The Lights in El Paso, Manhattan, and Portland

This video, shot by a cameraman with channel 9 news in El Paso, is fascinating. It’s also similar to lights that appeared in Manhattan several days ago, in broad daylight. Watch the whole thing. They show the Manhattan lights.

Now the lights have appeared over Portland. That story is here. 
So, are all these lights weather balloons? You’d think that in all the decades since Roswell someone could come up with a better explanation that weather balloons.

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55 Responses to The Lights in El Paso, Manhattan, and Portland

  1. Anonymous says:

    For information purposes only, for those who may not be familiar with the phrase "Ockham's Razor", or "Occam's razor, and this commenter will not under any circumstances respond to any comments. Any questions may be answered by researching Ockham's Razor in any of hundreds of reference materials. From the Encyclopaedia Brittanica: OCKHAM'S RAZOR, OR OCCAM'S RAZOR: LAW OF PARSIMONY, LAW OF ECONOMY, OR LAW OF SUCCINCTNESS. THE PRINCIPLE IS POPULARLY, BUT INCORRECTLY, SUMMARIZED AS "THE SIMPLEST EXPLANATION IS USUALLY THE CORRECT ONE". OCKHAM'S RAZOR IS ATTRIBUTED TO THE 14TH-CENTURY ENGLISH LOGICIAN AND THEOLOGIAN, FRANCISCAN MONK FATHER WILLIAM OF OCKHAM. IN SCIENCE, OCKHAM'S RAZOR IS USED AS A HEURISTIC(rule of thumb)TO GUIDE SCIENTISTS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THEORETICAL MODELS RATHER THAN AS AN ARBITER BETWEEN PUBLISHED MODELS. (please pay close attention here!!!) "IN THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD, OCKHAM'S RAZOR IS NOT (NOT!!!!) CONSIDERED AN IRREFUTABLE PRINCIPLE OF LOGIC, AND CERTAINLY NOT (NOT!!!!!) A SCIENTIFIC RESULT." End of direct definition from Encyclopeadia Brittanica. End of discussion.
    WV: "ingenr" engineer cj

  2. whoot "dat" (s.s.) says:

    cj Weigh to B,, AWEsome,, as far as E= mc squared,,,, well K=1/2m vsquared (still trying to figure where the 1/2 comes in) but also P = I squared R (eletrical), the speed is always factored in twice,,, E = m c squared,,, the same as Newtons (fig that) but then again as for mass equaling energy,, thinking caveman figured that a long time ago

  3. Daz says:

    "Let's go back to Love & Light & Double Rainbows!"

    I agree with you guys on that.I feel drained just reading this stuff and the word verification seems to be telling us all something.

    WV= whinable (win-able / whine-able)

    Shalom / Daz

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Ding, ding. Round over, ok? This is draining and exhausting.

    Let's go back to Love & Light & Double Rainbows!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Absolutely, completely and totally over. Done. Finished. You are right. To continue is to increase the negativity, and we do not want that. It accomplishes nothing but more hostility. I do not want that. None of us wants that. Nor do I want to continue to be the person singled out anymore from the many who have spoken to this person, all of us asking for the same thing from him. I pray he does not come back, whoever and whatever he may be. Let peace reign here again.
    However, we cannot allow this fiasco to keep us from discussing here on this blog the subject of UFOs/ETs/Encounters/Experiences in the future. These are obviously increasingly important, perhaps urgent, incidents and events, especially to the people who are involved, and I don't want to participate in anything that will prevent these people from sharing their personal experiences. They, WE, need to feel SAFE here. I, along with others, have taken the bait and retaliated. This will not occur again from me. I want to offer support and encouragement to the folks who need to tell their stories but who are afraid to, for the very reason of what has happened here, and I have been a contributing factor, along with others. I regret that. I admit to being extraordinarily protective of the experiencers and their encounters, and for this reason alone I do get unsettled by debunkers and by people who denigrate and deny the validity of the UFO encounters. It won't happen again on my end, I vow to you all, and again, please don't let these fiascos prevent you from sharing! To all here, peace. cj

  6. Daz says:

    Wow…it's 8.15 am here in Australia
    (the time an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima)and I get up to read all of this negativity being posted on both sides of the "debate" while I've been sleeping.
    Both sides back into your corners and don't come out swinging until you hear the bell ring.
    I'm getting out of here before the earthquakes start up again.

  7. Anonymous says:

    el crupe, did I suggest that "Paul" might be part of a government cover-up or conspiracy? If I did, maybe I hit a sore spot?
    And don't correct me about math and physics, whoever you are. As Trish and Rob stated, drop a ten-pound weight and a feather in a vacuum, and they fall identically. We do not live in a vacuum. And believe me, I'm well acquainted with the language of mathematics. Distinct is distinct, in whatever language except in medicine, where terminology is decidedly different from layman terms. Again, as I said to Paul, I showed you mine. You show me yours. remember the game little children play? It applies here. Show your (verifiable)credentials or you remain nothing but ignorant and un-informed. Nasty? you betcha. Show me yours, el crupe, or fade back under the disguised rock from which you slithered, suspiciously akin to "Paul" Inflammatory? What did I say to you that was inflammatory? I haven't even gotten started yet. All I did was give you my credentials. Was that inflammatory? Nah. cj

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    dpage – right on!!!
    cj – what can i say?
    nancy – i've seen cigar shaped objects in the night skies for years too, along with other people who were with me at the times – perhaps i am just "a dreamer, but i'm not the only one"…

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Drop a feather, drop a 10-pound weight. In a vacuum, they fall identically. But we don't live in a vacuum. The atmosphere provides resistance. The objects falling or moving in those videos were not in a vacuum.

    El Crupe, go read The Ship comments, and see how much you like Paul. And, know that some of his nastier comments were deleted.

  10. el crupe says:

    Wow, cj, that was pretty inflammatory. I'm not "Paul," and I'm not part of a government coverup, so put your conspiracy theories to rest. I do feel sorry for "Paul" and I think he/she has been treated unfairly here, by you in particular and even by Rob and Trish, who I have the utmost respect for otherwise.

    You are absolutely wrong about gravity, cj. Objects of different weights will fall at exactly the same speed. e=mc2 has nothing to do with it. Sorry, but I'm trying to be the voice of reason here, and you are being unreasonable.

    And I will also reiterate that the word "distinct", as used by mathematicians doesn't mean what you think it means. Different terminology. You're exaggerating what you see as a flaw in his argument to make your point, and it shows.

    Never the less, you're arguing the details and forgetting the big picture. You can't make your point that way anyway.

  11. d page says:

    Love your credentials, cj!

    "el crupe" (isn't that a disease???)links to a dead site.

    Using scientific method: there is no direct evidence that "el crupe" exists.

  12. whoot "dat" says:

    black op military drone piro-technicks designed to get peoples attention disttracted (dem's-rep's) child's play considering the non leased advanced technologies out there….517

  13. Anonymous says:

    Oh my goodness gracious, we have a new voice on the blog: el crupe. (Trish, how does that translate into our language?)
    el crupe, You SHOULD be "sorry" for saying something so totally off the wall as to be ridiculous. Any person who says three distinct points cannot create anyhing but a triangle is absurdly out of touch with the reality of geometry.

    *** That is three distinct points, and they do not create a triangle but rather a straight horizontal line.

    That is three distinct points and they do not create a triangle but rather a straight vertical line. it creates

    * *
    That is three distinct points and they create a triangle.

    What is it about this you don't undertand???

    Don't argue math with a mathematician. This isn't even mathematics. It's basic FORMS taught to pre-school children before they ever enter kindergarten.

    Am I open to the statement that three distinct points cannot create anything but a triangle? Of course I'm not. I've just demonstrated to you the geometric forms created by three distinct points, two of which are decidedly NOT triangles.

    Regarding Gravity, shall I delineate all the elementary texts stating the equations of Einstein, and of Newton?

    Whoever you are, "Paul" or someone else, you are un-informed and embarrassing yourself.
    What universe are you residing in? Or are you Dr. Paul, PhD, coming in with a different name??

    For the record, You will not find any comment by me on this particular post regarding these sightings. I wasn't present. I did not witness them. However, I will not denigrate the honesty and integrity of the people who DID see them, and there were hundreds.

    I have little patience with the continuing battering and baiting by a person with so little genuine awareness of basic science. Speaking of scientific standards, they are malleable by neccessity, depending upon in which arena of the myriad sciences one is operating. If this were not true, out earth would still be considered flat and this planet would still be considered the center of this vast universe.
    Duh and double Duh.

    cj, RN/RRT/RT
    Research Supervisor at Bird Aerospace and Aeronautical Research Institute, Palm Springs, CA. Graduate: St. Joseph's School of Nursing, Atlanta; Graduate: School of Respiratory Therapy, Emory University, Atlanta; (Minor in Applied Mathematics). Graduate: Bird School of Aerospace BioMedicine and Aeronautical Technology and Engineering, Palm Springs, CA; Graduate: Bird Aeronautical Pilot Instruction, with licenses in Single Engine Aircraft and Twin Engine Amphibian Aircraft. Graduate: Crawford Long Advanced Degree School of Respiratory Therapy. Extended Work History: Founder and Director of Respiratory Therapy Department, Kennestone Hospital, Marietta, GA. Director, Albert Steiner Memorial Clinic for Respiratory Research, Atlanta. Sole Clinical Researcher and Developer of Acetycysteine and its clinical uses. (look it up on google) Teacher: Respiratory Therapy, with Devices and Medications in Applications of Anesthesia and Surgical Functions.
    Shall I continue? There is more, and it is accessible. Now give me the same courtesy and offer your credentials.
    I can hardly wait to view them. I won't hold my breath.

  14. Vicki D. says:

    Paul, why won't you tell us the names of the books that you have written?

  15. Vicki D. says:

    One thing that I have noticed is that with more and more of these daytime sightings, and sightings over the Chicago airport, Moscow etc. That people are reacting more calmly.

    In NYC the newscasters wanted to know what it was, and people they interviewed answered logically and wouldn't let the talk go to "little green men" descriptions. Everyone just wanted to know what it was.

    I was impressed that they didn't mock it.

    One of the UFO's I saw was shiny silver and cylindrical in shape over the water, it was so bright. I slowed down because at first I was just wondering what the heck I was looking at and then,poof it blinked out in a flash of bright light like a camera flash and then all I could see was blue sky.
    I drive on this road everyday and I know what planes etc should look like and this was like nothing I have ever seen before and so huge!

    One way to stop mass panic is to keep giving little sightings that are not threatening.
    Of course some of these sightings have been huge!
    The Pink Elephant in the sky.

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego, it could be that Paul works for some government project that spreads disinformation about UFOs. He came back very angry about the comment moderation, and said he was a quantum physicist.

    He might be neither, and almost certainly not the author of four books dismissing UFOs.

    He said he wants to protect his privacy and won't say any more. Well, we are going to protect his privacy.

  17. Sansego says:

    I think the weather balloons theory is also ridiculous. The video shows the image falling like a meteor, then splitting into three and hovering in the sky in a triangle. It was the same in Manhattan and in El Paso.

    It is interesting that these things have appeared on or around the time that the author predicted that they would. Something is definitely going on. It doesn't surprise me that there are "debunkers" going around websites saying "there's nothing to see here, folks." Misinformation campaigns are quite common when there is something the government does not want people to know about (such as those mysterious "chemtrails" one sees in the skies with greater frequency).

  18. Nancy says:

    In the mid-1970's I was with some friends out in the middle of the desert, drinking beer, driving about 10 miles an hour, doing what young people do. We were between Lahotan Reservoir and Fallon, Nevada. We came over the top of a little hill and a huge "craft" sitting at the bottom of the hill, right on the road, turned on all it's lights and rose right up in front of us. It had no sound. We immediately screeched to a halt, turned around, and left the area as fast as a desert dirt road would allow. The Fallon Naval Air Station was probably where they were testing the Stealth Bomber. This mystery was solved, to our liking at the time, as soon as we found out about the Stealth. So in this instance I would agree it was the government. But there is no way all of the lights and crafts that are seen all over the world can be easily discounted to be aircraft being tested, meteors, weather balloons, etc. In my mind that is just not logical. And the craft floating over the carpet company was not the Stealth, of that I am sure. But at the time I would love to have been able to say it was. Just as with the condescending news anchor in the clip – I am surrounded by skeptics.

    An interesting aside – during the mid 1960's I was out on a ranch outside of Gerlach, Nevada, where we kept our horse. It was dusk and I was sitting on the porch with a person that lived on the ranch. In the distance I saw a cigar-shaped craft going by in the horizon and I pointed it out to the boy I was sitting with. He said, nonchalantly, that they see them all of the time.

    Nevada may be a hot spot, considering all of the state of the art aircraft that are tested in the desert, not to mention Area 51. Could it be that we are being watched because of these weapons?

  19. el crupe says:

    Actually, anonymous "Paul" is right about the gravity thing, cj. Also, mathematicians use certain words differently from the common usage, and I think he might be right about the distinct points thing, too. Sorry.

    I don't know if these were meteors or UFOs or weather balloons, but I'm willing to keep an open mind. Are you?

  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego, these sightings and videos are kind of interesting in light of Stanley Fulham's proclamation in his book, Challenge of Change, that massive UFO sightings would appear on Oct. 13. I think that was the day thousands saw the lights in the sky above Manhattan.

  21. Anonymous says:

    dpage, cudos. Maybe he uses a pseudonymn?? I've checked out virtually all national and international databases for authors of debunking material named PAUL, first or surname, and …uh-oh…no one is home! cj

  22. Sansego says:

    The comments by Paul make me wonder what he thinks about synchronicity, or does he also use occam's razor to dismiss such events as "just a coincidence"?

    In the video, I thought the newsanchorman was a little condescending to his co-anchor when he mentioned "little green men" with a kind of derision. She played off of him very well, though.

    The video footage of both the events in Manhattan and El Paso show similarities between the two. How can that be dismissed as "meteorites"? Saying that reminds me of people who claim that NDEs are the result of "oxygen deprivation to the brain." Its trying to find some scientific explaination that makes sense to a strict logic and materialist-minded person who doesn't have an open mind to other possibilities.

    These light phenomenon can only mean two things for me: otherworldly beings paying a visit in spacecraft we've never seen before, or the government is testing out some kind of secret technology they don't want us to know about. Given the two options, I think I'd rather the lights be otherworldly beings paying a visit. And I'm not a big UFO-logist. I tend to not listen to Coast to Coast AM when they focus on UFOs and aliens. But lately, I feel as though something strange is definitely going on.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Yep. I'm off to see The Wizard!
    HO! Look at this WV: "expoll" Isn't it just too weird how these WVs seem to be getting more and more synchronistic? Lovin it. cj

  24. d page says:

    Using scientific method: there is no direct evidence that Dr. Paul PhD ,UFO de-bunker & published author, exists.

  25. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    cj, what's that phrase? Great minds think alike? lol – R

  26. Anonymous says:

    The information I am seeking is the information you continue to hide, and that is the titles of the several books you claim to have written debunking the subject in discussion. I will not continue to do battle with a wannebe and to create more chaos on this previously peaceful blog. You should be very proud of accomplishing the feat of writing several books, and should be shouting it from the rooftops. Unless and until you do that, your voice is empty and your claims without substance. I will not address you again unless and until you provide your credentials. Otherwise, you appear here as nothing more than a person whose sole purpose is to create dissention and discord. Attack me as much as you like. I KNOW who I am, and WHAT I am, and I'm extremely proud of my medical credentials and accomplishments, specifically in medical/clinical research, for which I can readily provide access to any interested party. Unless you do the same, no one gives you respect. Your book titles. A simple enough request that should give us access to all the research behind your debunking. NO? OK. That tells us all we need to know about Dr. Paul, PhD. cj

  27. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It's hilarious that Paul is still insisting that three distinct points must form a triangle. So, if they formed a line, they would be indistinct? Wow!

    He also forgets that we don't reside in a vacuum, so objects in our atmosphere of different sizes and weights do not fall at the same speed.

    Finally, it's time for Paul to walk his talk. He told us in comments under The Ship that he has a PhD and that he has authored four books debunking UFOs.

    Okay, tell us a few facts: In what field did you receive a PhD? From what university or college? And, of course, what are the titles of your books?

    If you can't answer these simple questions, cry foul all you want. We won't see you again here.

  28. Anonymous says:

    "Paul", you are incorrect. Two objects varying in size and weight do NOT fall at the same velocity/speed as two objects of the exact same size and weight. That is impossible. You cannot twist the laws of physics to suit your own agenda. Newton's apple. Also E=MC2 (squared does not have a key on the keyboard.) Energy equals mass times velocity, squared. It's easy, once you understand what Einstein discovered. Mass(size and weight of objects, which differ) times velocity (the speed at which an object moves through space) squared. Mass of varying size and weight changes velocity (speed of motion) and its energy is altered when it travels through space. Duh. And the unfinished Unified Field Theory of Einstein. You cannot possibly make your living with math or physics because you are not familiar with their basic tenets. And regarding the MacGregors "villifying" you, sir, Dr. Paul, PhD, no one is villifying you except you yourself. I am finding you and your remarks more and more entertaining and amusing. If you feel that is an insult, so be it.
    I'm not crying. There's a line from an old movie in which one of the characters states to her daughter, with some surprise, "Well, you can certainly give as good as you get!"
    Dr. "Paul", PhD, perhaps you should take that quote seriously and apply it towards yourself and your attitudes. You are quite adept at going for the throat like a pitbull, but you cannot graciously receive even the most practical rebuttals that prove you to be in error. Your mouth (or fingers) get into gear before your mind kicks in, and that is your downfall. No insult intended. I have said the same to my grown sons: "think before you speak or your words can jump back and kick you in the behind". Anyone on a computer can claim to be anything or anyone they wish. But a person who claims to have written several texts debunking these subjects, yet persistently refuses to offer those titles,and persistently complains about being villified, and continues to present baseless arguments for nothing more than the sake of arguing, in my opinion is nothing more than a wannebe. Again, what I tell my own adult sons, "Speak up with credibility or step back. Otherwise, no one considers you credible." Are you credible? You obviously want to continue speaking on this blog. If you want to be taken seriously, then why are you hiding the credentials you claim to possess? You should be extremely proud of your accomplishments. if I, and everyone I know, had written several books on ANY subject, I'd shout it to the rooftops. But you will not give us your book titles. I am extremely proud of my medical credentials and accomplishments and never hide them, and they are easily accessible to anyone who cares to check me out. THIS is what is making you invalid, Dr. Paul, PhD. By your actions you are known. Im not being combative here, just honest. Take it, or leave it alone, because you have surrendered your own credibility. I frankly have put you in the position of a person who likes nothing better than to stir a cauldron and create discord. You have done that yourself. We haven't done it for you. And again, if you want to be taken seriously here, present your works and your credentials. That, friend, would solve the entire issue and we would listen to you with bated breath, understanding that you are worthy of such attention. As it is….you, sir, put yourself exactly where you are. Very very interesting WV here: "lecomedr" Turn it around and we have "Dr. LeCome", the French physicist in Close Encounters of The Third Kind.cj

  29. Anonymous says:

    This is for cj. Since you seem pretty sure of yourself on that whole "effect of gravity on falling objects of dfferent mass" thing

    Here are a few sites that might help:

    There are plenty of others, if you need more information.

    Don't be smug. It makes you look really silly when you're wrong.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Why do you only delete the comments in which I make points you can't refute?

    Here I'll post it all again. I can do this all day.
    I'll start with Nancy. I like you, Nancy. You are one of the few here who seems to be able to have a rational discussion without getting all emotional and defensive. I don't doubt that people see things they can't explain. I can't argue with what they saw (or think they saw) because of course I wasn't there and didn't see it with my own eyes. But that doesn't mean there isn't an alternative (and completely non ET related) explanation. The burden of proof always falls on the person making the claim of something extraordinary, not the other way around. An alternate, natural explanation is sufficient, and you can't resort to unknown or extraordinary explanations until all other possibilities are eliminated.

    CJ – think back to your high school physics class. The force of gravity acting on an object is exactly the same, regardless of its size or mass. If you drop a pebble and a boulder at the same time, from the same height, they will hit the ground at exactly the same time (ignoring the effects of air resistance, of course). That's one of those things we learned about science hundreds of years ago, and we stopped questioning it then because it was proven. Furthermore, the phrase "distinct points" in the mathematical jargon of 3-dimensional space, refers specifically to points that do not form a straight line. So "3 distinct points can't possibly form anything but a triangle, by definition" is a true statement. Sorry if my use of jargon confused you. Even so, a straight line (whether horizonal, vertical, or diagonal) is as easy to explain as a triangle. It's just how they fell, and from a point of view on the ground, they appear to have formed a pattern. Doesn't matter if it's a triangle, a straight line, a trapazoid, or even a dodecahedron, the points will appear to form a connected pattern, when in fact they are not connected at all. Look at how fireworks appear from the ground for a related example.

    Which brings me to the MacGregors. It's not a mistake to stop looking for answers once you've found them. If we never accepted a question as answered, we would have nothing but unanswered questions. I never said a meteor was the only possible answer here, only that it was an alternative explanation that fits with what we know about the universe. As always, the burden of proof falls on the one who claims an explanation that goes beyond what we know. That's how the scientific method works. And Occam's razor is an integral part of the scientific method. Please don't lecture me on the scientific method, I make my living by following it to quite a rigorous standard.

  31. Anonymous says:

    I second the motion, although I am finding great amusement in "Paul's" stepping into deep water without wearing water wings…water that is quite apparently, increasingly beyond his depth. I think I'd miss him if he were to leave, because he does provide entertainment. cj

  32. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good advice, marguerite!

  33. Marguerite says:

    Very interesting post! I think that Paul needs to "get a life" and stop arguing every point of every post on this subject.

  34. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Make that basic high school geometry.

  35. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    "Bearing in mind, of course, that 3 distinct points can't possibly form anything but a triangle, by definition." – Paul (Anonymous)

    Paul is very entertaining, but he must've flunked physics 101.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Um, "Paul"…I beg to differ with your statement that three distinct points can't possibly form anything but a triangle. That is absurdly incorrect, sir. Three distinct points can form a straight line, vertically, which is not a triangle in any sense of the word. Three distinct points can also form a straight line, horizontally, which is also not any form of triangle in my geometry texts. WV: "calipi" caliper? cj

  37. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    great comment nancy – and off to read your story, jen!

  38. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    That's a mistake, Paul. Don't stop looking for answers once you find one possibility. That's not the scientific method. Your biases blind you.

    For example, you meteorite theory. You stopped there. It's probably wrong. None of the mainstream astronomy sites are calling the videos meteorites. None of the sites I've looked at say that meteorites can be seen during the day or that they appear to hover.
    Please site your sources…or is it just your speculation?

    If you want to speculate on what these UFOs (unidentified flying objects) are then you might try balloons. Are you willing to change your opinion on anything?

    BTW, folks, the only comments that were deleted were ones that were even nastier than the ones that remain on The Ship post. It had nothing to do with factual content.

  39. Anonymous says:

    There's a certain law of physics operational in this third dimension, as well as in the portions of the universe with which we are familiar. That law pertains to Gravity. When a meteor, or any other heavenly body, separates into pieces of itself, those pieces are not unilateral in size or weight, which means that when they tumble downward through space, they of course fall at different heights and at differnt speeds, placing them in fields of vision that vary. These "lights" that have separated are equal with each other as they are "tumbling" with the force of gravitational pull.
    Easy to prove. Go outside and pick up several small rocks of various sizes. Stand on a ladder or on a second-floor porch or deck, and drop these rocks simultaneously. They will drop at varying heights and speeds. These "lights" are dropping at equal heights and speeds. It is the same with balloons of any type. Let a bundle of balloons loose from the same hand, and they will travel at varying heights and speed, depending upon the amount of air within them which is determined by their relativity to gravitional energy. Can't argue with Gravity, or change it to adhere to one's bias, although some may attempt to do so. WV: "hypti" as in "hype it" ? Laughing at the synchro. cj

  40. Nancy says:

    I don't think meteors move into formation. Although I would love to find a logical explanation, it does not explain a UFO is saw floating over a carpet store at 8:00 at night on a fairly busy street, about 7 years go. My younger daughter and I watched it for a couple of minutes, but by the time I circled around, it was gone. So people can give any excuse they want to explain these lights, but when you see an actual ship – there is absolutely no doubt what you're looking at – even though you want to make any excuse for what it might be. It wasn't a helicopter, because it didn't have blades, and it was totally silent. It had lights all around the front in a circular or V shape pattern. I haven't talked with very many people about this event because of the derision. Maybe it's time to open our minds and accept the possibility that some people are actually having these experiences. That even if you personally have not had the experience, it does not negate it's existence. There are many things in this world I have not personally experienced, yet understand that that does not mean it didn't happen to someone else. There are more and more sightings all over the world. The governor of Arizona has publicly stated that fact when he and half of Phoenix witnessed lights hovering over that city. It's time to open our minds to the possibility that UFOs exist and take the next steps to find out what is going on. The weather balloon theory is just not cutting it.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Maggie – Nope, not a MIB. Just someone who likes answers. Not so different from you, really, except that I stop looking for the answers once I've found them. That's how we do science. We come up with all kinds of theories and explanations for things – some of those theories are bizzare, and some are mundane. Then we test all the theories, throw out the ones that don't make sense, and draw conclusions from the ones that are left. Once we have the answer, we're done. The answer here is, rather boringly, a meteor. More specifically, it's a meteor that broke into 3 pieces that went off in different directions due to air resistance and friction, forming what looks like a triangle from the ground. Bearing in mind, of course, that 3 distinct points can't possibly form anything but a triangle, by definition.

    No disrespect intended. And if you saw the comments the MacGregors deleted and moderated away, you would see that oposing viewpoints are not at all welcome here.

    hee hee…wv is "wingbats". I'll let that one go…….

  42. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Just read your pot, Jen. All of us should make a point of carrying cameras with us!

  43. Jen says:

    I saw these lights in Portland! Only I saw them the day before the other eyewitness did- on Sunday the 17th- and they were not over the airport but south of downtown over part of the waterfront are. I posted about it on my blog

  44. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    very interesting, aren't they? loved the day time shots –

    hmmmm…..meteors? the triangular formation is rather telling i think, or in the case of meteors, NOT telling – but that's just me and i don't have a phd behind my name –

    maggie, exactly!

    wv= jotchima – not sure of this one, but several possibilities! 😉

  45. maggie's garden says:

    How can we be sure this guy Paul isn't just a MIB working to keep the truth hidden? He seems to have a lot of explanations for these sightings….as the rest of us remain questioning….as it should be. Question everything…including this guy's motive to debunk.
    I have no idea what these sightings are…hence the word UFO. I think it's foolish to think we are the only beings in this universe. In the final analysis Paul could be right…but NONE of us can be sure. I find it hopeful that Paul is actually reading the Synchronicity blog. All viewpoints ARE welcome here…but Paul's comments just seem to be disrespectful to others opinions.

  46. Daz says:

    I do believe there are or have been travelers from other planets,but just looking at this footage I would say Paul does make a fair point when he says these could be meteors.
    I'll sit on the fence here and wait for further footage.

  47. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Interesting video of, well whatever it is. Don't think it looks like part of the Orionid meteor shower – but I'm no expert.

  48. Anonymous says:

    The debris field is over 21 million miles across, and Earth passes through it an an oblique angle. It takes about 3 weeks to pass all the way through. The meteor shower peaks on the 21st of October (when we pass through the densest area), but large meteors can be seen from about mid October into early November.

    Thanks for not deleting that one.

  49. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jeez, and you're the guy who is supposedly Mr. Logical. It's swamp gas,Paul. LOL

  50. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The orionid meteor showers occur on oct 21-22. The sighting in NY happened on 10/13 and the one in El Paso on 10/15.
    – Trish

  51. Anonymous says:

    Orionid meteor shower. Happens every year around October 20 when the Earth passes through a large area of space debris in orbit around the Sun. Large meteors can even be seen in the daytime, and look like balls of light in the sky. Depending on your angle of view, they may even appear to be stationary for a time, or moving left or right as they pass through the jet stream.

    Occam's razor.

    But I'm sure this comment will be promptly deleted like the others, right MacGregors?

    And for the 4th time now, my name is Paul. If you would stop deleting the comments in which I've identified myself AND posted valid information, maybe your readers could get the whole picture and decide for themselves, instead of only seeing the edited and villified version of me you've created by deleting the comments you don't like. It's your blog, so do whatever you want. But comments like "all viewpoints are welcome here" just don't seem to ring true from where I sit.

  52. Vicki D. says:

    In NYC they claimed to be party balloons.

    There have been more and more interesting sightings going on all over the states.

    Wv-ingessi … I'm guessing

  53. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    At first, it looks like flares, but flares don't stop and hover. Very interesting that similar phenomena have appeared within hours on the East Coast, South-Central U.S., and now on the West Coast.

  54. Adele Aldridge says:

    Holy Moly! What do you think this is? Obvioulsy something is THERE!

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