Category Archives: 11s

Post 11-11-11

Looking back at 11-11-11, here are some of the interesting stories that were either in the news or that we received. First, Egypt briefly closed the Great Pyramid because of rumors that it was going to be used for ceremonies … Continue reading

Posted in 11:11, 11s, synchronicity | 4 Comments

A Slew of Synchro Clusters

On October 19, we posted a synchro involving names. It  brought some cool comments. Vicki D’s story illustrates how synchronicities sometimes seem to pursue us throughout a given day.+++ Today I had to stop in 3 different shops, in each … Continue reading

Posted in 11s, names, Vicki d | 24 Comments

Oh, those 11s

                                         This Paul Klee painting has nothing to do with 11s. But                                                                                 I like the color. Last Friday, I was working on a section of our new proposal about travel synchronicities, and was writing  specifically about Hilary Carter’s … Continue reading

Posted in 11s, local travel, travel | 23 Comments

The uncanny 11:11

We thought we’d posted enough 11:11 synchronicities  and wouldn’t be going there for awhile, but then along came a startling story by Jane Clifford of Wales. So here we are taking exit 11 again on The Synchronicity Highway. (That’s the … Continue reading

Posted in 11s, death | 21 Comments

11s, Again!

While we were writing a chapter in the book about cluster synchronicities involving numbers – specifically the number 11 – we received a cleaning bill from Megan’s college. This was the move out of the dorm, cleanup bill. The charge? … Continue reading

Posted in 11:11, 11s, Numbers | 17 Comments