‘Positive’ omen for GOP

In Burma, a white elephant was captured, a rare event that the government-controlled media touted as a positive omen for their fall election, the first balloting in ten years since the military take-over.Peace and prosperity will reign, the Burmese media spouted.

We’re not sure what the staid U.S. Republican party thinks of animal omens, but they might like this one, the elephant being the party’s symbol. It’s also interesting that it was a white elephant, since the party is dominated by white men.

According to Wikipedia, a white elephant is an idiom for a valuable possession of which its owner cannot dispose and whose cost (particularly cost of upkeep) is out of proportion to its usefulness or worth. That sounds like the GOP’s problem with the Tea Party. Drink your tea, Repugs!

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8 Responses to ‘Positive’ omen for GOP

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Absolutely, lakeviewer. Florida just got a repub, rubio, a real right wing extremist.

  2. lakeviewer says:

    Let's stay positive and pro-active. Reasonable people keep talking, not barking or balking at any thing the other proposes.

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, voting it is, but what a story yours is, trish! don't know exactly how i would have responded had that happened to me – good grief!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Voting is it. In our county, infamous for the butterfly ballots that sent the 2000 election to the supreme court, we now have new ballots. Not high tech. Connect the lines – literally. In 2004, I punched in kerry's name – and Bush's came up. That's when I knew 04 was rigged. So at least this year it won't be rigged voting machines that determine the election.

    Right now, voting is it. Unless, of course, we go the Gypsy route!

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    sadly, there are more than one or two "scary messes" out there in the politico world – and yes, voting, i believe, at times is skewed – but the only means to an end we citizens have – unless, of course, one wants to consider ¡Viva la revolución!

    wv – bededis – sounds way too much like beheaded!

  6. Anonymous says:

    I agree, Nancy. Even though I urge people to exercise our right to vote, it becomes more and more clear that our votes, in the real world, count for naught. We need to begin to question the integrity of the voting machine, and by machine, I am referring to TPTB who run the world from the Shadows. There are too many instances when we, the man on the street, KNOW the voting was skewed, but there was nothing we were able to do to change it. It's shameful. Worse. It's criminal. cjWV: "makemers"

  7. Nancy says:

    Having the elephant be captured is a bad sign, period.

    I think in order to obtain some kind of balance we need to have the Republican party be held accountable, as onerous as that sounds. The Bush administration created much of what we are dealing with, especially two horrible, money-draining wars, yet Obama has been left holding the bag. Bush was able to leave office just as the walls were crumbling. Things will get even worse for our people, of course, but I think it's the only way our nation will come together to solve problems. It is going to have to get much worse before it is realized that we cannot solve our problems through our elected officials – regardless of party affiliations.

    And yes, I will be VOTING. Sharon Angle is one scary mess! I pray my fellow Nevadans do not send her to Washington. But if they do, then they deserve what they are going to get.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Today in America, it seems the stage will be set for our country during these next few years, or the next few motnhs leading us into the (presdicted) pivotal year of 2012. That date, 12-21-2012, may simply come and go as Y2K did, lots of dread, preparations, fanfare…then nothing. Just another New Year's Day that ushered us rather uneventfully into the 21st century. But there's no denying that things, they are achanging, since Y2K, and so rapidly it makes the head spin. Listen to your heads and your hearts, and get out there and VOTE.

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