Haunted House, Haunted Visions

   Here’s is fascinating ghost story for Halloween, fascinating because of its colorful location, the history of the house, and the identity of the prominent ghost. Wait until you find out who haunts this house! The story comes from Jane Clifford of Wales, and from the heady history of that land.

Located on Skirrid Mountain near the market town of Abergavenny, is a medieval manor with original interior walls, including a huge fireplace. The kitchen was originally a barn and still has original cobbled floor and a urine trough down one side. Carved upon the original beam above the dining room door are a fox, deer, hare, bird  and a six- petal design associated with witches. The house was known as a stopping off place for drovers, when they drove animals from Wales to London across the mountains to avoid paying tolls on the roads.Medieval drovers were known as masters of mystery and magic.
“I have kept this story to myself for a while, because I was quite shocked and needed to process it. I am nervous of the strong opinions it could provoke,” Jane wrote us.
The house had remained vacant since the 1950s until it was purchased by a friend of Jane’s, a headstrong, independent woman who ignored Jane’s plea to avoid that house. Jane had picked up psychically that the house was infested with potent occult energy.
Jane clearly remembers her first visit. “Upon arriving with my son, I got out of the car by a barn and immediately felt a tragedy of some kind. “I didn’t tell my friend. After all, she had to live there alone. “

Maude would later tell her that she had seen ghosts near the barn. “Inside the house, I picked up the medieval past. I sensed tremendous occult magical power there, it seems like some sort of portal,  as if the veils between the worlds and time was extra thin. Being a sensitive, there was a terrific amount of information that came in all at once. I felt psychically shocked for over a week after one night there and so did my twenty-two year old son, who is well-grounded and doesn’t scare easily. It took me enormous courage to return there.”
A year ago, she returned to see Maude, and while looking out of a window at the magnificent view of the mountain, she felt a male spirit nearby.  “It felt as if I was seeing the view through his eyes or as if he was seeing it again through mine.”
She heard his voice in her head saying, “It wasn’t so bad being held here compared to what came later. This wonderful view reminded me of my homeland.”
Jane recalled a visit to the Bavarian mountains and knew it was a key to the man’s identity. “I gathered his homeland was Bavaria and that he had been a German prisoner of war,  an important one.” A mini-movie played in Jane’s mind showing wartime cars pulling up in the dark outside the house and military men getting out in great coats and other men in trilby hats and overcoats. She felt a great sense of secrecy involving top brass players. Churchill came to mind. She sensed that decisions were made in the house that affected the history of the country.

“At that point, I think my own fear made me come back to the present.” The next day she asked Maude if she knew anything of the history of the house. She only knew that the military had used it until the 1950s, and it had been vacant after that until she’d bought it.

During the summer of 2010, Jane went to a party near her home, two hours from the haunted house, where she met two couples who lived one same side of Skerrid Mountain as the house in question. When Jane mentioned Maude’s house, one of the women said she knew it well and added that Rudolf Hess was held there by British forces, and he was often seen by locals walking about the property.

”You can imagine my shock that I had been communicating with the ghost of the third most powerful Nazi in Germany!”

 In fact, Hesse had defected in the war, had dropped by parachute into Scotland and had tried to broker an end to the war. From 1942-45, he was held as a prisoner in Wales, part of the time in the Abergavenny Military Hospital, located near Maude’s house. The house isn’t mentioned in the history of Hesse in Wales, but secret service files won’t be released until 2017. Meanwhile, Jane is convinced that he stayed there, that top level secret meetings were held in the house, and information was given to the British that affected the outcome of the war.  “I am certain of this from the information I received.” 

Churchill didn’t want Hesse tried for war crimes, believing he had exonerated himself by defecting and proving valuable information. However, Stalin insisted Hesse stand trial. He was found guilty and imprisoned at Spandau, Berlin where he died at the age of 93.

“It’s hard to describe what occurs to me in that house,” Jane said. “It’s as if there were a tear in the fabric of space and time. I have stayed in many castles in Wales, but none has affected me this way.”

A friend of Jane’s, a man who has lived on his own in isolated locations, recently spent a night in the house and wanted to flee at 5 a.m., the same time the Jane had a similar urge while staying at the house. Another guest staying there heard a piano playing in the night, even though she and the owner had gone to bed. 

Definitely sounds like a haunted abode.
Happy Halloween!

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13 Responses to Haunted House, Haunted Visions

  1. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Would be interesting to spend some time there – though not on my own – a bit of a coward in some ways!

  2. d page says:

    Natalie & cj-
    I feel very edgy and "off" as well.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Natalie, I just read your comment and question, and my answer is a definitive "yes". I've been attributing my feelings to the catastrophes on-going in Indonesia, one after the other, and my planetary empathy. But am not at all sure that's the origin of my feelings. Those diasters are bad enough, but this feels BIGGER. More universal. I've mentioned to T & R how edgy and restless and physically sickish I've been, and not in the usual PD symptom way. My saying for these feelings is: SOMWETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES". Oh boy. Look at this WV: "scanda" Scandal, or perhaps Scandinavia? Curious, either way. cj

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, come on, trish, let's pack a few bags and go see what's stirring over there – and peter can come along for the trek if he wants –

  5. Daz says:

    Peter Levenda sounds like the man for the job to me.-)

    Happy Halloween everyone.

  6. Marguerite says:

    I don't think that I would want to go to that house! Living with a ghost for 20 years was enough for me. Happy Halloween!

  7. Natalie says:

    Any other synchro followers feeling 'off'? I have been feeling really anxious and down for no reason. It feels like the world is about to cave in, but my world is happy and peaceful (at the moment anyway.)
    Any takers? I think I will spend the day clearing and meditating regardless.

  8. d page says:

    I don't mind some haunted places, but I don't think I'd want to stay there!
    I was looking forward to what may have happened in my own "paranormally active" home this Halloween…. but a plumbing accident has forced us to live temporarily in a hotel. It's been shown that reconstructions and remodeling can stir up activity, so it should be interesting when we move back in.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nancy, I wouldn't stay in a place like this alone. But I'd consider staying there with Gypsy!

    Interesting WV, gypsy!

    nat – I was wondering the same thing.

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, see, i'd love to visit there – but not alone, probably – especially remembering my episode of the negative energy in the arkansas farmhouse when i barricaded myself into a corner and sat awake in it all night! 😉 – anyway, in the bit where she's looking out the window and hearing the voice, i could just "see" that part of the story almost like i was there – very well told in any event – and great story – great post –

    and the wv here = deram – dream –

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Yeah, imagine staying there tonight, when the veil between worlds is at the thinnest point of the year.

    We've been invited to stay there, which might be interesting. But maybe we'll send send Peter Levenda as a proxy. 😉

  12. Nancy says:

    Ugh, why would you ever want to live in that house alone?

  13. Natalie says:

    Well that was freaky!
    I am wondering what the friend feels at 5am ?

    wv = soldici sold icky?
    soldier icky?

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