Update on Treyvon Martin Case

On March 21, we posted a story about the shooting of Treyvon Martin, who by now needs no itroduction. Events concerning the this incident are escalating. One of the questions we asked was what this tragic shooting might mean on a soul level. A friend sent us her response:


Getting back to the Treyvon Martin case and your question what do I think about this on a soul level? I think Universal Consciousness is expanding itself at an increased rate through experience, as are we, as is the planet. I think current events of unrest, re-ignited racism, turmoil, etc are external events which are the outward reflection of our mass internal thoughts and current beliefs. What we think and believe we manifest.

Racism from my perspective always comes from a place of fear; the “us vs them” response based on outdated belief systems, experiences and indoctrinations that have remained stagnant and which have been passed down from generation to generation. With that kind of limited experience and awareness how could George Zimmerman have acted any differently from his human experience. He acted as his belief system allowed.

On a soul level – when you take away that outdated belief system, the race, the history, the physical body, the culture and environment you are simply left with a level of pure awareness comprised of Source Energy – all of us are the same facet of the whole. So with this belief Treyvon on a soul level would have complete understanding of his physical death because he would be pure awareness, love and compassion – consciousness expanded through experience. And, since we also comprise the same Source Energy then our consciousness has also been expanded.


I remember that when I read Brian Weiss’s Many Lives, Many Masters, I was struck by what he’d learned about the death of his infant son many years earlier, that the baby’s death “burned off karma,” for both Weiss and the boy, that it was a soul choice. So did Treyvon Martin, at a soul level, choose his death to underscore racism and gun laws, to bring about a profound change in the discourse in this country about both of these topics?

The prosecutor and chief of police have stepped aside. The people pressure mounts with a march of more than 30,000. Even Obama has issued a statement, that if he had a son, he would look like Treyvon.


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28 Responses to Update on Treyvon Martin Case

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    I keep our doors locked at all times. We have a glass storm door inside our front door, so that I can open the front door and have lots of light, but the storm door is always, always locked, no matter who is home. This is because there are instances when, for example just this past week, a drunk man wandered into the wrong house and got a beer out of the refrigerator before the owner, who was in another room, heard him and caught him. There are strange-looking folks who stroll our beach streets, and some of them don’t appear particularly friendly or familiar. By that I mean some appear to be “out of place”, and from time to time there will be some who look from house to house, walking slowly. We’ve just experienced a rash of burglaries in our neighborhood, so the beach police have been warning all residents to lock the garage doors, car doors, and house doors, even when at home. I already have been doing that.
    We live in a nice community, but there are crazies and criminals everywhere, and that’s not paranoia. Eleven homes in a nearby exclusive gated community were robbed during the past month. It has a guard at the entrance gate, and apparently the perpetrators went through the surrounded wooded areas to get inside. There are multi-miliion dollar homes there, with sophisticated alarm systems, yet they were robbed, some in broad daylight. I don’t EXPECT to have trouble, as I believe that’s programming for it, but nonetheless, I do think it’s prudent to be cautious as long as we don’t go overboard. We live in an uncertain world with a lot of unstable folks, and exercising ordinary care seems smart. Our neighbor had all the electronic stuff stolen from his car during the night; he hadn’t locked the vehicle, and no one heard the thief. My trusting husband carries expensive tools in his work vehicle, and once had them all stolen because he is trustworthy himself and left the backdoor of his van unlocked. And so it goes…..I keep the doors locked. Fortunately I have a generally non-vocal canine who barks a specific kind of bark at anyone who approaches the front door that she doesn’t recognize or know, and there is a Chow (whose name is “Racket”) next door who is allowed outside in the front yard on a chain (he’s vicious) and he is VERY vocal about people he doesn’t know. I agree with Darren….even when at home, these days it’s sensible to take reasonable care.

  2. Darren B says:

    Speaking about guns,fear and ignorance, I saw the movie “Red State” on DVD today.
    It was written by Kevin Smith of “Clerks” and “Dogma” fame.
    It is a gut retching roller coaster ride of a movie,not for the faint hearted…or followers of Fred Phelps (who the movie is obviously targeted at).
    My hat is off to Kevin Smith and I have to say that ,you have a lot of guts taking on these nut bags (slight pun intended.-) ,and see you in hell.
    I’ll keep your seat warm for you,Kev.-)

  3. Momwithwings says:

    I’m not a Geraldo fan but I saw a clip of his statement, and he commented that he has warned his own son not to dress in baggy pants and a hoody because he fears for how others would perceive him, a young Hispanic in a hoody.
    He also commented that we warn our daughters about their dress when out alone and we should also be warning our sons.
    Because people have such fear and preconceived notions about someone with darker skin in a hoodie he said young men should be warned about this. ALL young men because at night, in a hoodie you can’t really tell race.
    No matter what I think this was a cop wannabe, who was racist based on what he told 911 operator.
    I also blame local police for not investigating this thoroughly.

    I am human!!!!

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    No, Geraldo isn’t black. He’s multi-cultural, specifically mostly Puerto-Rican, of which he is quite proud and vocal. And there’s a great deal more to contemplate here than “black boys dresssing like gangsters”. A cultured multi-millionaire may choose to walk into a Saks Fifth Avenue store dressed in overalls and a plaid flannel shirt, but that doesn’t alter the fact that he’s a cultured multi-millionaire who has chosen to “dress down” on any given day. Yes, the sales people will treat him with disdain. But who has the last laugh when the man purchases ten-thousand dollars worth of merchandise with a no-limit platinum credit card and the salesperson sees his identity? CLOTHES DO NOT MAKE A PERSON.
    Period. And to lump people into such a group because they wear such and such type of clothing is a major social error that needs to be seriously addressed, as do the gun laws in this country. I have a 14-year-old granddaughter who is what is termed “Goth”. She wears the black clothing, black eyeliner, has a few non-offensive piercings, and one tiny rose tattoo under her collar. But…..she is an honor student on the honor roll, is a class president, a member of her school’s student council, and is well-liked by teachers and fellow students. She doesn’t misbehave or get into mischief, and is one of the most tolerant and loving people I’ve ever met. But she chooses to be Goth and to dress accordingly. It’s her individual style, and she shares that style with other children in her public school, all of whom are good, decent, rule-obeying kids. And BTW, they wear their hoodies when weather permits….some of them are black, some are white, some are Cuban, some are Indian. I totally agree that there should be a rule among all schools that teen boys not be allowed to wear their pants hanging down below their underwear and dragging the ground, with their private parts in full view. However, in this town, both white and black boys choose that FAD, and it is exactly that…a FAD. Does anyone here remember the Elvis-period when teen boys wore their hair in long black duck-tail haircuts with sideburns and with their shirt collars turned up and their bluejeans skin-tight? That was all outlawed in the schools, as was the Elvis-style of dance. It was a FAD. These were not bad children. They were emulating a rock star, and eventually the fad died away, as all fads do. My point here is this: DON’T PRESUME TO JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER. Find out what is underneath before shooting off your mouth or your gun. OK. I’m done, and no offense intended to anyone, except one final remark. I’m a 100% pacifist. However, guns are not the problem. It is the PEOPLE with the guns who are the problem, and always will be.

  5. This is an insightful discussion and I appreciate all the different perspectives and stories from around the globe. I also believe there are soul agreements made prior to birth that are seldom understood by human judgement.

  6. Kate I says:

    I’ve also been feeling that there is a deeper (or higher?) story behind this story. I completely understand the outrage and terrible unfairness of it all but on a soul level I feel that these two beings have volunteered to bring forward the opportunity for humanity to examine just what what our values are on the subject of racism and equality at this time in our evolution.

    Kryon, who is channeled through Lee Carrol, has mentioned several times recently that for instance, those who perished in the Tsunami in Japan came into this lifetime knowing that this experience could be a possibility for them, yet came anyway, to assist with the opening of the heart of humanity…which it certainly did. He has also mentioned that in the case of those who have had parents who are abusers, we each knew before we came into this life that this might happen but the children “contracted” the parents (and vice vera) on a soul level to have this experience for reasons know to our souls or higher perspectives…perhaps we all need the experience of being both the abuser and the abused to know there can be no pointing fingers.

    Too much here to really cram into a paragraph but I’m reminded of the story of the flea who crawls through the beautifully patterned carpet never knowing what it is he is walking through until he jumps (as I’m told fleas do!) up and looks down on the colourful and well planned pattern that only makes sense from a higher perspective. (Just adding my two cents worth here from my own personal perspective, understanding that it’s not everyones!)

  7. lauren raine says:

    A thoughtful article, and I much appreciate the comments offered here as well.

    Sometimes we take too much for granted the awful gun culture backdrop we inhabit. Virtually every TV show inculcates the minds of children with images of people pointing guns, and shooting them. How many toys are about guns, swords, rayguns, etc., how many video games? This image of power and destruction is virtually fed to our children, especially the boys, almost before they can speak. It’s really worth taking a look at.

    Every month it seems there is a murder or a massacre brought on because any deranged person, or paranoid, or disturbed teenager can get their hands on a weapon that, within seconds, can take many lives. Why does it never change? I loved the courage and humor of Michael Moore’s movie (Bowling for Columbine) in which he demonstrates the pervasiveness of this gun culture, as well as interviewing Canadians, who somehow manage to do just fine, and have almost no murder rate at all compared to ours………without having universal access to guns.

    • Darren B says:

      Unfortunately Michael Moore made out Australia was a safe place like Canada,too.And that is just not the case.
      I would never dream of leaving my doors unlocked at night…or even when I’m out in the backyard.Crime is just as bad over here as it is in the States.
      Instead of getting shot to death you just get knifed or bashed to death with a bat or bar.And sometimes still shot with an illegal gun.
      Bowling for Columbine was still a good film though…just don’t forget they had made bombs and placed them around the school apparently,but didn’t detonate them.If they had resorted to this method the carnage could have been worse and how do you stop bombs?
      Psychos will always find away around laws.

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    I could not…COULD NOT….believe Geraldo Rivers’s comments. Not only did he say that if the boy hadn’t been wearing a hoodie he wouldn’t have been killed, he went on to say that in virtually every mugging, every gang activity, every street crime, the perpetrators are invariably wearing hoodies. Well, I beg to diifer. I own several hoodies myself, all three of my sons and all my grandchildren and their friends wear hoodies, my husband grabs a hoodie when he walks Sunshine for her final late-night business outside. In our beach community, one can see dozens of late-night and early-morning walkers, runners, joggers, and strollers wearing hoodies because of the salty sea-mist and the general humidity. Are we all criminals? Does wearing a hoodie make us all a part of some “hoodie-conspiracy” deserving of annihilation?? Should we be murdered if we choose to wear one of the most popular garments in the world? What a stupid, idiotic, senseless series of comments by a stupid, idiotic, senseless TV “reporter” and “analyst”. Pathetic. Absolutely absurd. I bet someone in Geraldo’s house owns and wears a hoodie. Probably the man himself. What a total jerk.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Melissa Harris-Perry, an African-American host on MSNBC pointed out on her show this morning that hoodies, loose pants, the whole gang look, contributes to racist incidents. She had two african american young men on who talked about how their lives changed when they stopped dressing like gangsters.
      I can’t find a link to the show yet, but will put it up when it’s available. She said that Geraldo wasn’t the guy who should have made this remark, he’s not black.

      • gypsy says:

        well, i have several “hoodies” in different colors – but that does not me a gangster wannabe make – so while i intellectually understand what she is saying about the attire of a certain segment of young people in this country who do foster the street dress sort of thing, and i am aware of the origins of that particular mode of dress – i don’t believe it accounts for the killing of this young man – i mean, the only mention i’ve heard of what he was wearing that night was this one particular item – a hoodie – in the rain – but even the weather is irrelevant here –
        by this definition of harris-perry, then every woman who wears shorts and a tank top to the local 7-11 is, in fact, just “asking for it” when she is robbed raped and/or murdered – it’s still that old sociological perspective of “blaming the victim” –

    • gypsy says:

      first of all -the hoodie thing of BLAMING THE VICTIM is the same as blaming women who are raped and murdered or whatever – i mean, wasn’t that young woman or elderly woman or whomever asking for it if she went shopping at 9pm alone – and wasn’t this young man just asking for it to be walking to the store and wearing a jacket with a hood in the rain –

      a facebook friend this morning posted a photo of bill o’reilly and rivera at a sports event [i think] together, both wearing – yes, you guessed it – HOODIES – just google their names and hoodie and it will be the first image to pop up – or –

  9. This story has no doubt now gone worldwide – it’s been on the UK news programmes for two days. So it’s possible that there is a higher level or purpose for the tragic event. It’s getting racism discussed, which so often is avoided.

    I agree with Darren that ‘fear’ has much to do with racism, but there are also deeper levels as well that include many other factors. Listen, for example, to some of the offensive European football (soccer) chants against black players. Racism is a difficult problem to solve, though it sounds easier in theory.

    • Darren B says:

      Racism has less chance of going away than dishonest men not entering politics I’m afraid.So let’s focus on the positives,compared to two hundred years ago it is a much improved situation…as long as we don’t start travailing backwards on the subject.

      And Mike don’t forget when the “West Ham” fans make the hissing sound of the gas chambers when the Spurs team run onto the field,because Tottenham (Spurs) are also nicknamed “the Yids” (Jews) .

      • Rob and Trish says:

        Darren – what are australia’s gun laws like?

        • Darren B says:

          Very strict if you want to own a gun legally,now.
          But it is quite easy to get one illegally,if you have the right connections, e.g bikie gangs,criminals etc.
          The Martin Bryant shootings in Tasmania in 1996
          went a long way towards unarming Australia,but it hasn’t solved anything much as far as crime goes…maybe except for mas shootings like the one above…but let’s be honest,if anyone really wanted to go on a rampage like this,it wouldn’t be that hard to do it again,no matter what the guns laws were.
          Now the most popular murder weapon in Australia is the knife (it probably was before as well) ,there are fatal stabbings every week,so what’s next?
          Banning knives?
          Also,there is quite a lot about the Port Arthur massacre that doesn’t add up properly,and I’m not just talking about this clip;
          I would say,yes make it tough for psychos to get their hands on guns,but at the same time,don’t let the government disarm the people to the point of the people not being able to stand up against a corrupt government.
          Killers will always find ways to kill,be it bombs,guns,knives,bricks or fists.
          Gun laws won’t stop them killing either,it will just take away the honest man’s right to defend himself.

          • Darren B says:

            Also while looking through the names of the victims of the Port Arthur massacre,I found this grim ‘coincidence’.
            Australia’s puppe…I mean Prime-minister at the time was John Howard ;
            And Mervyn John Howard was a name amongst the people murdered on that terrible day.In fact three people with the surname Howard died in this shooting spree .

          • Rob and Trish says:

            Just about anyone can buy a gun in Florida. I’m not sure how you weed out sociopaths who appear to live and act normally from people who act responsibly with weapons. One problem is that the gun lobby is incredibly powerful here.

      • By European I also included UK football, though in England big strides have been made to stamp it out, which seems to be working (most of the time).

  10. Darren B says:

    I love your friend’s comment and regarding –
    “Racism from my perspective always comes from a place of fear; the “us vs them” response based on outdated belief systems”.
    That is what I was trying to put across in my comments in the previous post,not that racism doesn’t exist…because it’s obvious that it does,but it’s fear and ignorance that lead to racism.
    In fact I would bet that if Treyvon Martin was replaced by a poor homeless white guy in this situation,the same outcome probably would of occurred because of this neighborhood vigilantly’s fear,and it would have been swept under the carpet.
    I just got home from the Lenny Kravitz concert in Brisbane and there were Black,White,Asians…and at least two Jews (me and Lenny.-) all getting along in total communion.
    If only the rest of the world was like this you’d be able to strike the word racism from the dictionary…and fear would lose a bit of it’s meaning as well.

  11. mathaddict2233 says:

    I feel compelled to add a bit to my previous comment. Judas, the disciple of Jesus, betrayed his Master and thus, Jesus was crucified and Judas subsequently committed suicide. But if we are to accept the reason for that crucifixion and resurrection, and if we are to accept that the entire purpose for the very birth of Jesus was prophesied, as was His death and resurrection, then we must consider that there HAD to be a betrayer in place. Was Judas a traitor, or was that the role his soul chose to play in this world’s most famous and enduring story? I’m no longer a Christian, but was raised as one, and have never understood how Judas can be perceived by Christians as a murderous traitor when the entire purpose of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus was pre-ordained. This has nothing to do with Zimmerman and Treyvon, yet it does raise the question of universal purpose in all such matters…..the deeper Truths.

  12. mathaddict2233 says:

    Several years ago, a little eight-year-old girl named Maddie disappeared. All the neighbors, friends, police went on a full-throttle search for the child, including a neighbor with whom she often played, 14-year-old Josh. He assisted in the search. But no Maddie. Seven days later, Josh’s mother was cleaning his room and smelled a peculiar odor. Ultimately, it turned out that Josh had hit Maddie in the head with a baseball bat, (no sexual assault), and in a state of fear had placed her dead body underneath the mattress of his waterbed. Josh was tried as an adult although he had no kind of record whatsoever, was a good student, apparently a decent non-violent kid who had never been in trouble, and his defense stated the death had not been intentional but an accident while playing. Only Maddie and Josh know the realities of the matter.

    Nevertheless, accident or not, he was sentenced to life without parole. (Just as an aside, both children were white caucasian, so there was no racism in that situation.) There have been updates reporting that in his prison, Josh, now an adult, has completed a higher education and become a teacher for the inmates. He is well-respected and well-loved by inmates and by prison personnel. He is a soft-spoken spiritual leader who gives support to any and all who need it. He has no chance of ever getting out of jail. Never. I’ve sought insights from Spirit about this case, and if I understand what has been told to me intuitively, very clearly: before these two souls were born, she chose to allow herself to be killed by him, who chose to become an anathema, perceived as a monster, so that he could have the opportunity to do what he is doing with his life…..what he would not otherwise have been able to do, and that is to be a source of inspiration for Good in a place where such evil lurks. I believe this with all my heart, and sense that Maddie and Josh are soulMATES who made a pre-birth pact to do what they did.

    I suspect there must have been deep karma involved in this most disturbing of circumstances, because we express our free will PRIOR to our births just as we express our free will once we have clothes of skin, and Josh and Maddie worked together towards a common goal and a common Good. To me, this is an example of pure synchronicity combined with karmic evolvement, and although a beautiful little girl sacrificed her life, we cannot help but observe the impact Josh is having on so many other lives that he would not have had if he had not committed that crime. Our souls at work….striving to raise the universal consciousness, individual by individual, in tiny baby steps. We rightfully scream for justice for Treyvon, and certainly Zimmerman, somewhere along the way, must make restitution for his crime if the Master Plan, whatever it may be, is carried out. There is no doubt Zimmerman was unprovoked, (according to credible witnesses), and that this was racially-motivated hatred, and that he simply murdered young Treyvon, for whatever CONSCIOUS reason he is attempting to use to excuse the obvious murder. But underlying the heinous act of that deranged cop wannebe, Zimmerman, is karmic synchronicity of some kind, that we will probably never know. Perhaps to elevate, even by just one tiny baby step, the Truth that we are indeed all One, regardless of race, color, culture, religion, or creed. Just my opinion….

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