Synchros, 33, and the Chilean Miners

The 33 Chilean miners are finally being brought to the surface. Huffington Post has live coverage. So we have the 33 miners, it took 33 days for plans to be put into place about how to rescue them, and will supposedly take 33 hours to rescue all of them. In the I Ching, hexagram 33 is retreat. 70 days underground certainly qualifies as a  retreat!

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10 Responses to Synchros, 33, and the Chilean Miners

  1. Anonymous says:

    The miraculous power of Unity. cj
    WV: synes "signs"?

  2. Ray says:

    I watched hours of the coverage whenever I was home. I saw the 33rd miner taken out. He was the one who organized the group into shifts. He told them that if they didn't work they would not survive. They took on jobs normally unrelated to mining. One man became the "Doc." He had "some" medical training. Another the communicator. One the cheerful extrovert. Another the spiritual leader.

    No one wanted to be the first one out. They all wanted to defer to someone else.

    The 32nd miner was the one who with his wife decided that their baby would be named Esperanza instead of Caroline, their initial choice. He was able to see the baby born on video feed.

    Yes they were at Camp Esperanza. Baby Esperanza was born on the day the Trish's novel by the same name was released. I finished the book on the day the rescue began. Esperanza, the hope of so many worldwide had so much to do with survival until the rescue.

    One of the reporters picked up a boulder the size of a briefcase. He said just one of those rocks falling on a miner's skull would have killed him. Not one of the miners was struck anywhere on his body.


  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    They just brought the 33rd miner up. Incredible. All these guys are alive!

  4. Natalie says:

    13.10.10 = 33 if you write it like that, but not if you write it all out. :/ Close, but no cigar.

  5. whoot says:

    33 like with Va.Tech back 3 and 6 ago sort of "NO" check the NFL draft 3 weeks later.. saw a pretty famous person speak today,, well actually a really really famous one and then there's tommorrow…. yeah you want to talk 33,, check the draft back then

  6. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Wasn't aware of all of the 33s – interesting and also wonderful that they are coming now to the surface. Just shows in life what can be achievd.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Of course I must add that 33 is the master frequency of The Universal Teacher, and of the Universal Family. What, more than anything, has this situation with the trapped miners taught all of us? If nothing else, it has surely shown the invincibility of the Human Family. And regarding synchronicity, what is the name of the community of families and loved ones that has kept constant vigil adjacent to the mine, throughout the ordeal? It is CAMP ESPERANZA. CAMP HOPE. This speaks such volumes in very few words.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Please pardon the typos in my previous message! Thanks. cj

  9. Anonymous says:

    Quoting one of the AP notes: 'The miners have been trapped ungerground longer than anyone on record and the world is captivated by their endurance and UNITY as officials carefully planned their rescue. Upon rising to the surface, one of the miners said, "I was with God and with the devil. And I reached out for God"!'
    This is not only an example of many instances of synchronicity but of the profound power of UNITY. The peoiple of the planet came together as ONE to work towards getting these trapped men out of their tomb alive and well. Without such UNITY, even among the miners themselves, would this rescue would have been possible? No. Experts from coutries around the globe have united to bring these miners home. It speaks so loudly of what we as a spedcies can do inthe face of such need and such potential tragedy. It has taken the COMBINED efforts and knowledge of MANY to help the few.
    What a maginificent demonstration of what we can do when we come together in a common cause! Look at this WV: "expecd". WOW! cj

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