The Tooth

                                  Joan Miro

This syncho is an odd one from  Daz, an Australian who comments frequently on the blog. It’s about how a dream of a tooth predicted someone’s death.

I remember the night one of my favorite Aunties died, I had a dream that I had lost a front tooth in my upper set. In the dream, I couldn’t stop poking at the gap with my tongue for what seemed like hours.When I woke up,I looked through a dream dictionary and it said:

“Teeth falling out in a dream can be interpreted as sense of loss, such as a death of someone close to you. Falling teeth can represent worries about getting older – loss of youth and vitality. If a single tooth is lost it could mean loss or change of something important to you.”

I don’t usually recall my dreams and found this one quite disturbing. Minutes later, my mother rings me to tell me her sister had died unexpectedly in her sleep after coming down with a bad case of the flu

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6 Responses to The Tooth

  1. Natalie says:

    Freedom = LOL!
    In regard to feathers: her teorror started when she was tiny, so I guess a past life hangover.

    Nanna isn't tormenting her, it's just that she knows, that I know, that feathers are not specific to the family. As a young child when I was dumped at Nanna's, we used to 'feeda da birdies'. She knew it would be a personal symbol of love to me, that excluded my mother and her egotisitical need to dominate me.

  2. Anonymous says:

    That's the closest my wife's been Natalie,but I've been that close 4 times,it's quite frustrating knowing that 1 number is the difference between full-time employment and freedom.Oy vey.
    (and that's quite a funny inside joke if you knew where I worked…think furniture.-)
    But,what I would like to know is why is your Mum absolutely terrified of feathers ?
    I know Denise Linn is big on feathers being left for her.
    Is your Nan just trying to tease her or what?

    Cheers / Daz

  3. Natalie says:

    Oooooh! So close, Daz.

    I think that the symbols can be both subjective and archetypal.

    For instance, my nanna is my guide and she leaves me little feathers in extroadinary places to let me know she is with me. She is my mother's mother. My mother was estranged from my nanna and is absolutely terrified of feathers. The feathers then become a very personal thing for me, not a general nanna thing in the family.
    Feathers are also now recognised as an archetype of spiritual contact.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Another dream I should probably relate because it has a sync to it,is one my wife had about 20 years ago now.She dreamed of tiny little spiders hatching in their webs and dropping from the ceiling.
    When we looked this up in the same dream dictionary it said this means good luck with finances,or some such meaning.That night when we were out grocery shopping I was putting on my regular lotto numbers and she reminded me of the spider dream and asked if she should by a quick pick.
    I said why not,thinking to myself fat chance of her numbers coming up,she hardly ever plays.
    Anyway,that lotto coupon won $1800 for her and she was 1 number away from $2 000 000.


  5. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Not the sort of dream any of us would want but illustrates the symbols of precognitive dreams. Though I wonder if we can generalise with the symbols, some can possibly be individual to the dreamer.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Dreams speak to us in different ways.

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