Just a few more missions, and all the debris that was supposedly left behind by the Apollo crews will have been carefully planted there for the Chinese Astronauts to find when they arrive.

    Sorry, but I find the testimony about UFOs from astronauts, like Edgar Mitchell, far more believable. But for some reason, you won't go there. Won't even respond. So who's one-sided?

  53. Anonymous says:

    In a nutshell (that was probably not the wisest word to use,but it will probably have you in chuckles ),it was the cold war and it was a space race to see who could get to the moon first,the unmanned flights were kind of going alright with the odd rocket blowing up here and there,but the problem came when they tried to send men to the moon.The Van Allen Belts posed a huge problem because of the radiation which would have fried the astronauts.The Russians found that out early when they fried the dog (the one they said died from lack of oxygen).Both sides had huge sums of money tied up in the space race,so the Americans bluffed the Russians into thinking they made it there by going into deep space orbit around the earth and broadcasting the fake studio images off a satellite and back to earth.Most of the rocket program was devoted to perfecting intercontinental ballistic missiles for the arms race (that was the main agenda) as the governments knew people would rather pay to see men going to the moon rather than pumping it into a deadly arms race.It was a genuine space race to the moon it's just that the radiation between here and the moon put an end to that and that's why the Russians never even attempted to send a man space mission to the moon.They can send unmanned probes,which they have been doing all over the solar system and the Space-shuttle programs are an attempt to see how far out a safe manned orbit can go.
    It never started out as a conspiracy,but it ended up that way.I feel sorry for Neil and Buzz,no wonder Neil is reclusive and Buzz had a nervous breakdown,they thought they were going to the moon,but they only ended up doing a deep space obit of the Earth for the amount of time they were supposed to be on the moon.


  54. Anonymous says:

    Well, as the old saying goes, you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. Some people will believe something just because they want so badly to believe it, despite all the evidence to the contrary. And cj, your constant babbling about "irrefutable evidence" from crackpot scientists is amusing. You can't learn anything by only reading one side of the story.

    As for Daz and the moon hoax theory, he does have a valid point. The US had a strong incentive for faking the moon landings (the Russians beat us into orbit, couldn't let them beat us to the moon as well). There were thousands of scientists and engineers involved, and every one of them believed they were really sending people to the moon. The only people who needed to know the truth were the guys in the capsule, and a couple of guys running the show on the ground. Money and threats are pretty effective at keeping the few folks "in the know" quiet, and the rest of them were convinced it was for real – fooled just like the public.

    And just to add to Daz'z point about NASA canceling the remaining Apollo missions as soon as the Russians had the capibility to track them, here's another interesting fact: About 15 years ago, the Chinese government announced plans to send men to the moon. When the US learned that their plans included visits to a few of the historic Apollo landing sites, suddenly the US decided there was an urgent need for us return to the moon. After 30 years of ignoring the moon completely, NASA started sending unmanned craft up there a few years ago. Just a few more missions, and all the debris that was supposedly left behind by the Apollo crews will have been carefully planted there for the Chinese Astronauts to find when they arrive.

    Don't be so quick to dismiss Daz. He just might be right. Don't just read one side of the story. Read both, and draw your own conclusions.

  55. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz, how did they cover it up so successfully with hundreds or thousands of people involved–many successful scientists with their careers on the line?

    And what was the purpose of it all, just to fool the world? Questionable benefits vs. high risk of detection just don't add up. Where's the reasoning here? – R

  56. Anonymous says:

    View these films,say as a juror in a court case would,if this was a trail,without being biased one way or the other…and see if you are still sure on that verdict.
    " Astronauts Gone Wild "
    " What Happened on the Moon? "
    " A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon "
    and read the book " Dark Moon "

    An interesting fact: When the Soviets managed to build a system that could track rockets from the earth to the moon, the remaining 3 Apollo missions were all suddenly canceled.

    Synchronicity or what ?


  57. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Cole: drapes! A simple solution. Love it.

  58. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good observation, Susan. It seems Gypsy also could've been abducted. Maybe she saw the craft after the abduction.

    Daz, amazing no one involved (and there would have to be many) in forty years has spoken up about this incredible deception upon the world. Also, amazing that no journalist has uncovered it.

    Frankly, I would believe that aliens were there watching them walk on the moon before believing that the moon walk took place in some desert terrain and nobody involved has been willing to expose it.

  59. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    She has a fantastic memory for detail, Brownie. Our question to her was whether there was missing time.

  60. Brownie says:

    Gypsy has a very good eye for detail. It may have been purposeful that the object had lights and was noticeable so that she would fixate on it; drawing her attention away from some other (perhaps nefarious) activity – perhaps an 'abduction'.

    With the sense of being immobilized, wanting to go see her daughter in the other room (yet not doing so), laying back down to bed and then forgeting the sighting until the unusual cloud formation jogged her memory days later. It's fairly standard fare for the sleight-of-hand scenario of an abduction (of someone in the house or somewhere nearby).

    ~ Susan

  61. Cole says:

    You guys are freaking me out. LOL. Interesting story from Gypsy, one can only wonder what really happened and what that really was. All I know is that I would probably invest in some drapes to cover the windows all the way up at night after that. 😉

  62. Anonymous says:

    O.K. Rob,let's agree to disagree on the Obama place of birth issue (that's minor stuff as far us I'm concerned,it's not like the President has any real power that the money men don't give him,anyway,or else he would end up like JFK did if he tried to cross swords)

    But,before you start throwing nuts about,maybe you should look a little more closely at the Apollo missions (and ask yourself why the Russians never attempted to land there with humans).
    I can see where you are coming from,because about 10 years ago I would have said the same thing to someone like me.The only difference,I look at both sides to a story and search for the truth no matter how painful it is and I did this over years of research,not just by reading one article in some fruitcake magazine.
    Maybe you should try it.


  63. Anonymous says:

    Anonymous, you said to look at both sides of an issue, yet you yourself refuse to do that, saying you "don't have time", and relating only the material you READ that supported YOUR ideas and failing to report the valid material presented by (again, unimpeachable) sources that support the existence of UFOs here. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. I'm waiting to hear about your (probably non-existent) qualifications that allow you to refute the thorough investigations and research of the most highly credible persons on the face of the planet. I have certainly seen it all, both pro and con, and am aware of the nay-sayers and their propanganda intended to debunk and de-fame the truth of the situation. You'd deny the reality of a spacecraft if one perched in your living room. Narrow minded and un-informed and too cowardly to say who you are. Bet we know! It's quite difficult to disquise language and syntax in writing. cj

  64. Anonymous says:

    P.S. Anonymous. Just for the record, again, my opinions are not by any stretch of the imagination based solely on the material I READ by authoritative indisputable experts on the subject, but are based on DOCUMENTED PERSONAL EXPERIENCES of a very long lifetime. Notice I said DOCUMENTED. In the event you don't have a dictionary handy, the word DOCUMENTED is defined as "PROVEN BEYOND ANY REASONABLE DOUBT". cj

  65. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sorry, Daz, but if you doubt that Obama was born in the U.S. (as you've said here) in spite of the overwhelming evidence, and that astronaut have not walked on the moon, then in my book you are a conspiracy nut.

    That said, maybe there is a version of reality in which both scenarios are true. It's just that it's not the one I'm living in. Nevertheless, we enjoy interdimensional visitors here. – R

  66. Anonymous says:

    Nah, anonymous, you didn't touch a nerve. I'm impervious to the ignorance and utter stupidity of any person who thinks he knows more than these Sources:

    Dr. Edgar Mitchell

    by John E. Mack, M.D. PULITZER PRIZE WINNING Professor of Psychiatry @ Harvard University "on the front lines of abductee rsearch" "In-depth case histories of alien abductions, Dr. Mack's clients, NONE OF WHOSE EXPERIENCES ARE ATTRIBUTABLE TO MENTAL ILLNESS".

    by David M. Jacobs, Phd

    by David M. Jacobs, PhD

    by Steven M. Greer, M.d.

    'ABOVE BLACK: Project Preserve Destiny'
    by U.S. Air Force Officer
    Dan Sherman, deorated with the USAF Commendation Medal and the USAF Achievement Medal with Two Oak Clusters. Decorated with the USAF Outstanding Unit Award with Three Oak Clusters.

    by Dr. Jacque Vallee

    by Dr. Jacque Vallee

    by Dr. Jacque Vallee

    by Dr.Jacque Vallee

    by Dr.Jacque Vallee

    by Budd Hopkins and Carol Rainey

    by Budd Hopkins

    by Budd Hopkins

    by Budd Hopkins

    Shall I continue, Anonymous? And I have a question for you. Just precisely what are YOUR qualifications that can compare to the qualifications of the above-mentioned authorities on the
    subject….qualifications including a Pulitzer Prize Winner and a highly decorated USAF officer and a prestigious NASA astrophysicist.
    Show yourself and give your qualifications. cj

  67. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    >>>This is typical UFO believer mentality and methodology. Trust everything you read that supports your belief, and ridicule anyone who asks you to verify those claims.

    No, actually we have commented several times here that some UFO sightings are totally explainable. It's the skeptical side here that only debunks and won't admit to anything out of the ordinary.

    And the skeptical Anonies won't even identify themselves for fear that they could get in trouble
    dabbling in the UFO world. lol

    As we were told by former U of N.C. professor David Halperin – author of the upcoming book The Journal of UFO Investigator – "You can't tenured investigating UFOs."

  68. Anonymous says:

    (it would be nice to address you by a name,even a fake name)
    (the only reason I post under the anonymous tag is because I don't run a blog,but at least I have the guts to identify my comments)
    Anyway,getting back to your " – there's always an excuse for why there's no photograph, even though almost everyone has a cell phone with a camera nowadays " comment.
    I know from my own experience of how difficult it is to get a photograph when you see something unusual.Even though I have never spotted a UFO I can tell you how frustrating it is trying to fetch a camera or cell phone when you see something unusual and you would like a snap to prove to others what you saw ( see my post under " The White Butterfly ")
    You never know how long the event you are witnessing is going to last for and usually you are struck dumb by the odds of it happening to think of snapping a shot,anyway.
    Until you are in that position you won't understand,anyway and at the end of the day I don't care whether you believe me or not,being what people would refer to in their ignorance as a
    " conspiracy nut " I'm used to people disagreeing with my views,so I can only point the way and if people don't want to look,well that's their choice.
    Oh…and if you are really into thinking for yourself,you might want to look into Neil Armstrong and whilst he claims to be a Christian,why he won't swear on the Bible for $5000,to a charity of his choice,to say that he has actually walked on the moon.
    My guess and with all the research I've done would suggest because he hasn't.

    Cheers / Daz

  69. maggie's garden says:

    It seems there are forces out here that are still working hard at trying to keep the truth hidden. I recently watched a video called The Day Before Disclosure (, and it had many military and NASA people telling their experiences. And then the China incident just days ago. I believe it's becoming increasingly harder for the forces that are out there to debunk sightings and keep them quiet.
    Glad you're okay Gypsy…and thanks for sharing.

  70. Anonymous says:

    "This is typical debunker mentality and methodology. Pick away at the details, ignore the obvious elephant (UFO) hovering above their heads"

    LOL. This is typical UFO believer mentality and methodology. Trust everything you read that supports your belief, and ridicule anyone who asks you to verify those claims.

    Great entertainment, though. Thanks for that.

  71. Clarity says:

    Amazing story! I think I would have reacted exactly the same way as Gypsy. It is perfectly natural to react 'irrational' when something so different and unbelieavable happens. I haven't seen any UFO's myself but I've seen ghosts – which was pretty amazing too – but they have always come and left rather quickly so I can relate to not wanting to miss out on the sighting to try and document it. It's always afterwards when you meet people's scepticism you regret you didn't run to get that camera. It would also serve as proof to one self as these things are so extraordinary you sometimes ask yourself if it really happened if you experienced it by yourself. But I don't understand the mission of the sceptic here, to be honest. Maybe, you can find statements, video's and photographs that do not stand up to a closer examination. But to dismiss someone's personnal experience as a dream or a hallucination just because there is no other documentation of the event is perhaps going a bit too far. The fact is that you can not prove it DIDN'T happen either. It is also a fact that no one knows the true nature of reality and what science shows us it what the tools at hand can detect. I often joke about how sceptics would probably argue against the existence of bacteria today if the microscope hadn't been invented. With an estimate of about 125 billion GALAXIES in our Universe I would say we are probably not alone. I would also say that considering how much we trust science and rule out anything that it hasn't detected yet we're probably not the most intelligent life form in the Universe, either (said with a smile).

    Love your site, Trish and Rob <3

  72. terripatrick says:

    What fun for a Friday!

    I wish I had a UFO story to share but alas, I never seem to be in the right place at the right time, looking in the right direction. Fortunately my connection with the world of aviation and global technology has given me opportunities to know whole groups of people who witnessed UFO's together, and many incidents at airports that are often relayed in news reports with pictures.

    I'm always amused by the strong anti-UFO stance taken by some. It's the most illogical thing in the world, to me, to think we are a private property planet on which only 3-D creatures are allowed.

    wv: antal (I saw "anal" but also like the "ant al")

  73. d page says:

    Two credible sources I can think of are Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack, and UC Berkeley Professor Emeritus Dr. James Harder (who co-authored 12 science papers with Einstein.

  74. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    This is typical debunker mentality and methodology. Pick away at the details, ignore the obvious elephant (UFO) hovering above their heads. They can't see it, anyhow. – R

  75. cc says:

    "It is documented FACT, by credible scientists, not charlatans, that many experiencers are in a state of semi-paralysis when these incidents occur, and that temporary memory loss is a common part of the experience."


  76. Anonymous says:

    cj – why all the insults and hostility? Did I insult you? Did I touch a nerve, perhaps? Don't be so quick to believe everything you read. It just might be BS.

    And no, I didn't comment on the other stuff at that site. I don't have time to point out the obvious for you. But please don't lecture me about picking and choosing information to support ignorance. Real research is done by examining ALL the evidence and drawing conclusions from it. Guess what I concluded?

    You might wish to try looking at both sides of the story. Examine the evidence instead of just blindly believing everything you read. You just might learn something.

  77. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Oh, it could be Lou Dobbs,anti-alien crusader, you know. He lives here in our horsey village part of the year where his horsey daughter rides in competition, and illegal aliens clean her stalls. – R

  78. Anonymous says:

    Sorry about the repeat. Guess Someone wanted the message to be loud and clear, but I didn't intentionally do it. Computer glitch? cj

  79. Anonymous says:

    I notice, Cowardly Anonymous, you had zero to say about any of the other astronaut testimonials, nor did you mention the direct audio interviews with the esteemed Dr. Edgar Mitchell or Buzz Aldrin on the other site. And for the record, Whoever You Are, The booster rocket was seen SIMULTANEOUSLY with the UFO. BOTH were seen at the same time. Try again. You just keep showing your ignorance and stupidity more and more. Take up your argument against Dr. Edgar Mitchell. I'm sure you listened to him and are too Know-It-All to have mentioned it because it completel and authoritatively negates every notion you present. You pick and choose anything that seems to support your ignorance and refuse to acknowledge the facts as presented by absolutely infallible sources. Obviously you are unable to tolerate the words of even such impeccable people as Dr. Mitchell because he validates the reality and presence of UFOs and the fact that they are here. He is not alone in his experiences, as he unequivocally states, as I'm sure you saw and heard on the other site which you carefully avoid mentioning. What a simpleton you are, and so uneducated. cj

  80. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Oh, all this bad mouthing about anonymous sources from an anonymous commenter, one whom we've asked to identify him or herself by at least initials. lol

    No comment on the photo at the bottom of the post?

  81. Anonymous says:

    cj – I visited the site you posted ( about the astronaut UFO sightings.

    I was particularly intrigued by the account about Jim Lovell and Gemini 7, which takes a tiny part of a conversation completely out of context and conveniently leaves out the rest. If you read a complete transcript of that conversation, it becomes clear that this "sighting" was that of Gemini's own booster rocket. You can read a complete transcript here:

    Oh, and then there's the supposed conversation between Neil Armstrong and mission control that was picked up by "unnamed radio hams with their own VHF receiving facilities". Do we have ANY independent verification of this transmission, by anyone other than these "unnamed radio hams" (who of course didn't bother to record the transmission. How convenient.)? Seriously. In a court of law, that kind of evidence is called hearsay, and it's inadmissable. Real evidence requires firsthand testimony from reliable sources, not a nameless person who heard that somebody said that they heard that some ham radio operators heard that Neil Armstrong saw a UFO on the moon.

    And don't even get me started on the "certain professor who wishes to remain anonymous" who claims to have had a conversation with Neil Armstrong at a symposium in which Neil told him all about the UFOs he saw on the moon. Please. Does this anonymous professor have any proof that this conversation ever took place? Do we even know that this anonymous professor exists? Neil Armstrong himself says he never had such a conversation. I know that because I read that another person who wishes to remain anonymous once had a converation with Neil Armstrong in which Neil said that the first conversation never happened. So it must be true, right? Please.

  82. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Debra!

  83. Anonymous says:

    P.S. Type Ukraine UFOs into your search box. Also Kiev, Ukraine UFOs. It's very revealing.

  84. Anonymous says:

    Anyone interested in VALID confirmation of visitations supporting the affirming views expressed on this blog, visit:

    This is a site where more than a dozen NASA astronauts disclose their experiences with UFOs, and they are without question the most credible witnesses of the phenomena that we have. One doesn't need to be an astronaut, however, to have encounters, as several of us are aware. cj

  85. d page says:

    I am so glad that the issue of "becoming unable to move was addressed".(Thanks CJ & Rob!) In my time as Dr Harder's research assistant in the UFO field, that was a very common element of reported incidents, almost a "hallmark."
    Personally, I have had the same thing happen to me while experiencing various phenomenon. It was not "sleep paralysis" which I have also experienced. It was not a lucid dream. There is definitely something that happens during these visitations that seems to override our own will & stop us from doing what we want.In lucid dreams, I can change the flow of the dream, but I can't control the way the "visitations" go. That's what makes them somewhat scarey.

    wv= rellyti

  86. Anonymous says:

    The complete site didn't appear for Dr. Mitchell. It is:


  87. Anonymous says:

    In response to the cowardly anonymous: Live interview with Dr. Edgar Mitchell:

    Mitchell's stats:

    Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Pilot, Appollo 14, 6th person to walk on Moon.
    Earned Master of Science degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Naval PostGraduate School. Earned Doctor of Science degrees in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from MIT.

    Argue against this man, anonymous.
    His word is unimpeachable.
    And Buzz Aldrin, same.
    And many others too numerous to mention on a brief blog. Do your homework before you open mouth and insert foot. cj

  88. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    How wonderful to have such an experience. I think Nancy in the comment above is right – not everyone does seem to see them.

    I've only had one real sighting when I was leaving a friend's house late at night. It was very clear and above us was this 'object'. My wife and I could see this, as did my friend's wife. My friend, however, couldn't see what we were on about, even though we were pointing directly at it.

  89. Nancy says:

    The one on the bottom looks like the one my daughter and I watched floating over a Carpeteria store several years ago. We were driving, and it happened too fast to take a picture, by the time I circled around for another look, it was gone. We were not dreaming – it was around 8:00 at night on a fairly busy street. My other daughter was right behind us in her car and didn't see it. I think they are around quite often and for some reason they are not always visible to everyone. I have no idea why that would be, but some see them – and some don't. I can attest to that personally.

  90. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    >>>… it would have made the most incredible photograph in the history of the world…

    Anonymous said the above. But when people take such photos, and they do, they are typically dismissed as fakes or mistaken identities. For example, take a look at the new photo added on the bottom of the above post. It was taken the other day in China where the UFO was seen by numerous people and caused the airport it flew near to close.

    According to your comment, it should be "the most incredible photograph in the history of the world."

    Truth is, there have been many such photos, some rightly dismissed, others true anomalies that no one can explain. Except, of course, for the debunkers, who have 'logical' answers for everything that doesn't fit their picture of the world. So maybe Gypsy saw a large flying squirrel with headlights!

    BTW, it's okay to use anonymous here, but we prefer that you add your name or initials afterward, so you're not confused with anons. That's especially true if you're being critical of a post. – Rob

  91. Anonymous says:

    Anonymous, come out come out whoever you are! It is documented FACT, by credible scientists, not charlatans, that many experiencers are in a state of semi-paralysis when these incidents occur, and that temporary memory loss is a common part of the experience. Bring yoursellf up to speed. NASA astronauts HAVE TAKEN PHOTOS, now released, of UFOs trailing the shuttles. TAPED DISCUSSIONS between mission control and the astronauts, now released, disclose the presence of such UFOs. Anyone who debunks the NASA astronauts such as Edgar Mitchell is ignorant of well-publicized material by the most respected and highly-placed individuals, including not only the astronauts but also military officials and law enforcement personnel. Many incidents are witnessed by hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of people simultaneously. Know your subject before you speak such trash, anonymous. Appropriate WV:
    :weesse" we see. cj

  92. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It may well have been a dream, anonymous. But it also wasn't gypsy's first sighting or encounter.

  93. Anonymous says:

    You see, this is why I have so much trouble believing in UFO sightings – there's always an excuse for why there's no photograph, even though almost everyone has a cell phone with a camera nowadays. And the person is always alone, so there's never anyone else who saw what they saw.

    If you saw this thing as clearly as you describe, it would have made the most incredible photograph in the history of the world, yet you didn't bother to pick up your phone to take a picture "because you didn't want to miss anything". It flew directly over your house, very slowly, and you didn't bother to run outside for a closer look, or to see where it went after it passed over. And you didn't bother to wake your daughter so she could see it with you and share in this incredible experience, "because you were too mesmerized to move".

    So you had this amazing once-in-a-lifetime experience, and you didn't bother to do any of the things that any rational person would have done in that situation. And you forgot all about it the next morning, and didn't remember it until days later when someone said something that reminded you.

    I'm sorry, but irrational actions, the inability to move, and not remembering in the morning are all telltale signs of a dream.

  94. Anonymous says:

    It's been my experience that such encounters seem to be familial; that they occur within the same family from one generation to the next, and that these events began long before The Roswell Incident, happening throughout Earth's history. The repercussion, and risks of debunking and ridicule tend to prevent most rational folks from disclosing these encounters, regardless of their material reality. It isn't unusual for a person to block it; to temporarily "forget" it, just as Gypsy did, until something else
    nudges the memories to emerge. Her drawing is indeed fascinating. It resembles the elongated, lighted, bent-in-the-middle craft being seen over China recently that has caused their airports to shut down. If someone has the inclination to actually see what's out and about, go find a place that has a clear view of the night sky, on a moonless night, and away from any reflective lights from any towns. It is advantageous to do this habitually. You'll see all kinds of anomalies in that patch of black. Some of it is space trash. Some, the satellites. Once in a while, the Space Station slowly cruises by. But if you watch, you will see "things" with the naked eye, without a telescope, that defy logical explanation: lights that are too high to be high-flying jets, and that maneuver in ways that no man-made aircraft can maneuver, zipping at odd angles and making sharp sudden turns, etc. It's quite obvious that we are not alone. cj

  95. annell says:

    That was an amazing story. I have always wished I could see it too. But so far, I have not seen it, or recognized it for what it was? Perhaps you are chosen?

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