Raiding the Graveyard

This photo is one of the styrofoam gravestones in our neighbors’ yard, part of their elaborate Halloween display that includes huge black spiders, witches on broomsticks, ghosts and goblins. When they were putting it up, they wondered if our dog, Noah, might raid it and carry stuff away. We said we didn’t think so. If anything, he would probably run when he saw the witches.
So I was sitting at my desk one afternoon, working on the spirit contact book, when I hear this tapping at my window. It doesn’t have a screen. During the warm months when the air conditioning is on, the cats like to come and go through the window, which I crack open for them. The window overlooks this beautiful garden Rob has created. So I glance over and there’s Noah, holding something in his mouth. I open the window and he’s holding the upper part of the gravestone in his mouth. It reads: RIP.
Dark trickster, for sure! And just in time for Halloween!
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14 Responses to Raiding the Graveyard

  1. d page says:

    Noah is having some fun. Strange about the neighbors, (Celtic) Halloween & Harry Potter.
    I'm looking forward to your Halloween post.
    Pacifc Paranormal Investigations will be taping a podcast. I will keep you posted.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    HH to you, too, and thanks for the comments about Esperanza!

    Funny thing about the neighbors. really nice people who dogsit for us. Right now, gravestones and grim reapers all over their yard, but they won't let their kids see Harry Potter!

  3. maggie's garden says:

    Maybe Noah doesn't like the neighbors! ha! And maybe he thinks their decorations bother him, and he wants to see them go away! My dogs have been totally weirding out with our indoor decorations. They refused to walk up the stairs with the pumpkins lining the steps, and the skeleton lights hanging on the railing! They're freaked out!
    Happy Halloween MacGregors!
    And thanks for Esperanza…so far…a perfect Halloween read!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Speaking of Halloween, watch for our post tomorrow. It's is a quite incredible ghost story with an historical link.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Here's a funny little story about the house where Noah grabbed the piece of RIP 'gravestone.'

    The people who live there have literally turned their front yard into a graveyard with numerous headstones, a grim reaper, a plastic skeleton spread on the ground in front of one of the gravestones, a witch flying up by the roof. Lots of stuff and it's been there now for about three weeks.

    Here's the irony. The couple have two kids, ages 5 and 8, and they won't allow them to see any Harry Potter movies, because they are all about paganism. Somehow, they don't seem to link Halloween to its true source, the high holiday of Wicca – Samhain.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Doggies and kids acting up!

  7. Nancy says:

    Lucy has been naughty lately, too. I almost thought something might be going on seismically, since we sit right on a fault line. We even caught her resting right in the middle of the bed – a no, no, since she has a nice cushy bed right next to our bed.

  8. Natalie says:

    You know what they say about working with animals and children? I might also put forward the energy of the very lovable but unpredictable Noah energy, which I know so well 🙂

    Also, Last night I happened to find photos on the internet of two George's gravestones for my 'Who Is George ? post.I spent hours downloading headstone photos of my long departed relatives from all over my state in different cemetaries. How considerate of people to put photos up for family history researchers to find!

  9. simple s. "bozo" says:

    back in bozo's home town,, the grade school kids went 1-4 at the main school ,, then the 5th graders went off to a little old church school room and then 6-8 went back to the main school,, Like the pschylogoy of they broke the young ones and the ones getting a little more whatever,, point is outside the church school room was a graveyard,, I went walking around in it this weekend 5 years ago after reunion, (didn't afford this time) not gated or anything,, guys who fought in the revolutionary war year buried in that graveyard,

  10. Anonymous says:

    I played with Poe's words….shifted them a bit. Seemed approrpiate for the occasion. cj

  11. Vicki D. says:

    Ever since yesterday my iPhone is doing weird things and I cannot seem to send out any emails.
    Rob I will respond fully when I get home onMonday or Tuesday. He is on an adventure!
    Hope this goes thru. I'm trying this comment site hoping that this will get thru. Weird happenings!

    Love love love this story!!lo
    wv-istri. Nice try?

  12. Anonymous says:

    "….comes a tapping at my door;
    Tis the raven….nevermore!"

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Maybe so, Daz. There's an additional synchro with your father-in-law. I was working on a chapter about animal attunement – how animals are vehicles for spirit communication – and was afraid I didn't have enough stories. I wanted one more about birds. You and John provided it. Thank you! I don't want your story to get lost under piles of comments, so we're putting it up as a separate post in a few days.

  14. Daz says:

    After what's happened here today with the death of my Father-in Law and the strange synchro with the birds,which I related in a comment under "The Abduction" post,maybe this is your dogs way and the universe's way of telling us that,although death appears to be real…it's just a great facade and nothing really that much to be afraid of.

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