The Taiwanese Do TSA

This simulation is hysterical – and somehow sad for what it says about the pathetic lengths this country has gone to in order to keep us “safe.”

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8 Responses to The Taiwanese Do TSA

  1. maggie's garden says:


  2. Adele Aldridge says:

    Well politics aside, This animation made me lough out loud.

  3. Brizdaz says:

    Many a true word is spoken in jest.

    Maybe Erica Jong's novel
    "The Fear of Flying" is due for a sequel. "The Fear of Flying,Too…
    No Zippers Required" ?
    Unless you couldn't give a flying F#*k,that is.
    Prepare to disrobe and fly nude in the future .-)

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, go figure that one, trish, right?

    and cj – that day is here! let the war games begin! 😉

    no telling what kinds of red flags we've all collected over these comments –

  5. Anonymous says:

    I was wondering the same thing. And, wondering if the XRays would show something hidden in a body cavity? Doubtful. The day they go so far as to start searching those "inner" private parts is the day war will begin in earnest. cj

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Funny, SPN!
    Good point, Gypsy. So how did all this go from planes to body cavity searches?

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    pathetic yes – but i'm not really sure i remember anything about any of the 9/11 terrorists using anything hidden in a body cavity when they struck here – seems to me i remember they used THE PLANES!!!

    so i guess it DOES make some sort of sordid sense to some TSA sickos to be searching BODY CAVITIES OF US CITIZENS!!!!!

  8. SPN Headlines says:

    The TSA's new Program to Examine Random Voyagers (PERV) has attracted some slimy characters to work airport security – SHOCKING details at:

    Peace! 🙂

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