Don’t Tread on Me

 Elections are mass events and mass events often have synchros associated with them. The 2010 mid-term election  is shaping up to be particularly nasty.

Take a look at this video clip. It’s from a Rand Paul debate in Kentucky. The young woman whose head is stomped on by a Paul supporter is  a member. Many of the Rand Paul supporters wears buttons that read: Don’t Tread On Me. It looks as if the stomper or the guy who wrestled the woman to the ground is wearing such a button. And he certainly treaded on her.

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8 Responses to Don’t Tread on Me

  1. d page says:

    My brother in law called me.. he's done 2 tours in Iraq. Since he came back he's been going to school, and church- not watching TV. H
    "Debra, do you think that [American] people are acting a little crazy, or is it me?" (He was sincere, not joking.)
    Poor guy. I had to give him the scoop on what is going on. He's right, of course. The T-baggers are a form of desperate insanity.

  2. Ray says:

    Here is another upstanding Tea Party Republican candidate.

    "GOP Candidate Killed 2 Unarmed Iraqis

    A Tea Party-backed congressional candidate in North Carolina is facing scrutiny for having killed two unarmed Iraqis while serving in Iraq. The candidate, Ilario Pantano, has said he has no regrets about fatally shooting the two at point blank range after detaining them near Fallujah in April 2004. Prosecutors later alleged that Pantano intended to make an example of the men by shooting them sixty times and hanging a sign over their corpses that read "No better friend, no worse enemy." Pantano did not deny hanging the sign or shooting the men repeatedly after stopping their vehicle at a checkpoint. He admitted to emptying one magazine of bullets into the Iraqis, then reloading and firing thirty more rounds. Despite his admission, the military cleared Pantano of wrongdoing in 2005. He’s now in a tight race with Democrat Mike McIntyre in North Carolina’s 7th Congressional District."

    Quoted from Amy Goodman's Democracy Now:


  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    as the macgregors said, vile and disgusting!


  4. Ray says:

    Countdown also played a clip by the Right Wing head cheerleader, Rush Limbaugh. Rush said the woman was stomped on the shoulder and not the head. If you look closely the foot is on the shoulder when the goon is resting his foot, but it does extend to her neck and lower skull when he presses down. Of course if Rush says good morning it is wise to check to see if the sun is up.

    The scariest aspect of this whole election cycle is that these fascist candidates are very likely to be elected.

    In Nevada Sharon Angle is likely to win. What does that say about the voters who condone her racist campaign?

    I am afraid that if the right wing succeeds our days as a free country are coming to a close.

    In 2003 a woman in Greece with family in the US told me after a visit to St. Louis that Greece has more freedom than the USA.



  5. Anonymous says:

    Big ole macho men…tackling females, showing how tough they are. Sorry, but I'm an (old) old-fashioned woman who doesn't take kindly to men man-handling women. There are other ways to deal with discords and dissensions than with physical abuse. I understand there are situations when a law officer has no choice but to get tough with a woman if she's resisting arrest or fighting, etc, but otherwise….like I said, big macho man, stomping on a woman's head. Wonder how he'd feel if someone did that to his wife, daughter, sister, or mother. Shame!! cj

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Countdown showed the same video and had the woman on the show.

    It's all vile and sad.

  7. DJan says:

    I am busy keeping a low profile and trying to stick my head in the sand, I've already voted (mail in here in Washington state) and am continually inundated anyway with the election mania. I'll be glad when it's over.

  8. Brownie says:

    This is deeply disturbing! On The Ed Shultz Program (MSNBC) last evening – Ed pointed out what appears to be a police officer or a security guard — a uniformed man to the left of the beat down. This man would have seen and heard the ruckus (as the Rand Paul supporters were hollering out for the police to go after this poor woman – who did not resist and was brought to the ground by these goons!)

    This is not the first incident of rightwing violence this campaign season. There was a male Sharron Angle supporter who punched out a female Harry Reid supporter (this was shown on tape) a few weeks ago.

    And last week Alaskan Joe Miller's security thugs (some of whom are active duty service members that did not have permission from their commanding officer to work for this private security co.) roughed up and handcuffed a reporter and then intimidated, threatened and touched another reporter (who was filming the incident). The state prosecutor's office has not done anything about an investigation or bringing charges against these men.

    I'm a registered 'unenrolled' voter in my state – which is the same as an independent. This election I'll be voting all Democrat. The modern GOP is not the sensible, moderate party of my parents. It's morphed into something else entirely (beginning in the 1980s) and now with the teaparty movement and the big-money puppetiers that run it in mostly anonymity with the hostility being egged on by the likes of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity…ect.

    It appears we're seeing glimpses in America, of what the 1930s were like in facist Germany, Italy and Spain if you weren't on the 'right' side of politics.

    ~ Susan

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