Paradigms and Neptune

A woman believes that people are stealing her clothes, her jewelry, her money. She holds conversations with her mother, dead now for 30 years, and sometimes thinks that her son is a distant cousin and that  her husband is her father. She hears voices and sees things and people that aren’t there.

Another woman holds conversations with the dead, hears voices, sees things that aren’t there, and knows that her son was her husband in a previous life. People seek her out for precisely these reasons and pay her handsomely for the messages she brings from the dead.

The first woman is an Alzheimer’s patient; the second woman is a psychic medium. Both illustrate the elusive nature of Neptune, its ethereal veil, the way it dissolves barriers between realities. Think of Neptune as a tuning fork. Tap it. It hums. But no two people hear the hum in exactly the same way. Neptune transported Edgar Cayce into other realms and swept Einstein into the heart of scientific truth. It gave diarist Anais Nin penetrating insight into other people. But it can also lead into the basest escapism through alcohol, drugs, sex, addictions of all kinds, the darker side of the occult. It can lead to religious fervor, religious wars, extreme religious views and beliefs.

Neptune also rules compassion, the higher self, inspired art, escapism, addiction,  everything psychic, spirit communication, imagination, connection to something larger than ourselves. It dissolves the boundary between ego and others, so there’s often an element of confusion involved in any Neptune transit, but particularly with this one.

Neptune dipped into Pisces briefly in 2011, then retrograded back into Aquarius. On February 3, 2012, it entered Pisces again and will be there for the  next 14 years.  We can already see its influence being played out on the global stage.

In American politics, particularly in the Republican party, the religious fervor has reached frenzied proportions. For example, Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker  write of the e-mails she receives, including one “about why women have been saddled with the monthly inconvenience and painful childbirth – for tempting men to do evil and failing to recognize their roles as ‘helpmeets’ for men.”

She quotes one e-mail: “Pagan women like yourself have no regard for the natural order of God’s plan and shamelessly promulgate the ‘we are goddesses’ bile that has infected the entire country and pretty much stopped it in its tracks from incurring God’s blessings.” And Parker is a moderate Republican, who is anti-abortion, not a leftist feminist.

But beneath this frenzy is another current – a burgeoning interest in the nature of reality and of consciousness, in how we are all connected, and in how we can live more compassionately. In other words, we are witnessing the war between paradigms – the old and the new.

This struggle between the old paradigm and the one that is evolving, emerging, is sometimes so glaringly evident that it’s shocking. Here’s the old paradigm:

  • Mostly male white politicians talk about legislation to ban contraception and to require transvaginal ultrasound – medical rape – before a woman can have an abortion.
  • Scrap social safety net  programs – Medicaid, Medicare – and privatize Social Security.
  • The real extremists in the old paradigm consider college “elitist” and advocate doing away with public education and having every kid in America home schooled.
  • Never allow gay and lesbian couples to get married.
  • Stoke the war machine; it’s great for the economy.
  • If you’re poor, elderly, you’re on your own. If you’re sick and don’t have health insurance, well, too bad.
  • No tax hikes on the wealthy, keep the burden on the poor and the middle class.
  • We live in a mechanistic universe, where everything is cause and effect.
  • Holistic health and medicine, ie. the mind-body-spirit connections, is  just New Age silliness.
  • UFOs/ETs are nonexistent. We humans reign supreme in the universe.
  • We have the best medical system in the world and we’re working on drugs that can cure anything.
  •  Climate change/global warming is a myth.

This list is long and depressing, so I’ll stop here. Just tune in the evening news for more.

Here’s what is so far apparent in the new paradigm:

  • What affects you affects me. We are connected.  We are all a part of Indra’s net.
  • If you can imagine it, it’s possible.
  • We create our realities from the inside out, based on our beliefs, emotions,  and thoughts.
  • Compassion, forgiveness, love, and diplomacy are more powerful than war.
  • Regardless of differences in ethnicity, culture, religious beliefs, gender, belief systems, we are equal.
  • Intuition and synchronicity are recognized as essential tools.
  • The universe – or Source, God, the higher self, whatever you want to call it – communicates with us constantly.
  • We are the change we can believe in.
  • Now, this instant, is the only moment that counts.
  • Each of us has a purpose on the planet and every purpose is equally important.
  • Keep an open mind even when the idea seems preposterous. After all, it was once widely believed that the world was flat, that electricity wasn’t feasible,  that travel to other planets was possible only in science fiction.
  • We share the planet with wildlife that is probably as intelligent or more intelligent  than we are.
  • We live many lives.
  • Confront your fears and move on.
  • Be forever curious, honor your own wisdom, never lose sight of your dreams.
  • Indulge your innate creativity.
  • And okay, I don’t know if this is really part of the new paradigm, but I hope it is: if ET knocks at your door, cautiously invite him/her in with the understanding that you will not be manipulated or controlled in any way, that contact will be only beneficial.

I’m sure I’ve left stuff off this list. But you get the idea. The new paradigm is Neptune’s domain. And we’ve got the next 14 years to perfect it.

This entry was posted in astrology, Neptune, paradigms, synchronicity. Bookmark the permalink.

25 Responses to Paradigms and Neptune

  1. Momwithwings says:

    Well, I loved this post especially about psychic mediums, Hello!
    I asked a psychologist I was seeing once what he thought when I told him that not only do I hear voices but I listen to them and take their advice.
    He said ” Your voices are always positive , and besides I’ve taken their advice!”
    It s the same with Dead people, they aren’t dead.
    And a 1 in numerology is about beginnings, a new cycle etc.
    Thanks guys!!

  2. Off topic, but did you guys know about this film about synchronicity? . Rupert Sheldrake was involved in its making.

  3. karen says:

    Fantastic post! Loved the last list.

  4. The asylums were probably filled with psychics and the like who heard and saw the dead and other things. We lock up and fear people who see or hear the world differently.

    The things you mention in the ‘new paradigm’ have always been there, we just haven’t understood them. There isn’t anything really new other than our realisation.

  5. gypsy says:

    great post – i remember it from your omarr astrology blog – and i just realized that merc has just gone retro hasn’t it? oh, the planets and the webs they do weave for us! am wondering if any significance to the numerical assignation of the date 02/03/2012 = 10=1???

    silly little synchro just now – i was just on my fb page reading a zatarain post and just as i got to it, a zatarain commercial came on the tv

    oh, and just as an aside, whitney houston’s daughter was on oprah [via a blurp on the view just this moment] saying that her mother’s spirit has been visiting her –

    again, great post!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Yes – merc went retro at 3:49 EDT today. Sigh. Turns D again on april 4.

      • gypsy says:

        and right after i finished my comment here, i clicked over to yahoo or msn for a second and saw among other things a one-line blurp on the movie “game change” – the mccain/palin saga film – anyway, i decided to just start doing a couple of other things instead of being on the computer – but for some reason unknown to me i changed channels on the tv – totally arbitrarily – i mean, literally just punched in 3 numbers to change channels and there at that exact moment was the movie game change coming on – then, i got so enthralled in it that i ended up doing nothing else! a great inside view of the mccain campaign and of palin – what a piece of work! – fabulously acted by ed harris as mccain – woody harrelson of all people as steve schmidt – and julieanne moore as palin – SUPERBly done – anyway while i did not intend to do a movie critique here – not really – it’s a film well worth seeing in MHO!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Fortune is the one to ask about the numerical significance! Good synchros there, Gypsy!

  6. Nancy says:

    Excellent post! Thank you! I hope you don’t mind, I linked my post to you.

  7. lauren raine says:

    Thanks for the encouraging list, and commentary! I agree….things are changing so very fast, it seems inevitable that this chaos, and conflict, should happen as “paradigms clash”. I think it’s so important now, as the “artists of our lives and world”, to participate consciously in the “re-mything” of our time.

    I wrote a long response, but alas, when I went to post it, I was informed I didn’t hit the “human” box, and so it was all lost! So much you gave me to think on here………..

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Sorry about the human box. It has helped to cut down on spam!
      I like that idea, artists of our lives and world!

      • Darren B says:

        I did the same thing with my above comment,but luckily mine was a short comment and I could re-write it without having to rack my brain as to what I wrote.
        The tick box is a good idea,as long as what you just wrote is saved and you get another opportunity to tick the box without losing your work,but this current set-up WordPress have is frustrating to say the least.
        Oops…almost forgot to tick that darn box again .-)

  8. Darren B says:

    Interesting that Neptune is Mayan Blue in colour.
    Take a look a this picture to see what I mean;
    Also interesting that the Mayan calender is coming to an end…or new beginning , as Neptune’s 14 year phase is starting too.

  9. Thanks so much for such a fantastic article that covers so much of both the astrological and political. Love it!

  10. DJan says:

    This is really a very hopeful and uplifting post. I was feeling pretty down by the time I got to the end of the first list, but when I read the second, and felt in my heart the truth of all those bullet points, hope entered my heart and a smile broke out on my face. Thank you for giving me a new and exciting way to look at the change we are experiencing right now.

  11. fortune500 says:

    WOW, especially on those first two paragraphs. very often still today, psychic mediums are considered multiple personality or scizophrenic, even though their conversations with the deceased are one hundred percent on the mark. What a crazy mixed-up world we live in. Great, great post, guys. 14 years??? Woo-Hoo.

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