Synchro Voices

One of the things we like about blogging on synchronicity is that our posts sometimes remind readers of some of their best synchros, and they relate them to us, either through e-mail or as a comment.  One recent day we posted a collection of meaningful coincidences that occurred in Toronto. We noted that travel moves you out of  your everyday world, hence opening you to synchronicity – if you’re paying attention.

Sometimes you can’t help but notice. That was the case of the following three synchronicities that all came to us that as comments on our post – More Toronto Synchros. In each case, the person experiencing the synchronicity was out of his or her everyday world. We thought they were so good that we wanted to post them again together.

The first comes from Scotland – from Vicky  at acoustic wave. It’s one of those stories that could easily fall into the category of instant manifestation.


Your story about the Sugar Sugar singer has just reminded me of one of the biggest synchros ever, for me. To outline, my friend works for a tourism company. I am a voice over artist. The tourism company was running an ad campaign on TV, featuring the voice of a very well known Scottish TV presenter. Once or twice, my friend and I joked that I’d like that particular voice gig.

Anyway, my friend came to visit last summer and we walked to the pub in a neighbouring village. We began talking again about that ideal voice job with her company. She mentioned that the famous TV presenter still had the monopoly on it. She then told me that she had never actually seen him presenting, so she wouldn’t know him if he passed her by. I was surprised, so I began doing an impression of his distinctive style. We both had a laugh about it. Literally, two minutes later, that well know TV presenter walked into the very pub we were in.

After I lifted my jaw off the ground, I was able to point him out to my friend. Scotland isn’t the biggest country in the world but it’s still very big and it seemed implausible that he would be in my little corner of the country, at the exact time I was doing a send up of him. It was one of the funniest, most unlikely experiences of my life. It really is a small world!


That one reminded us of the famous plum pudding synchronicity. The next one comes from Darren down under.  Darren tells us he has nothing against short people. It just happens that a dwarf plays a role in the following tale.


This reminds me of a very similar experience I had when I took my two boys to see Nancy Cartwright (voice of Bart Simpson) at the Brisbane Concert Hall at Southbank.

We were waiting outside in the foyer for the doors to open, our backs to the glass wall. There were about twenty bar tables scattered throughout the foyer where your could rest your beer/wine glass and snacks. The tables featured a round top attached to a pole and underneath was a smaller round table about half way down where you could put your bag, I guess.

My youngest son, who was about 11 at the time, asked me what the smaller table was for.  I thought I would be funny and told him that it was for dwarfs to rest their beer glasses on, as they were too short to reach the real table top.This seemed to satisfy his curiosity and we just continued to wait for the doors to open.

About five minutes later (and I swear my sons lives on this), a dwarf came along and placed a beer glass on a nearby table, not on the little table underneath, but on top of the real tabletop. I looked at my boys with pleading eyes not to say a word.

I know people reading this comment will think that the little fellow must have been around before I made the remark, but I can assure you that wasn’t the case.  The odds of this happening must be trillions to one, as I hadn’t seen a dwarf in real life for about ten years and I haven’t seen one since. Out of all the “coincidences” in my life this one is my favourite.


Darren, might’ve ended his story just like Vicky did…’It really is a small world!’

Darren seems to be one of those people that coincidence researcher Dr. Bernard Beitman calls ‘coincidence prone.’ One of our favorites involves the time Darren picked up a deck of 500 cards, each one offering a suggestion of something you might do at least once in your life. His first selection read: ‘Drive a forklift.’ That, ironically, is exactly what Darren has done for a living for 24 years. Clearly, a trickster synchro there.

The last story belongs to Becky, who found our Toronto stories very fitting and reminiscent of her own favorite.


Weird or what! It’s so funny how synchronicity works, and it was an event that took place in Toronto in 1997 that has led me here today. Everthing about this post makes me chuckle. A couple of synchros jumped out at me. Toronto ( I love the city, been there many times), February ( my birth month) , Steven King’s 11/22/63 11 is daughters b-day, 63 is my birth yr, Beck’s taxi, my name is Becky and sometimes people call me Beck’s.

Also the biggest syncho of my life happened in Toronto. It’s similar to Vicky’s experience in the pub, except I was in a bar in Toronto after a U2 concert. I was with my husband and sister-in-law and said to them that we were going to meet Bono. They scoffed at me and not two minutes later he walked into the bar!

It was a life changing moment, a knock on the head. I had chills because two weeks prior to the trip not only had I dreamt the event was going to happen but I also had a flash of it happening while I was driving and awake! I even told friends I was meeting for dinner that night about my flash.

Chills ran up and down my spine when it actually happened. I knew in that moment that my life would never be the same! It woke me up to the synchronicity of life. I sure see the world differently now and pay attention to the universe that is always here to guide us.


Great story, Becky, reminded us of Springsteen in the gym, fodder for several synchros here.

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6 Responses to Synchro Voices

  1. Darren B says:

    “About five minutes later (and I swear my sons lives on this), a dwarf came along and placed a beer glass on a nearby table”

    It wasn’t a nearby table,it was the exact table my son had pointed out in front of us asking me about the little table.Which made it even spookyer,because he could have picked any table in the foyer,but for some reason chose the same table we were talking about.

    • Darren B says:

      This little guy was hanging around a well known Brisbane DJ at this event and I have a feeling that the little fellow could have been Peter Dinklage
      ,but I didn’t know of Peter’s fame as an actor at the time,so didn’t take that much notice of the guy in front of me,apart from his size and the fact that he was using the top of the table to rest his beer on…robbing me of my table for a dwarf theory.-)
      He has made a movie out here “I Love You Too”,so he is no stranger to this part of the world.
      I’ve been trying to contact this particular Brisbane DJ/comedian to ask him about the identity of the little guy…well only since last night that is,because I’ve been debating with my sons whether it was Peter Dinklage ,or not.
      I suspect it was,they say it wasn’t,so I’m determined to find out who it was that was with him on the night.

  2. Great stories and had to chuckle at Darren’s dwarf, can just imagine the look on his son’s faces and probably Darren’s as well.

  3. lauren raine says:

    I really like your comment about travel moving one out of the everyday world, and opening one up to perceiving synchronicity. Travel is a “liminal”zone, and I’ve found that so true for me as well.

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