Psychic Protection

We’re both  working on our next synchro book, which is called: Synchronicity and the Other Side: Your Guide to Meaningful Connection with the Afterlife. Plans are to publish the book next spring, so we’re very focused on the writing. Amazing we have time for the blog.

But a synchro occurred yesterday related to the book that is worth mentioning. It’ll also be in the book. I was working on a chapter  called Hauntings and had just written a section on how to create a psychic shield when encountering negative energy, whether it’s coming from a malefic spirit or a living person tossing a negative thought-form your way. I’d written about a well known method that involves surrounding yourself in a protective bubble of light that can’t be penetrated by negative energy. I’d detailed how to create it in a meditation, but the section still felt somewhat short. Regardless, I’d put it aside to work on another part of the chapter when Trish returned  from the grocery store.

The first thing she said was, “Wait until I tell you the story I just heard in the parking lot.”

Keep in mind that Trish didn’t know that I had been writing about psychic protection. The story came from a woman who bags groceries and often wheels Trish’s grocery cart out to the car. Her name is Marina and she’s from Cuba, where she was a medical doctor before she fled her native land. Since she doesn’t speak English and isn’t licensed to practice medicine the U.S., she took the minimal wage job. (Trish grew up in Venezuela, so she has no trouble communicating with Marina.)

When Trish mentioned the book that we’re working on now, Marina stopped and gave her a startled look. She then proceeded to relate a ghostly encounter she had in her home the previous night. Marina, who lives in an aging condominium, had turned off the light and was sleeping when she abruptly woke up to the sound of a woman groaning and weeping as if she were in great pain. She was certain the sound was coming from her bedroom, not another condo. “She was right there next to me in bed, and I was terrified.”

Marina immediately realized that she needed to protect herself from a psychic invasion from this troubled spirit. She recalled a method she’d learned from a spiritualist in Cuba. She got up and took a small wooden cross from her nightstand and went into the bathroom where she filled a clear glass with water. Then she plunged the cross into it, and began reciting the Lord’s Prayer. Just as she finished, her husband came home and turned on the lights, and the frightful haunting was over.

I immediately incorporated the story in the section I’d just written on psychic protection. So if you were wondering how synchronicity fits with a book on contact with the other side, there you have an example!

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23 Responses to Psychic Protection

  1. Natalie says:

    Clarity, I also get 'stuck' when reciting the Lord's Prayer. It is especially when I try to say "but deliver us from evil"
    Instead I now say: Wherever God is, I am there also.
    It feels to me that the higher you climb in your evolution towards the light, the harder the dark side work to drag you out of the light.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Yes Linda,it is a small world and I'll give you an example how small it is.Here is a link to the church I was baptized and confirmed in ;
    It hasn't changed much over the years,just looking at the picture of the inside of the church fills me with peace.Anyway,directly across the road is a park with an amphitheater and I think it was around 1986 the Dalai Lama came out and did a free talk in that park which I attended.The same year the Pope came out to Brisbane
    and addressed an audience at QE II Stadium about 3 miles from where I was living at the time,which I didn't attend,but the thing is his Pope-mobile came down the road directly behind where I was living,so I literally only had to jump my neighbours back fence and stand on the footpath to watch him go by and have direct eye contact with him from a distance of about 15 feet.Now to me these guys are just figureheads of the organizations that they represent,to others they are like gods,but to me it was a sign to look into the truth that is embedded into just about every faith on the planet and try to sort the truth from the BS.
    Now right next door to the church is the Theosophical Society of Brisbane
    and while I was not member of it,I was a member of their library,so I could borrow books and lecture tapes from them .One thing that attracted me to them was their seal and the motto "There is no religion higher than Truth" and that has been my motto ever since.

    Cheers / Daz

  3. Clarity says:

    Oooh, that haunting sounds pretty scary! Good for Marina she knew how to deal with it. I didn't know the method with the cross in a glass of water. It's interesting to see what works for each person. I used to say The Lord's Prayer but then I had a couple of scary dreams where I was struggling with some entity that tried to drag me out of bed. Well, I'm not sure if they WERE dreams as both happened right after the death of a close relative. In my first dream, I tried to say The Lord's Prayer but in all my terror I got stuck at a certain passage. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't remember the whole prayer – and I've been a Christian so that really shows the state I was in. Then a friend told me to say "I'm under divine protection" instead. The second time I had this horrible kind of dream, I started saying The Lord's Prayer again – and got stuck again. Then I remembered what my friends had told me and it worked instantly. Since then, I have used it every time I've felt the need for protection. It's simple but seems to be extremely powerful. I haven't tried it against 'energy vampires' though but it may work there too.

  4. Raksha says:


    I'm sitting here shaking my head over your post, because with only a few small changes I could have WRITTEN it! This is just too mind-blowing for words. It sounds as though I'm about a decade older than you, because instead of saying "…when I was growing up in the 60s and 70s" I would have to say, "…when I was growing up in the 50s and 60s."

    Also, I grew up in America (first New York and then California, where I still live) and not Australia. By the time I was in grade school, prayers were no longer being said in the public schools, so being forced to participate in Christian prayers wasn't an issue. There is actually nothing contradictory to Judaism in the Lord's Prayer (Jesus was Jewish, after all) but I can see where you might develop an aversion to it because of its long association with Christianity.

    I use the Shema as a way of centering, as well as for protection. I have incorporated it into the grounding and centering exercise taught by T. Thorn Coyle in Evolutionary Witchcraft. It's something I do just because it feels right to me, and it's basically for the reason you said. It's because the Shema is one of the first prayers every Jewish child learns, and it's very comforting and familiar for that reason. You could say that for all practical purposes, it has become like a mantra for us. I also like it that it is a statement of Unity, an affirmation of wholeness or unity in diversity.

    But what really blew me away about your post was this: "I joined a Gnostic church in my early 20's
    (The Liberal Catholic Church: because I have always believed in reincarnation and they have no problem with that)"

    WHAT??? I don't believe this! You mean you didn't become a Buddhist or a Hindu like every other Jew who believed in reincarnation back then?

    I was surprised when I learned (I forget when exactly) that belief in reincarnation was actually the NORM among the medieval kabbalists, although there is no set Jewish teaching about the afterlife and we are free to believe whatever we want. It was and still is completely kosher for a Jew to believe in reincarnation. Of course nobody bothered to tell us that in the 1960s, assuming they knew it themselves.

    I don't know what it was like in Australia, but in California in the 1960s, if you were interested in Jewish mysticism or any other kind of mysticism for that matter, absolutely the LAST person you'd ever want ask about it was a rabbi! Everybody knew that. So in the 1970s there got to be a massive spiritual brain drain among young Jews, that over time became very noticeable, even to the leaders of the organized Jewish community. This led to the beginnings of the Jewish Renewal Movement, starting in the 1980s.

    Still, it's unusual to meet a Jew who joined a Gnostic church rather than getting involved in some form of Eastern religion. Or maybe I should say it's unusual to meet another Jew who joined a Gnostic church. Although my main involvement was with the Ecclesia Gnostica in Los Angeles(affiliated with the Gnostic Society), the very first sacramental church I ever attended was the Liberal Catholic Church, which was considered the "Theosophical church" because of its unofficial but strong ties to the Theosophical Society.

    It's a small world.


  5. Anonymous says:

    Sorry for not replying sooner.
    I can see for us a line like ;
    "Hear O Israel, the Lord is our G*d, the Lord is One" (Shema Yisrael Adonai eloheinu Adonai ehad)
    may be comforting because like the Christians with "The Lord's Prayer"
    we are use to hearing it form a young age,so it tends to sink into our memories as a form of comfort and nostalgia a bit like finding an old teddy-bear in the closet in a way.
    In Australia when I was growing up in the 60's and 70's,there wasn't a large Jewish population (there still isn't in Brisbane)so it was mainly my family (cousins,Aunties and Uncles)where the Jewish traditions were to be found although more in a traditional cultural sort of way more than a religious way.
    I went to a secular public school and we had to say "The Lord's Prayer" every morning (it was drummed into us)so to me the Lord was the Lord of the Torah and to the other kids he was Jesus,but to this day I have never really found it a comfort to say it.I find Psalm 23 comforting though oddly enough.I joined a Gnostic church in my early 20's
    (The Liberal Catholic Church: because I have always believed in reincarnation and they have no problem with that)
    ,which I'm still a member of,but haven't attended for years(mainly because of work commitments)and we use to sing that a lot and I found and still find it a great soothing song to sing.
    So I think comfort or protection is found in the situation or ritual that generates that feeling of peace within yourself which you have experienced from a past memory of it.
    That's why I like to celebrate Jewish holidays like Chanukah,Passover,Rosh Hashana,etc.
    not so much from the religious point of things,but just to feel the connection with my big Jewish family around the world.That gives me a great sense of peace and joy.

    Shalom / Daz

  6. Sansego says:

    I can't wait to read your new book! This evening, I was just in New Renaissance Bookstore for the lecture by Nick Bunick, who has a new book out. It was such an awesome evening! He talked a little about his 444 coincidences. He was on Coast to Coast AM recently and my ears perked up when he mentioned 444 being God's and the guardian angel's way of letting you know that you're loved and they are present with you. I've had many experiences with 22 and 11:11, but never 444 until the day I was let go at work. The number of the check that was cut for me was: 00044400. Freaked me out!

    By the way, there was only two copies of your book in New Renaissance. I haven't been there in a couple months, but the last time I was there, they had 7 copies. I don't know if they have had many reorders in the past two months, but it was encouraging to see that they seem to sell the book. Its still on the main display shelf when you first walk in.

    wv: platen

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jeni, I think you're passing through lower astral realms when that stuff comes up in meditation or dreams. At least, that's what I get from that picture.

  8. Jeni says:

    Oh, I forgot to mention…. the picture you attached to the post amazed me ~ I've been meditating and am finally getting to a place where I am seeing images. This picture reminded of the most recent!
    What a connection….

  9. Cole says:

    Interesting indeed. Speaking directly about negative energy felt from a spirit rather than a person's mood, how do you know if the negative energy isn't something that you yourself through your own fear or imagination may be manifesting into something tangible, versus "something" attaching to you.

  10. Lauren says:

    Interesting……being a long time Pagan, I have to note that the Pentacle is also called the "seal of Solomon", and occurs in ancient times on sealed jars of olive oil and over doors as a protection against evil. I like to remember that when I wear one.

    In shamanic cultures, spirit contact is achieved only through special prescribed times, rituals, and with extensive procedures and protections for the tribe and shaman against possession and attachments that have accrued over many years of tribal history. I personally feel that many contemporary people, lacking the cultural framework and support system that a native shaman has, are naively exposing themselves to negative and dangerous attachments and phenomena.

  11. Cole says:

    I am kind of stuck when it comes to calling out to God or Jesus or imagining white light. If I am creeped out, which happens, it snowballs in my mind and I become too uncomfortable. I have prayed, being raised Christian, it is my first instinct and comfort. I believe I have been "heard" many times over in my life. But I still struggle with feeling confident in overcoming fear when faced with something negative or freighting.

    I don't ever experience instant calmness or peace. To which I wonder if I focused more on the basics of my faith rather than indulging in all the what if and why are we here kind of stuff, I might not have room for whatever negative energy is present to fill.

    Don't get me wrong I don't think it is bad to question, I think it just opens you up sometimes to so much.

    It has been uneasy to balance my questions and wanting to know things, where the answers are at times unsettling compared to the beliefs of my religious upbringing. So I wonder if doubt sneaks into my mind during those moments of needing to feel peace. Funny how the power is given more to the creepier or negative vibe. I wish I could change that.

    Ever since I started my Mystic blog, I have had too many cases where I felt I needed that light of protection. Most recently I laugh at the idea of me posting Halloween topics this month, they are not my typical topics, as the blog itself isn't suppose to be a paranormal one. I have received however some freaky comments to them, (thank God for the needing approval button) the only one getting scared is me. LOL. But it is that type of mindset, open and fearful that makes it hard to generate light.

    Guess I will be buying your new book too.

  12. Raksha says:

    Daz: Re "I have to agree with Mike on that one.Being a Jew,I see no power at all in the crucifix.To me it only has what power your mind is willing to give it and that's fine…"

    I'm also Jewish and feel the same way you do about the crucifix. But the Shema also works very well for general protection against negative influences of any kind. I say only the first two lines, first in Hebrew and then in English, simply because I never memorized the rest of it. But even the first line in Hebrew seems to create an instant globe of white light around you that shuts out negative energies.


  13. Natalie says:

    Oh, and also I have a crucifix and an Archangel Michael prayer with me (a bookmark).

  14. Natalie says:

    When I am reading, i ask for Archangel Michael to envelope me and protect me with his wings. I ask that all guides and unseen helpers who are only of the light, to come forward with the highest vibration information they have for me and my client at this time. I ask for all blocks and negativity be removed from me, in all directions of time and space, and i tell them i love them and appreciate their help. Then i say the Lord's Prayer.
    When the client comes into my room, I ask permission to do the same thing for them.

    Bar two readings, this has ensured the most beautiful contact.For those two, there was just nothing, so I did straight Tarot for one, and sent the other one home.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I have to agree with Mike on that one.Being a Jew,I see no power at all in the crucifix.To me it only has what power your mind is willing to give it and that's fine,if an individual feels safe by putting a crucifix in a glass and reciting the Lords Prayer then I say go ahead.
    Whatever works for you,do it.

    P.S. I always like the hamsa as a motif to ward off the evil eye,but I don't have that much faith in it,but others do.

  16. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I think protection is – as with almost everything – by whatever method we believe works.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Rob, when I am covering hauntings, I use a completely different method of protection so that I can make contact with a trapped entity. I still invoke my own protectors, but also use a secondary method that allows such contact. I prefer to call this area of my work "soul rescue" as opposed to hauntings. It's surprising how many humans, when they find out the story of who is haunting their space and why, think it's cool and want to keep the spook(s) around. I have to more or less inform these humans that the spirit needs to move on and isn't there to entertain them. Our city is one of America's most haunted, and the work of soul rescue here has been very rewarding and also has brought many learning experiences.

  18. Nancy says:

    I think your new book is going to be very interesting!

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    >>"Only those entities and energies and beings who are in Light and Love can touch me or communicate with me in any way.

    cj, Interesting method, but how would that work if you were attempting to help someone who is trapped and clinging to the Earth-plane?

  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Jeni – love your story about the two cardinals and your sister's spirit!

    Vicki – interesting that you heard it has to be a crucifix.

  21. Anonymous says:

    My primary source of Protection is to immediately call in every discarnate healer and protector who surround my life, those whose names I know and some whose names I don't know, and to make the affirmation, usually aloud if I am alone, that "Only those entities and energies and beings who are in Light and Love can touch me or communicate with me in any way. Every atom and molecule of each of my bodies is saturated with love and light and are within this protection." This pronouncement is always followed by a sense of calmness and an awareness of complete and utter safety, and is almost always accompanied by the fragrance of something so exquisite that we don't have in this dimension. I don't have a physical sense of smell. My olfactory nerves have been destroyed by a neurological medical issue. The fragrance is profound, and it is a psychic fragrance. It envelopes me with a sense of absolute comfort and removes all fears. Interesting WV:
    "theewast" cj

  22. Jeni says:

    Great synchro story.I have them ALL the time these days. most recently: I found this medium Jim Fargiano recently through my sister in law. Before I said anything to my husband and googled the medium, my husband had for no reason out of the blue thought of an old teacher he had named Fargiano and was saying it over & over.
    Then just the other day I was reading a chapter in a book that was given to me a few years ago, "Divine Intuition" by Lynn Robinson and decided to immediately go to Jim Fargiano's blogpost for the day. The chapter in the book and Jim's blogpost for yesterday were basically the exact same message.
    They say when the student is ready, the teacher(s) appear……
    Love it!
    Cool blog you have here. I found it because I was googling sychronity. I have a cool story in my blog I titled Sychronities :).

    Oh, BTW: I have my sisters spirit in my home here! I've had confirmations 😉

  23. Vicki D. says:

    I have never heard of doing that.
    I have used the bubble of white light surrounding you.
    I also have always kept a crucifix and when my daughters were children kept a small one on a necklace in a drawer by each of them.
    I can't remember who told me about the crucifix, it can't be just a cross it needs to be a crucifix.

    It will be interesting to see what others share.

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