Over the Delaware/Pennsylvania Border

Given Gypsy’s vivid description of a craft she saw and sketched, a story we posted on October 8, here’s an intriguing you tube video about sightings on the Delaware/Pennsylvania border. Gypsy was living in Delaware at the time of this video.

OK, yes,it is certainly possible these things are sparklers, that the voices you hear are actors instructed to speak like some old married country couple. You hear the wife grousing, the husband countering in a kind of freaked out voice, OMG WTF.

Yeah, fine. We hear the objections. Now watch the video.

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20 Responses to Over the Delaware/Pennsylvania Border

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We didn't realize it had been removed. Weird. Back to you tube. Thanks for the tip, Daz.

  2. Daz says:

    It's a shame this video has been removed by the user.It was one of the best I've seen for a while.
    Is there any chance of re-posting it
    I wonder why it has been removed?

  3. musingegret says:

    What a great clear video; looked authentic with car in front pulled over on the shoulder and all the traffic noise.

    Have been meaning to share a site I check regularly that rounds up a daily compendium of articles, essays, blog posts and interviews:



    wv: amedf (armed with info? famed?)

    Those were the first thoughts in my head! 😉

  4. Anonymous says:

    Yep, now we have to wait for November to see this one! I can't help but wonder if much of this UFO phenomena material is being increasingly delivered to the public by TPTB, as a method of prepping us for some kind of ultimate disclosure. Could be. Lots of it on the big screen and small screen, in addition to the enormous increase in sightings. cj

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    OK, off to look at this trailer!

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    just got back from the skyline trailer – good grief!!! and what an ending line: don't look up!

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    R – the only base in delaware is dover air force base which basically is nothing more than a large military mortuary although they do house a unit which does the C-5 runs – but like my other mentions of planes over delaware, there are no commercial airports in the state – there are a couple of little farm-field-like strips to accommodate the stray twin-engine on occasion – now, while a C-5 is large, it also makes a very large sound – and is very distinct from other planes – as a matter of fact, just the sight of any sort of aircraft over delaware is always odd – also, the flight patterns of these C-5s is very distinct and never varied – they do make touch and go's pretty much round the clock, but, again, are very very easily identified – dover base is in central delaware – more toward the eastern shore than west – and then, to the west is the maryland state line – the PA line must be about 75 miles north of dover – of course, as you mention, there is always the possibility of the psychological warfare game being played up there – an explanation that seems as plausible as weather balloons, anyway! 😉

    and here, the wv is extedona [taxed one] or [axe toned] or [axed into] – well, there you go!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Hey guys, have ya'll seen the trailer for the movie "SKYLINE", due to be released on November 12, 2010? Just type 'youtube "Skyline" movie' into your searchbox and it will bring it up so you can click onto it. Everybody knows who Stephen Hawking is, right? Considered to be the most brilliant man who ever lived, and is still alive. Enough said. Go watch the trailer for this movie and listen to the comments. And, "DON'T LOOK UP!" cj

  9. Anonymous says:

    Must add that a few years ago, there were anomalous lights being viewed simultaneously over the ocean's distant horizon, all the way from Jacksonville to Daytona Beach, and that is a long way in terms of land miles, so these lights were quite high. There were srticles, with photos, in newspapers all up and down the east coast of FL about them the following day. The light(s) began as a single huge, bright, glowing, hovering globe, then suddenly the
    globe "lifted" and rose, and just as suddenly, it split into three separate colored lights, which hovered themselves for several minutes, then zoomed off in three separate directions into the night sky and could be seen for minutes before vanishing. The Coast Guard issued a statement that it had no idea what the lights were, as did NASA, as did the military. They simply referred to them as "anomalous" and let it go at that. They had no explanation, and didn't attempt to pass it off as balloons or whatever because there were just too many credible witnesses. cj

  10. Cole says:

    Oh no, I have been married for 11 years now, that couple talking was a real couple! No staged actors there. LOL

    Ok seriously my husband and I don't talk like that to each other, (very often.) LOL. But the video itself, I believe is real. There is a lot going on in it. The wind, the movement of the camera, the other cars and quick views of the street and such.

    I believe he was for real and was filming something. What, I don't know. It looks like the objects were raining down at a slow vertical slope. Flares?

    I just wonder if though those objects are traveling across the sky or descending. I certainly don't doubt them however to be UFO in origin. And as was mentioned, why would there be so many flares, for what reason?

    Any news casts during the time of this sighting that mention it as well? You think there might be, or overheard reactions from others right there making the observation as well. Remember the Phoenix lights, surely there has to be others like that particular sighting who have video footage or photos of it as well.

    We may never know, but it is intriguing to ponder.

    Very cool post.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Not sparklers. The noise in the background was traffic moving by these people who were talking. The changing colors in the lights are interesting. Possibly fireworks being set off at some distance from the video?
    It's difficult to tell, sometimes, hoax or real, and we all know where I am on the UFO/ET events. Nonetheless, I don't accept everything at face value. This could have been yet another sighting, considering that they are being witnessed by millions all over the planet. Our son called us from his home a few nights ago, very late. He lives 40miles down the road from us. He was seeing strange lights in the sky. We went out and looked; husband got his high-powered binoculars and confirmed the lights defintely weren't any kind of "known" aircraft, and he knows aircraft. Next morning, a friend of mine who lives about three miles south of us, also on the beach, saw those exact same lights and described them as our son and as we had seen them. So, they were at an altitude higher than the highest jets can fly, or they would not have been visible both at our son's home so far away, and here, simultaneously. The NASA shuttles can be seen from such varying distances because they DO fly high. Just to make a comparison in terms of how high these lights we were seeing actually were, by comparing them to the shuttle lift-offs we routinely watch. Can't discount the possibility that these people were viewing UFOs of some sort. Take a look at this WV:
    "mishify" Huh. cj

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy, is there a military base in the area? They could be flares released from planes. But flares are usually bright, released to light up targets.

    Maybe it was a disinformation ploy, a psychological warfare game for the gullible Delewarians, who might elect a crazed, right wing late-night talk show guest to the U.S. Senate. – R
    WV Chead…cheat?

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    and you are so right about the internet becoming such a great tool for the sharing and disseminating of these sightings! again, a great post!
    wv – stion – it's on!

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    holy staged show, batman!!! well, first of all, the delaware/pennsylvania accent is totally right-on for these "actors" who are staging a show of "sparklers" or weather balloons or meteors – i really like the idea of a meteor shower myself – gives a different depth to the whole thing i think [over the tired 'ole weather balloons] – or, as sansego says, i wouldn't totally rule out o'donnell on this – and as for daz with his cell/camera at the ready, one word of wisdom is that while he's having that dream, be sure it's lucid enough to grab and click during the dream –
    – signed: catwoman

    and now, for my non-comedic response! OMGosh!!! what an incredible sight! absolutely incredible! do you know what the date of this was? and specific location? well, can't be too wide a span of land as delaware is about the size of a large car – what a scene, what a video, macgregors! thanks so much for sharing –

    wv here is FERSOPHR – her profs or hers prof or fresh pro??? 😉

  15. Sansego says:

    Remember Daz, its specifically Slim Whitman that kills Martian invaders!

    That was an interesting video. Something strange is going on. Or, it could be a visual trick done by Christine O'Donnell to distract voters near Halloween and election day!

    wv: fledsh (flee dish?)

  16. Daz says:

    Now,that was an impressive video and does seem to give credibility to Gypsy's version of events that night.
    My camera/cellphone is now locked and loaded and I've got some real bad country CD's just in case they're from Mars.-)

  17. Natalie says:

    They reminded me of souls going up on the journey to the other dimension.

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    And the internet facilitates these sightings.

  19. Nancy says:

    Wow. Lights like these are being seen all over the world, with greater frequency. You have to wonder.

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