Fear and Loathing and Synchronicity

Synchronicity is a kind of twilight zone of magic. It’s the border where our inner and outer worlds meet, the language of the unconscious. It’s certainly not something to be feared. In fact, the more frequently you experience it, the less fragmented you are as a human being – and that’s from Jung.
For centuries, man has recognized signs and symbols as meaningful. In the fourth century B.C., Greek philosopher Heraclitus saw all things as inter-related or following ‘cosmic reason.’ He believed that events were not isolated happenings, but had repercussions across the entire fabric of existence, that all things were linked by a web of organization created by Logos.
Hippocrates, born twenty years after Heraclitus died, expressed similar thoughts. “There is one common flow, a common breathing. Everything is in sympathy. The whole organism and each one of its parts are working together for the same purpose. The great principle extends to the most extreme part, and from the extremest part returns again to the great principle.”
The Roman scholar Agrippa referred to a Fifth Essence, something beyond earth, air, fire and water that held existence together. He also called it the World Soul, which penetrates all things and is a thing in itself. Agrippa’s contemporary, Plotinus, wrote, “Chance has no place in life, but only harmony and order reign therein.”
In the Middle Ages, this idea was known as the unus mundus, one world, and referred to a collective knowledge that exists independently of us, yet is available to us. In this cosmology, the source of meaningful coincidence is separate from our conscious awareness and egos, but it’s where our psyche and the external world touch.
For physicist and writer  F. David Peat, synchronicity is a bridge between mind and matter:  “Synchronicities … open the floodgates of the deeper levels of consciousness and matter which, for a creative instant, sweep over the mind and heal the division between the internal and the external.”
 Physicist David Bohm  referred to this inner world, this primal soup that births everything in the universe  – space, time, consciousness – as the implicate order.  “Every action starts from an intention in the implicate order,” he wrote. “The imagination is already the creation of the form.” In other words, imagination and reality are ultimately indistinguishable. Bohm called our external reality the explicate order because it unfolds from this deeper order of existence. In Bohm’s view of the universe, everything is part of a continuum.
Robert Lanza, an M.D. and professor at Wake Forrest University School of Medicine, goes even farther than Bohm  in his book Biocentrism. Lanza makes a convincing argument that consciousness is everything. Remember the koan? If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound? According to Lanza, it doesn’t. In his cosmology, neither the tree nor the forest exist if a consciousness isn’t perceiving it.
This isn’t New Age, liberal prattle about the unity of man and the universe. It’s science that begins at the quantum level.
So where do UFOs, aliens and abductions belong in these cosmologies? Well, in Lanza’s worldview, if you open that door in your consciousness, then these entities and experiences exist for you. In the Jungian worldview, these experiences symbolize archetypes that have become active in your psyche. In Bohm’s worldview, these things may be a holographic phenomenon. Astrophysicist Jacques Vallee, one of the world’s most respected UFO researchers and model for the character La Combe in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, seems to agree. He said the behavior of UFOs “is the behavior of an image, or a holographic projection.”
Yet, as Michael Talbot addresses in his brilliant book, The Holographic Universe, UFOs and aliens can’t be just psychic projections of the unconscious, not with all the physical evidence left behind  – like the scars and incision marks of abductees. “Given that quantum physics has shown us that mind and matter are inextricably linked, I suggest that UFOs and related phenomena are further evidence of this ultimate lack of division between the psychological and physical worlds. They are indeed a product of the collect human psyche, but they are also quite real.” He theorized that the phenomenon wasn’t subjective or objective, but “omnijective,” something humans have “not yet learned to comprehend properly.”
Physician and near-death researcher Kenneth Ring recognizes parallels between NDEs, abduction experiences, and the mythic realities through which shamans journey. Again, this is not a New Age belief system. It’s science, the study of consciousness and the nature of reality.  Whitley Strieber, author of a number of bestselling books about the abduction phenomenon and one of the most articulate voices among abductees, said that these encounters “may be our first true quantum discovery in the large-scale world: The very act of  observing it may be creating it as a concrete actuality, with sense, definition, and a consciousness of its own.”
So if you are told that synchronicity should be feared because it represents the contraction of possibilities and potential, that it is something manipulated by malignant forces that are controlling you and everything else in the universe, that the aliens or the shadow people or some other hidden, terrifying forces are running the show, take off in the opposite direction. Fear and divisiveness have always been the favored weapons of petty tyrants. Hitler knew that. Mussolini knew it. Karl Rove knows it. We write our scripts from the inside out, from the fabrics of our consciousness, from the fundamental tenets of our belief systems, whatever they are.
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30 Responses to Fear and Loathing and Synchronicity

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, dear friends, i could attempt to describe what a meaningful and magnificent post this is but others have already so eloquently done that – am so sorry i was MIA in the midst of such intriguing dialogue following – so wonderful to be "home" now!

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Brownie – thanks for the tips on the books. We're having some internet issues this evening, so if we don't respond quickly, that's why!

  3. Brownie says:

    I just discovered this blog the other day (from the Luminosity link to here). So, if I'm posting information that's already been shared, I apologize in advance.

    I wanted to list two excellent books that focus on synchronicity by the (now retired) Raymond E. Fowler – who had investigated and written many books on UFOs and Abductions (specializing in the New England area specificially). Fowler was an active member of APRO and then MUFON for many years.

    Two books (that focus primarily on himself and his own coming to terms with personal close encounters/abductions along with synchronicities) – that he wrote in the past decade are:

    Amazing Personal Encounters with Synchronicity and Other Strange Phenomena


    UFO Testament: Anatomy of an Abductee

    Fowler is a self-proclaimed "born-again" Christian and believes synchronicity to be benign, not evil.

    ~ Susan

  4. Natalie says:

    To me, Synchronicity is a manifestation of God's love, and a way of speaking to us through the veil. I feel it is an act of Divine Grace. I feel sorry for those who separate themselves from that Divine love.
    It is the undeniable proof of our Creator's existence and the Higher order of the Universe for those who have grown enough to listen.
    Thank goodness we all have each other.

  5. Raksha says:

    CJ: Re "Anyone who has studied Sacred Geometry, Applied Mathematics,
    Quantum Physics; who has read the philosophies of Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Hippocrates; who has followed and grasped the works of Einstein and Tesla and so many other great minds throughout the eons of history, cannot help but understand that there is indeed an infinite Divine Intelligence, a Grand Order, operating within and without our Universe(s)."

    I have nothing to add to this, except to say that it's a beautiful post and I agree with it 100%.

    WV "olalie" I don't have a clue, but it must mean something!


  6. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for clarifying, Linda. I was stumped! cj

  7. Raksha says:

    CJ: Re "…our everyday world is our local mind, while the non-local mind is the underlying reality where everything is connected, and synchronicity is the link between those two realities."

    You're right–I was quoting a previous post by T&R, not you. Sorry about that!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great dialogue and insights here. Thanks!

  9. maggie's garden says:

    Excellent explanation. And comments. I especially loved the comment by Nancy. And I agree with her that you are a force of good. Thank you.

  10. Vicki D. says:

    Excellent post and great comments.
    For some reason some people fear synchronicities in their lives, myself, I view them as magical and fun!

  11. Butternut Squash says:

    This really emphasizes the necessity of thinking and being the peace that you want to experience.

    Excellent explanation.

  12. Lauren says:

    Bravo again! Wonderful lucid post, succinct and to the point. I recently read your book, and was moved by many of the stories you told therein; thank you! Like the ancient native American story of Tse Che Nako, Thoughtwoman/Spiderwoman, we all participate in "spinning the world into being with the stories we tell"…..I like the idea that the Web is revealed a bit when a synchronicity occurs. For myself, although I don't often "understand" what they mean in a personal sense, when a flurry of synchonicities occur, I somehow feel I'm going in the right direction, it's a touchstone, an affirmation.

    It's interesting that "aliens" have changed in the public mind, from the wise teachers of "close encounters" and "cocoon" of the '80's, to the paranoia today, such as the "X Files" and "Independence Day", etc.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Anyone who has studied Sacred Geometry, Applied Mathematics,
    Quantum Physics; who has read the philosophies of Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Hippocrates; who has followed and grasped the works of Einstein and Tesla and so many other great minds throughout the eons of history, cannot help but understand that there is indeed an infinite Divine Intelligence, a Grand Order, operating within and without our Universe(s). To deny or denigrate such a Divine Order is to deny and denigrate the origin and purpose of Life itself, which is sacrosanct; and to steal from it everything that is true and worthy. To live one's existence outside the unlimited, fathomless parameters of such Divine Order is to miss the reasons for Being. Synchronicity is one of the means by which the intricate design of our connectedness is demonstrated, for those who have eyes to see and those who have ears to hear and those who have minds to perceive. It is Magick. And it is Reality, by whatever name or word we choose to call it.

  14. d page says:

    This post was a blast of fresh air!

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz, Good one on your Thompson fear & loathing synchro.

    Through an odd serendipity, I ended up at Woody Creek for his funeral in which his remains (ashes) were blasted out of a cannon symbolically into the cosmos – though they appeared to fall far short! – R

  16. Anonymous says:

    Amen X 1,000,000,000 to Nancy and Mike. Well would you take a look at this WV: "ammentl" ! Amen to all? P.S. Still waiting for clrification, RakSha, so I can comprehend what you said to me? I haven't the faintest clue, after reading and re-reading my comments several times. cj

  17. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Superb post. Full stop

  18. Nancy says:

    This was a brilliant post! You explained synchronicity perfectly. Edgar Cayce, the great mystic and prophet, said the same thing – the world has a net over it that connects everything, and everyone. If enough people are projecting fear, it radiates throughout the "net" and you have what we have in the US political system, as well as other parts of the world – mass anger, hysteria, hate. If the majority of people are projecting love and positive energy, then you get a calm, happier world. We are pure energy and we are all connected. We are responsible for our world. The funny thing? We cannot change the world without first changing ourselves.

    Thank you for this very interesting, well-written piece. You are a force for good, and we appreciate your efforts.

  19. Mike Clelland! says:

    This essay was posted at 1:23 ?

    Very curious…

  20. Anonymous says:

    Excuse me, Linda…say again? You aren't quoting ME here. Make yourself clear, please. cj

  21. Raksha says:

    @CJ: Re "…our everyday world is our local mind, while the non-local mind is the underlying reality where everything is connected, and synchronicity is the link between those two realities."

    Very true. To say that "everything is connected" is NOT the same thing as saying everything is homogenous or identical, or that the distinctions between people and things are being broken down or erased. It's not the same as saying they don't matter either.


  22. Anonymous says:

    Yes. It was the reading of that other blog that prompted my comments here and also under the Alien post you wrote a few days ago. Ignorance is not bliss, and it tends to rear its fractured mind and sometimes can infect innocents who are unaware. We are truly fortunate to have the freedom to come and express our thoughts on this Synchronicity space, and be accepted as we are, warts and all, without judgment or condemnation. And it is a place for learning and growing. I'm sure I speak for all of us who gather here when I simply say "thank you" to our host and hostess. And BTW, I miss GYPSY! Doggone it, she better get a move on and get that computer set back up! Her lovely pictures and words from around her campfire are painfully absent! Hurry back, Gypsygirl! cj

  23. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Beautifully put, cj! To expand a bit…

    In our everyday world of cause and effect, it seems we are all separate individuals, time is linear, cause and effect rules.

    But on a deeper level, we're all part of Indra's net, a Hindu mythical reference for an underlying connecting principle in nature that transcends cause and effect, space and time.

    To put it another way, our everyday world is our local mind, while the non-local mind is the underlying reality where everything is connected, and synchronicity is the link between those two realities.

    Or, as physicist David Bohm noted: Our everyday world is the explicate order and the deeper reality the implicate, or enfolded order is a kind of primal soup that births everything. – R

    P.S. Trish put together the above post after reading a blog post that features a twisted diatribe against synchronicity.

  24. Anonymous says:

    What a beautiful, inspirational, and appropriate response to the dark notion of separatism and individualism and lack of unity that is being espoused "elsewhere"! Cheers and applause, well deserved. Without unity, there would be no couples, no children, no families, no friendships. Without unity there would be Chaos in the most literal definition of that word. I cannot consider living in a world where there is no magic; no imagination; no synchronicity of thought and no cohesiveness of Universal Consciousness and Mind, no connectedness each to the other. I cannot consider living in a world of such aloneness. The Chicken Little person who stands on a podium in his abysmal black pit blog and shouts to all who will listen, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" once said to me that I "espouse an ethos of love and it is ugly". Well, my ethos IS one of Love and Peace and of Hanging Together in the face of whatever adversary may come, maintaining the integrity of my individualism and still being a part of the solidarity of the Wholeness of All That Is. This Synchronicity space is a demonstration of the power of such unity, where many can come as individuals to share ideas and ideals and go away from it feeling blessed, not fearful or angry or depressed. Here is a garden of miscellaneous thoughtforms that grow like a profusion of wildflowers in myriad colors but, when gathered in a bouquet, create a fragrant unity from which we each may take a single blossom or a handful of buds and watch them burst forth in glory. Beauty is its own reason for Being, as is Unity. cj

  25. Adele Aldridge says:

    LOVE this post! I guess I would have to write a book to really respond to it. Lots and lots of thoughts were generated by it.

    And I can't imagine why anyone would fear a synchronicity. I've been thinking lately that becoming "mindful" or aiming in that direction, makes one more aware of all the synchronicities floating around us all the time.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Linda,I know the first part of the post right up to the word "external" is quoted nearly word for word from Rob and Trish's book "The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity " (pages 141 to 142)
    and the rest is probably stuff they've put together from research
    (I could be wrong),so you would probably have to give the credit to Rob and Trish.

    P.S. If you haven't read their book yet I highly recommend it , so you can blame me if you don't like it.

    Cheers / Daz

  27. Anonymous says:

    I wasn't going to mention it because it probably isn't that much of a synch , but when I first saw this post I was in the middle of reading Hunter S Thompson's
    " Kingdom of Fear "…you know the author of " Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas "
    I thought it was kind of appropriate.

    Daz .-)

  28. Raksha says:

    This is a fantastic post! It speaks to a number of issues that have been preoccupying me for the past month or so, even before I became obsessed with UFOS (along with the rest of the world, apparently). Who was the author of it? I'd like to be able to give credit where credit is due!


    Interesting WV: sionh

    The word "Zion" is sometimes spelled with an S, but I'm not sure what the H at the end has to do with it.

  29. Natalie says:

    How on Earth could synchronicity be viewed as anything other than a blessed gift in order to show us the way?

  30. Anonymous says:

    Bravo !!! Bravo !!!

    ( The sound of one hand clapping .-)

    Well said,Trish or Rob.

    Bravo !!!


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