A Supernatural Earthquake

Photo by Andy Munoz

Something very strange happened last Thursday at the house we were renting in Cedar Key, Florida. We’ve held off writing about this experience, partially because of the negative energy associated with it, and also it’s just so damned unbelievable.

Some of you no doubt remember a particularly aggressive and caustic individual, writing under anonymous, who came on our blog under a UFO post earlier this month. He became increasingly hostile in his attacks, particularly directed at one individual. Finally, cj, the person under attack, brought a friend, a psychologist, into the fray. He tried to reason with anonymous, who lashed back with such a nasty assault that I decided that was all for anonymous.

His latest comment had arrived about half an hour earlier when I sat down in front of my notebook computer to inform him that the Powers that Be – me and Trish – would be deleting any future nasty posts from him. I was putting my thoughts together before beginning when we were apparently hit by an earthquake. 

 Suddenly, my chair started sliding back and forth on its wheels, and a television on a shelf in the walk-in closet next to me rocked side to side. I turned and looked at Noah, our golden retriever. He was laying down near me and  was moving back and forth–or rather the floor was moving. It lasted about 7 or 8 seconds.

When it was over, I called out to Trish, asked if she’d just felt anything. She was typing at the dining room table when the table started shuddering. A glass table. The shuddering caused pens to slide, made her mouse bounce around. She thought it was the washing machine, which was in a whipping dry mode. Since the house sat on pilings – wooden pilings, not concrete – she wondered if something was happening to them.

She got up and walked over to the washing machine, then to the window to see if anyone in the neighborhood was hurrying outside. No one outside. The washing machine couldn’t possibly be causing this shuddering. It occurred to her it might be an earthquake, but that seemed so unlikely she thought maybe it was a plane crashing the sound barrier. But planes make sounds.

Until Rob called to her, though, she never said a word.  She had also read that latest comment from anonymous and was attempting to locate him on Site-Meter.

It was a startling, but minor incident. I went on to write the comment, essentially sending our nasty buddy on his way, and while I wrote it we experienced two aftershocks, the last one shook the floor slightly and the blinds shuddered. When I stood up, I felt dizzy from the rocking.

Here’s the thing. We don’t have earthquakes in Florida, maybe two or three minor ones in the past 150 years. Now it gets weirder. Megan and boyfriend Andy were in another part of the house and felt nothing. We checked with several earthquake-monitoring sites, and the Levy County emergency website. Nothing. No earthquakes reported. We went out to dinner, talked to several people. No one else experienced it. The next morning, I walked into city hall and got the same response. Yet, we’d been wide awake and the effects were real.

So we began to wonder if the ‘quake’ might’ve been a manifestation of psycho-kinetic energy, the result of the hostility coming from anonymous and our combined angered reactions.

There’s also another level to this story. Just as my comment appeared, addressing anonymous’ exile, another  comment popped up from cj, who was upset by anonymous’ attack on her friend. (To be fair, it should be mentioned that the nastiness was coming from both sides of the argument.) I immediately wrote cj and told her what had happened minutes ago. She offered a very interesting response.

At the same time we were experiencing the quake, her dog was throwing up on the living room carpet, and she felt a sharp pain on the side of her head. She went on to speculate that anonymous might have a malefic spirit attached to him that was causing the reactions we’d experienced.

Anonymous made a couple more comments that were removed. He complained how unfair we were being to him, spewed out a few choice words for Trish and me. He came back and said he’d won the argument, we’d lost. Then he was gone. And we were left with this perplexing incident.

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45 Responses to A Supernatural Earthquake

  1. whoot "dat" says:

    black op military drone piro-technicks designed to get peoples attention distracted (Dem. Rep I don't know)…. child play sort considering non released technologies

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    about number codes – just last night NCIS did a show on that very thing where a young girl had the ability to do complex numerical charts [not sure if that's the correct terminology ie "chart"] which somehow were secret military coordinates, etc – the whole thing of numbers is just mind-blowing – wonder what the results would be if we each just sat down and did a streamofconsciousness "chart" [each chart having the same number of numbers charted] of numbers and checked them a year later? interesting, huh?

    hugs and warm thoughts to sunshine for thursday, cj! and now i have to get the sherman book – headed over to amazon now! thanks!!!

    and cole – yes, the ending of knowing was super where the family members came together but the major interesting part of the ending to me was the solar storm which was the ultimate global demise –

    dpage – intriguing! would love to hear your stories!

  3. Daz says:

    Talking about the movie "Knowing",I wonder how many of you out there knew it was filmed mainly in Australia?


    Interior shots took place at the Australian Synchrotron to represent an observatory.Here's a picture of it here.


    Mistake/Revealing: John is stuck in traffic and talking on his mobile phone on the highway just before the plain crashes. On the right-hand side of the screen, there's a car (Hyundai) visible through John's car side window. The car has number plates of Victoria, Australia where this particular scene was shot.

    More Trivia.
    In the movie they show an oil rig on fire in the Gulf of Mexico. A little more than a year later on April 20 2010, it became a reality with the BP oil spill in the gulf.


    Spooky !!!

  4. Cole says:

    Healing thoughts go out to your dog Sunshine, CJ. I wish you both the best. Gypsy, I saw Knowing and thought it was a good movie and days later after it all kind of soaked into my memory, I really enjoyed it and became intrigued once again by the what if's? I did enjoy the end, as what else could you do, I hope family would be my comfort while knowing life goes on. Has anyone heard of the movie "Wake Up"? I believe it is an independent film Sundance flick. Out November 7th on DVD, but I would love to hear what you all here might think of that one. A man wakes up after a head injury and is able to see the other dimensions and entities around us. Glad everyone made up. 😉

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Debra – I took her comment down. It would just get buried here. I'm putting it up as a post.

  6. d page says:

    The reason I left UFO research was because of *real military* harassment. I literally ran, with my daughter. Somehow, I had crossed a line, and our lives were being threatened. There was a strange thing going on during my time as a researcher: the reports were often like your family's story, involving governments and military. I don't like posting publicly about all this, but I wanted you to know you are not alone in your experiences.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Sorry for the repeat. Don't have a clue how that happened. This WV is "croplini" Strange. Crop line? cj

  8. Anonymous says:

    Thank you from Sunshine, my dear Cousin Gyps! And about the movie
    KNOWING, I purchared it because I wanted to study it in minute detail for the Numerical content, which I continue to do from time to time. There is a small non-fiction text by Dan Sherman entitled "ABOVE BLACK: Project Preserve Destiny". Sherman is highly decorated, retired from military service, during which service he was used as an "intuitive" in contact with apparent ETs. he was receiving and recording the in-coming messages through many series of numbers. This is a true account, not fiction. I am stunned by the numbers in Sherman's book because I, as well, altho not military, have received series of numbers that are identical to the ones sent to the military via special computers. And I received the numbers long before the book by Sherman was published. The movie KNOWING, while fiction, is a convoluted saga of pre-destined events including ETs.
    A provocative and thought-filled storyline. Truth presented in fiction? Maybe. cj

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, neat about the event! and to think it's getting more interesting and more complex! yea!!! i loved the segments i've seen and am so excited to finally have everything hooked up in the proper places in terms of getting settled here – it took the cable company three 3 separate trips to finally get everything right – and that was in three 3 separate days, too!

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    OK, I remember it now. We liked it. The Event is getting progressively more interesting and complex. It's our new must see.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    hereafter is absolutely on my hit list – can't wait for it to hit in video – trish, you may remember that in "knowing" there is a time capsule left 50 years previously in which a young student has left a numerical chart which, as it turns out, defines major global disasters that come to pass – with my recent travels etc i have missed about 3 episodes of "the event" – are any of you all continuing to watch? will have to get online and play catch up on what i've missed –

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    and dear cousin cj – you have all my loving and caring thoughts for beautiful SUNSHINE and for you! incense and candles are lit here – and my thoughts carry on the eastern breeze – much love to you all – gypsy

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    anon – regarding your allegation of having “DEBUNKED” my story: first, i am totally at a loss as to your comment in the first place because, as a matter of fact, sir, you did NOT debunk my experience – what you did was attempt to do so – unsuccessfully – debunking would involve “exposing while ridiculing, especially of pretentious or false claims and ideas”, to “expose the sham or falseness” of – in my case, i am unaware of anything you said at all that in any way “exposed the sham or falseness” – you “exposed” nothing whatsoever except your own inability for an open mind – as far as your condescending remark that you are “sure it all seemed very real” to me, but that a “dream really is the most simple and logical explanation”, quoting occam’s razor as your foundation for the remark, you seem unaware that not everyone shares your own narrow simplistic view of the world around them – just as an aside, your instructional admonishment is taken just as seriously as is the rest of your comment – and lastly, this response of mine does not in any way whatsoever require nor anticipate a response from you as my communications with you are ended, which does, by the way, seem to me to be the “simplest and most logical” course of action, or non-action, in this case –

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz – good synchro! Let us know what you think of the book.

    Jen – it sounds like you were about go out of body. That could be what the vibration was about. Odd, though, that it happened the same night as our earthquake episode!

  15. Jen says:

    It's so funny that I am reading this now as I was going to write about my "earthquake" experience from last week.

    I woke up in the middle of the night last Thursday and my bed was shaking so noticeably that I was SURE we were having an earthquake. It had been a restless night for me so I had just been dozing on and off, only to wake up and have the bed buzzing like crazy!

    I looked down at my hand to see if it was ME that was shaking, but I did not appear to be trembling. Then I looked over at my glass of water that was sitting on my nightstand- and there were NO RIPPLES. It was completely still.

    I guess it must have been me that was vibrating, because if it had been the bed the nightstand would have been shaking as well, as we have hardwood floors.


  16. Daz says:

    Here is a sync that just happened to me and I just have to pass it on.

    This morning while I was shaving,I kept hearing the lyrics to "Maybe" the theme song from the old TV show "Grizzly Adams" in my head.


    You can here the song here;


    …and it would just not stop.I haven't heard the song or seen the show since about the time it was first aired.I knew this was a message for me,but couldn't think what Grizzly Adams could possibly mean to me.Then about one hour later,I'm checking through my e-mails and there is one from Red Wheel Weiser Books talking about one book only ;
    Bear Speaks:
    The Story of 7 Sacred Lessons Learned from a Montana Grizzly
    and offering me a 40% discount if I buy it.


    Needless to say I'll be buying it and I'll give you the thumbs up or down when I've read it.

    That's the link to the site above and if anyone is interested in buying it at 40% off,just enter the codeword BEAR where it says promotional code when checking out.

    This book looks good,but then so did Anastasia book 1,until I read it .-)

    P.S. I'm sure someone is having a laugh with these word verifications.
    WV= arcisca (Anastasia)-the way the letters are leaning on each other it looks like anisca.

  17. Anonymous says:

    I can't thank you all enough for the good thoughts being sent to my girl Sunshine! I'm sure she'd wag her tail amd wriggle all over and nuzzle all of you if she could reach you! I'll keep you posted, and am so grateful.
    Thank you, Daz, for the doggie food info, but it's too late for her. We feed her the very best vet-approved food available, but she developed mammary adenocarcinoma, and it's an aggressive malignancy that has spread to her lung. She is still playing some, and this is encouraging. Regarding my skin needing to be thick, believe me, one cannot be a Hospice RN without having at least some toughness.I'm sensitive, but usually non-combative. cj

  18. Daz says:

    Thanks for the tip Vicki.

    I had no idea that you could do that.
    From now on I'll type my name so people don't get the anonymous posts mixed up.

    Cheers / Daz

  19. Anonymous says:

    …oh and speaking about sick dogs I would just like to recommend a book that turned my 2 dogs lives around for the better,it's called

    "Work Wonders " by Tom Lonsdale.

    His argument is that by feeding our dogs commercial dog food from the supermarkets we are destroying their health and in the case of my dogs,he was right.
    The dog's Vet can't believe the turn around in my dogs health.In fact,they always comment on these 2 dogs being the healthiest 2 dogs around.
    I can't recommend this book highly enough and I'm sure my dogs would like to thank him as well.

    Cheers / Daz

  20. Vicki D. says:

    Oops sorry Daz, interesting film.

    I post under name and type in my name, I don't have a blog either but think I will try now.

  21. Anonymous says:

    That was my link to the You Tube on people who have died since 9/11…not the person that everybody here is referring to as Anonymous.

    I only post under anonymous because like cj I don't have a blog,but I always sign Daz or Darren or some such thing which identifies me.

    For what it's worth,I don't feel Anonymous is a troller.They would be causing a lot more trouble if they were.

    …and cj,don't go beating yourself up about getting a little feisty defending your views,you just need a tougher shell …(and that goes for anonymous,too) if we all started to worry about somebody disagreeing with us,nothing would get written here,would it?

    Cheers and healing thoughts for cj's dog Sunshine /Darren (Daz)

  22. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Candles burning for sunshine and good thoughts coming from many spots!

  23. Vicki D. says:

    What are butterlamps?

  24. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much, D. I know all these good thoughts will come to her! I notice your WV: "helagate"

    Made me think of a certain kind of agates, which of course are healing crystals. "healing agates"

    I'm deeply grateful, and if Sunshine could speak English, she would express her gratitude. She has a vocabulary of more than 500 English words, but of course she can't speak them. She just understands them. She is the personification of Love manifest in an animal.

    I saw the movie KNOWING and was enthralled by it, of course. cj

  25. Nancy says:

    Loving thoughts on their way to Sunshine. It is so hard to lose our furry friends. Lucy (our black lab) also sends her love, cj.

  26. d page says:

    Shoot, I posted a lengthy post and it didn't show up.
    cj- I am burning butterlamps for Sunshine.

    wv= helagate

  27. Anonymous says:

    Vicki, Sunshine is a Yellow Lab/Rhodesian Ridgeback. She weighs 70 #, has the lovely, soft Lab expression, beautiful gentle brown eyes, has the ridge down her back and is a bit taller than a full lab. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and for sending good thoughts. cj

  28. Vicki D. says:

    Cj-what breed is Sunshine? I like to visualize when sending healing and love.
    Also, I feel that you will be getting many visits from her later.

    Anon., I don't remember anyone calling you a monster, and that is one of the great things with this site, all viewpoints are welcome.
    I checked out the YouTube videos on people who have died since 9/11…chilling.

    I've seen Knowing but it was awhile ago.
    Looking forward to seeing Hereafter, it got good reviews here.

  29. Anonymous says:

    MacGregors – moderate this one away too if you insist on villifying me, but please pass on my sincere condolences to cj with regard to her dog. You may delete my comments and silence my voice, you can't take away my thoughts.

    Sending good thoughts and wishes for a smooth and painless transition for Sunshine.

    I may be a nonbeliever in UFOs, but I do have a heart. I am not a monster, though narrow minded people might label me as one.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Off-subject….would like to ask for healing thoughts to be sent to my canine soulmate companion Sunshine. I am losing her to stage IV metastatic cancer. She is not an old dog; she is in her prime. It's a very difficult time and watching her suffer is excruciating, but our wonderful vet isn't yet ready to assist her towards final rest and we still have some quality time with her. I don't ask for the miracle of healing; only that her transition will be as easy as possible. I have the conviction that our beloved pets wait for us on The Other Side, and that she'll be There when I arrive. She isn't "just an animal" for me. She is her name: a bright ray of Sunshine. Thank you all for sending her good thoughts. Such thoughts are never wasted and are carried thru the ether to lift the spirits of the recipients. WV:
    "airsofu" Air so full? cj

  31. Anonymous says:

    Anyone on the blog interested in reading a really excellent article on UFOs, pro and con, check out this site written by a prosecuting attorney who addresses the issue in the same impeccable manner he addresses a court case. Here is the site:
    It's very much worth the little time it trakes to read.

    And I apologized to the folks on this blog who have become a community of friends who do not always agree with each other but who are able to discuss issues with courtesy. I did not apologize to the Anonymous person. I am not sorry for defending my experiences and defending the integrity of Dr. DeVasto; am sorry only for bringing negativity onto this blog and into Trish's and Rob's beautiful blog space that we affectionately refer to as MU….Mystical Underground. Nuff said. End of story and will make no response whatsoever to Anon if he returns. Moving on in light and peace…..cj

  32. Nancy says:

    We are living in strange times, energetically. I've been busy studying the last couple of weeks. I think we may see more direct manifestations of negative energy over the next 24 months. I'm busy trying to keep my negativity to a minimum, which means avoiding people, unfortunately. It's not easy, as everyone seems to be on edge. My email is being bombarded with family members sending hate bombs (nasty representations of Pelosi, Obama, etc.) I just delete, delete, delete.

    Can't wait for Hereafter. I never listen to the critics. They are always completely wrong about the movies I like. I think I watched Knowing, but not sure – will have to check it out.

  33. Anonymous says:

    PS. As for the idea of a "malific spirit" attached to me…well, nevermind. I won't even go into that, lest I get labeled as an attacker and a nonbeliever.

    Oh, and to Gypsy: Sorry for debunking your story. I'm sure it all seemed very real to you. But if you take a step back and depersonalize it a bit, and examine the facts with a critical eye, a dream really is the most simple and logical explanation. Occam's razor.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Have been eagerly waiting to see "HEREAFTER" since the very first trailers began to be advertised. I can't go to theaters on the 22nd, but will be first in line to obtain the video. Sadness for those who don't believe in the continuation of life after death. On occasion, as a born medium, I've found myself wondering if these are the folks whose souls often linger between Here and There when their bodies die, because according to the several excellents texts written on NDEs, it seems that the soul will frequently encounter what it intensely expects to encounter upon release from the physical. This is why many folks are greeted by loved ones, etc, and many are greeted by a holy figure such as Jesus or Mary, and some folks are stuck in-between because they believe everything ceases at the grave, and their souls must have time to adjust to the reality of YES, they ARE still alive even though their physical vehicles are gone. In a serious, respectful conversation, not an argument or a debate, I asked my older sister, who is a born-again evangelical baptist, who has a Masters in Nursing, and is a member of Mensa, so she's no mental slacker, what she believes will happen to her when she dies. She replied, "I'm going to heaven". I quietly asked, "Then what?" She said, "What do you mean?" I said again,very gently, "Then what? Are you going to sit on the Right Hand of God? Are you going to float on a cloud, wearing wings and playing a harp, are you going to walk on streets of gold, live in a mansion, what?" I definitely wasn't being sarcastic at all. I truly wanted to know her thoughts on the matter. She just sat there for a few minutes, then she said, "I don't Know." A bit later, she told me she absolutely believes in The Rapture. I made no reply, although I was astonished. And, again, I can't help but wonder if it may be at least a few of these souls who wander in the In-Between when their bodies die, because what they expect to happen, doesn't. None of us knows the Truth until we get there, but I have tremendous comfort in my personal conviction of the continuity of the soul and of the reality of reincarnation. But those are MY convictions, and I don't argue it with anyone, ever. Each person travels his and her own journey. cj

  35. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Saw knowing, but can't recall much of it. Definitely going to see Hereafter on 10/22. The boston phoenix gave it a snooty review. I'll get the url and post it. I thik the reviewer doesn't believe in the afterlife.

  36. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, off the subject a bit, but last night i watched "knowing" – can't even go there right now – but perhaps later – you've all seen it?

  37. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, i am not at all surprised by your experience, macgregors – saddened, but not surprised – the first time i read anon's initial comment where he took every step of my experience and attempted to contemptuously "debunk" it, i felt such a great negativity coming from him that i waited several days before actually commenting myself – in this case of this anon, negativity permeated – perhaps trolling is the answer – but an unsettling experience no matter the source – and i am sorry that it was my own experience that caused the commotion but not sorry that i told the story – it happened – and it happened as i described it – and dear cj, we all understand what it's like to react rather than respond and i am guilty of that, as well – and, again, thank you all for your comments to my story –

  38. Anonymous says:

    I want to take a moment to apologize to everyone on the blog for my hostility towards the Anonymous person following the UFO/ET story. It wasn't typical or characteristic for me, as I have a strong Cancer influence in my astro personality and tend to simply slide sideways and slip silently into my home in the sand when anyone is threatening or aggressive. But, I've also had a lifetime of well-documented encounters since I was born, the earliest remembered one occurring when I was only four years old. Having spent so many decades immersed in these troubling events, my only excuse for my response to him, and it IS no excuse, is that I felt personally debunked and ridiculed. I've learned to be quite cautious in discussing these incidents and generally don't, because there are so very many "anonymous-type" minds out there and it's my habit to avoid them. Nonetheless, I didn't avoid it this time, and I am ashamed of my reactions and again, sincerely apologize to all the folks here who have become a community of great friends. Very curious WV: "inchana" cj

  39. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Trolling: that could definitely explain anon's presence. Vicki makes a great point about how noah didn't react. The whole thing was incredibly weird.

  40. Cole says:

    Interesting to learn about the "troll" description. I have to admit I was a bit shocked you let the banter go on as long as it did. You could tell emotions were heating up from every direction. Who knows, maybe all that negativity had to be released somewhere.

    Interesting post. Let's hope today is full of happiness.

  41. Vicki D says:

    Trolling, interesting, certainly sounds like what was happening.

    In regards to your earthshaking experience, I found it curious that your dog was calm even though the floor was moving. When we had an earthquake years ago and my dogs were alive, they both dove under my covers right before it happened. I think it was likely left over psychic energy that needed to release.

    I have had certain sessions with people when after they leave my doorbell goes off, my lights dim or even pop, toys that don't work suddenly do. I think it is pent up energy, now I try to diffuse those situations or literally go outside and hand it over to the trees.

    I loved Gypsy's comment about sleeping with a cell phone or camera, right on the mark!!!!

    I was concerned about the energy coming off the site those two days and I was so glad when you both finally said enough is enough. Thank you.
    Since then I have had terrible head aches, anyone else have any physical symptoms?

    Interesting wv: skire …. Scare? Hmmm is that what they were trying to do? Didn't work.

  42. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Very odd to say the least. Have no explanation but 'trolling' is quite common on blog comments etc. The person concerned just wants to cause a (any) reaction. I find it best to simply ignore them and not to respond, especially emotionally.

    Wikipedia on Troll: "In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion …"

    Take care.

  43. Shadow says:

    this is just plain freaky!!! your assessment, of anon being a malefic spirit, feels spot on, though…

  44. Anonymous says:

    That sure was a lively post looking back over it (and that's without the comments that you said were deleted),but anonymous doesn't strike me as a person that would resort to those sort of tactics (unless you know something about anonymous that I don't).I kinda felt sorry for anonymous and thought he/she did have some valid points, especially where he/she was backing me up .-)

    These events do sound pretty strange though,but I think anonymous is not guilty of the above events.

    Cheers / Daz

    WV= doonit (done it) maybe the jury will have to stay out longer on this one .-)

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