The Abduction


CJ posted this as a comment and we were afraid it would get buried, so we deleted it as a comment and are posting it. The story is harrowing. As she says, “My Synchro blog friends, I’m going out on a long limb here since we’re on the subject of inexplicable experiences. It may be too long and may not be clear, but I’ll try.”

On November 9, 1981, Connie, her husband, and three sons moved from Georgia to Florida. The night was clear, cold, and she was wide awake because she was excited about the move. She and her youngest son were in the family Olds, following the enormous van in front of them, where her husband and the two older boys were.  They were on I-75 near Macon when the van suddenly wasn’t there.
There was very little traffic. I knew the van hadn’t left the expressway, and knew I’d made no turns. I quickly realized that my son and I were driving on some kind of grid of roads, unrecognizable to me. I was then very groggy but kept driving. Then my son and I were suddenly outside the car, on a tarmac, with several military helicopters flying over us and several round, lighted craft hovering nearby in the sky.
Hangars were visible a few hundred yards away. There were several U.S. military personnel in fatigues and one of them held my son and I at gunpoint. Three or four grays were nearby. Both my son and I were crying hysterically. The officer who held us at gunpoint threatened us, said if we didn’t do something, we would never see our family again. I continued to weep, on my knees, and my son was screaming.
Just as suddenly,  my son and I were back in our vehicle. I was very groggy; he was too. We seemed to be driving in circles. I finally spotted a convenience store, pulled in, went inside. I told the clerk we were on our way to FL down I-75 and were lost. Could she give us directions back to the expressway?
She said, “Ma’am, you’ll need to go back out the guard gate you came through.”
“We didn’t come through any guard gate,” I told her.
“You’re on Warner Robins Air Force Base,” she said. “You had to come through the guard gate.”
Too exhausted to argue, I followed her directions, went out through a manned guard gate, and to the
expressway. My husband and two other sons were panicked by this time. They didn’t know what had happened to us. No cell phones then, When we reached our new Florida home, hours behind them, I was so disoriented and out of it, I found a blanket and curled up on the porch and fell asleep. My son did the same things. I still don’t know why or how we got onto the AFB, or exactly what I wasn’t supposed to do as threatened by the military officer.
This was as real as it gets. No dream, No fantasy. Real AFB. Real military. Real weapons. Real UFOs.  Real grays. Real threats. No, I haven’t gotten the answer, and probably never will. But it happened. This is the first time in all these years I’ve gone public with this, and feel this is the appropriate time to do that.
This entry was posted in abductions, cj, UFOs. Bookmark the permalink.

110 Responses to The Abduction

  1. Natalie says:

    I just did a book review for a ufo book. I think Connie should read it if she hasn't already. It has an interesting viewpoint in that the abductee is a scientist who even though terrified, has tried to work with them, instead of fighting against them.

    wv =untri un try????????

  2. Anonymous says:

    Sigh. I'm a computer-challenged dummy, Daz! I couldn't pull it up! Will keep trying. cj

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It works fine, Daz!

  4. Brizdaz says:

    I left a comment to thank cj and everybody else for their well wishes and to let everybody know that the comment was the first comment that I have responded to using my new blog,which will only be used for responding to other blogs in the blog-sphere.
    It obviously didn't work,so if this one doesn't go through,it's back to the old "Daz" comments.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Let us know about Daz's blog, guys.
    cj Wv: "swinerly"

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz started a blog and left a comment that didn't show up. I'm seeing if this comment appears.
    – Trish

  7. Brizdaz says:

    Thanks for the well wishes cj and everybody else on the blog who have sent them as well.
    I decided to open a blog just for the purpose of posting on blogs that won't accept anonymous comments,not for the sake of writing anything…but you never know.
    This is my first reply to any blog on the internet…so it's also test as well,to see how it goes.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I second Taksha's comment, Daz. THANK YOU! And, we continue to send you and your wife and family peaceful healing thoughts in this difficult time. Hoping your father-in-law may find a way to make his on-going Presence known in such an evidential manner that your wife will be comforted and will know he still….IS. cj

  9. Raksha says:

    Beautiful! Thank you, Daz…that post is a keeper.

  10. Daz says:

    It's a synchronous comment you made about the FORCE,because I started reading "The Force is with Us: The Higher Consciousness That Science Refuses to Accept" by Thomas Walker
    last night and although I've only read 2 chapters,I have found them to be 2 very good chapters.He starts off in chapter 1 by saying;

    "There is a force in the world that makes things happen.Belief in it has existed since time immemorial.Like "The Force" in the Star Wars movies,it's an energy of consciousness that permeates the universe,forming and sustaining all things;it's an energy of consciousness that animates the world.It flows through living things in channels called meridians and is the basis for paranormal phenomena and alternate forms of healing.It is our connection with the higher planes of consciousness,the great beyond,the fundamental quantum reality that makes up the world.Once it has been accepted by the scientific community,it will rank among the greatest discoveries of all time.
    In traditional Chinese belief,this force is called ch'i.The ch'i is the fundamental agent of the universe,the subtle energy,existing everywhere,that condenses out of the great field to form physical matter."

    …and then he goes on to talk about positive and negative forces in the universe (in scientific terms) which he likens to the Yin/Yang symbol of the Chinese where they battle for an equilibrium between growth and destruction.
    I guess that's what draws me to the Yin/Yang symbol.It represents our universe in so many ways,it cautions us by saying the universe isn't just black and white.In some of the white lay some darkness and in some of the darkness lay a some light.Nothing is as black and white as it seems.
    I agree when you say "The darkness never wins. It may seem to win, but it never wins. Speak up; speak out; we are soldiers and our Home is in the Brightest Light. They can scare the wits out of us, but they can never destroy us, and that is their ultimate downfall."

    If we don't let the light (truth) shine through us,then the darkness (lies) will win and the planet will become a dark place worse than any fictional Death Star and it's rulers.

  11. Anonymous says:

    A final note, but a necessary one: Some years ago, relatively recently though, after a particularly harrowing experience with the frightening UFOs, a vivid message came to me. I was in a very lucid dream-state, and a familiar disembodied (invisible) voice said to me, "Call in the cavalry, Connie. They wait to be asked. You must call them in. Once is sufficient. They cannot interfere unless you ask for them."
    That was it. It was imprinted in my mind as if etched in stone. When I was fully awake, I did exactly that. I wasn't sure what "the cavalry" was, only that it was good, and so I didn't wait for another frightful encounter to occur. I put out a call that very day, trusting the disembodied, familiar voice in my lucid dream. It was at that time that the highly-evolved ETs, or whatever they are, began to come in their crafts and intervene in my being Taken. I beg you to trust that this is Truth as I know it to be. They wait for us to ask for their assistance, then they, again whoever they are, willingly and lovingly come and offer it to us. But we must ask. I only "sent out the call" that once. And since, they have come when needed. The other thing is this: the bad guys apparently know our weaknesses, including any physical ailments from which we may suffer or which may be inherent is us and not yet manifesting, and they prey on those weaknesses, probably creating the ILLUSION that it is they who are creating the ailments when in fact the ailments are just a part of our physical bodies. It's a kind of terrible, invasive mind control. If we understand it in that context, then their power becomes diminished. These are things that have somehow arisen from the core of my Being as I've been deeply immersed in this specific blog about them. This tells me that talking about it is the very best ammunition we have at our disposal, because it apparently opens the doorway to what are their empty threats and their lies, and how they are using our weaknesses to gain control if we allow it. If we re-claim our own power, they can try, but they can't really hurt us…unless our fears allow them to do their wicked deeds. I've learned much here, and hope all of you have, as well. WV" "emolieb" cj

  12. Raksha says:

    Absolutely beautiful post, Connie. Thank you for sharing that. I agree with everything you said because I've had independent corroboration of it from sources I won't name here. Yes, there is a war between Light and Darkness that has been ongoing since the beginning of the human species or not long after. The bad guys may seem to win, and may actually win some major battles. But they have never won the war and they never will, because in the end the Light is stronger. That isn't just something I believe but something I KNOW.

    Love and Light,

  13. Anonymous says:

    I realize that I've presented a personal history with UFOs and ETs that is filled with fear and damaging experiences. In an effort to create the positive balance that is absolutely as real as these negative experiences have been, I want to present, as Paul Harvey always said, "the rest of the story". I'll be brief and to the point, inasmuch as is possible, and won't attempt to offer details, due to space limitations. However, I feel a responsibility to share that just as there are negative and hurtful entities round and about, there are also very positive and helpful entities round and about, and I've had encounters with these apparently extremely highly-evolved entities. What is their origin? I don't know, just as I don't know the origins of the Grays and the Reptilians and the others who have scattered their presence in and out of my life. Sometimes I've wondered if these helpful entities were the "angels" that are spoken of in the Bible and other Holy Texts; if they were the Voice in the Burning Bush that gave the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mt.Sinai; if they were the "glowing Star" that guided Moses across the wilderness to lead his people into freedom. In my own life, they have come and gone and come yet again, always also in types of almost-fiery spacecrafts, and their presence has always been healing and comforting and beneficial, as opposed to the entities who have been terrifying.
    Without the occasional presence of these highly-evolved entities, whoever and whatever they may be, I may not have survived the interactions with the military and their fear-mongering. The most important point I wish to make is that I HAVE survived, intact; and to share my conviction that I'm far from being the only one who is experiencing contact with the positive entities, even if those aren't quite as easily remembered. Think me crazy; think me insane; but I totally KNOW that each of us has these ET protectors who function, usually invisibly, as a shield against the worst that the "bad" ETs may do to us. If this were not true, then those of us who have had the experiences with the military and their bad guys wouldn't be able to tell our stories, and tell them we must. Our best defense is to not allow the fear that they purposely instill in us, to prevent us from
    "outing" them and their presence, because when push comes to shove,
    we have the presence of those who come in Light, in fiery brilliance, in spacecraft that seem to scare away the bad guys, and ultimately, we are safe. Perhaps this is a story as old as the human species. Perhaps this is a "war" that has been on-going since this planet became inhabited by species from various planets, continent to continent, and these are our true forefathers; our true ancestors, and like the fictional FORCE in Star Wars, maybe they represent safety and survival in the face of what may be nothing more than intimidation through threats that can't stand up against the Good. I've had interactions with both sides, and at the end of the day, when all is said and done, we DO survive, and we ARE protected. Fear is the greatest motivator known to humanity, and so the bad guys use fear and threats as their primary weapons. If you've had experiences with these entities, be aware that standing close behind you, every moment, is a Good Guy with a Light that withers and destroys the dark guys. The darkness never wins. It may seem to win, but it never wins. Speak up; speak out; we are soldiers and our Home is in the Brightest Light. They can scare the wits out of us, but they can never destroy us, and that is their ultimate downfall. cj

  14. Anonymous says:

    Trish and Rob, surely you know that I wasn't "implying a sweeping generality that anyone involved in the eploration of UFOs/ETs gets sick!" I mentioned three folks only. I'm sure there are thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, who are perfectly healthy. Many don't know they are contactees or even abductees. But being either doesn't necessarily pre-dispose a person for illness. People get sick for all kinds of reasons. Lord knows, as a nurse I certainly know that! My postulation was that lifetimes of encounters and interactions with these entities, including with our own military, MAY predispose an individual to develop a compromised immune systen and/or other afflictions….besides the obvious afflictions of certain emotional instabilities. I would never make such a broad statement or even imply such. I thought you knew me better than that! Contrarily, there exists many cases within the research community and materials indicating that SOME abductees and others involved in the work SEEM to develop certain conditions that SEEM to be directly relevant to those interactions. I remain open-minded and don't make definitive statements except where my own life and body are concerned, and I could even be wrong about those….except that I KNOW Carey and I were drugged, and I KNOW that I was drugged earlier in my life long before the AFB incident. Beyond that, much more research needs to be done to confirm or deny how widespread such tampering with our bodies is, that MAY produce permanent damage.
    WV "wista" twist? cj

  15. Daz says:

    Who would want to be a microbiologist?

    Check out these articles;

    Encourage your kids to take up safer professions like Stunt-driving,Base jumping or Bomb defusing .-)

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    All I'm saying is that it's a sweeping generality to imply that anyone who has experiences or works in the field gets sick.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Trish and Rob, I've been in and out of contact with Hpokins off and on for a couple of decades, and he's been ill with first one thing and then another all this time. My final correspondence with him brought the response that he had been very ill with pneumonia and that the antibiotics he was taking was making him more ill than the pneumonia! None of his ailments may have anything to do with his work. Contrarily, there does exist the possibility that immune systems may be lowered by different types of encounters and interactions with these entities, including our military. God only knows what kinds of drugs they have at their disposal….and going waaayyyyyyyyyy out on a fragile limb here, I'm close to the conviction that the atoms and molecules of my physical body have been repeatedly disassembled and reassembled as a means of carrying me through solid matter: walls, locked doors, closed windows. OK. You can now put the strait jacket on me and call in the men in the white coats. But my experieces indicate there is probably some truth in this. How do they do it? How was the Philadelphia Experiment accomplished, IF it was? Einstein was on site when that occurred. How credible is Einstein? Tesla's work was involved as well. So, if it was possible in the early part of the last century to vanish a ship with men aboard and have that ship instantly appear in a distant shipyard, with a few unfortunate personnel stuck in-between being physical and non-physical….think about it. Do I accept that as fact? No. Nor do I deny its feasibility, especially after studying the life works of both Einstein and Tesla for decades. If we are capable of leaving our physical bodies in order to go on astral trips in our etheric bodies, why not disassmeble and reassemble atoms and molecules of cells? It certainly opens up a lot of cans of worms, doesn't it. And lots of physical ailments as a result. I can't throw the idea away because it seems absurd. There's too much of a scientist in me to diss it just because it defies our known concepts of physics, because "they" operate outside our known laws of physics. Remote viewing? It's real. So, dematerializing and rematerializing atoms and molecules? Yeah. Possible, and I propose that the impact on a human body after decades of same would be pretty significant. cj

  18. Daz says:

    Re"I have just read a beautiful book called 'Into the Light' by Dr John Lerma. Your wife might appreciate it's comfort right now."

    Thanks for the recommendation Nat,I haven't read that one yet,but last time I was down in Byron Bay,I ducked into my favourite bookshop there (Abraxas) and while I was buying some other books,one that caught my eye was "The Force Is With Us: The Higher Consciousness That Science Refuses to Accept"by Thomas Walker,so on an impulse I bought it to read later.I haven't read that one yet,but by the reviews on Amazon it looks promising.If I find it any good I'll pass that on to her and may even give it a plug on Amazon (like I gave Rob and Trish's book "7 Secrets.-)
    Like I said,she is a bit of a fence sitter when I comes to this stuff,but the synchro with the parrots is starting to make her think something is going on.
    Maybe a few more synchro's and she'll be over my side of the fence.-)
    I would pass on all your well wishes to her,but she doesn't know about this blog,so it's really my secret place of refuge at the moment…maybe one day when she's a little bit more opened minded about these things I'll tell her.
    She's spent the night with her mother and brother at her mother's house,so they can all comfort each other.
    Thanks to all the kind words said by all the readers here and I hope these experiences will give hope to others out there who may still have doubts.

    Cheers to you all / Darren

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Connie – I don't think we can conclude that Hopkins is ill because of his work in the UFO field. He was born in 1931, so he's pushing 80.

    John Mack, though, is another matter. He was hit by a car while walking from the tube station.

  20. Anonymous says:

    My gratitude and appreciation go out to all of you for your understanding thoughts! VickiD, I defnititely look forward to hearing from you when you can contact me! Linda, I read about
    Dr. Karla Turner when I went surfing yesterday all over the internet. You'll find much about Dr. John Mack everywhere. He was a renowned and deeply respected man, known for his integrity and his attention to scientific protocol and an ability to be non-biased, but also for his kindness and compassion. His sudden death rocked the Harvard world and the community of credible UFO-abduction research. Budd Hopkins, another well-known researcher in the field for decades, has become very ill. The subject apparently has far-reaching yet difficult to prove ramifications and consequences, and I'm treading carefully, one step at a time, not wishing to bring more negativity down on my head or anything on my family. It's a war. A true war. Anyone who doubts that isn't savvy to the mountains of evidential material available to the masses. I'm not stupid enough or gullible to blame all of life's ups and downs and peculiar quirks on my abduction encounters, but some of them are and have been undeniable. There are many thousands of us hiding in our little safe places….we think….but it seems TPTB have eyes-in-the-sky that reach into the lives of even the most insignificant individuals such as myself. I don't need to be hit on the head with a baseball bat (usually) before I understand I'm delving in forbidden territory.
    That would be a good title for a book, "FORBIDDEN TERRITORY". WV: "bitierf" cj

  21. Raksha says:


    I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your father-in-law. Thank you for telling us about the parrots. Please let us know when they show up again, as I feel pretty sure they will.

    Love and Light,

  22. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    cj – dear cousin – nothing is more important than taking care of yourself – nothing – i have learned that the hard way – which is also one of the reasons i do not speak frequently and/or in-depth a lot about my own experiences – i have physical reactions, too – which is also why i have not commented here as i normally would – in any event, please just focus on other things for a while and find peace and contentment where you can – i send you bunches from the bayous here! 😉

    and daz – so very sorry to hear of your family's loss – peace and comfort to you and yours –

  23. Natalie says:

    Sorry to hear about your F-I-L, Daz.

    There is no doubt in my mind that the parrots will be coming thick and fast for your family. If he can get through, he will.

    I have just read a beautiful book called 'Into the Light' by Dr John Lerma. Your wife might appreciate it's comfort right now.

  24. Raksha says:


    Re I can tell you exactly what happened with Lammer and his material. I also read all the information he provided in the beginning. And everything that is available on several sites in his regard, including what was on Amazon. They got to him, that's what happened. Do I sound paranoid?

    No, you don't sound paranoid to me in the least. It sounds like you have a healthy instinct for self-preservation, and Dr. Lammer apparently does too. What you said was exactly what I was thinking when I read his disclaimer, even though I didn't come right out and say it in my earlier note.

    I just read the long essay the disclaimer was attached to and it contains some really frightening but very believable material. I'm still feeling nervous and edgy from reading it. When I posted my note on the other forum about a predicted "worldwide UFO display" back in September, I knew almost nothing about UFOlogy and less than nothing about abductions. But I've learned enough in the last month and especially the last week to become very suspicious when I hear about the premature death of a UFO researcher, especially if their research focuses on alien abductions and/or mind control.

    You probably noticed that Dr. Lammer made frequent reference to the work of Dr. Karla Turner, who was an abductee herself and who also wrote three books about abduction. She died in 1996, apparently from breast cancer. It must have happened right before Dr. Lammer published his research paper on MILABS, because he refers to her as the late Karla Turner. Her books are out of print now and pretty expensive, but you can download them for free at her memorial website:

    Re "Dr. John Mack was also a public figure, a Pulitzer Prize winning Harvard professor whose research in abductions is legendary. But look at his cause of death. This wonderful man was struck down by a "drunk driver" and killed while attending a UFO convention in Europe, where he was a keynote speaker."

    Interesting…very interesting, and probably NOT synchronistic. This is the first I've heard of Dr. John Mack but I'll check him out.

    Re "Meanwhile, I'm not really sure where I am with this "outing" I've made, due to the cardiac issue, which may have had nothing whatsoever to do with these last couple of days, or may have had everything to do with these last couple of days. For the moment, I'm done."

    I don't blame you! Eleven hours of atrial fibrillation sounds like an absolute nightmare. I posted the link to the Karla Turner website for whenever you feel up to looking at it, and for others who may be interested. Whether the stress of the past few days caused the incident or not, it can't be doing you any good. I don't blame you at all for backing off, at least for the next few days.

    Love and Light,

  25. Vicki D says:

    Cj when I get back home I will email u. I'm travelling and having major email problems. I can onlyseem to contact anyone thru this site. I really would like to chat with u about some specific things and somethings trying to prevent that.
    Talk to u soon.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Daz, did you notice that your time, 11:56, itranslates numerically to 11:11? And your comment,"It's amazing what a ripple one little pebble can make", followed by the WV: "courec" which you interpreted as "courage". A different interpretation, perhaps, might be "CORRECT"

  27. Vicki D says:

    Daz, so sorry to hear of your and your wifes loss.
    Even knowing that we go on does not take away the grief and missing of a loved one.
    Let him know that you are open to contact, although you've already gotten some, dreams are a common place for contact.
    Peace and blessings to your family during this difficult time.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Darren, dear friend. Bless you and your wife and family during this time. Such a loss is never easy, and even when we have the conviction of the continuity of life after death, the loss of the physical presence of the loved one brings deep grief. The heart ailment issues. Yes. Synchronistic, as are so many incidents on this special blog space. Look for the parrots! Your father-in-law now knows that there is indeed life beyond the grave, and I'm betting he'll find some way to contact all of you, or one of you, to let you know, "Hey! I'm here!" Peace to you and yours, Connie J. WV: "liftod" lifted?

  29. Daz says:

    I just read cj's letter above as I was checking to see if mine went through,because a Google error message was showing when I hit "publish your comment" and since I hadn't saved it,I thought it was gone and I was about to scream,because I couldn't have written that again at this time of night (11.56 pm)I'm just too drained,but it did go though,thank heavens.
    cj,forget the P.S. on the above note,I can understand your feelings.In the scheme of things maybe just sharing your experiences here on this blog is enough in itself to help others.
    It's amazing what a ripple one little pebble can make.
    Remember- a butterfly flaps it's wings and a title wave is created on the other side of the world…or something like that.

    Chalk up another synch to our comments on heart problems almost being posted at the same time from different sides of the world.
    Cheers cj / Darren

    WV=courec (courage)?

    You've been courageous enough getting this far cj.

  30. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz – sorry to hear about your father-in-law. The most shocking deaths are always the ones that come out of nowhere. The synchro involving the parrots is amazing. I hope it brought your mother-in-law some comfort.

  31. Daz says:

    It's been a sad day here in my part of the world for my immediate family,as my Father-in-law passed away with what appears to have been an apparent heart attack from out of the blue.He often said he didn't believe in life after death and my wife is a fence sitter on the subject,but I would like to pass on this synchronicity which happened today which was quite a remarkable "coincidence".
    My Father-in-law loved to feed the wild parrots,magpies,kookaburras and other birds that would drop by his house everyday,they actually sit near his veranda railings waiting to be fed.
    Just earlier this week,my Mother-in-law was telling us all today how he loved when the parrots would do their mating dance and he would imitate the male who would wobble up behind the female and then flap it's wings up and down (a bit like a dirty old man flapping his raincoat),this would send him into hysterics.

    I was going to say then (but I didn't) that maybe we should look for a sign involving a parrot,since this was an animal he often joked about coming back as,even though he believed once you are dead you are dead.
    Anyway,my Mother-in-law wanted to have the TV going to try and take her mind off the raw emotion and it was on "Australia's Funniest Home Videos" and what should come on the screen…you probably guessed it…2 parrots trying their mating dance out on an artificial parrot.
    What are the odds?
    It's amazing how synchronous events like this can bring some comfort in a time of crisis,not so much for me,as I already believed in an afterlife,but to my wife and Mother-in-Law.
    I also bought a copy of "The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill" this week because it was on special from $34 to $10,which I am going to watch now,because I haven't ever seen it before and I have had it on my to-do list for years and what better time than now?

    Good night everyone,it's been quite a long day here and it's probably going to be a longer week.I'll get back here and have a read when things calm down a bit.

    P.S. I think the idea of writing the book is a good idea if cj is up to it.If today has taught me anything,it's that life is short,here today,gone tomorrow.

    Farewell John.We'll miss you.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Saturday morning now, Linda. I can tell you exactly what happened with Lammer and his material. I also read all the information he provided in the beginning. And everything that is available on several sites in his regard, including what was on Amazon. They got to him, that's what happened. Do I sound paranoid? I don't for one mili-second deny that I'm paranoid. Not obsessively paranoid, but paranoid sufficiently to recognize when TPTB have hung a noose around someone's neck and threatened to tighten that noose if they don't retract their findings and step back. THIS is why I'm afraid to speak. THIS is why staying within the safety of a silent closet is preferable to what can happen if that silence is broken. I don't WANT to remember the "meat" of the threat that the military officer leveled at me at the AFB in 1981. I have no doubt that his warning was so vicious, so heinous, aimed at my family, (which is my reason for living), that it is the very reason my subconscious shuts down and I come up screaming like a wounded banshee when I get close to the entire truth. At this point, I don't really care who believes me and who doesn't. It won't make a particle of difference in my life, and it won't change the encounters and experiences I've had, and it won't make those encounters and experiences disappear or fade. Late last night, when I laid down in the bed, my heart went into a severe, lengthy episode of atrial fibrillation. This event lasted until close to nine o'clock this morning. It may have been fear or stress that precipitated the cardiac episode. It may have been something else. But for those who don't know about AFib, it's deadly and can cause sudden death by stroke. I'm so worn out by the AFib, which lasted close to eleven hours, (and the heart medication didn't touch it), that I can barely move this morning. So bottom line, I totally know and understand why Lammer changed his tune and back-pedaled. He's somewhat protected, maybe, by being a public figure. Dr. John Mack was also a public figure, a Pulitzer Prize winning Harvard professor whose research in abductions is legendary. But look at his cause of death. This wonderful man was struck down by a "drunk driver" and killed while attending a UFO convention in Europe, where he was a keynote speaker. I'm just a nobody. A regular person. An ordinary individual who is expendable with no fanfare and no notice. But I know what "they" can do and what "they" have done and continue to do, and yes, I fear them. So Lammer has retracted his research findings, and with good reason. He's not the first to do this. He won't be the last. Meanwhile, I'm not really sure where I am with this "outing" I've made, due to the cardiac issue, which may have had nothing whatsoever to do with these last couple of days, or may have had everything to do with these last couple of days. For the moment, I'm done. Lammer very likely felt his life was more valuable than "coming out" with his material was worth. I'm right there with him. Disclosing my experiences isn't worth the repercussions such disclosure can bring. I'm not speaking necesarily of the cardiac event. That may have happened under any circumstances. But there are other effects from talking about this that have haunted me in the past, and I have to question if I'm truly brave enough to have outed myself, and them. Not sure. Not sure at all. cj

  33. Raksha says:

    Aghhhh!!! For some unknown reason my middle note never got posted, and it was the most important one of the three. Here's a reasonable variation of it, which I posted earlier on another forum where we were talking about aliens and abductions:

    I just found something very odd while doing a Google search on "black helicopters + abductees." It's an update from Dr. Helmut Lammer, the author of the MILABS book I linked to earlier. This is an e-mail he wrote on May 20, 2007 called "Disclaimer":

    From: Helmut Lammer
    Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 09:53:30 +0200
    Subject: Disclaimer

    Please note that I've not been involved in this kind of private
    research for more than 10 years, and the content of the article
    [below] does not reflect my present day opinion.

    Best wishes

    Helmut Lammer]

    This e-mail is attached to a much earlier essay he wrote called "Preliminary findings of Project MILAB: Evidence for Military Kidnappings of alleged UFO Abductees." The essay is dated 1996.

    From this it appears that he gave the website permission to publish his essay written over 10 years previously, but at the same time he made a point of disclaiming it. He also said "the content of the article [below] does not reflect my present day opinion. There is no indication of what his present-day opinion is either. Very weird!

  34. Raksha says:


    Re "I've been reading everything I can find today on Milabs: Military Abductions. The book by that title is very expensive and Amazon only has one copy avaialble, at $52.00 and change, which is not within my financial capacity to purchase."

    I posted my two previous notes about the Milabs book before I scrolled back and read the notes posted this afternoon, while I was tied up doing Google searches and posting about aliens and abductions on another forum. So I didn't realize you already knew about the Helmut Lammer book. I'm leaving my post up because it contains a direct link to the Amazon customer review page. Sometimes cheaper copies of out-of-print books become available even if the first one you look at is totally out of your price range.

    I posted my second note just to make sure we're all on the same page here. I find it very curious that Dr. Lammer "disclaimed" his earlier work–which has to include the book he wrote!–although he still allowed it be published.


  35. Raksha says:

    Follow-up on the Helmut Lammer book (continued):

    Okay, now here's the really weird part.

    I forget now why I was doing another Google search–maybe I was looking for more information on Dr. Lammer. The book I linked to in my previous post was published in 1999, and is now out print as I said. Anyway, I came across a very interesting e-mail from him on a website called UFO UpDates Archive, which you can read here:

    The e-mail is quite short, so I'll copy and paste it here:

    From: Helmut Lammer
    Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 09:53:30 +0200
    Subject: Disclaimer

    Please note that I've not been involved in this kind of private
    research for more than 10 years, and the content of the article
    [below] does not reflect my present day opinion.

    Best wishes

    Helmut Lammer

    This e-mail is attached to a much earlier essay he wrote called "Preliminary findings of Project MILAB: Evidence for Military Kidnappings of alleged UFO Abductees." The essay is dated 1996.

    From this it appears that he gave the website permission to publish his essay written over 10 years previously, but at the same time he made a point of disclaiming it. He also said "the content of the article [below] does not reflect my present day opinion. There is no indication of what his present-day opinion is either.

    Very weird, huh? I wonder what the story is behind all that.


  36. Raksha says:

    Connie and everyone,

    About this website (and thank you Daz for posting it)

    I assume just about everyone read this link in its entirety last night or earlier today. I know I did. Connie, your vehement reaction after reading it is completely understandable, but I hope you noticed that this article is actually a fairly long book review. I tracked down the book itself on Amazon after I read it. Here's the link to the customer review page:

    It's called Milabs: Military Mind Control and Alien Abductions and the authors are Helmut Lammer and his wife Marion Lammer. It's out of print and quite expensive–at least for me it is. It only got four reviews, but all of them are favorable.

    Continued in another post, because I want to make sure I get this link posted.


  37. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    geeeeee – i've been sitting here reading and just cannot read more now – cold chills with each word – i want to read the article[s] but simply cannot tonight – am totally exhausted from the comments! like living my own nightmares again –

  38. Anonymous says:

    A whistleblower from the inside book, YES, Trish and Rob! No one better to write that book than the two of you! And Natalie, I've not been to that Island where Trish and Rob were, but we did email back and forth at that time, and my middle son, who does have UFO daytime sightings as well as night time sightings, and who does occasionally get valid, untouched photos of them, got an incredible photo of one that week and scanned it to T & R. It couldn't be debunked. It was too real. Maybe you've been with me, or with us, in sleep time excursions? Or even on crafts? And never think anything sounds stupid or off the wall here. I think one of the purposes of this blog is to bring together a group of souls who know each other quite intimately from many lifetimes, and perhaps we've gathered here to attempt to resolve some of the most pressing issues our planet and its inhabitants are currently experiencing. One person can do something; several can accomplish miracles. I'm open for whatever. As obviously noticed this morning, I'm in a space where assistance is desperately needed, and I'll accept it with deepest gratitude. I just don't think I can keep fighting these encounters and their implications and ramifications alone anymore. cj

  39. Natalie says:

    It was in that week where i dreamed of you 5 times, Trish. This was a snippet from my diary:

    'They (Rob and Trish) sent me a postcard from an island called Anhros or something similar….very green and pretty.'
    Dated 13/10/2010

    wv = sebac see back!

    Who DID you send a postcard to? and when were you there?

  40. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    natalie – I think you're right on target. Validation, then reparation, and through that, healing. I must've missed something about this postcard from Andros! That was a dream??

  41. Natalie says:

    Connie,something about you and Trish stirs something in me. Did you see my above comment where Trish was reminding you of when she was at Andros Island? I dreamt she sent me a postcard from there, and I have never even heard of it.
    This may sound totally off the wall, but I feel that I have something important to do that somehow involves you /both. This sounds stupid to me as I write it, but deep inside I KNOW or I REMEMBER something intangible that involves you both.

    I feel to say, "I won't let you down." and I don't know why.

    The more we put our attention on the fear and rage, the more it grows. If all I can do is hold the Lantern of Light, then I will do that. It just doesn't seem enough, even though I know it is the most powerful thing in the Universe.

  42. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We need a whistle-blower from inside. We'll write the book.

  43. Anonymous says:

    Natalie, how totally synchronistic that you mentioned the Holocaust in your comment. As I sat here staring at this screen today, wondering where to go next after my unexpected meltdown this morning, seething with both anger and…some other emotion I can't identify….I actually thought of the Holocaust; of the millions who died there; of the genocide. And my thoughts wandered to the many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of ordinary people like me there are around the globe. People afraid to speak out because of the ridicule and the abuse dumped on us,often by the very folks we think we can trust the most. For me it's a deeply personal issue because I have the firm conviction that my lifetime of abductions and the physical damage involved, has resulted in the medical ailments I am now enduring. No doubt there are so many more just like me, and when we dare to speak, we are ambushed by the Anonymous Pauls of this world who take pleasure in causing us grief and more pain. I know a ground astronaut who worked at NASA for years, who witnessed UFOs and ETs there, and who has lost everything; everything, because he dared to speak up and speak out, and the derision poured on him by NASA has made him a laughingstock; someone not to be taken seriously.
    I think of my Dad dying at age 42, and wonder if that early death was relative to his encounters. It goes on and on and on. I've lost so many battles with these entities and feel I'm losing the war. There are organizations for addicts, for alcoholics, for overeaters, for divorcees. Is there an organization for Alien Abductees Anonymous? There should be. Because the damages heaped upon us increase exponentially the more we attempt to find answers. I'm exhausted, and I think that may be the tipping point they drive us towards, until we haven't the strength or the will or the courage to fight anymore. Then, they've won….whatever the prize for them might be. Our minds? Something we know that we don't know we know? Circles within circles, and no answers forthcoming. cj
    WV: "distab"

  44. Natalie says:

    I am SOOOOO furious! I just read the link.
    Connie, not only why? but what next?
    It is as you say, a powerless rage at the moment for all abductees and the rest of us. There must be a way to blow this out of the closet? I am thinking that if thought is energy, then firstly we, as a race must validate the abductees experiences. Then, on a mass scale demand reparation. Thirdly, we would have to pray or join together en masse and ask the universe for a solution. I believe the answer is available to us through the great unconscious, we just have to focus on a high enough vibration for the answer. Don't know what else we could do….it is all so disempowering. It feels to me like the Holocaust and Hiroshima… used for darkness instead of light. 🙁

    wv evpmenel Evp?

  45. Anonymous says:

    Hey Vicki, it is a vicious circle for us. We seem to be blocked whenever we attempt to venture very far out of our sequestered closet, and then if we do make it out, we get hit from all sides by various kinds of abuse, as well as physical symptoms that make the coming out almost not worth it. I don't mean to sound self-pitying. Far from it. I've made the long trip from fear to fury back and forth so many times it's a worn path for me. If you want to talk privately with me, Trish and Rob will give you my email address. Maybe we might have a bit more success there? I've been reading everything I can find today on Milabs: Military Abductions. The book by that title is very expensive and Amazon only has one copy avaialble, at $52.00 and change, which is not within my financial capacity tp purchase. But there is info on the web, and the more I read from credible sources, the angrier I become. I am an ordinary person who has had extraordinary incidents and experiences forever, and before I die, I would truly like to have some valid answers as to WHY. cj

  46. Vicki D says:

    Cj I'm not surprised that your post with comments for me is missing.
    This is the kind of stuff that happens to me whenever I try to talk to people about it. I get ill, they'll get ill, messages lost, my phone won't work, emails won't get to me or my computer will crash etc. Now it has happened again.


  47. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Yes, Streiber talks about some of his abduction experiences involving humans in military uniforms.

  48. Anonymous says:

    Has Strieber has contacts with the military? cj

  49. Anonymous says:

    I just posted a comment that was much more calm, but it hasn't appeared. Guys, I need to tell you that I have never been able to read Strieber's books: Communion, Transformation; The Grays. Curiously, I bought each one, and then when I began to read, got through only a few pages, then had to close the book. It happened with each one. Those texts, in their hardbound copies, are still in my book closet on a shelf, still unread. I simply can't read them. I wonder what happened to the comments I just posted for VickiD that didn't make it thru? cj

  50. Anonymous says:

    VickiD, I went into my meditation room and listened to a special CD made just for me to resolve FEAR, by my dear friend who is the medical/clinical hypnotist. I'm more calm now, but still more furious that I can begin to express. Maybe I need to feel this kind of fury as a means of coping with the dastardly, heinous invasions perpetrated first upon ME all my life, and then upon my youngest child. There are organizations for alcoholics nonymous, for drug addicts anonymous, for overeaters anonymous. Are there organizations for alien abductees anonymous? If not, maybe we need to establish such an organization, because this is no less destructive to every aspect of a person's life and health than alcohol, drugs, and eating disorders. Perhaps it is even more destructive because the sources are hidden; clandestine; top-secret; and the ordinary people who are experiencers are put through a hell of doubters and of accusations of every kind imaginable, sufficient to make a sane person go insane simply by virtue of that very disbelief and derision and debunking. VickiD, it goes without saying that I understand what you are experiencing, what you are feeling. We are apparently programmed, subliminally or otherwise, to become ill when we attempt to access assistance or even to speak of these encounters.
    I don't have the headaches. I have dizziness, nausea, disequilibrium, disorientaion, and a sense of being drugged when I definitely am not drugged. It happened to me yesterday afternoon in the middle of our blog discussion. (I emailed it to Rob). It happened to me night before last and was utterly debilitating to the degree that I had no choice but to leave the blog and go to bed. My Dad's brain cancer began with an almost imperceptible seed so deep inside his left temporal lobe that it was inoperable. It grew to be enormous within seven months. Was this malignancy caused in any manner by his having been abducted? Drugged? By his brain having been invaded with implants of some kind, even that long ago? There were no CTScans or MRIs then. Only EEGs and spinal taps.
    I never, ever used any type of recreational drug. No pot, didn't smoke, never drank alcohol, nothing. My body was about as pure as it could be in terms of those substances. So I was easily
    reactive to even the slightest doses of whatever drugs were surreptitiously administered to me by the grays and later by the military. For as long as I am able to recall, I've suffered from an irrational, unreasonable phobia of nausea and vomiting. This, in an RN, is absurd. But it is so deep-seated I have refused to allow my friend to hypnotize me to access its source, because I am too terrified to re-experience the incidents that created the phobia. I know the source, anyway. This phobia is debilitating, embarrassing and humiliating, because I must confess it to my physicians so they can give me anti-emetics to prevent me from experiencing nausea/vomiting during procedures. I cannot control the panic attacks that overwhelm me when I feel sick. Rationally, I KNOW that nausea and vomiting won't kill me, but the panic attacks elevate my blood pressure and heart rate to such a degree that the panic attacks from the phobia CAN kill me. The projectile vomiting that occurred whenever I was taken as a child is the source of the phobia. I was acutely aware, even at the time, as a nine-year-old, of being inside a craft in the air that was traveling in a linear motion while also spinning round and round. During my childhood, my parents gave me Dramamine for the sickness, thinking I suffered from motion sickness. I do, still. I don't know what to tell you, Vicki, except that we aren't alone, for whatever comfort that may offer you, which isn't much, because for each one of us brave enough to ultimately step out of the suffocating closet, there are dozens of debunkers waiting to pounce and attack us. So is disclosing our encounters worth it? I simply don't know. cj

  51. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    This site is scary & baffling:

    It shows that Connie is one of many with very similar scenarios. What is going on? BTW, this same scenario plays out in Whitley Streiber's novel, The Grays.

  52. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    So now similar patterns are being uncovered. Love it.

  53. Vicki D. says:

    Cj. You also saw shiny mechanical kind of beings? I'm a bit freaked out right now. I always new what I saw but never ever heard of anyone else seeing what I saw. I honestlyhad hoped it was a dream yet the realness of it always made me realize it was true but yet I still questioned it.
    I have to wrap my brain around this

    Why would they come to me? And who werethe skeletAlsi saw as a child? They never frightened me. In fact they told me I was like them.

    Last night after all of this my migraine got so severe and I ended up quite I'll. I've had issues before when I've tried to bring things up and somehow I'll get stopped but I refused allowing that to happen this time.

    This has been truly eye opening for me and I'm a bit rattled. I need to digest all of this info.

    God bless you all and thank you Rob and Trish for this special blog of yours. I always feel safe here.
    Thankyou Cj

  54. Anonymous says:

    Daz. I've just finished reading the article you put in your comment, "thelosthaven". I can't even speak. Reading the first part of that article, especially about the hovering craft, the grays, the hangars, the military men, etc etc etc was like reading my own life. No one can possibly begin to understand what I'm feeling right now. Angry. Scared. Crying. I'm so damned friggin upset that throughout my entire 68 years of living people have accused me of fabrication. Of having a wild out of control imagination. Of being crazy. But you know why I'm the maddest? because I'm suffering every moment of my life from an incurable neurological disorder that very likely has been precipitated by my having my brain invaded and by my having been given substances not only against my will but without my knowledge or consent. I'm so angry I want to break things and throw things and scream and yell and tear something apart. It was bad enough to be torn from the safety of my bed or my yard when I was just a kid and taken to god knows where by god knows who or what and was plundered and invaded and terrified, and KNEW what was happening but nobody believed me except my Dad, and that was because he was being taken, too. Those childhood experiences caused me sufferings I've been too ashamed to tell most people about because, like the anonymous debunker on this blog a few days ago who was probably one of THEM, the people I trusted and tried to tell made me feel like a lying idiot. The fury I'm feeling now is beyond expressing. I've known for decades about the two implants in my brain. I've known for decades that I'm being tracked, monitored, that my phones and computers and even my own thoughts are not private. Those dark helicopters that hover that are discussed in the article? They STILL appear and disappear over my house, like giant black bugs sitting there watching me. My neighbors come outdoors to see what the commotion is, and no one has been able to give us answers why they are around. They've ALWAYS been around.
    What do they want from me, these aliens these military people? What do they want from my now-grown son? Why do they intrude into my life and into my mind and into my body? Why did they "infect" me with a brain disorder that has no cure? Do they give a damn? No. Why did my own country's military people follow up their abduction of me and my son by sending a physical person who was only half-human, if that, into my home pretending to be a client, a friend, who built a special computer system for me that was connected to his own computer, and he tapped into every private thing ever said on that computer he gave me until he tripped himself up and was caught by me and I trashed the computer when the "bug" was found by a tech? I am so furious and so torn. No one knows. No one knows. No one except other humans who have been through the same encounters. Who have had their lives ripped to shreds by these aliens and these military people who don't give a flying f…what they are doing to us. Last night Rob asked me if the military could have implanted the memories. Hell no. I had the conscious awareness of what the aliens were doing to me when I was just a little girl, and the conscious awareness of what they were doing to me when they took me for the 39 years before the military snatched me and my child from an expressway and took us onto an air force base and god only knows what they did that my son and I can't remember, besides what we can remember. God…where do we go for help? There IS no help. There is NO help cj

  55. Daz says:

    Here's another link I found which might be interesting,but I haven't even read half of it yet,but looks promising;

    It's titled "How the Covert-Ops' Reverse Engineering of Extraterrestrial Abductees Shifts the Abduction Paradigm"
    By Melinda Leslie

    Here's the first paragraph to give you an idea of what it's about:

    Twenty years ago I came to learn of my own experiences with extraterrestrial (ET) abduction. After only two years into my discovery process, I suddenly had a new form of encounter – one that included the involvement of military personnel in my experiences. This new discovery led me to research the military or covert-ops involvement in other cases besides my own, and learning that I was not alone. In fact, many abductees share a covert human involvement in their lives. I have now conducted over fifty formal interviews with abductees who have these covert-ops experiences and I'm familiar with at least another fifty more. Over the years, these experiences became the focus of my research, but my definition of them changed as the research grew and changed. I have since come to call these experiences, "the reverse engineering of ET abductees."

    I hope this can be of some benefit.

    Cheers / Darren

  56. Natalie says:

    Just off subject for a minute ~

    "CJ, I remember the UFO photo your middle son sent around the time we were on Andros Island for the History Channel that was attempting to investigate the AUTEC-UFO connection."

    OMG, I just realised that when I had that week of dreams about you Trish, this was a snippet from my diary:
    'They (Rob and Trish)sent me a postcard from an island called Anhros or something similar….very green and pretty.'

    HOW WEIRD!!!!!

    This was dated 13/10/2010.

  57. Daz says:

    For all of those who are trying to access the websites I have sited in the above comments and for some reason the address you type in does not work.Just follow these instructions and I'll type them again for you to copy below;

    Left click your mouse and highlight the whole web address then right click your mouse and hit "copy" in the drop down menu,then open a new window,or use the current one.Where you type in the web address…go over the current one with the backspace button until it is blank,then right click your mouse and hit paste in the drop down menu,then hit enter and your computer should take you to those web addresses without having to type anything at all.

    (that one as Rob pointed out is only military and civilian stats not abduction figures…sorry about that blunder)

    (this last one is worth reading through)

    Cheers / Darren

  58. Anonymous says:

    Nope, Rob, I had very overt and vivid awareness of the abductions when I was a child and as I was growing up. They have been a part of my consciousness for as long as I can remember, beginning when I was four and continuing. I quite clearly was "aware" when some short, odd-looking mechanical-appearing entity was holding me and sliding with me under his right "arm", up a thin, almost invisible beam of some sort, and have never forgotten the high frequency hum that accompanied that 'taking'. I told my Mom and Dad so many times about the little Gray people who came and got me. My mom pooh-poohed it, my Dad paid close attention and never tried to tell me it was my imagination or that I was dreaming nightmares, etc. As stated, several of these abductions took place in broad daylight and were realized at the time, even though I was only a child of seven and nine. The incident when I was nine involved not only me but a small group of my cousins and me who were playing outside. We were all taken, and every one of came back vomiting.
    These are just a few of the incidents that were tangible for me as a child. I developed agorapohbia to a slight degree, was afraid of being away from home and even more afraid of being away from my Dad, because he represented safety for me if for no other reason that he knew I was being truthful. The only spankings I ever got as a small child were for telling fibs, so it didn't take me very long to learn to never lie. I didn't go to any movies except Roy Rogers and such. No sci-fi. The implants were placed before the AFB incident. I have complete recall of my skull being opened; of the odd instruments used; of the devices being inserted; of a peculiar instrument being used to seal the incision in a manner that made it invisible. The nasal-sinus implant wasn't open surgery, but the mastoid was. The Grays who did this knew they were hurting me but seemed oblivious to my pain. I will never allow these to be removed. That seems to be extremely urgent, that they remain in place. I remember details, long before the AFB encounter. Even prior to that, I would never drive alone down any dark unlighted streets, for fear that the three crafts would appear and I'd be taken. I still avoid such streets and roads like the plague. Some things one never forgets. The incident at the AFB seems isolated in a long lifetime of incidents, and was among the worst except for the implants. So, the AFB event occurred poretty much in the middle of my life, in the middle of preceding encounters and followed by encounters.This I know: these encounters were programmed into my existence when I was born to my Dad. How much is the result of military planning, I can't surmise. Maybe all of it. The time with the NASA person seems to indicate that, because he came into my life just as I had graduated from college, etc. Enigmatic. cj

  59. Raksha says:


    Re Opps!

    Sorry about that cj and Rob and everybody reading this,

    I was googling "Warner Robins AFB+Alien Abductions" and stumbled on that site thinking it was a chart of abductions.You're right Rob,it looks like it was just a chart of military and civy populations on the bases.

    Yup. I found that out this afternoon the hard way. I also did the same Google search you did, "Warner Robins AFB + alien abductions," but didn't find the information you cited. I turned up a lot of other interesting stuff regarding hypnosis and implanted memories, though.

    Please let us know when you locate the link where you found the information you mentioned earlier.


  60. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Considering your previous experiences, that seems to nullify my hypothesis, unless those earlier memories weren't recalled until after the AFB abduction.

    In other words, if you suddenly remembered the childhood and other previous events during or after your abduction, then I would maintain that those 'memories' could've been implanted.

  61. Anonymous says:

    Well, Rob, I just replied to your hypothesis at length, and it crashed away from me into cyberspace. You are playing the devil's advocate, which can be a good thing. To try to summarize what vanished a moment ago: I have no reason to deny the plausibilty of a black ops military operation that involved Carey and me at the AFB. We do have to remember, though, that I have been abducted since I was born, and the incident at WR occurred when I was 39. There were numerous encounters and takings that occurred in the interim prior to that, and that have occurred since, apparently not involving the military, unless they are the linch-pin connecting all of it. I've lived my entire life at the perimeters of military bases although no one in my immediate family has been military. However, you and Trish are intimately familiar with my professional working relationship with a very famous, top-classified NASA astrophysicist, who was my teacher and mentor, and for whom I flew as a licensed co-pilot in single and twin-engine aircraft. And at that time I lived ON the airport proper itself, a few hundred feet from the runways. I've told you both that how I came to be his Girl-Friday was and remains one of the greatest mysteries in my existence, and that there were times when we flew together early on that I was absolutely drugged, without my knowledge or consent, if my physical symptoms were testament to being drugged. This man continues today to perform the pilot physical exams for the USAF, and owns four helicopters and twenty-two aircraft which are hangared on his self-contained ranch in the Northwest. During my
    work as his Girl-Friday, I may very well have learned something that the military doesn't want me to divulge, at risk of "termination" if I do. To my knowledge, the military hasn't been involved in my lifetime of encounters beyond a very few times. If Carey and I were drugged at the AFB, and we obviously were, probably with amnesiac and hypnotic/hallucinogenic agents, there is certainly the viable possibility that some of the memories are planted and not real. But, this doesn't alter the fact that the other almost seven decades of encounters, takings, sightings, etc, have been more real, more tangible than can be expressed. There is the possibility that the military keeps records and files of people who are taken,(down through generation of families), and that these people are laboratory rats for them, for lack of a better description. Perhaps the Grays and spacecrafts at the AFB were hallucinations. But the military men were not; being on the AFB was not; the threat was not; and the dozens of other encounters and abductions and sightings and incidents have not been hallucinations created by drugs or otherwise. So, I am open to your postulation, but not necessarily in agreement with it. You know my philosophy, in this Winter of a long and distinctly, drastically different life, is that anything is possible. But, to deny the reality of my experiences would be to deny that I have lived and breathed. The TEXTURE of those experiences may be questioned, but their validity, no. WV: "pedisms" cj

  62. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    CJ, I'm thinking about how our debunker buddy, who is MIA and for good reason, might approach your case. Of course, he might think you're just making the whole thing up. That way he wouldn't have to think about it.

    But let's go beyond that and assume you're telling the truth, as you remember it. His next step, I suspect, would be to say you were the subject (or victim) of a purely military action, maybe a psy-op black bag project. They have existed, although typically the unknowing subjects are military personnel, not civilians.

    Carrying on in this vein, it could be proposed that the physical implants were part of the project, that the Grays were a hypnotic implant. As for rationale, crazy as it seems, it could be part of a widespread scheme to judge how people would react to an alien invasion.

    If this is the case it's one of the most insidious actions taken by a military upon its own civilian population.

    So my question to you, do you think this is a possibility? Could these memories all be implanted?

    I tend to belief your version, that it's much larger picture. But I think it's good also to consider the skeptic's version. – R

    WV: suped (stupid!) lol

  63. Daz says:

    "It says 14,674 people up to 1998 have reported being abducted to Warner Robins AFB"


    Sorry about that cj and Rob and everybody reading this,

    I was googling "Warner Robins AFB+Alien Abductions" and stumbled on that site thinking it was a chart of abductions.You're right Rob,it looks like it was just a chart of military and civy populations on the bases.
    There are still lots of reports about abductions to WR AFB when you google around,if you get the time.
    I haven't had a chance to read through all these comments since my last,but I'll read through them in about 10 hours time when I get back from work.

    Sorry once again for the blunder,but it's good to see people checking and thinking for themselves.
    Not a good idea to Google when tied,I'm afraid.

    Cheers / Darren

  64. Jen says:

    Yikes! Thanks for your input on the podcast CJ! I am always weary of these kinds of things- particularly because if the person that was being interviewed did in fact know what the people behind MILABS were capable of- then how were they now able to come forth with this information publicly? Doesn't add up- although intuitively I do think that certain aspects of what he was saying sounded plausible.

    I know exactly how you feel regarding physical reactions to these kinds of things. I have a horrible physical reaction to ANYTHING having to do with the movie "The Fourth Kind." I don't know why but I can't even watch the previews. It scares me in an almost animalistic way that I can't really describe.

    Thank you again for sharing. Your input is very much appreciated.

    – Jen

    ack- WV: comethim- Come them?

  65. Anonymous says:

    In fairness to anyone who wants to listen to the radio interview, I want to add that my reaction to his discussion of the use of the drug Scopolamine touched a very sensitive nerve in me. I am hyper-allergic to virtually every medication in existence, especially narcotics of all kinds. Scopolamine is a hypnotic and an amnesiac, and is used as a "truth" serum as well. It can also be used to implant suggestions into a patient, just as hypnosis can, and it can and does, in higher doses, induce hallucinations. Listening to this radio interview stirred up some memories that were extremely disturbing for me, and the very real possibility that I and my son were given drugs during abductions is more abhorrent to me than anything else, even though I know it has happened to us. But for others, the program may be helpful. Use your own judgment in deiciding whether or not to listen to it. WV: "swist" twist? cj

  66. Anonymous says:

    I just listened to a portion of the milabs broadcast. I stopped when the speaker, referring to himself as a military abductor, not an abductee, was talking about the four drugs that are/were used during the various abduction scenarios. The fourth drug he spoke about he called "scopomine". It is actually usually called "scopalamine", and is most often used in a transdermal patch (skin patch) to be absorbed through the skin to prevent nausea and vomiting of motion sickness and often anesthesia. The problem is that spopalomine, when discontinued, actually results in the very condition for which it has been administered….nausea and vomiting and dizziness. I went no farther listening to the interview because it reminded me of how I felt last night, and how I felt after abductions. I don't think this person is valid, but that's just my psychic intuition at work. Listening to him, he didn't sound authentic. I didn't want to hear anything more about what he did or about the meds being used. My reaction to what was being said was very negative and I experienced physical issues. But when speaking of the scopalamine, he said a drop on the end of a toothpick was sufficient, and as an RN who has administered this drug many times, and as a patient who has received this drug prior to surgery, that is incorrect. I caution folks, however, who have had abductions involving the military, to listen to this interview with caution. It isn't pleasant, wherever he is getting his material. There was one remark that struck me as a possible truth: that sometimes they will use a military abductor disguised as a police officer to stop the vehicle the intended "victim" is in, pull them over, will administer the drug or combination of drugs, and carry out the abduction. It occurred to me that this may have been the manner in which my son and I were carried to the AFB. We may have been driven onto the base by a military abductor who was disguised as a policeman, got us onto the base, then left us in the car, and I awakened groggy and began to drive around, then was on the tarmac. The sequence of events can be sketchy. In any case I couldn't continue to listen to this radio interview and it left me feeling queasy and very uncomfortable. I am not easily influenced. OH GOD, look at this WV: "hysili" The drug scopalomine is actually hyoscopalomine, from a plant in S. America. Don't like this. cj

  67. Jen says:

    Not sure if anyone is interested in this podcast on MILABS that I came across while randomly clicking through the internet last night. It has a warning attached to it that it has intense material concerning MILABS so you may want to use caution while listening.

    Podcast description:

    "We have, indeed, been contacted-perhaps even visited-by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public." – Victor Marchetti, former Special Assistant to the Executive Director of the CIA, in an article written by him for Second Look entitled "How the CIA Views the UFO Phenomenon", Vol 1, No 7, Washington, DC, May, 1979.

    I listened to part of it last night and it didn't seem too disturbing, but as far as I know I am not an abductee- so it may be a completely different experience for those that are. I just thought it was synchronistic that your experience was posted yesterday and then I randomly click a link and here is a podcast about just these types of abductions.

    Not sure about the source of the information- as a disclaimer.

  68. Anonymous says:

    VickiD, thank you so much for finding the courage to speak. It is almost impossible for us, because we are attacked so viciously and there seems to be a program in place that is intended to make us feel LESS; to make us feel like idiots; liars; to accuse us of being victims of familial abuse when we were children and that these are reactions to that; that we are delusional,that we are insane, etc etc etc, and none of us feels strong enough to endure such attacks. It is a relief to learn thast we are far from being alone in these experiences and encounters. Responding to your comments and remarks: In 1946 I was 4 years old, living across the street from the governor's mansion in Montgomery, Ala. I was playing outside one morning, by myself, (we could do that then), and a very very tall, slender young-looking man wearing a solid-grayish silver one-piece jumpsuit (they didn't have those then), with yellow hair down to his shoulders, (they didn't wear their hair like that then), appeared coming over the hill from down the sidewalk. I had no reason to be afraid, and kept playing my little game. This individual walked right up to me and put his hands on my shoulders…my next memory was being in my bed that night and suddenly having projectile vomiting, which continued for two weeks. In terms of the recalled, extremely vivid memory connected to this incident, I was carried under the right "arm" of "something", of some something that had a mechanical look to it, some entity, up what appeared to be a thin, single-line non-material "beam". There was a high-frequency humming sound, steady and penetrating and almost unbearable. I still til this day cannot tolerate high-frequency sounds.I had another outside daytime abduction when I was 7, and another one when I was 9. All were followed by severe vomiting. The scoop mark appeared on my left shin when I was pregnant with our first child Chris. It wasn't there when I went to sleep. When I woke up, it was there, painful, about the size of a dime, and seemed to have perhaps a suture mark in the middle of it. It is still there, but never hurts. I only have headaches when there is a planetary event coming. No migraines. Last night, however, after my "coming out party" (I'm trying to inject a little humor here!) I had to go to bed sitting up on a bolster with pillows because my head was so disoriented that I could hardly stand up, and worsened when I lay down. It wasn't PD symptoms, and it wasn't planetary empath stuff. There was a kind of dizzying "buzzing" inside my head, I was slightly nauseated, and as I was sitting here at the computer, my right ear had been popping and cracking, prior to the buzzing in my head. I finally took a stomach med and fell asleep, sitting up. Not terribly long ago, my husband and I awakened in the middle of the night and I started screaming. There was a very tall entity, in a one-piece silver jumpsuit, standing by our sliding glass door. Husband saw it, too, and he's a partial skeptic. The entity vanished. Next night, same scenario. I came awake screaming, husband came awake, this time the very tall, 8 feet or so, entity was standing by the door to the hall that goes to our inside steps. Entity held a weapon, I thought,pointed at me, which is why I was screaming. Somehow the entity said, in my mind, "This isn't a weapon! It's a scanner!" Then it, too, disappeared. If your hypnosis sessions have anything like these, or other implausible scenarios, don't let them be dismissed as imaginary or as your mind playing tricks on you. Let me know if I can help. T & R have my email address. Look at this WV: "scalen" "scales in" Reptilian? Or something relating to Tesla? Whew. cj

  69. Anonymous says:

    Linda, you will probably be interested in this element of my experiences. If it weren't so serious, it would almost be funny. It wasn't funny. Recently I shared a bit of it with Trish and Rob, after someone on the blog mentioned the MIB. I have likely had at least one overt experience with these mysterious individuals. Many years ago, before we moved into this townhouse, we lived in a sprawling eleven-room home on the Island but not here on the beach. Our oldest son (the one who experienced the Black Chaser) and his then-girlfriend were living with us. Chris is tall, 6'3", and a clone of a young Tom Selleck. He is Aries Sun, Aries Moon, Sadge Rising, and has the potential to be extremely intimidating in his own right. At that time he owned a Rottweiler who was with us inside the house, and NOT a dog to trifle with. In the middle of the day one day, a car pulled into our driveway and blocked my Camaro. The car was a black sedan with blacked windows and radio antennas, obviously an official car of some kind. Three men got out of the car and walked to the front door, ringing the doorbell. These men wore identical black suits, white shirts, black ties, black shoes, black mirrored sunglasses. I answered the door but kept the chain lock hooked. One of the men showed me a wallet FBI ID card, and asked if they could come in. Chris was standing behind me and siad, "No, Mom." He reached around me, opened the door, and stepped out onto the porch. I followed him onto the porch and shut the door. One of the men asked me if I were ***********, which was my MAIDEN NAME, not my MARRIED name. That raised my own intuition sharply. I simply said 'yes'. The man then proceeded to asked me other questions; how long had I lived there, etc. Chris stepped between me and the three men and said, "What do you want with my Mom?" The man who was asking the questions looked angry, then smoothed his face of expression and said they were looking for a woman named Renee Wells or something like that, who had lived in the house nefore us. This wasn't true. We knew the people who had lived there previously. Chris and I both responded that no, we knew no such person. The men turned and went back to their car, got in, drove off. I've not seen any such men, to my knowledge, since, altho black helicopters hover from time to time, seen also by our neighbors. Again, government intrusion into my life. Destiny has seen fit to bring Chris and his wonderful Wiccan wife and three little Wiccan girls to live directly next door to us, in their own townhouse. I find this very, very safe, for some reason I can't explain. But the MIB…if that is what they were, what did they want? Apparently they weren't expecting Chris to be at home during the day, maybe? Years later, it was Chris who was in the inexplicable incident with that Black Chaser car that had no driver, no tag, and no markings on it. So many unanswered questions. I'd very much like to know if anyone else has had interactions with such men?? cj

  70. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz, Like CJ, I could find nothing about Warner Robins on this site:

    Also, those figures, I believe, show the number of military personnel on the base, not abduction reports. But maybe I'm not looking in the right place.
    – R

  71. Vicki D. says:

    Wow. I have been traveling and was just able to get to a wifi area and read all of this.
    Cj- you are incredibly brave. I would like to share some things that have happened to me an get your reaction.

    When I was a little girl, 2-5, I can remember that these two "skeletons" used to come and visit me at night. They would come through my closet and then come and sit in my bed and talk with me. I was never afraid.
    in 1965 I was 7 and we had the big blackout on Long Island and I have a fuzzy memory of seeing something big walking down the street towards our house and I had the feeling that I could not hide from it. I hid in a closet and my next memory was that I thought the vacuum was talking to me but under hypnosis as an adult It wasn't the vacuum talking to me it was someone who was smooth and shiny.
    It is how I remember them looking.
    I also remembered that I knew I could never hide from them and shouldn't even bother trying.
    In my teens I remember being at the beach and the next day I noticed that I had this tiny little raw spot on my arm, like someone scooped out this tiny bit of skin. It was about the size of a pencil eraser and a perfect circle and it hurt.
    No one seemed to take it seriously and they all suggested something must have bitten me at the beach. That never rang true to me and I can still see a tiny white circle where this happened.
    I have no memories of lost time, no other memeories other than what I've told you. I did some regression and hypnosis and have seen some weird things bit those are stories for another time.
    This is only the second time I've told people but am truly curious what any of you think.
    Oh and as I type this my headache (I suffer from terrible migraines) is getting worse, CJ do you get headaches?

    Daz, Ive got to check out those websites but I'm a little afraid to for some reason.

    The wv is puturat, for some reason I saw put to rest.

  72. Anonymous says:

    Rob, I'll speak with Carey, (youngest son), but he is exceedingly private with his life. He works in a medical facility and has learned to be very discreet, on top of his natural tendency towards not revealing anything to others concerning his life and family. It's a natural characteristic of his….heavy-duty Cancer influences in his astro chart. He may or may not be willing to share. Also will try to get copies of the MRI scans. They were made awhile back but were local so should be available.
    I don't have a scanner but Carey and middle son do. cj

  73. Raksha says:

    Re "If you go to this site ;

    It says 14,674 people up to 1998 have reported being abducted to Warner Robins AFB."


    That is just flat-out terrifying!!! I haven't checked out the link yet, but I'm sure I'm going to be even more terrified when I do. It ALL fits in with my speculations (and I know I'm not alone here) that the "secret government" is deeply involved and has been conducting horrific mind control experiments on human subjects for years.


  74. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    CJ, I remember the UFO photo your middle son sent around the time we were on Andros Island for the History Channel that was attempting to investigate the AUTEC-UFO connection.

    It would be interesting if your youngest son would be willing to come aboard and comment on the AFB experience, as he remembers it as a 12-year-old. Is he willing to talk about it?

    Also, it would be very interesting if you could scan the x-ray or MRI with the implants and send it to us through e-mail. We could put it up for discussion. – R

  75. Anonymous says:

    Daz, I can't locate the site referencing those thousands of people having reported being abducted to Warner Robins AFB. This of course is very evidential to my own experiences. Could you give me a very concise direction, please? Thank you so much! Your comment astonished me. Totally. cj

  76. Anonymous says:

    A footnote: I have one sibling, an older sister. I have mentioned her on the blog a few times. She is brilliant, a member of Mensa. She is also a born-again, fundamental, evangelical Christian; has a Masters in Nursing, a BS in Chemistry, and also had Religious Education as a major in a Baptist University many years ago. But….she REMEMBERS the Grays coming into our shared bedroom whehn we were little girls.
    She remembers. Is she an abductee? I suspect she is, but she has never said it to me, nor have I said it to her about my own experiences. But she HAS told me more than once, even recently, that she has a vivid memory of the "little short aliens" coming into our bedroom. This, from a fundamental, evangelical member of Mensa. Altho we are close,(she lives in MO so is at a distance), I haven't confided to her my encounters. Because of who and what she is, her mention of the aliens in our bedroom hit me with a shock. She unwittingly validated me. cj

  77. Anonymous says:

    Oh, Mike, you have brought me to tears, dear friend! Gosh. Tears dropping on the keyboard. Why am I NOW coming out of the closet when I have previously been frightened and intensely guarded and private and have revealed it to a very few select people, including T & R and the authority figures previously mentioned. I am approaching the age of 70 in very few years. I have two life-threatening illnesses: one is neurological, Parkinson's Disease, and the other is cardiac, Atrial Fibrillation. Both are progressive, incurable, and both put me in a very high-risk category for sudden death by stroke and/or other potential events. I simply feel the need to open my book now. It seems to me to be the time. Maybe because I want my children to know it is real. Maybe because I hope to offer help to others who are having the same and/or similar experiences but are too intimidated and fearful to share.
    Bottom line, I sense that I may be coming towards the end of this life, perhaps preparing to cross over, and I sense a compelling need to not leave without exposing this part of my existence. Why? Why? I don't know. When we consider that I have had virtually seven decades of interactions with some type of other-worldly, thus "alien" entities, we understand that I cannot possibly put it all into a blog. What you see here is a tip of a very huge iceberg. Why now? Again, I do not know. One remark before I go to those sites sent by Daz, I was born clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient….apparently was BORN with these abilities. I've always questioned, however, are these psychic abilities the result of my encounters, or were they born with me? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I don't know. Again, Trish and Rob can attest to these abilities, or lack thereof. 🙂 cj

  78. Anonymous says:

    Someone asked about my other two sons and if there is any involvement with them. Do any of you remember the horrible incident shared here a few months ago about the Black Chaser Car that followed my oldest son all over the countryside and terrorized him, and then me, and that my husband was witness to all of this? So the answer to that question is yes, somewhat. My middle son is definitely a contactee. Abductee? Probably. All his life he has been awakened in the middle of the night and in total darkness, with pencil and paper, has drawn intricate diagrams of the interior of what apparently are the designs of crafts. Also, he sees UFOs with some frequency, has photos of them, (shared with Trish and Rob), and entities have been inside his home. He has been in the car with me in GA when we have been followed to and from the home of friends across the countryside, it hovered at the long driveway of our friends' isolated home, then accompanied us back to our own driveway. To appease Anonymous Paul, in that incident our friend grabbed a Polaroid camera to snap pictures and did get images of the UFO's lights, but no details. I want to say this, guys: my encounters since infancy have been invasive and intrusive and terrifying, with entities who don't give a damn whether they hurt me and my child or not. In the late 1990s, he and I were togther on a craft and were frantically trying to escape from it, because it was very clear that they (Grays) and some other species of aliens,(their handlers, it seemed), were attempting to "change our identities". There were other humans laying on tables in a circular space; some were clothed; some naked. There was a human male at a large bank of some kind of computer-looking controls, and it was he who kept us from having our identities altered. This man currently has a site on the internet. He was a NASA ground astronaut. I never met him in person, but he was on the craft with my son and me, and it was he who intervened and kept us from being injured. When I emailed him about it, he confirmed the incident but refused to give me information, citing danger to himself, which I accepted as truth. Explain? I can't. Other than that he himself may be an unaware military mole.
    One other thing: My Dad was an experiencer, and he had been born in 1916, which means these "aliens" have been around much longer than the Roswell Incident. My Dad died from brain cancer at age 42. Did he discuss his encounters, ever, with any of us? No. How do I know he was an experiencer? Because at the moment of his death, at Emory Hospital, he opened his eyes and told my Mother and the physicians and nurses that, "There's a big ship over there. I'm going now to get on it". And he was gone. His speech center had been destroyed by cancer, he could not speak, nor could he see, but in that moment of his death, he both clearly saw and clearly spoke. His case was written up in several medical journals because clinically, the events of his seeing and speaking weren't possible and were, as I said, witnessed by credible medical personnel. There are obviously GOOD, highly-evolved entities around as well as the ones who are harmful. My Dad has been appearing to me recently, for the first time since his death in 1959He comes on a craft, and I am no longer "taken" by the Grays and their handlers, but I am nonetheless still tagged, tracked, and monitored. I have every reason to believe my youngest son is currently being tampered with. He's having some physical symptoms of such tampering that have sent him to a urologist just this week.
    I'll stop on this note and go read the sites sent by Daz. Thank you all for your parience in this personal "outing" I am doing here.

  79. Mike Clelland! says:


    Thank you for your openness.

    I need to ask why you are being so forthright with sharing your experiences right now? I ask because I see this as a pattern. For reasons I don't understand, a LOT of people with life events similar to yours are coming forward right now. It seems to have started around 2007 or so.

    I include myself in that pattern.

    I've made it a point to search out these people who are shaing their stories and all of them tell me that they can't really control it. They all use the word *compelled* when trying to articulate their need to come forward.

    I know first hand what this can be like, and I want to thank you for your strong voice.

    Wishing you great peace,
    Mike C

    WV: Malim

  80. Anonymous says:

    Sorry for the repeat. Don't know what happened there. Daz, I haven't yet gone to read those sites you sent, and will do that in a few minutes. I want to address, briefly, the remarks from you and Linda about my two implants. Trish and Rob have had years of contact with me about the existence within me of these implants, and have had to listen to my seemingly irrational acknowledgements (to myself, as well as to a few renowned authorities on the subject), that I am definitely "tagged", that I am tapped, and I am being closely monitored. I use the word irrational, because the knowledge that I am being monitored causes me to sound paranoid. I admit to a degree of paranoia, because I admit to the awareness of these little devices that have been planted inside my brain that are proven to be there, and that I adamantly refuse to allow to be removed. This reluctance to have them removed in and of itself, sounds irrational. Be that as it may, I won't allow the physicians to tamper with them. Period. This will likely have all of you putting me into the looney bin, and that's OK. I live my life in a looney bin of sorts….here's the deal: I am aware that these implants are activated and de-activated, and when the activation and de-activation occur. I FEEL it. It's a physical sensation and is followed by certain physical symptoms. I know for a fact, and have shared this with Trish and Rob and those same authorities over the years, that my life was intruded by a seemingly human who was NOT human at all. This person (entity) came and went in and out of my life on a regular basis for several years, until I literally and quite forcefully "outed" him, told him I knew what he was and what he was about. During his physical presence, he seemed very innocuous and like a clone of the fictional mild-mannered Clarke Kent. But he attempted to control me and control my thoughts and actions totally,especially regarding UFOs and ETs and my encounters, etc., and before I recognized what he was and what he was doing, he succeeded in doing just that. Although he no longer has a physical presence in my life, he certainly continues to monitor it from a distance. Bottom line, yes, I am fully asware that I have been "tagged" and that I am being monitored and tracked. Trish and Rob can testify to this truth in terms of my having shared same with them for many years now. More below…cj

  81. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Natalie, If we open our minds and thoughts, we might speculate or conclude that the one God has many partner god-creators of other other worlds, other universes, other dimensions, and they too acknowledge a one God, and that God has many partner gods and…well, it goes on and on.

    It's one way to look at the vastness of reality. Ultimately, our soul objective–maybe through a collective of souls–is to create new universes and become one with the god…and God. – R

    WV: readerpo

  82. Anonymous says:

    Good morning, guys. I'm going to pull up the links from Daz (thank you,Daz!) momentarily, but want to address Natalie's issues inasmuch as I am able. When we bring theological questions into the subjects of UFOs, off-of-earth entities, the Grays, the Reptilians, etc, the mind has to really challenge itself to open to concepts and ideas that may be foreign (no pun intended). None of us truly knows the origin of this planet or universe, or how they came into Being, or how its inhabitants came into Being. In my own mind, there is zero doubt that a Divine Intelligence exists which created All That Is. This Divine Intelligence is Infinite. Our minds are finite. We cannot know the methods the Creator used to create All That Is. Did It use The Big Bang, or something else? I always think of the facts that our own small planet has several continents and is inhabited by humans who are red, yellow, black, and white. This more or less denies the allegorical biblical story (for me) that all humans originated with Adam and Eve. All I can do is offer you my own theories, and remember, they are simply my own theories, based on a lifetime of research, intense study, and personal experiences. I have the conviction that this planet was originally seeded, if you will, by entities from other places, perhaps other universes or solar systems,planets and stars,even dimensions, thus we have the red, yellow, black, and white members of our species, all with physical characteristics that are quite different each from the other. This is why I cannot accept that man evolved from apes….because evolution is not selective, and if man evolved from apes, 1) there would no longer be apes, and 2) it doesn't account for the racial differences, ie, red, yellow, black, white, with completely different physical characteristics: height, weight, bone structure, hair textures, etc etc etc. We are the same in terms of inner systems. We all have red blood, but different blood types, etc. We all have the same number of teeth, ribs, legs, arms, eyes, etc. So, in certain intrinsic ways we are identical. But in other intrinsic ways we are separate. The explanation that works best for me, without denying the existence of a Divine Intelligent Creator of All That Is, (by whatever Name one chooses to call It), is that the Creator indeed placed other species on other stars and planets and in other universes and galaxies, and certain of those migrated here and seeded this little planet. It is arrogance, in my opinion, to give credibility to the idea that we are the only creation of this Infinite Intelligence. To make a long story short, it is my conviction that entities were created and exist in many forms, such as the Grays, Reptilians, (and in the Bible itself, Giants from somewhere), and that some of these species are millions of years in advance of our feeble and limited sciences. Some of these species may be from this planet itself; from other dimensions of which we have little or no awareness. So, as a means of responding to theological questions regarding aliens, my own philosophy has been to expand my mind sufficiently to not exclude virtually any and all possibilities, because to do so LIMITS the Infinite Divine Intelligence and implies that I know the Mind of that Intelligence, and I don't. Therefore I accept that all things are possible and most things are probable, and we simply haven't evolved sufficiently as a group species, (humans, or homo sapiens), to be able to comprehend the Infinity of All That Is. cj

  83. Anonymous says:

    Good morning, guys. I'm going to pull up the links from Daz (thank you,Daz!) momentarily, but want to address Natalie's issues inasmuch as I am able. When we bring theological questions into the subjects of UFOs, off-of-earth entities, the Grays, the Reptilians, etc, the mind has to really challenge itself to open to concepts and ideas that may be foreign (no pun intended). None of us truly knows the origin of this planet or universe, or how they came into Being, or how its inhabitants came into Being. In my own mind, there is zero doubt that a Divine Intelligence exists which created All That Is. This Divine Intelligence is Infinite. Our minds are finite. We cannot know the methods the Creator used to create All That Is. Did It use The Big Bang, or something else? I always think of the facts that our own small planet has several continents and is inhabited by humans who are red, yellow, black, and white. This more or less denies the allegorical biblical story (for me) that all humans originated with Adam and Eve. All I can do is offer you my own theories, and remember, they are simply my own theories, based on a lifetime of research, intense study, and personal experiences. I have the conviction that this planet was originally seeded, if you will, by entities from other places, perhaps other universes or solar systems,planets and stars,even dimensions, thus we have the red, yellow, black, and white members of our species, all with physical characteristics that are quite different each from the other. This is why I cannot accept that man evolved from apes….because evolution is not selective, and if man evolved from apes, 1) there would no longer be apes, and 2) it doesn't account for the racial differences, ie, red, yellow, black, white, with completely different physical characteristics: height, weight, bone structure, hair textures, etc etc etc. We are the same in terms of inner systems. We all have red blood, but different blood types, etc. We all have the same number of teeth, ribs, legs, arms, eyes, etc. So, in certain intrinsic ways we are identical. But in other intrinsic ways we are separate. The explanation that works best for me, without denying the existence of a Divine Intelligent Creator of All That Is, (by whatever Name one chooses to call It), is that the Creator indeed placed other species on other stars and planets and in other universes and galaxies, and certain of those migrated here and seeded this little planet. It is arrogance, in my opinion, to give credibility to the idea that we are the only creation of this Infinite Intelligence. To make a long story short, it is my conviction that entities were created and exist in many forms, such as the Grays, Reptilians, (and in the Bible itself, Giants from somewhere), and that some of these species are millions of years in advance of our feeble and limited sciences. Some of these species may be from this planet itself; from other dimensions of which we have little or no awareness. So, as a means of responding to theological questions regarding aliens, my own philosophy has been to expand my mind sufficiently to not exclude virtually any and all possibilities, because to do so LIMITS the Infinite Divine Intelligence and implies that I know the Mind of that Intelligence, and I don't. Therefore I accept that all things are possible and most things are probable, and we simply haven't evolved sufficiently as a group species, (humans, or homo sapiens), to be able to comprehend the Infinity of All That Is. cj

  84. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the links, Daz!

    Good questions, Nat.

  85. Daz says:

    Here is a review of the above book by a believer in UFOs which gives a more somewhat balanced account;

    Food for thought,maybe?

  86. Daz says:

    I agree strongly with Linda here and suggest be careful when trying to bypass the block,because I've read similar stories where a subconscious command is embedded to kill yourself if you should bypass the block.(people have bypassed it,but you have to be careful)…probably why you come out screaming at that point of the hypnosis.I think Linda is on the right track.I also agree with Rob and Trish when they say Strieber
    has a similar implant (it's probably near identical)I think you and him probably have a lot in common.I would recommend getting your wrists and legs x-rayed too,you might find implants there also.(you're like a tagged dolphin in the ocean,no matter where you swim,those implants will give you up).I for one don't doubt your story for one second.
    If you go to this site ;

    It says 14,674 people up to 1998 have reported being abducted to Warner Robins AFB.

    WV= tediasta (Ted he has to)?

  87. Raksha says:


    Thank you for all the additional information you've posted in the comments section today. Before I go any further, I just want to let you know I believe everything you've said here, incredible as it might sound to a skeptic. I've had my share of problems with "debunker-skeptoid" types on another forum over the past month or so, and the experience has left me with the definite impression that they aren't nearly as rational as they think they are!

    Re [i]"But the AFB encounter….we always reached a certain point in the hypnosis and regardless of his intervention, I would come crashing out of the hypnotic state screaming. There is a powerful block either placed by my own subconscious, or by the military, or by the Grays."[/i]

    When I came to that part of your story I already half-expected it, although I'm not sure why. I think it's because less than a week ago, I read about another abduction experience that also involved a very powerful block against remembering a certain part of the experience. There was something the subject wasn't "allowed" to remember even under hypnosis, and just making the attempt was painful and difficult for her. For a number of reasons I don't want to go into any more detail here. I'll tell you about it privately as soon as I can, though.

    And one other thing before I forget: Is it only the son who was with you during the abduction experience who has these other weird episodes, like getting his throat cut in the middle of the night, or (apparently) sleepwalking and taking off his shorts in another room? Or do you your other two sons also have them?


  88. Natalie says:

    Something that has been nagging at me for hours is this: Where in the great scheme of things do the greys fit in? If God created all beings, did they originate from our 'All That Is" or do they have their own version of this?
    Are we just like ancient tribes worshipping a deity who is small in the great scheme of things? OR Are they part of a grand plan that we are not privy to, which has been orchestrated by our All That Is?
    Any thoughts?

    wv pastup
    Gee, I hope so.

  89. Anonymous says:

    Trish and Rob, I didn't know about Strieber's implant. I'll have to take a look at his material and see if I can locate that. I always had (have) severe nosebleeds after being taken, and always have major problems re-orienting. It ws the nosebleeds and the fear after one abduction that I'd had a stroke, that was the reason for thr MRIs. Now, I have peculiar bruises on the pulsepoints of both wrists, with tiny puncture holes within the bruises. These bruises fade very quickly, unlike normal bruises, and they do not hurt. I don't know if they are taking blood or something from me, or putting something into me, thus the puncture marks, which also fade quickly. Debunkers would accuse me of doing this to myself, but the way these occur and disappear, self-infliction would not be possible. Gypsy, please when you feel safe sharing, do. I'm anxious to hear your experiences. And Natalie, thank you so much for your sweet comments and acceptance.
    My hubby had to get up very early this morning for a series of difficult medical procedures in Jacksonville, and he is letting me know he's ready to hit the sack. I'll close on that note, with love and appreciation to all, and wish we could keep discussing this all night! It's a burden to carry alone! WV: "unlinte" cj

  90. Anonymous says:

    Gypsy and Linda, your questions about hypnosis….my closest guy-friend for more than 20 years has a doctorate in medical/clinical hypnosis. He holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology, and he teaches innovative methods of hypnosis to physicians, anesthesiologists, dentists, psychiatrists, and other psychologists, for uses in their various practices. He is a master at what he does. He never, ever leads a patient, nor does he give leading suggestions. He has perfected methods of retrieving information without putting thoughts into the patient's subconscious. This is a true gift and a technique that he teaches other professionals. He has hypnotized me many times…the only person I will allow to delve into my subconscious, because I trust him completely. We've taped every session we've ever had over the years, and I'm a good subject. Most of my encounters, since age four, have been so overt that I remember them, the details, without any need for aid. But the AFB encounter….we always reached a certain point in the hypnosis and regardless of his intervention, I would come crashing out of the hypnotic state screaming. There is a powerful block either placed by my own subconscious, or by the military, or by the Grays. Regarding leaving the AFB that night, all I remember is that yes, we did go out a gate that was being guarded by two officers who were armed. There was a cross-piece like at railroads, and it lifted to allow us to drive out. I assume since we were going out they must have figured we were OK to have gotten in. I can't assume anything else. Did one of the officers in fatigues drive us onto the base? Or were we teleported onto the base? God knows, I don't know. And Gypsy, about the Grays, they are as familiar to me as every member of my family. As said, my first incident with them was at age 4. Probably prior to that, but that's the first one I remember. At the AFB, no, they didn't interfere, but they were absolutely there, as were three round crafts hovering overhead with military helicopters.
    I'm no longer afraid of the Grays. During my most recent incidents of being taken by them, I became very angry rather than frightened when they would get in my face with their ridiculously huge black eyes, intimidating, like trying to get inside my head. They don't scare me anymore. What else can they do to me? And my son…he has visitations and they fool with his home alarm system, they awaken him sometimes; sometimes he wakes up without his boxers on even though he went to bed with them on, and they'll be in another room. His wife, like my husband, sleeps through all these events. It's been one hell of a rollercoaster ride with them,and we have physical marks and other issues, but my son is so stable and so incredibly down to earth that now he phones me and tells me whatever has happened, with little fear except for his own two baby boys. Heaven forbid, look at this WV: "tutorthe" THE TUTOR?? cj

  91. Jen says:

    I find these experiences fascinating. The conspiracy theorist in me is all over the place on this one!!

  92. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Cj – strieber writes about his implant, too, and it sounds similar to yours.

  93. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    One thing I want to mention. CJ told us this story about the Warner Robins AFB abduction experience years ago, and it hasn't changed. She has consistently related the same story.

  94. Anonymous says:

    ….so what do I think, and what does my son think? He and I agree that "they" were definitley here, which is why his bedroom felt heavy and uncomfortable. They were in process of either putting in or removing an implant of some kind apparently in his throat and he woke up and interrupted them. After the hospital visit, "they" returned and cleaned it all up as if it had never happened. No cut, no blood, no silver nitrate ash, even though we have hospital and physician records proving otherwise. This is one of a lifetime of dealing with these entities. It infuriates me that they tamper with my child. He and I have been together on crafts at the same time. and we both remember these incidents of being 'taken' independently of the other. Anyone who wants to try to debunk this, I care not one whit. Regarding the AFB encounter with the military: Considering that after nursing school and college I worked side-by-side as Girl Friday with a highly-classified NASA-affiliated astrophysicist and had freaking horror experiences during that timeframe,(I wasn't classified, but was required by him to learn to fly and obtain pilot licenses, which I did, as part of my job description), that could account for whatever I know that I don't know I know, that the military threatened me not to ?????. The military still invades my life occasionally, along with the ETs and the crafts, but the military has never been overt except that once. So OK. Now I'm wide open to ideas, sharings, anyone else with similar incidents….anything. I'm old and tired of hiding these secrets, and am not being melodramatic. I'm so glad I have this blog of friends who listen and share and most of all, even if the events are too fantastic to believe, do believe me. It's a relief to be able to talk about at least a little bit of it. cj

  95. Anonymous says:

    I want go into the details of my many encounters. It would take too long. I will, though, share something else that happened to my son, this time when he was 23 and still living here at home, (before he met his lovely wife). About one a.m. there was a soft knock on our master bedroom door upstairs, and as Moms tend to be, I was instantly awake.He whispered, "Mom, I've got a problem." I got up and went downstairs with him. He said, "My throat is bleeding." He went on to tell me his bedroom felt "heavy"; "uncomfortable", so he had grabbed his blanket and pillow and went into the LR and laid down on the floor in front of the TV. He neither ate nor drank anything, and fell asleep. He woke up with his throat bleeding. I got a flashlight and looked. Surely enough, his throat was bleeding and wouldn't stop. Off we went to the ER. There were no other patients there, and the doctor took him right into the treatment room. She called me in there and said she wanted me to see something. She put the bright surgical light where it was focused on the inside of his throat, and she said, "I've never seen anything quite like this. It looks like the back of his throat has been cut with a scalpel." She then applied silver nitrate to stop the bleeding, and it took several applications. She gave him instructions to call our ENT the next morning if it began to bleed again,so the ENT could take a few stitches. Here's the deal with silver nitrate: it leaves gray ash in tissue after it is applied to a wound. ALWAYS. Next morning I hurried downstairs with my flashlight to look and see if he was OK, and if more bleeding has started. Not only was there no more bleeding, but there was no cut, and no gray ash even though numerous applications of silver nitrate has been put in his throat.
    It was if it never happened. Do we have proof? Yes indeed. We have the hospital records with details, and the records from our ENT, whom I decided to take him to that morning to confirm everything was fine. The ENT read the ER report and couldn't understand why there was no ash and no cut. We have all of this documented by physicians who treated him. More below…

  96. Anonymous says:

    Trish, if I had been able, I would have made some kind of attempt to safeguard my twelve-year-old boy, but I was helpless to do anything. To say we were being literally held captive at gunpoint would be an understatement. By the time we found ourselves suddenly back inside our vehicle, he almost immediately fell into a deep sleep. However, he, as I, had vivid memories of everything that had happened to us. He was a very grounded, very stable kid at 12, unusually so. Both of us were hysterical; both of us, when we were able to talk about it days later, admitted we had feared that we were about to be murdered. Neither of us has ever gotten past that sense of terror. I will confess, in spite of being vulnerable to debunking attacks, that I have had abduction experiences all my life, and that I have two documented "implant devices" within my brain. One is behind the left mastoid bone; one is high in the upper right sinus. On MRI imaging they both appear to be about the size of a bb or slightly larger, with tiny cilia-type protrusions all over them. The radiologist who found them and showed them to me decided they were simply anomalous and nothing to be concerned about; but he was going to remove them; I refused to allow that. I was terrified to have them taken out. I didn't know what might happen if they were tampered with. They are still in my brain; still seen on MRIs. Dr. John Mack knew about this; Dr. David Jacobs knows about this; Budd Hopkins knows about this. They also know about Warner Robins, and about my lifetime of encounters. I've decided to finally come out of the closet and frankly don't give a hoot what the debunkers may have to say. I'll continue this in the next box…cj

  97. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    so many questions and so many possibilities – and i'd meant to ask more when i commented above but had someone here and could not really focus – not that i can now that i'm alone but exhausted – in any event, i had meant to ask, cj, if you'd ever undergone hypnosis afterward – although i would certainly be hesitant to do so for many reasons obvious and some not so obvious – and i was also very curious about your observations [under those harrowing horrendous circumstances] of the grays – did they seem to interact with the military personnel in any discernible way? and also, i was curious about how you got off base, too – was there any attempt to stop you or to question you all at the gate? i'm like trish, in terms of the inner monster – and cannot fathom your fear for your son and yourself – and even, now, perhaps, just in the sharing of your experience here – again, brava! for your courage!

    it seems that while we are all sharing such experiences here/now, i should relate another incident of mine which took place shortly after the ufo sighting/MIB when my children and i were traveling by bus in arkansas – but i think i will pass it on to T&R separately first – like it must be for you, dear cj, it is disconcerting, to say the least, to relive these experiences even enough to tell of them –

    in any event, good courage to you!

    wv = mingress

  98. Natalie says:

    OH. MY. LORD, Connie! What an experience……. terrifying to say the very least. I had lots of bodily reactions to your story, akin to recognition and at the same time anxiety. I went straight out to the library and got some books on Aliens,ufo's military etc. Will get back to you. Sending a hug and a gold star for bravery. ♥

    wv = chane. Let's hope not.

  99. Stephanie says:

    And to be several HOURS behind isn't consistent with simply getting turned around–you might be two hours behind at most. Wow, can't even imagine what you two might have experienced in that time.

    WV: debrap

  100. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think I would've ended up in padded cell if I'd had this experience, CJ. I can't imagine the disorientation, the raw fear. And if someone threatened my daughter like these guys did your son…wow, I don't know. That would bring out my inner monster!

  101. Raksha says:

    Thank you for posting this terrifying experience, CJ. Your honesty and courage are commendable. Your story is very consistent with my own recent speculations about aliens and UFOs and conspiracies. Reading it for the first time as an outsider, it seems obvious to me that you and your son were placed under hypnosis at some point during this experience. Then post-hypnotic suggestions were implanted, so that you would remember certain aspects of the experience but NOT remember others–such as how you got onto the base in the first place.

    I suppose it's possible that if you were again hypnotized and asked to remember what you were ordered at gunpoint to forget, that you might remember it. But I wouldn't risk it if I were you. The only thing I can say for sure about this incredible story is that somebody is playing hardball.

    Love and Light,

  102. Anonymous says:

    There is one more important remark I'd like to add here. Warner Robins Air Force Base cannot be accessed except via guard gates secured by armed military police, and people must have passes to get onto the base. I checked this out much later. It isn't possible. I was driving a brand new Regency Oldsmobile sedan with a 454 engine, a very big, very heavy, very powerful automobile. How did that car, fully packed with moving boxes, (including files of my research in certain areas), and with two humans in it, get onto that tarmac on the AFB? We did not go thru a guard gate going in, but we certainly came out through one. I have a few valid ideas, but won't speak them. cj

  103. Anonymous says:

    Actually, Nancy, I've done a tremendous amount of explorations into various arenas of my life and work, in a dedicated attempt to discover what I might inadvertantly have learned along the way that could be of such intense interest to the military. We can't dismiss the fact that there were also Grays on the tarmac at the AFB, although in that incident they did not interact with me or my son in any manner. It wasn't, by any stretch of the imagination, my first or last encounter with those entities. In my searches for an answer, I've come up with a few possibilities, but no way to determine if these possibilities precipitated the incident. My strong professional work history with a NASA-connected astrophysicist could be relevant. I just don't know. I would be very interested in hearing if anyone else has had such an encounter? or a similar one? WV: "knoudg" cj

  104. Nancy says:

    Very, very strange. I can see why you wouldn't really want to explore to find an answer.

  105. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    an incredible experience, cousin! one i am sure haunts you still – particularly interesting to me is your sleep thing – which is one of the things about my recent sighting experience – but your experience, so much more and so indescribably harrowing, i cannot imagine – and having had military rifles pointed at my family years ago when we were at area 51, i have a vague sense of what you much have felt but again, cannot imagine the depth of your own experience and your son's – such an absolutely incredible experience – and one for which you must be applauded for sharing –

    although, i'm sure there will be those who will attribute your own experience, your husband's and other son's, etc., to just another hysterical neurotic sleep-walking dream shared by multiple people in multiple places! and by the way, just where are the photos, lady??? now, don't tell us that you don't have photos of all this!!! 😉

    many hugs, dear cousin – and thanks again for sharing!!! we know from whence you speak!!!

    wv = ummuting!!! 😉

  106. Anonymous says:

    You know, Jen, perhaps it wouldn't still be so traumatic after all these years if we could just tap into the Whole threat. The military officer was extremely forceful, and his words, "If you ever ??????? you will never see your family again" are as clear now as they were then. But what is it I am not supposed to do? Why would the military be concerned about something I might or might not do? It remains one of the most frightening mysteries of a life filled with mysteries. Maybe I don't WANT to know, and maybe that's why it stays blocked from my mind. I'll tell you this: my husband's family all live in N. GA, and when we go visit them, I refuse to drive there via the expressways once we leave I-95North at Brunswick. We go up through the country roads. I will never willingly get on I-75 again. Never. Here's a curious WV: "inted" My husband's name is TED! Or perhaps reversing it,
    detin or dead end or detain. cj

  107. Jen says:

    That experience sounds completely terrifying and absolutely believable. How terrifying to be so disoriented and have weapons pointed at you by those that are trying to protect you! All in the presence of actual UFO's and greys! ACK!

  108. Anonymous says:

    I want to add that when we finally made it to our new home and my husband knew we weren't laying dead somewhere from an accident, he told me that when he noticed our car wasn't behind the van, he pulled over to wait, thinking we'd just dropped back. When we didn't appear in a few minutes, he took the new exit and went back onto the north-bound lane for a couple of exits to see if he spotted us, then figured we must have gotten off the expressway to make a pit stop or get a snack, and he and our other sons turned the van back south on I-75 and drove on, pulled over again and waited for another little while, then drove on. When we still hadn't arrived at the new house after several hours, he was completely panicked and ready to phone the highway patrol. I was unable to immediately tell him what had happened. I fell into a deep, almost unconscious sleep, as did our youngest son, and we stayed disoriented for several days afterward. Traumatic doesn't begin to describe the incident. Looking into the barrel of an assault rifle held in my face by one of our own military personnel was beyond my cognitive abilities. Neither our son nor I has ever been able to remember the entire threat from this ….only that it was ominous and very, very real. cj

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