Karen and Rick and Afterward

 First, I confess to having taken this image from Gypsy’s blog. (Thank you, Gypsy.) It struck me as the perfect image for this story.

Our post on September 29, Ghosts as Tricksters, resulted in some amazing comments and reactions. This story comes from Karen Algrim at Maggie’s Secret Garden, and embodies many elements of both synchronicity and spirit contact.

As I have shared in a previous post….some of you may know that my husband was killed in an auto accident by a drunk driver a few days before the holiday of December 1989. On that night I already had a sense that something had happened to him before I actually got word from the police.

I had a vision of what was to come while in surgery the same year…it was what I recalled a holographic look into my own future.

The night it happened the kids and I sat waiting for him to arrive home from work. At around 8:30 in the evening, we heard a boom on the front door, almost as if a big gust of wind had hit it. There was no wind that night. My daughter and son moved onto the chair I was sitting and…they weren’t scared at all…rather my daughter said she felt sick to her stomach. I felt from that moment on that I was recalling the holographic scenes I had while under anaesthesia.

We went through a rough patch after that night….and then not more than a month went by when we all started noticing things. I’ll list them….it will be easier.

The kids started telling me they saw reflections of their dad in the windows from inside the house.

My daughter said she saw her dad getting into bed with my youngest child. She said she knew it was her dad by the chain and medal on his neck. She was 8 years old.

We all started hearing our names shouted in a loud whisper into our ear at very close range. None of us shared this until my youngest child did…and then we all realized we were having the same experience.

My TV turned itself on in the night time. It happened often. (I wish I had paid more attention to what was on the screen…I fear I have missed a message)

My bedroom light turned itself on more than a few times.

We all heard heavy footsteps on what seemed the roof…the footsteps sounded as if they were running across the whole length of the house.

We started seeing a ghostly form of a man sitting on the toilet in the upstairs hallway nearest the kitchen. The kids are only 8,7, and 18 months old and they told me about this at random times.

We all saw quick flashes of movement out the corner of our eyes often.

I was using the hallway bathroom very late at night with the door open (pardon my manners), the house is dark except for the light above the stove in the kitchen. I see a shadow of a person walking by on the wall outside the bathroom door.

I decided it was best for us to move into a different home. While I moved, the old house sat on the market for 1 year. During this time I let a family in need of a place to stay have the house. I never told them of my experiences. On the day they moved out, they asked me if I had been coming in while they weren’t at home. Of course I wasn’t and asked why they thought I was. Their story? While cleaning the hallway bathroom, they closed the door to keep the cleaning solutions smells from escaping, went out to eat, and on their return the bathroom door was open.

They also told me of noises heard from the attic above the foyer. They thought it might be critters, so her husband went up to check. No sign of critters.

After getting back the keys from this family, I got into my car to leave and made it halfway down the block before my car went into neutral while it was engaged in drive. I’d push down on the gas pedal and there was no drive. I figured it was my transmission. I had it towed. The dealer could find nothing wrong with the car. In hindsight I think it may have been my husband warning me to stay in the old house. And he would have been right in that decision given our economy today.

At my new house. I am reading in my room one night when I see an orb around the size of a tennis ball appear above my bed. It just sits there for most of an hour, moves only slightly, and then just dims out like a light bulb. I searched for every possibility of what it could have been, but know in my gut…I truly believe it was an orb.

When my granddaughter was born we all went into the birthing room after she had arrived. We were all shocked at how her eyes were looking at us with recognition of who each of us were. As each person spoke, her eyes would look directly at the person speaking. I should tell you that her eyes are the same color and shape as my late husband’s. We took pictures and in a few of the photos we captured some orbs above my daughter’s head; he had just given birth to my first grandchild.

I instinctively feel my granddaughter is the incarnation of my late husband.  I now know we travel in soul groups. My granddaughter looks a lot like my late husband. And I remember that when he was alive, he used to jokingly say that he wanted to come back as a beautiful woman. He thought beautiful women had it easy!

I also remember that about a year before his death he had a premonition that he would be killed in a car accident. A friend of ours was lost in the same way earlier and I remember my husband saying,”That’s how I’m going to go.” I know now that he may have created this scenario for himself.

I have investigated and learned many other things I would have never even been interested in if it wasn’t for these experiences and for this I am most grateful. I also don’t feel him around me anymore. But I do think his leaving date has left a message for me…..December 21st. I look forward to seeing what is in store for me on December 21, 2012.

I know now that we made a pact back in time, to pass this way with each other, and it has allowed me to understand my purpose for this life. And I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to experience these things. These experiences have brought me to a place of better understanding.
There are so many details in this story that suggest spirit contact: the sounds, the orbs, the problem with her car, the sightings. And then there’s her granddaughter’s birth that hints at her husband’s return. Interesting, too, that the date she mentions – December 21, 2012 – is when the Mayan calendar ends. Lots of speculation on what that means.  But for Karen, it’s undoubtedly going to be very special.

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26 Responses to Karen and Rick and Afterward

  1. Anonymous says:

    Oh my gosh! It is 12:30pm EDT, 10-15-2010. My middle son just phone me to tell me that one of my favorite movies has just started on TV. I asked him what the movie is, "CHANCES ARE" with Robert Downey, Jr., he said. This wouldn't be so thrilling, except I've been scrolling thru the blog again and have just a moment ago finished reading Sansego's remakrks about that movie…again!
    What are the odds! Amazing! Just amazing! cj P.S.. Sansego, hope you have the movie channel that is showing the movie right now! cj

  2. Anonymous says:

    Well Jane,from my personal experience in life,I have no doubt that consciousness can function outside your body.Although I have never been able to do it at will (not that I have tried very hard) I still remember the first time it happened was when I was about 11 or 12.We were on a football camping trip on a small island and the fathers had gone fishing and left us kids alone back at the tents,so most of us flogged a tin of beer (only 1 can each)and drank it.That was the first time I had ever had a full tin of beer.What it did though was to somehow knock my point of consciousness about 2 feet above and about a foot behind my head,so I seemed to be viewing everything from slightly above and looking down (it felt like I was 10 feet tall)and although I had full control of my body,I couldn't feel pain,just a strange type of numbness.We were walking barefoot on sharp twigs and rocks and I had the thought at the time that surely that has to hurt (and it did the next morning,but not then)
    I know people will say you must have been drunk,but I have had many a drink since then and have never had such an experience such as that.I know I was out of my normal body boundaries for a fact.I had read stories about a year before that of people leaving their bodies near death and I use to think that was impossible,but I know for sure that it is possible.It is a very strange,but very real feeling,trust me.That's why I have no problem with the theory of reincarnation,because when you have an experience like that you clearly see that the body is nothing more than a vehicle we use to interact with other forms of consciousness in other bodies,although when you get caught up in the drama,sometimes it's easy to forget those lessons.


  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jane – what an amazing and powerful story! Thank you for posting it. The more stories people like this post, the greater the information pool about this phenomenon for everyone else.

  4. Jane says:

    My husband passed two years ago, and there have been several communications from him. Before these happened, I HOPED there was an afterlife but was not certain. Unlike the story you posted, all of mine have been loving and playful contacts. One was a dream (or so I thought, at the time). He was standing in front of me smiling and wearing his usual type of clothing. I was able to hug and hold onto him and tell him again and again, "I love you. I miss you so much." My impression was that it lasted less than a minute, and it felt like a visit from him — not a dream. Many months later, I read a book about after-death communications. The author said our souls can leave our bodies while we're asleep and meet up with the spirits of those who have passed. That really clicked with me beause it didn't FEEL like a dream.

    About nine months after he died, I came across a website about automatic writing (which I hadn't heard of). You say a prayer, meditate, whatever to get centered. Get your pen and paper ready. Say the name of the person who passed and start writing whatever comes into your head. So I thought, "Why not? I'll give it a try." WHOA! The words were coming so fast that I had trouble getting it all down. There was no thinking on my part. I was just taking dictation. He addressed some of my concerns at that time and answered some questions that I'd been turning over in my head (like: could I have saved him if I'd found him sooner? Was there a lot of pain?). He told me we would be together again, and that my mom would be coming soon, and he will light the way for her. He also gave me a message for his daughters. For days after, I thought about how to give them that message without them thinking I've gone nuts. And then I just decided to do it and not worry about the nutso factor. I emailed it to both, and neither ever responded to that email. (I could just imagine their conversation. "She's really gone over the edge.") Oh well. Their loss.

    Which is why I appreciate this forum … where I don't have to worry about being labeled as crazy, pathethic, whatever.


  5. Anonymous says:

    "Audrey Rose" staring Anthony Hopkins from 1977 was one creepy movie about reincarnation that I didn't mind.
    Here's a link on Wikipedia ;


  6. Anonymous says:

    I loved the movie CHANCES ARE, especially how his relationship with his no-longer-wife shifted!
    Speaking of orbs and such, my middle son and his wife live next door to her brother and their sister-in-law. Her brother had leukemia and wanted to be at home in his final days and hours. My son took many photos both inside and outside their house during this timeframe. Those photos are literally filled with round orbs of all colors and sizes, and with "light beams", and with elongated bars, and even with a couple of very clear transparent faces. Most of these spirit presences appeared on photos that were snapped OUTSIDE the window of the sickroom, in broad daylight, when no flash was used to distort or cast shadows. Since I was very young, I've had the conviction that our soul knows when and how it will transition. My Dad, who was an extremely healthy cattleman who had no legitimate reason to think this, and who was one of the most upbeat people I've ever met, said that he would die before he was fifty. He was so certain of this, in spite of his good health, that he made arrangements for my and my older sisters' educations and for my Mom's economic security. When Dad was 41 he was diagnosed with brain cancer, and passed away seven months later, when he was only 42. Like Lincoln, who dreamed of his death prior to its manifestation, my Dad KNEW. At the moment of his death, my Dad was in a 4th floor room of the hospital, and I was in the 1st floor lobby with several family members and friends. (Mom was upstairs with Dad.) All of a sudden I had hot chills, and I heard my Dad say, "Honey, there's a big ship over there. I"m going now to get on it". I knew he was gone, and I immediately told everyone what had just happened and what Daddy had said as he had left. They just clucked their tongues, altho I was 18 and not a kid. A few minutes later my distraught Mom came down, and in a little while she said, "Just before he died, he opened his eyes and looked right into mine, and he said 'Honey, there's a big ship over there. I'm going now to get on it.' Then he was gone." The people I had told looked at me as if I were…I don't know what. My Dad had allowed me to hear his goodbye as he left. That experience changed the entire course of my life. cj

  7. Anonymous says:

    Here's another small sync.As soon as I posted that lotto dream story above.I was looking through the Live Traffic records on the right-hand side of your main page and found this;

    Philippine, Benguet arrived from google.com.ph on "SYNCHRONICITY: World's luckiest lotto player" by searching for lotto pick gemini.
    17:29:29 — 1 hour 59 mins ago

    So I clicked on the link and had a read of that story.I didn't even know you had posted a lucky lotto story before I saw that chance link.



  8. Anonymous says:

    Oh..and Trish while I think of it.
    I use to run a Lotto syndicate at my work and one day a lady in the syndicate named Robyn told me her husband had a dream of the winning lotto numbers.
    I had always heard of this sort of thing and was a little skeptical so I asked her if they had came up and she said
    " It's for this coming draw,but he could only remember the first 3 numbers and couldn't recall the last 3"
    So I asked her if she would mind if I write them down just to see if there was anything to it.
    She gave me 3 numbers like 33,14,26 (although they weren't the real one's because I've forgotten the real numbers)
    and I sat down to watch the draw,more worried about my numbers than hers…and guess what,the first 3 numbers were 33,14,26…in that order.
    The odds of that alone are amazing.I was dumbstruck.When I saw her at work Monday we talked about it like we had seen a ghost.
    Unfortunately her husband didn't even play any of those numbers because he couldn't remember the others.
    It taught me one thing though and that was always have a pen and paper on the bedside table,just in case.
    Although,I'm yet to dream any lotto numbers I still live in hope.


  9. terripatrick says:

    It was his real voice. The time stamp was an hour before the accident. He drove right past the cemetery and the crash was so minor they did an autopsy to determine if he'd died before the crash, and that was what caused it. No evidence of stroke or injury enough to cause a death.

    The most notable orb was in a picture taken of our youngest, the night of her junior prom. I was already in Cleveland, as it was the night before Mom's wake. Ed was leaving in the morning. The orb in the picture was huge, and almost the size of my daughter's head, right over her shoulder. It was very clear and defined.

    That Christmas in 2005 we took a bunch of pictures at our family gathering and there were four or five orbs in every picture, all a bit different in size and density, we figured a bunch of ancestors had come to visit because we're fun people. 🙂

    We really liked seeing all those orbs in the pictures from the party because when Dad died, we all felt this sudden void that lasted a few months. We had talked about, and sort of liked comparing notes, of Mom's spirit contact but when Dad joined her, it all stopped, and we missed it.

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Terri – was this his actual voice or an electronic voice phenomenon? The orb details are fascinating. Can you elaborate? Orbs do seem to figure into all this, just not sure how. It seems to be different for everyone.

  11. terripatrick says:

    I loved Karen's story. Thank you.

    I and my family experienced a few spirit contacts after my mom's death five years ago: ringing phones with no number or connection, blinking lights, volume shifts on stereos, issues with the water temperature in the shower, voices, and we had huge orbs appear in pictures. While we all knew it was spirit contact none of us felt any fear either.

    The surprise was three months later, when my dad died in a car accident, on his first visit to her grave, and the message he left on my brother's answering machine was the words, "I'm going to see Mom."

  12. Anonymous says:

    Yeah,that's fine with me,Trish.
    It will be interesting to see if other reader's have had such experiences,as I'm sure a lot have.

    Cheers / Daz

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Rob put it on our netflix lineup. So far, my two favorites have been the reincarnation of peter proud, really old movie, and dead again.

  14. Sansego says:

    Chances Are features Cybil Shepherd, Robert Downey Jr., Ryan O'Neal, and Mary Stuart Masterson. The theme song is the beautiful duet "After All" by Peter Cetera and Cher. It was released in the spring of 1989 but bombed. If memory serves, it grossed just $18 million. But it is funny, sweet, and whoever wrote it was likely a believer in reincarnation. It has one theory about deja vu and how certain peculiar habits a person hascan follow them into their next life. Highly recommmend this film.

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Daz. It's such an odd synchro – we're going to use it as a post up the line, if that's ok with you.

  16. Anonymous says:

    That dream happened about fifteen years ago,Trish,but I still remember proding for the missing tooth with my tongue and being relieved when I realized it was just a dream.
    I have never had that dream since.

    Cheers / Daz

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, how did we miss this movie? We'll check it out on netflix. Who's in it?

  18. Sansego says:

    I love this experience! Especially the part about her husband joking that he would reincarnate as a beautiful woman!

    Its my impression that a big reason why so many people are averse to learning more about reincarnation is the fear that they might learn that their current identity won't always be that way. The idea that we experience life as different genders (or even different sexual orientations), races, religions, economic status, citizenships, etc…is perhaps scary for a lot of people.

    It is good to be open minded and consider the possibilities. This scenario you featured reminds me of the movie "Chances Are", in which the dead husband reincarnates so he can meet up with his wife again, but eventually learns that in his new incarnation, the same relationship is not necessary to repeat again. Its the best film on reincarnation that I've ever come across.

  19. Natalie says:

    Such a moving and intimate look at the ways in which they try to reach us. Lovely post, thanks all. ♥

  20. Nancy says:

    I read this on Karen's blog and still feel so moved, even reading it again. I've had some encounters with those that have moved on, but nothing of this magnitude. The gust of wind on the door…. wow.

  21. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz – really good synchro! How long ago did it happen?
    – Trish

  22. Anonymous says:

    I remember the night one of my favourite Aunties died I had a dream that I had lost a front tooth in my upper set and couldn't stop poking at the gap with my tongue for what seemed like hours in this dream.
    When I woke up,I looked through a dream dictionary and it said ;
    "Teeth falling out in a dream can be interpreted as sense of loss, such as a death of someone close to you. Falling teeth can represent worries about getting older – loss of youth and vitality. If a single tooth is lost it could mean loss or change of something important to you."
    I don't usually recall my dreams and found this one quite disturbing
    and then the next minute my mother rings me to tell me her sister had died unexpectedly in her sleep after coming down with a bad case of the flu.


  23. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It's an amazing story for many reasons. But I love the way it moves from Rick's death to his rebirth.

  24. Raksha says:

    Even on the second reading, I'm too overwhelmed by this story to comment on it intelligently. Maybe later.


  25. Lauren says:

    What a moving story – thanks so much for sharing it.

  26. 67 Not Out (mike Perry) says:

    What an emotional post, at least I felt it so. Having lost people close to me I can echo some of the experiences.

    Same with grandchildren. I had my first grandson 11 weeks ago and I know that I 'know' him – though I'm not sure as to why. Perhaps in another life. He now looks at me, furrows his brow in a familiar way and then smiles. The first time it brought me to tears.

    It was interesting how children recognise and see or sense things. I think, unfortunately, 'we' gradually knock this out of them.

    Thanks for the post.

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