Synchro Bucks!

Here’s a neat synchro from a neighbor,who has a son in college.It was a Saturday morning and he was driving to the bank with a $25 check to deposit into his son’s account. The check had been a b-day gift from his  aunt, but Tom didn’t have any deposit slips at college. So the check ended up with Dad weeks after his son’s birthday.

It turned out the bank wasn’t open on Saturdays. So he headed back home thinking, as he’s  driving, Why am I dealing with this $25 check? Why not something bigger, he thought. Why not dream? It should be a check for $250, or $2,500, or $25,000, or…$250,000. Why not?

A short time after he got home, he picked up the mail, and found a mysterious envelope from a lawyer in Denver. It was addressed to his son, but he figured he better open it. He did so warily, wondering if his son had somehow taken a trip to Denver without telling his parents and gotten into trouble. His eyes widened as he read through the letter and flipped through the other pages enclosed. He could hardly believe what he  read. Tom had just inherited $25,000 from a third cousin, whom he’d met once when he was nine.

Wow! Magic. A $25 check turns into $25,000 with minutes. Synchronicity and the laws of attraction come through! Neighbor guy definitely wins the synchro jacket. A good example of getting what you focus on. Hm, let me try that.

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12 Responses to Synchro Bucks!

  1. Brizdaz says:

    Have you thought about opening a Zazzle or Cafe-press storefront to promote your books/website?
    This is my Zazzle page where I just made a few designs,so I could buy them myself (which was my main reason for starting it),or sell to others who wanted to buy them,also.

    I bought a mouse-pad,coffee cups and magnets of some of these designs.The coffee cups and designs turn out great,the mouse-pads the same,but as for the magnets,I would say stick to the normal size round ones and avoid the square ones,as they don't turn out so good (they have ridges embedded that give a cheap look to the magnet).As for the t-shirts,stickers,hoodies,sneakers,etc,you might be best buying a demo of your design first to see the quality,before you sell them to the general public,as I haven't purchased any of those yet,so I can't vouch for the quality of those items.The coffee cups look great and wash well in the dishwasher and the mouse-pad and design look good and the round normal size magnets look good.
    Anyway,just a thought,I had visions of a hoodie or T-shirt with the word Synchonicity with the number 7 and maybe a blue butterfly floating around with maybe a little slogan under the butterfly saying "Just Follow It! as opposed to Nike's "Just Do It!"

    WV=dehippa (hip)? (very hip)?

    Cheers/ Darren

  2. maggie's garden says:

    Oh yeah…gonna try me some of this!! Great story. Nice outcome for the neighbor.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I have a certain fondness for that jacket, too. Need to find out where this person got it!

  4. KarenG says:

    Love the Synchro jacket. And this was a great story!

  5. Natalie says:

    Wow! I having some of that too methinks!
    BTW, We all need to get ourselves a jacket. 😀

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Don't we all need to get into that flow.
    Mike – I like your idea. I'm going to start doing that and see what happens.

    Musing – yes, this is the political hangover week.

  7. d page says:

    I need to get into THAT flow!!!

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    uh, what's that attorney's name???

    what an incredible story!!! loved it!!!

  9. musingegret says:

    ooooohhh, what a feel-good story—lovely for a Friday after the sorrows of this election week!

    Love the wv that Mike attracted.

    Mine is: trifyins (??)(try for your informations?)

  10. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    What can you say but, "Wow!"

    I remember many years ago someone telling me to always imagine that any cheques (checks) being banked were ten times bigger than they actually were. And to even make out a 'dummy' paying-in slip showing the bigger amounts. Seems like there may well be something in this!

    wv = papyin : pa paying in?

  11. Vicki D says:

    Wow, I'm rechecking my mail!

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