Michael Talbot

Darren alerted us to this video on Mike Clelland’s  blog. Michael Talbot was a brilliant writer whose Holographic Universe came into my life at a time when I needed to know that I wasn’t nuts for believing what I believed. His book impacted me at such deep levels that language is inadequate in describing the ramifications.


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8 Responses to Michael Talbot

  1. Darren B says:

    Just to let you know,in regard to the comment you left on my post,in case you don’t go back to the post and have a listen;
    This is an audio interview on the “New Dimensions” radio program.April 30 1991.
    This is NOT the video clip which is on Mike Clelland’s blog,or the one on your blog.This is a totally different,more candid interview.
    If you haven’t heard it before Trish,I think that you will like it…and you’ll still probably like it if you have heard it before .-)
    It’s worth a listen and is quite different from the above interview you have here.

  2. J says:

    Hello… from someone who was born into an environment of psychic awareness. This kind of thinking has been my “normal,” and I have to say it can still be hard to fit in when you know you’re not crazy.

    One of your Indiana Jones books was set in a location that I discovered, upon reading it, that I lived in a past life. That’s my favorite movie!!! I always felt a special connection the Indiana Jones story that I couldn’t explain. I wanted to let you know that this experience has really meant a lot to me. Though I’ve always believed in reincarnation and psychic phenomena, I wasn’t looking for one of my past lives.

    Sometimes when I come here I have little synchro’s happen that have something to do with what you posted.

  3. Darren B says:

    I’m reading “The Holographic Universe” at this present time,as you know Trish and I’ve been having some big syncs reading this book.
    Especially yesterday;
    and I’m not even halfway yet.
    It might be hard for people to get their head around…some parts I can’t either,but overall this is a great book.
    I highly recommend it.

  4. Nancy says:

    I totally related to that book. Michael Talbot was a genius. Thanks for the video.

  5. Thanks for the video (though haven’t time to watch it all now – will be back!)

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