A Slew of Synchro Clusters

On October 19, we posted a synchro involving names. It  brought some cool comments. Vicki D’s story illustrates how synchronicities sometimes seem to pursue us throughout a given day.

Today I had to stop in 3 different shops, in each one they called out for “Vicki” on the loudspeaker!
I got home and put on the TV and there was a local commercial on. In it, a teenager is on the phone with her sister and the sisters name is “Vicki”!

Later I went on Facebook and found two posts by different people including 11/11 in them. Then I came to this site to see a post about names that included my own, and others asking about number synchros – particularly about 11/11!

The last weird thing to happen to me so far today is a bird flew into a large window in the back of my house, I was able to save it. Later when I went out, a bird flew into the front right bumper of my car! That bird did not survive.

How bizarre.

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24 Responses to A Slew of Synchro Clusters

  1. Vicki D. says:

    Thank you Natalie.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hey Butternut! Sounds like the 11s are after you. Hope your travels and sales are going well!

  3. Butternut Squash says:

    Just wanted to say hi. I've been on the road a lot these past few weeks. I saw monsterous black birds in the trees all along route 85 today on my drive home. Seemed rather ominous. I also have been catching the clock at 11:11 on a regular basis and I got a registration sticker in the mail today that surprised me with a very bold 1111. Peace.

  4. Vicki D. says:

    I have also had interesting things happen with hummingbirds. Every year we have a few in our garden but the most interesting one was on vacation one year.

    Outside of the balcony of our hotel room there were beautiful tropical bushes overlooking the water, and in these were a few hummingbirds flitting about. My daughters and I got a real kick out of itching them. As we watched there were more and more, it was if they were multiplying before our eyes. My daughters commented that it had to be because of me.
    This would repeat almost every morning.
    This is strange because we go to this same resort every February and it had never happened before to this degree.
    Anyway, I just enjoyed it and told my daughters this had nothing to do with me but then at breakfast someone at another table mentioned that they had seen this and it was amazing to them " I've never seen anything like it and it always in the same area". I hushed my daughters and we went on our way.
    Later that day we saw a landscaper and I asked him if there were feeders near our balcony and he said no they just must like it there because normally he doesn't see so many in that location.
    We all got a kick out of it AND I'm glad to report no hummingbirds flew into the windows.

    Daz, in regards to grizzlies, haven't got any idea. I will tell you though, often our totem animals are nit what we would think.

    Sibyl, I also talk to the animals, I have had birds fly into my lap when I talk to them, the deer listen to me and once while I was on the phone outside one came up and nudged me on the back , I thought "really!" I was outside because my own children wouldn't leave me alone for 2 minutes.
    It really is quite magical.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Oh, right, I'd forgotten about Grizzly man. Ok, I like the kookuburra.

    Sibyl – what cool animals stories. Especially like that one with the hummingbird. They're magical creatures, for sure.

  6. Brizdaz says:

    No,I don't think so,Trish.I couldn't imagine a Grizzly as my totem animal.There's nothing that appeals to me about Grizzly s,especially after watching the movie "Grizzly Man"(what a black comedy/Documentary that is).
    If I had a totem animal it would be a bird,probably a Kookaburra or a Crow/Raven.
    But…if anyone has any ideas about the Grizzly syncs…don't be shy…I'm all ears.


  7. Sibyl Hunter says:

    Yeh the 11's were working hard today. I just came back from buying dinner and my total at the register was…drum roll please…$11.11.

    This past summer I was walking into the mall when a bird flew out of a nearby bush and hit me on the back. I turned to look but just kept walking. As soon as I turned my back it buzzed me again.

    I won't lie. I was a little scared. But now I think things like that are simply a sign of our awareness raising to higher frequencies. Animals notice this change and start trying to communicate with us because they know we can now.

    Next time I saw a bird like that was back in August. I was in Arizona and a tiny hummingbird was hovering right beside my car. This may or may not sound weird to you, but I just said hello to it. It started to fly away but I asked it (with my mind) to come back. It stopped and flew back towards me, hovered in the air for a few seconds, and then flew away.

    Cool stuff.

  8. simple s. says:

    name "synchros like no other" ROB

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Darren – really interesting about your book synchs. I get the same kind of thing and don't think it has failed me yet. Maybe this grizzly synch is less about books and more about you – grizzly as your totem animal??
    – Trish

  10. Brizdaz says:

    One strong synchro cluster I've been having lately has a Grizzly Bear as it's link,but as of this writing I haven't a clue as to what it's about.
    It all all started about a month ago when I was shaving,when the theme song from "The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams"(Maybe,by Thom Pace)kept running through my head,non-stop like a broken record.

    Maybe Lyrics

    Deep Inside The Forest
    is A Door Into Another Land
    here Is Our Life And Home
    we Are Staying, Here Forever
    in The Beauty Of This Place All Alone
    we Keep On Hopi-In' Maybe
    there's A World Where We Don't Have To Run
    and Maybe
    there's A Time We'll Call Our Own
    livin' Free In Harmony And Majesty
    take Me Ho-Ome
    take Me Home

    walkin' Through The Land
    where Every Living Thing Is Beautiful
    why Does It Have To End
    we Are Calling, Oh So Sadly
    on The Whispers Of The Wind
    as We Send A Dying Message

    there's A World Where We Don't Have To Ru-Un
    there's A Time We'll Call Our Own
    livin' Free In Harmony And Majesty
    take Me Ho-Ome
    take Me Home

    there's A World Where We Don't Have To Ru-Un
    there's A Time We'll Call Our Own
    livin' Free In Harmony And Majesty
    take Me Ho-Ome
    take Me Home

    I haven't heard the song since the late 70's,early 80's,but just about all the lyrics I remembered perfectly,like a flashback.Then I checked my e-mail and there was an offer from the book publishers of "Bear Speaks: The Story of 7 Sacred Lessons Learned from a Montana Grizzly" for 40% off,with a shot of the front cover of a Grizzly staring me in the face.So,I thought this is a synch telling me to get this book,as it must have something important to tell me (boy was I wrong).Apart from the great cover painting on the front cover,this book was one of the worst books I have ever read,only slightly better than "Anastasia"by Vladimir Megre.

    So,as yet I don't know what this Grizzly Bear sync is all about.I have never been thrown a curve ball by the Universe when it comes to books that speak to me synchronously…until now,and quite frankly it has stunned me,as something that has ALWAYS worked for me,has failed me so badly this time.
    Oh,well,I'll just have to keep looking out for Grizzly synchs,because deep down I feel this is an important sync for me.It's just so frustrating trying to figure it all out at the moment.

    Cheers /Darren

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vicki – that's an incredible sequence of stuff with birds! I like natalie's interpretation.

    Gypsy – are those new shows? It seems to me I may have seen the one on halliburton/fema concentration camps.

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    neat name and bird stories, each of them – i've always been fascinated by bird messages, too – and have had them all my life – and i too had heard the thing of the birds trying to enter a house/building/hitting a window or whatever and bad news – thanks for sharing nasa black hole news which i seem to have missed – after watching those three episodes in a row of jesse ventura and his conspiracy theory shows the other night, i've tried not to even turn on my television! for anyone who didn't see them, you definitely should check out his shows on INFRAGARD, FEMA HALLIBURTON concentration camps and BIG BROTHER – in any event, neat post guys!

    wv = voldfar

  13. Natalie says:

    That is uncanny about the birds….wow!
    Obviously you are well loved in the spirit world, Vicki, to have all that contact through synchronicity.:)

    wv =unedi

  14. Vicki D. says:

    Hi, that was such a weird day with all of those synchros.

    In regards to the birds it has been happening for a lifetime with me and I've never been able to find a link.

    Several years back I was in therapy with a therapist who was used to treating psychic people. This was good because he didn't think that I was crazy that I hear voices etc.
    Anyway, he had a huge bay window in his office and almost everytime I had an appointment a bird would fly into the window. We thought that maybe I had a strong energy that they could see or sense and were drawn to it. We tried meeting in a different room, still happened.
    Then one day no bird, finally! I was so happy but then he told me that right before I got there a bird had flown into the window. He said he knew I was near because it only happened when I was there.

    Here in my house it always happens in whatever room I'm in, one day I was in the front hall by the front door opening packages etc. and "thud" a bird hit the door!!! It is a wooden door with a half moon window at the top. We couldn't believe it.
    I even put stickers and decals on my windows but it happens anyway. I have had them literally fly into me, personally, also.
    So strange.

    wv-noubmi not me?

  15. Anonymous says:

    Living about 99 miles north of the Cape, (thus NASA), I was hoping for some kind of disclosure about the "whatevers" that have been lifting off from there in these last several days, not counting the "whatever" that blasted off the coast of SoCal last week. But, nada. Just some scientific jibberish about a new black hole they think may be the youngest black hole, etc etc etc. Not a word about anything that we need to know. Aw shucks! Look at this WV: "sakin". askin? Or a pun for 'Sagan' as in Carl? cj

  16. Nancy says:

    I would say there have been many exceptional objects in our solar system lately. I watched a video of some people chasing a blue one all over LA the other day.

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Here's the NASA link about what the press conference will be about: the discovery of "an exceptional object" in our solar system.


  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Didn't know about the NASA press conference. Will have to check it out. I always worry about bird messages, too.

  19. Nancy says:

    Very interesting set of synchros. I tend to pay attention when it comes to birds. I hope it's not bad news. I'm also interested in what NASA has to say at a press conference today 12:30 EST. I wonder when they are going to address all of the UFO sightings. I hope this isn't our bad news.

  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    That IS a hoot!

  21. maggie's garden says:

    Thanks for the visit BTW!

  22. maggie's garden says:

    I just left here a minute or so ago and found you had popped by my blog at the same time I was here at yours…And to top off the fun on the bottom of the post you visited was the linkedwithin post for your book The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity! What a hoot!

  23. maggie's garden says:

    I worry when I hear about birds hitting windows…my mom used to say that we would soon here some bad news when that happens…or hear of a death. Not sure if anyone else has heard of this…if the bird lives…bad news…if it dies…a death. The birds were usually right on. I hate to think a bird would have to carry such sad messages.
    Stopped in at Vicki's…nice to meet a new blogger friend…thanks.

  24. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Slew – the collective word for synchros – like that. And some good examples within the post as well.

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