Chris and Steve and 7 Secrets

Here’s another story about synchronicities associated with 7 Secrets. It’s from Christine Hutton.  She refers to Carol Bowman, author and past life researcher, in her story. We used Carol in our book and in several posts – here. The image is from a photograph  in a local museum.

As a result of reading your book, my husband Steve and I have traveled to Philadelphia and went through regressions with Carol Bowman.  It was a great experience in many ways and a pleasure to meet such an interesting woman and a past life pioneer.

Here are the synchronicities  I experienced.

 I was in the book store looking for  books on hypnosis and or past life regression as I am interested in both and working on using them in my practice as a counselor.  Your book, The Seven Secrets, jumped out at me. I say that because I seldom really pick the books anymore, they seem to pick me.  As I began to read I saw the  reference to Carol Bowman, past life researcher. That perked my interest.  As I read the rest of the story I noticed synchronicities.

 Carol tells of visiting in the Hudson Valley area.  I had  just been there taking a workshop with Brian Weiss on past life regression at Omega Institute.  Carol made a comment to the woman she met in the grocery store that she would be teaching a class on past life workshop at Omega.

Carol’s sychronicity with this woman with reverences to Aries people in her life was also meaningful to me.  Most of the important women in my life are Aries, mother, significant friends, daughter in law.  I comment about it frequently, mostly to the Aries in my life.

While I was at the Omega Institute workshop on past life regression I had a synchronistic experience with someone I met there.  We were asked to introduce ourselves and the woman a few seats from me stood up and said her name is Kris an she is from Mattappoisett, Mass., a very small town near the Cape.  I was surprised; my name is Chris and I am  originally from Mattappoisett.

In a group of 132 people from all over the world what are the chances I would meet someone named Chris from my same very small hometown.  When it was my turn to introduce myself I acknowledged the similarity and  I told her I was born in Wareham.  Kris said, “I work there.”  I said I lived on top of the hill on Acushnet Rd..  She said she drives by  the house every day to and from work and she always admired the huge window that is one whole wall of the house.  I told her my father built the house and the picture window was the focal point of the home.  She told me she lives on Ryan’s way.  I told her my son is named Ryan.

 I’m sure we have other commonalities and just didn’t get time to acknowledge them in the short time we were together.  Kris did join my husband, Steve and I for dinner in the little town we were staying in that evening and as she and I did some shopping together I surely felt a ‘comfortableness’ with her,  like an old friend you haven’t seen for a long time and you meet again and pick up right where you left off.  Personally I feel there was probably a previously shared life time.

Carol also went to a Brian Weiss conference to meet and network with people in the field.  I was hoping to do the same thing at his Omega workshop.

I also returned to grad school and received a masters degree in counseling.

Our husband’s are both named Steve.

Carol’s house number is 145. My house number was 145 for many years when our family lived in New York.

Upon returning home from Philadelphia after meeting with Carol, Sunday morning at breakfast, Steve was channel surfing  the TV and found a show on the Chiller channel of all places, called, I think, Supernatural.  The show was on past life regression and the work of Roger Woolger and Steve knew I would be interested.

As we watched I commented, “Gee Carol Bowman should be on this show.”  A few minutes later, I recognized  the image of Carol’s home and as the camera came closer to the porch there was Carol sitting on her swing.

One funny last comment.   I read the part of the book telling about Carol having to find work, applying to Scott Paper and  and commenting they wouldn’t even hire her to sell toilet paper.  We have a joke around our house about Scott toilet paper.  My now 86 year old mother, when I was growing up, bought Scott toilet paper because it was cheaper and it’s cheaper for a reason;  Its terrible toilet paper!!, if you know what I mean!  One day several months ago my husband came home from Sam’s Club with an enormous bundle of Scott toilet paper, thinking he had made a great purchase!!!  My husband was unaware but my mother and I had a good laugh over his selection.  I’m glad Carol was not hired to sell their awful paper and looking back she probably is too!!!

I hope this email is understandable. I’m finding that writing about synchronicities is harder than experiencing them.  Also, because synchros are many times small and meaningful mostly for the experiencer I feel a bit sheepish relating them to others. 

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15 Responses to Chris and Steve and 7 Secrets

  1. Vicki D. says:

    Trish it is so weird and has happened over his entire life.
    I forgot but my other synchros with this post is that I have a strong connection with Cape Cod, I have family there and grew up spending my summers in Harwichport and Chatham and lastly, my nephews name is Ryan. He is like a son to me.
    Just all very interesting.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vicki – I absolutely remember that. How odd that your hub is called Steve when it's not even his name!

  3. Vicki D. says:

    Trish, if you recall I had contacted you commenting that I found it interesting that we both new Carol Bowman.
    I had taken a past life workshop with her when I lived in Philadelphia.
    I find it fascinating that her husbands name is Steve.
    My husband is not named Steve yet people constantly call him Steve. It is so bizarre and happens at least once a month. I have even introduced him to someone and had them then say "Steve it is really great to finally meet you"

  4. Natalie says:

    That is awesome,Daz. I love it.

    Nice to see your face too. 😀

  5. Brizdaz says:

    Regarding Christine's comment;
    "…because synchros are many times small and meaningful mostly for the experiencer I feel a bit sheepish relating them to others."

    One thing I'm learning about synchronicitys is that even ripples can turn into waves.
    I was listening to a conversation between two of my wife's cousins from opposite sides of her family at her father's wake.One cousin had found out the other worked in emergency services with firefighters and was relating how her son's dream was to become a firefighter,only he had nearly given up because he was told if he was standing in a physical waiting line of applicants,he would be about 20 miles down the line.The cousin from the emergency services then said "Have you thought about joining the axillary firefighting units?" She said yes,he had,that he could do easily,but he really just wanted to be a full-time firefighter.Well she said,"join the axillary firefighters,then after 3 months training with them as soon as a full-time firefighting job comes along,he'll be at the front of the que,because their union has to give first preference to applicants who are axillary firefighters first,over other applicants,as part of a union deal" according to her.

    This apparently small synchronicity could turn into a major life turning point for a boy who had all but given up of realizing a life long dream.
    So,a synchronicity that appears small may just be the seed of a huge life changing synchronicity a little further on down life's road.

  6. Shadow says:

    this is amazing!

  7. Butternut Squash says:

    Christine need not feel sheepish, this was a remarkable series of synchros. I'm so glad she shared them.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Interesting, Gypsy. So many connections.

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, trish, and the little verse i wrote at the duck pond yesterday…"her layered skirts….."

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I love the layered synchros in this story.

  11. Natalie says:

    I particularly liked the Kris/Chris one. 🙂

  12. d page says:

    Love this story and the chain of synchros!

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good synch there, Gypsy, with the past life book.

    hey Mike – glad to see you back. Hope your trip went well, with many synchros that you'll post!

  14. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Super post with so many synchros. It's good to be back reading your blog!

  15. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, neat stories, each one of them! and what a collection of experiences! great – and especially because i read for several hours yesterday – went to the duck pond and sat in my car reading – the subject? past lives! 😉

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