When the Synchros Catch You Offguard

The other day I drove about ten miles south to get my hair cut by the woman who has been cutting my hair for, oh, about 20 years. I was asking for a synchro, you know, in a general sense. Hey, universe, let’s have a synchro. Like that.

When I see Gayle, we touch base, as women do,  about who is doing what, where our lives are taking us, the usual stuff women talk about in hair salons. In the past 7 years, since Uranus has been in Gayle’s sun sign (Pisces),  she has experienced a lot of sudden, unexpected events, right in line with Uranus’s energy. Her husband died of kidney failure, her son died of a drug overdose, her daughter got married and had a couple of kids, she has moved a number of times, she has fallen in and out of love, and now she’s engaged.

She used to be an ardent Christian/Born Again, now she is more open to the kind of stuff that interests me. Rob often wonders why I drive to the next town for a haircut, when there are plenty of hair salons where we live. But Rob, who shaves his head, can’t understand what it is that moves women to seek out stylists who are also artists. And Gayle is definitely an artist.

One day while sitting in her chair, I had a vivid impression of her as some sort of hair stylist in Atlantis, where the art of cutting, dyeing, styling, was highly regarded. I mentioned my impression to her and she sort of laughed. “You really believe Atlantis existed, Trish?”

Well, yes, I said, and explained why I believed it.

During my last visit, she asked if I believed in spirit contact. I told her I did and she looked relieved. Then she leaned forward and spoke in a softer voice. “I think my dead son visited me,” she said.

One night shortly after her son had died, after her husband was already gone, she felt someone sit at the edge of her bed. She was alone in her condo, the depression on the mattress was enough to startle her. Then her fear evaporated. “I know it was my son. I don’t remember what he said, but I felt it was him, letting me know he’s okay, that he didn’t die because of something I did or didn’t do.”

“I’m sure it was him,” I told her. “This kind of thing happens more often than we realize.” We talked about that for awhile, the many ways that spirit  might try to communicate with us. Gayle felt comforted by this visitation and by our discussion of it.

On the way home, I was thinking that I hadn’t experienced any synchros and was starting to feel sort  of bummed out about it, like maybe I was way off track on the course of things generally. Then I realized that Gayle’s story fit the bill. I had asked for a synchro – and gotten it, through Gayle’s story.  Ask. That’s where it begins. Ask and remain open to whatever comes your way.

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15 Responses to When the Synchros Catch You Offguard

  1. Natalie says:

    Absolutely, Yes! A beautiful visitation, of that I have no doubt.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nice sequence of synchos, Jeni!

  3. Jeni says:

    Isn't life great when you ask and then receive?!
    1. Last Weekend I was in deep wonderment of where all the exotic birds had gone and later day as I was posting a blog – two appeared on my patio and tree outside my window.
    2. Saturday I kept asking where my Robins (birds) went they used to be everywhere. Sunday morning walking my pup I was surrounded by over 2 dozen Robins ~ following me on the walking trail. NO JOKE!
    3. Sunday, I wrote a note on what I call my "Mary Pad" (my sister who passed away)… I wrote "You heard me didn't you?" and that night while walking my pup (after midnight), I heard chirps of the cardinal EVERYWHERE in the trees above around me.

    As Mike Dooley says, "Thoughts become things, choose them wisely"!

    Love this blog 🙂


  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nat, this is right up your alley. Do you think it was her de4ad son who sat the foot of her bed?

  5. Natalie says:

    I think this a wonderful story for so many reasons. 🙂

  6. Daz says:

    It's funny you should mention Vidal Sassoon,as I was reading about him yesterday in the local Jewish newspaper.He has a book out called "Vidal:An autobiography" and it's quite obvious that Adam Sandler's movie "Zohan" is loosely based on his life.(very loosely.-)

    "Some people have the ability to do something worthwhile but don't;others put themselves out and do- these are the people I like." Vidal Sassoon.

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    just last night i dreamed of someone – a friend and coworker – who died a number of years ago – i never am here [in this city to which i've just moved] that i don't think of woody – as a matter of fact just a few hours ago, while i was out and about, i was thinking of him again – missing his dear kind self – anyway, in my dream, woody was here again, with me – and the same, but older, as i am – it was a very happy dream and probably was that kind of wish-fulfillment thing – and other very recent dreams also have been about others who are not here but in that other place – interesting in light of your post and the comments –

  8. d page says:

    I'm glad that Gayle had Trish to share her experience with.
    I am regularly visited by my grandmother, my daughter Laryssa, and my Lama.
    My other daughter, Desiree, graduates from Vidal Sassoon hairdressing school this week.

  9. Nancy says:

    Great story, and I think it definitely answered your desire. I've been reading in several places lately that you need to ask – including the lady that read my cards. She made a big point of saying I needed to ask in order for my guides to be able to answer. Interesting.

  10. Anonymous says:

    DJan, I'm so sorry about your son! You said he visits you in your dreams, but that you've never had him "physically present"….believe me, although you may not be aware of his presence, you can be assured the he is with you at least on occasion
    from time to time. It's just easier for him to be with you in your dreams and to make contact with you when your body is "asleep". It's such comfort to know our loved ones never truly leave us! Regarding being visited in dreams, I have kept a dream journal for decades. I can't tell you how many of my loved ones have appeared to me in dreams to tell me they have left, before I was notified soon after the dreams. My maternal grandfather came to me in a dream and told me goodbye; next day I learned he had suddenly died from a stroke. Very close friend of my entire life told me goodbye in a dream. Immediately upon waking I phoned her, (she lived in a different state), her sister answered, told me my friend had died (I hadn't known she was ill). This is a routine thing, it seems, for me. That my loved ones come to me in my dreams and let me know they've left but are still very much "alive". It eases the grief. cj

  11. Lauren says:

    How odd, I was just reading about Atlantis the other day, and here it's mentioned again. I was reading about Tiahuanaco, which some rogue archeologists propose may have existed during the last Ice Age, 15,000 to 20,000 years ago. The mystery of this site is also surrounded with Inca myths of a great deluge. I've always assumed that Atlantis was the demise of the Minoan culture after the eruption of Thera, but lately been thinking about the legend again.

    Thanks for sharing this story also!

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz – too funny! And what's with that WV? 🙂

  13. Daz says:

    Bit of a synch to share.Earlier tonight I was listening to this CD by a local boy named Darren Hanlon


    The main reason I play it is because I like the song "She Cuts Hair"
    You can see the lyrics here;


    It's about a guy named "Daz" that tries to muster the courage to ask a hairdresser out,but when he asks her she is so offended that she gives him sort back and sides (shaves most of his hair off-like Rob.-)
    I haven't played it for quite some time and while I wasn't playing it while I was reading your story,I was playing it about an hour earlier.
    Track 1 is titled
    "Title Fight: Heart v Mind",
    which could also be relevant to your story.
    I like to play "she cuts hair" because it always manages to put a smile on my face.

    WV= upers (uppers)?

    P.S. The funny thing is my wife cuts my hair and she gives me short back and sides every time.
    Maybe there's a message there somewhere.-)

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    DJan, I'm so sorry about the loss of your son. Do you ever feel him around when you're doing these big hikes or skydiving?

  15. DJan says:

    My son Chris, who died at 40, visits me often in my dreams. I consider them real visitations, but I've never had him actually present. This was very interesting.

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