Babies and their Birth Dates

Judi Hertling alerted us to this story.

By synchronicity standards, a Michigan couple have three unusual kids. Their first child, a girl, carried to full term, was born on 8/8/08.

Baby 2, a son, was unplanned. The doctors induced mom on September 8, but the boy waited until 9/9/09 to enter the world.

Baby 3, a girl was due on November 4, 2010, but labor was induced on October 9 and the girl waited until 10/10/10 to be born.

From a synchronicity view, these kids have a jump on the rest of us!

The original story is here.

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12 Responses to Babies and their Birth Dates

  1. Brizdaz says:

    My Nana died on my father's
    (her son's) birthday (8th April).
    365 to 1 odds.
    Life can be cruel.

    WV=fackt (fact)? or (f*cked)?

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, these patterns are amazing, Natalie. Weird, for sure, but what are the odds??

  3. Natalie says:

    My dad is 19.4 1940

    My kids:
    Caitlin~ born on 23.3.93 (unplanned)
    (On her nanna's death date.)

    Nick ~ 25.5.95.
    He was due 23.5 , but was 2 days late.
    No. 3 child (unplanned) was also due 23.5, but was also 2 days late born 25.5. but 3 years later.

    No. 4 child was born on his grandfather's death date which was also his grandma, great g'ma and uncle's birthday.

    No. 5 was born on her uncle's birthday,though she was due on her grandpas's birthday.

    Our family birthdays were 23,24 25×2 and 26.

    My brother and I were also due on the same date. His kid's birthdays are within days of my kid's birthdays.
    My mum, auntand my cousin have the same birth date, and my husband and I were also due on the same date.

    It is very weird, but I love the patterns.

    wv = alistin I listen 🙂

  4. lakeviewer says:

    There are so many incidents such as these, if only we take the time to observe and record.

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, great stories of little ones and the dates and times they choose – incredible! cj, i'm so NOT surprised!!! 🙂

  6. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I saw this in the UK newspapers, there is also a couple who had three children born on the same day and month, but different years. See here and one from this year all born October 7th

  7. Nancy says:

    This is amazing. You have to wonder if there is some hidden meaning behind this sequence. In our family the numbers 11 and 22 are common. Three out of four of my siblings are Scorpio, as was many of our family members.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Loved the parrot movie and the book. I think we did a post on the number 27, lauren, I'll go back and look.

  9. Lauren says:

    So fascinating. In my own family, the number 27 seems to be important; my mother and daughter were both born on the 27th, and this number is also associated with several deaths.

    Enjoyed the "Parrot" story too…..totally unrelated, but there is a wonderful documentary came out 5 years ago called "The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill", about a man in San Francisco who developed a special relationship with a flock of wild parrots that live there.

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Lots of birth number synchros in your family, Connie.

    Daz – you think? Will they really try for a number4??

  11. Brizdaz says:

    Well,Baby No.4 is surely going to have a date to remember when he appears on 11/11/11 .-)

  12. Anonymous says:

    That's such a cool story! Our three boys had a similar synchronicity affinity for the numerical (and otherwise) times and dates of their births. Our oldest son was born on 3-22 at 12:01am, and the year of his birth (1966)was a 22. Our second son was born on 2-18 at 12:22am. Our third son was born on 8-22 at 12:55am. Each of them had the 22, and they were born, sequentially, IN ORDER, in the midnight hour! Our youngest son's first boy followed the pattern for the 22. He was born on 12-8 at 6:22pm. His whole birth name number is 11-11, or 22, (not by decision of parents; just turned out that way!). None of these babies were induced. I guess their souls must like that master frequency 22, and our three must like that midnight hour! Another curious incident with our first son is that he was due to be born when the Sun was in Pisces, but he would have none of that! He wanted to be an Aries, and I carried him much too long, three weeks past his due date. He waited until the Sun was in Aries before he would make his appearance! Your posted story certainly underscores the fact that there is a Plan at work, beginning at our very births! cj

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