Karma and the law of attraction

We typically think of the law of attraction as a focused effort to attract whatever we desire – a job, money, a car, improved health, a romantic partner. Whatever.

But it doesn’t always happen that way. Sometimes the law of attraction spins into someone’s life as a result of a good deed.  That is, by acting in a selfless manner and being of service, you just might be rewarded by the Universe with a surprising endowment.

That’s what happened recently to U.S. Marine Corporal Alexander Degenhardt who months ago decided to become a bone marrow donor. On leave and en route to Las Vegas for a quick overnight stay, he was contacted by a military health official and told that a matching recipient has been found. He was asked if he was still willing to serve as a donor.

“They asked me if I was sure I wanted to go through with it, because it’s kind of painful. But what’s a little pain if it will save someone’s life?”  Cpl. Degenhardt said he was ready whenever they needed him.

The next day, (Feb. 19) about twelve hours after arriving in the gambling capital, he sat down at a ‘penny slot’ – the Money Vault Millionaires Seven slot at the Bellagio-  and a short time later he was $80 ahead. He was feeling good and it was getting close to time to leave for the airport to catch his plane back to Washington D.C., where he is stationed, at Nellis Air Force Base. He decided to play again, and that’s when $$$$ filled the screen. He’d hit the jackpot: $2.9 million.

Appearing on CNN on Sunday evening (2-26), he was asked if he thought the two experiences – his willingness to be a donor and winning the jackpot – were related. He nodded. “Yes, I think everything is connected.” It’s a kind of good karma, he said.

“Actually, though, I’m more excited about helping someone with the marrow donation than I am about winning the money.” He added that he planned to remain in the military and live on his pay while saving the jackpot.

He said that when he saw all the $s come up on the screen, he didn’t know what it meant. “Dude, what just happened?” he remembers asking a friend. “It’s something you always want to happen, but when it does happen you don’t believe it.”

Read more here.

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13 Responses to Karma and the law of attraction

  1. fortune500 says:

    Maybe you missed the tick box because your comment was a teensy bit sarcastic??
    No offense intended. Love this story, guys. Sometimes karma comes back to us in wonderful ways in the current lifetime, as it obviously did for this generous fellow. I, too, hope his recipient does beautifully, and that he does, as well. Donating bone marrow is a very painful (and can be dangerous) procedure, so he is doubly generous.
    May his karma continue to bless him!!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      It sounds like a painful surgery!

      • Darren B says:

        None taken.
        I’m sure DJan knows that I’m just giving her a bit of a rib tickle.
        I have friends that are always telling me they “never” bet,but when it comes to Melbourne Cup Day
        (something like Australia’s version of the Kentucky Derby…but only bigger.-) there they are placing their bets at the window.
        And I tell them (when I catch them) that I always thought never was a lot longer than that.
        Nothing wrong with a flutter,as long as you’re not gambling the house away.
        And I think ticking the wrong box is the universe’s way of telling me that’s why I don’t win the lotto…because I tick the wrong box .-)

        Which reminds me of a gambling joke.
        Q: Why won’t the Chinese talk to the Dalai Lama?
        A: Because they don’t like To Bet .-)

  2. Darren B says:

    Never ? I think never is a bit longer than a year ?
    I never gamble either, just maybe four times a week .-)

  3. Vicky says:

    How cool. What a sweet story.

  4. gypsy says:

    love his perspective of connectivity too – a great uplifting story – here’s hoping his recipient is doing well –

  5. DJan says:

    That’s a lovely story about karma in action. A truly good guy who received a gift from the universe. I never gamble, so I’m not likely to ever win big. Once every year or so I buy a lottery ticket, I never know why.

  6. Great story. Good turns always seem to get returned but I think there is a proviso: that this isn’t the reason for doing the deed.

  7. Nancy says:

    Love it. I especially love his comment about believing everything is connected. 🙂

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