The Hereafter Redux

As we’ve written earlier, the movie, Hereafter, directed by Clint Eastwood, includes the story of a medium, who is not a happy camper–to say the least. He finds his work depressing, and it seems to ruin every chance he has for  normal relationships. He doesn’t want to do it anymore, but ultimately reads for a boy who has lost his twin.

When Morgana Starr, a medium associated with a bookstore outside of Cassadaga, Florida, saw the movie, she sympathized with the medium, played by Matt Damon. She couldn’t help reflecting on her own work and was reminded of a case in which she had to deal with the death of a child. She knew it was going to be a difficult reading when she first glimpsed the woman. Here’s Morgana’s own words.

“A deep sense of grief pervaded her entire being as she sat down. For the sake of confidentiality, I will call her Suzie. As soon as we began, I picked up on her daughter and grandson. They were lying in a pool of blood. The daughter had multiple stab wounds, the boy only a couple. The daughter had tried to shield her son with her body. By doing so, she incurred many painful wounds before she died. The boy died quicker.

“Suzie and I sat and cried together as the angel Anael helped us release their trapped spirits to the light of the Divine Source.  I was able to see the man who did this and describe him to Suzie. This was someone she knew. The motive was also unveiled by Anael.  However, without going to the crime scene, I was unable to pick up any proof that she could take to the police. But I was shown that in time he would be caught and prosecuted for his crimes. That gave Suzie a sense of peace.”

Of course, we wanted to know what happened after that. But Morgana revealed another problem mediums face. In spite of the dramatic nature of the reading and its unfinished business, Suzie never returned and didn’t leave any contact information. That also happens a lot with psychics and mediums who deal with the police. Once their work is done, the authorities often leave the reader wondering if he or she was accurate, and how the case turned out.

On a lighter note, Cecile De France, the actress who played the French television news personality in Hereafter, oddly enough, and in spite of her name, is not French. She’s from Belgium.  

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12 Responses to The Hereafter Redux

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Loved the idea, but was disappointed in the movie – esp the "hereafter" parts – silhouettes? C'mon. Black swan was beautifully acted, but the idea of ballerina as loony is old. Have social network on netflix, haven't seen it yet.

  2. Brizdaz says:

    "Hereafter" has finally hit the cinemas in Oz (February),and I went to see it last night.
    I've got to say while it did have some good parts,overall I found it a bit disappointing.I thought it could have been much better,but it was still worth a watch.
    I've also seen "127 hours","Black Swan","True Grit" and I've rented out "Toy Story 3" to watch.
    Out of the movies that I have seen,which are nominated for best picture,I would say it's
    "Black Swan" so far for the Oscar,although I've heard that "The Social Network" is pretty good,too.
    Maybe you guys should run an Oscars pole and see who can guess/foresee the most top awards won on the night?
    It could be interesting.

  3. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    Unfinished business. I'd be too curious to leave it alone. I'd have to know the outcome.

  4. Brizdaz says:

    Talking about "Six Degrees of Separation" reminds me of a weird synchro I had last time I watched the DVD.When the movie got to the part where Will Smith starts talking about the book "Catcher in the Rye" by J.D.Salinger

    I remembered I had the book on my Amazon wish-list and I hadn't read it before,so after watching the DVD I got online and ordered the book from Amazon.The next morning I got up to the news headlines that J.D.Salinger had just died.To be quite honest,I didn't even know that he was still alive.
    Every time I hear of "Six Degrees of Separation" or "Catcher in the Rye" I think back to this weird sync.

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, incredible story – gave me cold chills – from my own experiences, i know how unsettling it is not to know the outcome of things – and/or to be unable to stop/change them in time – love the connection of lauren part –

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    For some reason, the lighter note didn't appear, even though it was there on the dashboard. But now it's visible for all. For what it's worth.

  7. Natalie says:

    On a lighter note, ……then nothing?

    Anyway, I totally get what Morganna was saying. So many loose ends all the time. I just remember Mother Teresa's words 'Just do what is in front of you' in order to keep balanced.

    @ Lauren ~ SO COOL!

  8. lakeviewer says:

    Interesting and a bit unsettling. I guess there are so many things that we can't know.

  9. Nancy says:

    I'm not sure I have the fortitude to do what she does. Envisioning a sight like that would stay with me forever. Very cool that Lauren knew Morgana!

  10. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I think I'd be a little frustrated if I didn't learn of the final outcome – as in the Suzie or a police case. But guess that happens in many walks of life.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, Lauren. This isn't just six degrees of separation, it's more like three! What a cool synchro. Let us know what happens! She really is a magical woman.

  12. Lauren says:

    OMG, I checked out Morgana Starr's site, and am certain she is the same Morgana who gave me Reiki initiation. We knew each other in New York, and i visited her in Indiana when she was married to her former husband. I've wondered where she went………..will write to Morgana right away! She is a wonderful, magical woman and it seems the world is a small place after all!


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