Synchros, the Obits, and the Afterlife

Sylvia sent us this one in email, in response to our post about selling Synchronicity and the Other Side. 

About five days ago I had a synchro with the other side.  I was thinking about old neighbors from 40 years ago.  They owned a trucking company (very large one).  The son played with my younger brother.

What impressed me about these people was that they came from moderate backgrounds and became very wealthy because of a lucrative transport company.  The wife chose to live in a middle class neighborhood because she was afraid to live in a large house.  Her husband travelled because of his business. That very same day, I was browsing the obituaries and noticed the mother’s name was among the deceased(she was 70).  We were not close and never kept in touch, but that day, another unexplained synchro happened.   I guess you can call it a premonition.
Sylvia included another one in her email:

In my experience,  browsing the obituaries – but never with the intention of finding synchros – triggers this type of synchro. Last winter, I found two the same day. A nun I worked with at a hospital appeared in the obituary column and on the same page was the obituary for the daughter of a friend who died of breast cancer.  One thing for sure, I felt deep down that Sister O’Grady wanted me to know about her passing.  The other lady  I met briefly, but we know her father.
What are the odds?

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11 Responses to Synchros, the Obits, and the Afterlife

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jane, another interesting obit synchro. Maybe it's a whole new sub-genre of synchronicities!

  2. Jane says:

    In January, the name of a woman came into my head. She had been a neighbor in San Francisco. We didn't know her well. I went to the SF Chronicle obituary section. She had passed three days earlier.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Uh-oh. So this is two Rod Stewart things. Is he on his way out??

    Nancy – didn't know about Mandelbrot. That's a weighted synchro, considering what he achieved.

  4. musingegret says:

    I had just finished reading Jeff's post about Christina's conception and the lyrics to his song "Reason to Believe" and that started me thinking about Rod Stewart and one of his songs with same title that was always a favorite of mine. Then I read this post and Natalie's comment within minutes of musing about Rod!

    wv: repticas

  5. Natalie says:

    Yes, i really like Linda and Mike's take on that too. 🙂

    I had a dream last night that Rod Stewart died, and someone said "he was profoundly intuitive….what a shame."

    I will have to keep an eye out.

    wv = killi


  6. Nancy says:

    My husband had the same synchronicity yesterday. He was reading the book Life's Other Secret – The new mathematics of the living world by Ian Stewart. The book is about a man that founded fractal math about forty years ago. As my husband is reading this book, he notices that the man, Benoit Mandelbrot, died this week.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think you've hit it Mike.

    Hi Linda – I'm off to check out your post! Thanks for dropping by.

  8. Linda Starr says:

    Hi Trish and Rob, I came to your blog last night via Marguerites blog where you posted a comment and read a few of your posts out of curiousity and you prompted me to recall an event from my past and write the post I did for today. I'll have to pick up your book and study more about synchronicity because I also think I was sent here to your blog for a reason, just not sure why right now. Great reading here.

    What are the odds? Trillions and trillions to one in so many instances.

  9. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    People come and go within our lives. Sometimes we may not quite see their full relevance until we find out they are dead. Perhaps this is the part the synchros play.

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, good point. I hadn't thought of that.

  11. maggie's garden says:

    Soul connections saying goodbye with synchronicity. Doesn't it make you wonder what the relationships of these people might have been in a past life that they thought it necessary to say to goodbye gently in this life?

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