Category Archives: 7 Secrets

Weird or What?

Today, Rob and I took a break and went biking with the two dogs out at the Grassy Waters Wilderness Preserve, the place where he had a lost dog synchro. I hadn’t been there before and was eager to see … Continue reading

Posted in 7 Secrets, animals as messengers, synchronicity | 11 Comments

Chris and Steve and 7 Secrets

Here’s another story about synchronicities associated with 7 Secrets. It’s from Christine Hutton.  She refers to Carol Bowman, author and past life researcher, in her story. We used Carol in our book and in several posts – here. The image … Continue reading

Posted in 7 Secrets, book synchros | 15 Comments

Name Synchros As Warnings and Confirmations

Name synchros apparently happen more frequently than we thought.  When we posted Subtle Synchros on September 16, we received some really great comments. That same day, another synchro came in involving 7 Secrets and a name. In the 7 Secrets … Continue reading

Posted in 7 Secrets, names | 28 Comments

On the path, in the flow….

Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia We received an e-mail from a young man named Jonny Long that caught our attention. Interestingly, Jonny had never heard the word synchronicity until recently, yet his life was enmeshed in it. So when he discovered our … Continue reading

Posted in 7 Secrets, everything, Rittenhouse Square, spirituality, Youth | 18 Comments

One More Book Synchro

 This story came from Kim Edmands.   It’s the kind of synchro we love to hear about. It’s as if 7 Secrets has found its own momentum. Several times now, people have reported finding the book sitting on top of … Continue reading

Posted in 7 Secrets, books | 10 Comments

Our publisher is offering a special this week on The 7 Secrets. The regular price is $18.95. But Adams is selling the hardcover book for $10.99, a 42% discount, and this week you can take another 10% off that price. … Continue reading

Posted in 7 Secrets | 10 Comments

Synchronicities pop up for readers

When you’re aware of synchronicity, those meaningful coincidences seem to materialize more often. That in a nutshell is the first secret from The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity. So now we’re getting reports of people experiencing synchronicity while actually reading the … Continue reading

Posted in 7 Secrets, Indiana Jones, readers | 15 Comments